Tasbiay. 1 VOL XVI, NO. 24.1 PRINCE ALBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, a To AE Gre Autario Hhaeeher bitguans boy gagged _ BOLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL wetl 5 idn LAND Family, Newspaper ; bursty} PUBLISHED AT THE VIOTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, 4 1,51 GQUNTY OF ONTARIO, Of Twelve Years Experience, Fvery Thursday Morning QFE over.Mr. Gordon's Store, Yer" oul po ods ai berieen BY , BAIRD & PARSONS, QUEEN STREET, wr HNS 91.90 rasa, if uid withinsix RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. , RATES. OF ADVERTISING. Por each line, first insetion............ $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line. 003 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum...... . § 00 Adverti a%coNling to tig bpace they occupy. Adbertisements received for publication, withoul pecide indtractions, will beinserted until forbid. a barged soondingly. oadvertisement willbetuker Ali 1discountallowedto Merchants and others whoadvertiseby the yearorhalf-year. Ty heredio, Ala JOB DEPARTMENT. Phi lets, Hand Bills, hy Bill " rl B amphlets, un Es How, Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ ends, ents measured in Nonpareil andcharge eseterms willdn allcases , be strict yale Nosub- | January 8, 1873. pets 'W, M. WILLOOX, t ~ LICENSED "AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and th B public Souerally for the liberal ao, u bestowed upon him during the past four years. orms, : Circulars, Cards. Bull Cards, &c., of every | intend, in future, to devote my whole time 'to style and cofor, ¥aqeniod proiapily and at lower rates | the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c, e in any oth "Establishment in this County } It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfacfion to arties from a distance feting handbills, &c. ypeinted ou who may favor me with their Scles or Col- un have them done to u J. BAIRD. 1 H. PARSONS. ¢ home with them, Protessional Carus, Dr. Brathwaite, ° PORT PERRY. DR. WARE, QRONER for the County of Ontario, J) Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert Drs. Martin & DeGrassi, : LINDSAY. SRE TC Ce Er Sa DRS. JONES & MALLORY, PorscLaNs, Surgeons and Accoucheurs, PORT PERRY. Office--over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st, R: JONES, M,D., CORONER. | A. BE, MALLORY, Co. Outasio, M.D., C.M Drs. McGILL & RAE, PHI Surgeons, &¢., &c. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. VM. JG1LE, My ; FRANCIS RAK, M, B, 'WM. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M,R.C.8,, GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE EYE R.O.H L., 4 shawa. ' &. E. FAREWELL, LL.B, COUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR _. . ONTARIO, ecting. Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can _be made for sales &e., at the Onserver Office Prince Albert, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. . © W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept. 18th 1872. CROTHERS & WILSON FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARID, RE pre d to conduct Sal A iE pena y ni es anywhere in Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. . G. Crothers is also agent for #kinds of Ag- ricuitural Implements. All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P. 0. will receive prompt attention. October 31 1872. Wm. Gordon, &e., &e., Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. 3 Parties entrusting their Sales to me may relyupon the utmost attention being given to their interests.' WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.0O., Brock. THOS, H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- i ARRIJPER, Attorney, Solicitor, and No- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in tary Public. Orrion ly. ogcupied by 8. H. Cochrane, Esq, streot, Whitby. . 4 LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- ders left at this office, or at his residence will be A) Conve; r, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe | tario Auctioneer. steegt, 0] the post office. "@. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, S------ ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in . Oi and Insolvency, 'Notary Pub lio, aa ge ! > OMce--McMillan's Block, Brock Street, Whit- by Ontario. CAMERON & MACDONELL, 'Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: "House. M 010A 7 | H. J. MACDONELL. on P. A. HURD, "PTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- Arcade, ort Perry. JAMES LAMON, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, | Port Perry, July 27, 1871 . 30 A Conveyancer, &c.--Land ih &c., xbridge. over Armstrong's Hotel, Main street, Uxbridge. "JOHN BILLINGS, OHAS. THORN, V.§,; «| Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- to & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. MAY 29, 1873. eat 0 NOD 0 PP 20ers *) PORT PERRY. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Paints, 0il and all kinds of Hous son in the County. You will ask how can | ? the general stores. ~PORT PERRY, Mav 29, 1873. Royal Canadian Hotel, Licensed Auctioneers!|. PORT PERRY. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted up in a style in keeping with. the ups Jnctsasing luusiness and prosperty of the illage and neighborhood, and with direct i apie to the comfort and ein the was called into the office by the foreman Strict attention piu w woe Tible add the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Jostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of I= OF THE DIVISION COURTS Oocunty of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1873. Nov Apri 0! Dee Aug'st Port Perry, June 16, 1869, "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER --[Ocrbr was] JaN'Y es | March & oni 03 | Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, > 4 00 AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors | . and cigars. Every attention paid to guests.-- ticular. Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ostlers always in attendance. PR the Townships of Brock, Unidas Scott, N Careful Mackie's Hotel Whitby, Jan. lat, 1873. Hh ' THE ONTARIO: FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company PORT HOPE. Wy. MACKIE, Proprietor. DAFOE HOUSE 00D accommodations. to the requirements of travelers and guests. The barsnpplied with the best wines, liqu cigars Good stabling. es, liquors and J. DAFOE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, WALTON STREET, IS Company is now fully organized and is pared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying NorthOntario; Mariposa, ete., in the County of Careful attention p to. Debts collectedin Can- nington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances QLICITOR in Chancery, Atiorney, | made. Remember-- WALSHE, the North On- Our rates will be found as y responsibleMutual Insurance a. old Registry Office Build- ings Breck Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., J. JENNINGS, Proprietor. BY ADA MELVILL. -_ SPECIAL NOTICE === One may travel where he pleases, Bat 1 doubt if he can find Now that the P. Wi & P. P. Railway has changed hands and YAO says it] Alinothats 50 attractive, is to be extended ; there may be no certainty in such rumor, but it is an ad- Or so pleasing to the mind. W. T. PARRISH With its comfortable farms, And its people all so neat, With peace and plenty smiling On the homes in Quaker street. The street is still improving, Of course, there still is room For many more improvements, And I trust we'll have them soon. A happy smile is beaming, a On every faco you meet HARDWARE! "EEE : =. I mean on Quaker Street. The healthy, merry farmers go . Screws, So cheerful to their fields, e Furnishings cheaper than uny ether per- And each one seems contented i Simply because 1 bought With the gifts which Nature yiolds. earlier than the rest when Hardware was a great deal lower in price and also IVs charming to go driving out that being exclusively in the Hardware [ get 10 per cent more discount than © When of all the friends you meot, I also have on hand a large aud complete stock of There are none who look mcre happy Than thoss from Quaker Street. Children's Cairiages & Perambulators, Rock-| i wy ove, ing Horses, Bird-Cages, &c., I'll finish ap my rhyme, It may be that my readers + Will think it fully time. Qur country still shall prosper, While truth and justice meet, And nowhere more do these prevail Also Refrigerators of all descriptions. Giv2 me a call before purchasing else. | ~~ Than onbhapbpy Quaker Street, where as I will not to be undersold. W. T. PARRISH. Ps: Special attention given to EAVETROUGHING and all kinds of Job | her side.--Ep. On. Quaker Street, 3rd con.Reach, May 22, 1873, Topping a Shaft. A THRILLING SKETCH. ¢ What is your present job, Lindsay ¢ he asked, and I told him. ill again, and you must take his place.' not possibly shake off. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. 'W. INCORPORATED .. EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chicas ARRISTERS, and Attorneys at Law go dil, Guid Medalist fr Hie best slams rr , ani orneys at Law, | pation on Horse Practice. uthor of a Firs This Hotel has under; 2 w gone a thorough renova- B Pris Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 18, tion and been fitted up with a view © "the com- 01 . fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be bar, while ebliging and attentive hostlers will have charge of the stables. 'Whitby, 20th June, 1870. TAILORING to the table and treat all cases entrusted to his eare in the most skillful and scientific manzer. All or- Port Perry. Officein the Royal |ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison 3 be BI N X35" The Veterinary Stables may foun on AMES PRINGLE, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor T Q F a rmers ! ih Chan Notary Public, Conveyancer, &e. Omes over in the Ross' Store, Port Perry. "J. W,BURNHAM, the Third Division Court. Office CliBidowiniock, ror Perry. Officehours | Horse Rakes and Scufflers, rom tena, m. to 3 p. tion, Also dealer in atl kinds 2 Jewelry, Fancy Goads, B ly 0 Port Hope; evs pian HELE Y HENRY GRIST, "C. N, VARS Double and Single Drills ! Can be got at M ANCHESTER, ° or no sale. Manchester, May 1, 1873. PATENT GOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, Dé ws, Ont.-- OTTAWA, CANADA, RACTICAL Dentist, Osada, Out. ) of the : ; BR. RICHARDSON, ,. *. | ISSUEROF Marriage Licenses rights and the - | and of tents of 1nvention Model of the Inven 1 REFERENCES, . A. Campbell, Pos Sm. Esq, Froaident British Bank Noe Cor LOT 19, IN THE FIRST CON. OF Jehu Lavgion, Bsa. Auditor forthe: BROCK. Wode. ! ing, inisier of Public Work, Provitice ofOntario, IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT | OVER ROSS' STORE, PORT PERRY. SQUIRE. TURNI P SOWERS, (BY AUTHORITY.) [UED at Port Perry. Office, the Scugog| ort Perry, Oct. 80, 1872. HENRY CHARLES November 11th, 1869. - _ JOHN McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER, NEWCASTLE, ONT. aves! cacao A e: Tatas for Cometerics, plied Ee Poterhoad: and Abosdoen it fo their adoan- ir orders until cailed J. o. WILLIAMSON, Satisfaction guaranteed; and all work war- PARKIN'S, || Cheaper than any where else in the County 0% Warranted to give good satisfaction JAMES PARKIN. 20 t of Mo own Property, at Rates of Interest. ER repaid in any manner to suit be Ti vera], Tmproved Farms, and AWild ; pgp Depial Rooms direct]; TPransacts business with the Patent Office and entrance aoe at, door north | other departments of the it, Copy od : Dominos Specifications, ts to secure Pas | - ONEY aaa. (PRIVATE FUNDS,) ' , ood Farms, at 8 per cenfinterest JAMES HOLDEN; LYMAN ENGLISH, i Barris master General; W.C. ile OFFICE---O an's Block, Brock st. Esa.. Manager Ontario Bank ; Hon. 4 Carle 16 Whitby April 10, 1872, November 21, 1866 carried on so far without a siugle mishap striking the earth seemed "inevitable, every. limb. it was now Tiare to face the reality. of being on the top of it. staging. °° 16" depth to the yard below. As I was leaving the yard one evenin , |, to trudge back to the bit of rooms we into ny yes 351 wondered Low. they were obliged to putaup with since I came to Loodon in order to get better wages, 1 thought brought me back to more selfish woke up with a start to find myself bathed in a cold perspiration, snd trembling in} op yo ble and knew that a rocket had The morning was bitterly cold and bois- terous ; scarcely a soul to be seen, and the dull thud of my footsteps sounded mourn: | fully in the stillness around. At last the grasped a thin cord that foll by my side great chimney loomed in sight, ao] gazing up at its height I shivered at the thought Had it not been for the shamie of the thing, I should bave gone directly back ; but the thought-of Bessie and the children yop jt At first I could hardly brace sporred me on. So I began to ascend the " igher I went the more intense the or for a mement 1 the a r cold seemed to be, and the fingers became | gone, but conquering 1 a grea op by the hoar _~ that was oot, | slowly dessonded wat lf the clinging to the spooks of the ladders. In distance was accomplishes. a short time I reached the platform at the summit, and lookiog downward my blood |p, gucurely fastened {* and dreading very turned cold as 1 realized the immense | moment that my fears would be fulfilled, Giving myself a shake to rid myself of HURRAH FOR QUAKER STREET! the dizzy sensation, and unhooking from the pulley a tub of mortar my mate had sent up, T began my solitary, work. . I bad been hard at work for more than an hour, and was getting a little more re~ conciled to my position, when a fierce blast came shrieking around the. chimney. I was pearly overthrown, sad in the en- deavor to recover myself I tilted the tab of mortar from off the edge of the shaft on the frail platform. . In a second, to my intense horror, I felt the boards and all' that were on them gliding away with me from the chimney, and in a few moments I should have been lying a mangled corpse if | bad not sue. ceeded iii throwing my arm over and into |. the hollow. of the shaft, where, as the ! scaffold and its load of bricks rushed downward, I was left banging, with cer- tain death awaiting me the moment 1 loosened my hold. My first impulse was to throw my ether hand over and draw my body up so that 1 «ould lie partially across the top of the shaft. Iu this I was successful, and con- tinued to balance myself, half in the chimney and half out. "I'here for some time 1 could only cling with frenzied desperation, praying earn- estly to be saved from the horrible death threatening me ; but at last I summoned courage to peer cautiously over the out- Our fair contributor makes a good beginning. | side of the shaft. Ble has got lots of truth as well as poetry on | Not a bit of scaffolding remained within many yards of me--nothing but the poles, with a few boards dangiing from them-- and there was nothiog to break my fall should I quit my hold. Then | began to think of my wife and little ones at home, and bitter tears came could live if | was taken from them. The ones, and I kept asking myself, « Must 1 fierce wind besetting me 7" Withythis hope ? Will no one, seeing Low I am ¢ Humph! That can stand over for a placed, strive to rescue me 2 day or two, can't it? Stubbs has fallen |" Again I treed my eyes downward. In the courtyard of the brewery, and in the 1 didn't care to be shifted, but a jour-|streets below, people were fast gathering; neyman bricklayer, with a wife and | windows were being thrown open, women, family to support, cannot afford to be par- | and children were gazing from them at me. The crowd below thickened, running "You nist go to Coots to-morrow hither and thither. A" large kite flut- morning and finish that chimney,' be said, | tered nearer and nearer. How I tried to 1 suppose 1 ought never to have learned | steady myself with odie hand that I might tbe trade, for though I bad gained the | grasp the cord with the other as soon as character of a steady workman, | had |it came within reach, comes vividly before sever been able to overcome a horror of | me now. But it never did come within being perched at goy great height. And | my reach, a gist of wind either carried in this great city there were roofs on|it farther away, or dashed it to the which 1 could not stand without this {ground . dread oppressing me, noc look down| An hour passed, and though still cling- without feeling as though something below |ing to the brickwork--it was almost un- was tempting me to fling myself over and | conciously, for the cold had worked upon end at once the miserable sensation I could | me so that I became quite dazed, the peo: ple, the confused noise in the street, and This huge chimney the foreman bad or-- | O'R per! ilous position, seemed to be jum= dered me to finish, was reckoned one oi 8 A ; the highest and best built in London. We not put straight. While in this balf sensi. were all proud of the job, which had been bled together in a tangle which I could ble state, I heard a voice shout my name. But it had to be repeated twice before I but I bad been earnestly hoping that it could rouse myself sufficiently to hear what would befinished without any aid of mine. | 738 said. Ounce at homie, with the ycungsters' merry prattle sounding in my ears, I for. got my uneasy feeling, about the morrow's. job 3 but the moment I dozed off to sleep,' it came back to me in most hideous dreams. I thought 1 was falling down, down, down down } and just as the crash of my body «Bill { Bill Lindsay ! cheer up mate, belp is coming !"' were the words which rumbled up the shaft. After this there was a pause for some minutes; and scarce able to control my excitement, | tried to thik how this help would come. Then there Was a warning 1 shouted to me to keep my head Sack, and looking within the shaft, [ saw. 'a: bright shower of golden sparks lighting up the beep fired: ' No more settled sleep visited my pillow} "po orc (he brickwork in its ascent that night, and it was a relief when the booming ef sevaral clocks warned me that and failed to reach me, so that once more 1 was left to wait and bope tntil the voice again shouted for me to keep clear. A moment after a fiery tail of sparks shot upward far above me, and an earnest « Thank God I"' came from my heart as 1 as it descended. By this commugication a stouter and stronger rope was sent to me, But my danger was not aver, for in my weakened and numbed state it was perilous to slide my nerves up sufficiently to launch myself ver the brickwork, and 0] ead tue ly "Then the horrid fear seized upon me « What if the rope should break, or not in feverish haste T slid on. {WHOLE NO. 801 When within a few yards of the bottom, overtasked nature could bear the strain no longer, and loosening my hold, I dropped inte the arms of those who bad been breathlessly watching my descent. 00 Other bands than mine finislied the shaft in calmer weather, and on a more securely 1 often recal with a shudder, the hour. i when I was clinging to its summit, counting the moments, each one of which seemed to bring me nearer to a dreadful death. ---------- Joint education--Gymaastic. Long division--Separation for life. The rose that all are praising--He- = A paper advertises for " gitls for cooks A cellar under-ground--A defunct A stamp you can't buy--The stamp of What musical icstrument can one see in a slow-boiliog pot T--A dull-simmer. ovidence--a wretch that is pordoned for being baser than his com-- Why is a sick cab-horse like a bad play 7--Because it wen't run, and * Ihghly improper--The U-, S. Govern« ment has just issued a patent for an *im- provement in vices.' What is the difterence between a jailor and a jeweller 7--One watches cells and the other sells watches. A little boy in school gave one of the best definitions ever given of economy-- ¢ Paring potatoes thin. A cynical lady, rather inclined to flit, says most men are lire a cold --very eesily caught, but hard to get electricity and a Tool ? ply marvellous, the other is marvellously What's the difference between the top of Bunker Hill Monument and a song for one voica ?--One so high and the oth- An editor's pistol having been stloen L& advertises that if the thief will return it be will give him the contents and no ques~ « Keep 'em alive, boy; keep alive," said an old physician to bis young brother practitioner. * Dead men psy An irate man, who was disappointed in his boots, threatened 10 eat up the shoe- maker,"but compromised by drinkieg a *¢ Were in a pickle, now,' said an old man in a crowd, ¢ A regular jam, said ¢ Heaven preserve us,' said am. Doctor Johnson used to say that the habit of looking at the best side of things was worth more that a thousacd pounds a It is said that Vicksburg rivals Con-- stantinople in the number of ils useless, bemeless cogs that prowl around the The resson for this is that there isn't a sausage factory in Vicksburg. A colored individual in Carlisle, Ky., captured 25 skunks one night recentlys It was singular how people gave him one side of the street when he Punch is respoiisible fot the following § Q--* What is the difference between fix~ ed stars and shooting stars ? A--The one are suns, the other darters. As 80 many articles in every day use are manufactured of paper; it is asked. if paper beefsteak cannot be invented to take the place of the leather ones so com mon at boarding: houses. An old lady, walking with ber twe grown-up daughters on a moonlight night; displayed her knowledge of astronomy by pointing heavenward, and exclaiming} ¢ Ob, my dears, do look at them beautifol stars, Juniper and March. No man should ran when he may walk; walk when he may stand, stand when he sil, or sit when he may lie down. Compulsary education=-forced {0 learn a trade in the penitentiary. et ert « Five uiNuTes vor REsEEsMEnTs."" Everybody who bas traveled by railroad = has heard the above announcement, and bas probably suffered from eating too hastily, thereby sowing the seeds of Dys= pepsia. It is a comfort to know that tle Peruvian Syrup will care the worst cases + of Dyspepsia; as thousan: