Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 May 1873, p. 3

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Xd iy} i BOOTS & SHOES! JMeat and Grocer ; .... BECAUSE "1 find there the largest aad finest Stock to select from. | 'DO 1 BUY MY CLOTHING AT : JONES BROT i ~~ BEOCAUS * That Saddle and Carriage Stallion ! HERS? 'CHARLEY EKIMBLE, Obtained Prizes at the followi : The Salesrootns are large and light and T can see just what I axi buying. | Shows 'of 17s' First Prise. at the. Dre Ls BECAUSE BECAUSE Pi oped pod Brey o 3 4 3 : : : rine at the Reach, and Port Perry Faint in mi who always insures & perfegh fit andlly, oie are polite, take pains to please me and never misrepresent. atime Whith Sosy Ser iB i "BECAUSE : BECAUSE : Soo Show ie a 87 ove are invariably lower there than elsewhere for the same c! proprietors séem to study the wants and tastes of the people so thor: G Onartey Knmie was ralsed by Samuel of Goods, ; x that they are able to suit almost everybody. Urawiond, Bag, of Port Hope, and weighs Porlf Perey, May 7, 1873, Hi JONES BROTHERS. | ng, ay is 100% Proprietor, haar, 55 JO REET - : Passed Through THE FIRE! ™ OVED A GAIN! With a view to the accommodation of the public and to forward the interests of Prince Albert, and the township generally, I have sold to Mr. Wightman the store which I lately purchased from Geo. Currie, Esq., and my customers and the: public generally; will now find me in the Store lately occupied by Capt. ; Sinclair, prepared to meet the wants of all from my "IMMENSE STOCK OF fi Of every size and variety, all of choice quality, which together with the work made up at my own establishment, will enabld me to supply all who may favor me with their orders with just such goods as they require and at the lowest price at which such work can be sold. + J. WRIGHT. } : M. 00. DCNOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage #25 Ma ker ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY I 0 ---------- GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly*on hapd made from best material. Work L made to order with neatness and dispatch. Paticular attention paid to repairing ft ALL WORK WARRANTED. ! A. Bongard At Port Perry. BONGARD bogs to inform the inhabitants of Port Pé he has establishe Bofton Meadow Steam Tannery, rinee' Albert, May 15, 1873. A. d and is determined to drive with vigor a general Business ! In Port Perry, next door west of Thompson's Hotel, where |e will always keep on band a full . | Stock of CHOICE MEATS, FISH and GROCKRIES of every description AT SUCH PRICES as will put COMPETITI ; GREEN, BLACK, and J out of the QUESTION!!! P'D TEAS--RAISINS, CUR- ACCOS,~ HADDOCK, HER- ys on hand. A. BONGARD. Lightning CONDUCTORS! re () en RANTS, SYRUP, TO RINGS, &c. FRESH OYSTERS--Dbest grades--alw Pont Perry, Jan. 15, 1873. Loyal Orange Association of British . North America! {fk Sulcriber before setting out on his SpringBusiness tour would embrace the rtunity of returning his most sin- to lis numerous patrons for their pniage during the past three years in is carried on the present 0 «cere than liberal pa! 'which he hi Lighting Rod Business eh pleasure in stating that of the ds of buildings on which he has there is not one instance in which ab gars ONTARIO COUNTY LODGE. THE i-Annual Meeting of th Sew put Norio of sr | SET SL, Sh, J esd 0, "Ah ayia June, 1873, at 1 o'clock, | struck, the property destroyed, and precious * whi neta ot t importance to | lives sacrifigd, the buildings which I have rod- Boar "ili be brought ore the Lodge. A |¢d e bed a# safe ifl the thunder storm as in full attendance is expected, e 3 3 God Save the Queen. £1 Let me hy however that it is not enough M McPHADEN, R S WEBSTER, [that build y be roded unless it is done on Touaty Secretary, County Master. | ecientit cingiples it Hil Aviva 16 goud Py 's Ofod, V: : urpuse. secure the advantages © ay, 16, 1873. } 23:2w | 1 sgh valuable protectors they must ink 5 Be properly pat op, oe this can only be 5 god In JME 1 By do . Wed- | ea Tooatore mocking is, postponed above hour prepared enter upon another season's Er A , +tonr throuth this and he neighboring 3 order; irik upties ; §at my business facilities {have . | R. 8. WEBSTER, Co. Masten, large} increased which together with M. McPHADEN, Co. Sec'y. my thoroufh experience 'will enable me Co. A still-more flomptly and efficiently to meet {3 + 24th May, 1073, tne orders § all who favor. me; ith their patronage. |My motto shall still be good' rn i A | work and lowest possible 1emiufieratives aig } prices. Y . \ WING MACHINES All ordétdpunclually attended to. . IG RIRURS TA W. H. LEATCH, ni it Prince Albe, May 1st, 1873, ; . wishes to inform the pitblic i : . Hose for Sale! LETTER A SEWIN © = : 0 CHINE i The & i rE Por paced qapial, sere st_samplete machine out, for A177 080A DOBSON. i= AbHlg 0 He, Ce ny | Manchester, My 21,1873... 22-2w o ae A See : how In use. ** 100 [BUSHELS | Parties W g 8 really first class reliable ewing Machine 'Will do well to ia their peter 4 Ye 5 PRICE, $32. Rose Potatoes Early and surrounding townships, thaty« Spring, 1873! The Subscriber s now on hand a very large and well assorted Stock of D Goods, Groceries, E pd are in want of. Goods, being determined to SELL GOODS At the very lowest percentage possible over COST for CASH. Particular ion is requested to his i made expressly for his own trade hy the best Shoemakers in Montreal, and which cannot be beat either in qualify or price. .. A large lot of Gentlemen's Felt, Silk and Straw Hats, just received. Ladies' Sun Shades, &c. A large lot of Garden Touls. Seeds, &c. 0<7-Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Dried Apples. Salt, Coal Oil, &c. constantly on hand WANTED ANY QUANTITY OF First 'Class BUTTER. Eggs, Dried and Salt Pork, [1ams, &c., for which the very highest prices will be allowed in trade, and goods sold as low and evenfor less money than they can be purchased anywhere wihin 100 miles of this. T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, April 16,1873. TAYLOR'S, MANCHESTER. h and sur ding country that having leased the Store lately occupied by A. GorboN, Esq., he is now getting on a carefully selected Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &ec., &e., purchased at the best markets and on the most advantageous terms. Latest styles and superior quality in Dry Goods. Choice, Fresh Groceries. 8&5 Goods all New and Reliable, and sold at such prices for Cash, as will secure speedy sales and quick returns to make up for_small profils. JOHN M : TAYLOR. Maachester, April 7, 1878. = At the Medical Hall. 'A very LARGE Stock of Seeds at the Medical Hall, Prince Albert. J Genuine FrEsH Seeds at the Medical Hall, Prince Albert. ~~ AT SE» Seo AUN PRINCE ALBERT. J a A. % A VERY LARGE NUMBER OF THE MOST STYLISH Oh Show and being build at the ONrario CARRIAGE Wonks, PriNce ALBERT: Fitfish; while the prices are such as cannot fail to satisfy all, ; An inspection will secure their safe. we. Call atid inspect them. ; - JAMES EMANEY. : faut 5 Warranted to give satisfaction or no sale: 80 ctl. per sel. v 49PtlTHCT YC. PILKEY, DE Bum : Ersom P, 0. " I's C. FORMAN. Epsom, May 21,1878: a3] Piince Albe May 15, 1873. ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS, } Prince ALBERT, April 16, 1873. . RR ardware, &c., to which he would call the attention of all who Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, The Subscriber would take this opportunity of informing the inhabitants of Ontario Carriage Works ! ace BUGGIES 23 "Phese Buggies are extra superior both in Material, Workmanship; Style and MR, CURRIE'S COLUMN. TRENT W CHEAPEST cots! IN a i . The best assortment, arid most sty- lish are to be found at 3 G00, CURRIE ~~ COMPLETE LADIES! 1 IN If you want a New Parasol, aa r Kid Gloves, a New Bonnet, a New Hat, a pair ts, a Silk Dress, a Broche Lustre Dress, a New 'Tasso Linen Dress, a Japanese Silk, a Batiste Muslin Dress, a Print Dress, or any other kind of Dress Goods, yon 'will find my assortment best' und prices lowest. Do yon want a Black Silk Shawl-- a Black Grenadine Shawl--a Black Indiana Shawl, a Rich Striped Shawl, a Broche Shawl, a Roman Scarf, a Rich Silk Jacket, a Cloth Jacket, a Fine Rich Black Lace Shawl. have all these in great variety and at prices that will suit you. Do yol want Lace Collars, Lace Sleeves, Lace Ties, Lace Trimmings, 'White Silk 'Lace, White Cluny Lace, White Edging, Black Real Lace, Black Silk Lace, Black Cluny Lace, Black York Lace, Black Fringe Lace, Fringes, Black and Colored, Braids and But. tons? You will find my assortment ocmplete and cheap. Every Department !! il SPECIAL Bargains "in "French Flowers and Ribbons Cheaper Than Wholesale Prices GENTLEHEN I Who want suits for sumuier will find over one hundred pieces of New Spring Tweeds, Russel Cords and Drills to select from, besides Coatings in Light and Dark Venetians, Melton Serges and Black and Blue Broad Cloths ; and can have their Garments made up promptly in the most fashion able style and at reasonable prices.-- Gentlemen's Boots, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Scarfs,Collars and Handkerchiefs in great variety anda beautifal assort- meat of FANCY VESTINGS in light and dark colors. # Fifiy pieces of Fancy Flannel Shirt- ings from 25 cents per yard. Just re. ceived also, a large lot of Table Linens, Towels; Napkins, Pillow Cottons, Steamlooims and Sheetings. In all thie ehdless variety of Small Wares that are so unecessary to. our daily comfort, as well a8 in the more This highest price paid for any quantity of good BUTTER! II TILSTHED 3 NA Very Crear Seeds at the Medical Hall, Prince Albert, a EO auies my #tock is. apm. ' Come ONE, eome ALL, to the Medical Hall, Prince Albert, for pig and every atticle is marked down iW your Seeds. i ! to the Lowest B ik Hat yi lo w the Smmlies 10 or Tr W. McTAGGART _, |handling--to my customers and the . Medical Hall--Formun's Block-- Prince Allert. | public 1 would jus say when you have April 9, 1873. y 17| cash in yout pocke t that you want to er spend remember that 1 Sell for " Cash and ready pay a8 cheerfully as FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES |whruimy noun i = way than those who sell for ready pay, and cheerfully submit my goods and prices for compariSon. > Allowed a liberal discount on all pur. thases of Dry Goods. Plaster, Bali, Water Lime, Nails Hinges, Glads, Putty, Paints, Oil, and Geuetal Hardware on hand: GEO. CURRIE. Port Perry, May 6, 1878: | \ os Manchester, May 14, '1873. Bh batt . a aa - id by JL 4 5; ; Riumense Arrive | i 3 1d Jones ros, The Freshest Styles ! The Lowest Prices | All Hail 1all hail | to our friends and our patrons," We welcome again your presence and smiles ; We've ranged through the East, we've sought. © nations, To farnish new Goods and secure the last Styles. And ky to the power who directed so hs We've purchased a Stock that gill please every eye We've Darchased them cheap, and will sell them rec! For what you should give--so who'll coms and buy ? At the close of the most successful season we bave ever enjoyed,we would be remiss in our duty, did we fail 0 extend hearty thaoks to our customers for the liberal patronage which bas flowed in upon us. While thankfully acknowledging past favors, we are de. termined, as another season opens up be- fore us, that no effort shall be spared to' render - our House even more Worthy of your generous appreciation and confidence. We have now much pleasure in advising you that : OUR SPRING STOCK 1s fully complete in all departments ; and in view of our rapidly extending busi. ness, it bas been rendered more than usually comprehensive and attractive. Whilst vain boastings, as to its mag- pitude and variety, are upneces- sary from the fact that our spacious and well fill Stores speak for themselves. We would remark, with regard to the value of our goods, that we are only too anxious that prices and quality should be carefully compared with any other House. Our Millinery ? This season, surpasses in extent, variety and richness, any thing we have ever before bad the pleasure of offering. 'We are now prepared to show the most guzel and varied assortment of Hats, onuets, Flowers, Ribbons, Plumes apd Trimmings, which are greatly admired by all who have seen them, All are cordi- ally invited to visit our Show Room and see the new styles. Even if you do not find iL sonvenient to become .a purchaser, a i ant that at i nery" faton;isgting dent pared to establish the superior taste of our popular Milliger. - : Our Dress Maker, Whose elegant fits are attracting a large designs for Spring and Summer, aod hav- ing a Samp ig! > a i i repared to execute all orders promptly ix satisfactorily. ? GENTLEMEN, To you our stock of Cloths, Coatings, and Fancy Vestinigs offers superior attractions, while our agsoctment of Hats, Caps, Shirts; Collurs, Ties, Gloves and Hcsiery, con. tains all that is new and fashionable, ONE PRICE Y, AND THAT THE LOWEST! ONE QUALITY ONLY, Porr, Peay, . ¥ 1 re " Every Degiartiuent Thoroughly... quip The Largest and most Fashion: able Stock in Town, at sq. circle of patrons, bas received the latest .

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