gw Boing Leen W y TLE Subscriber wishes to inform the public lh oO WANZER LETTER A SEWING a honk airs ! Fabric a 1 Bl oak Sop "ul ci machines now in use. 5p nally 0 ~ Parties wishing a really first cla Somiug Mae) ine ei Bo ell to send oy Tiskle orders subseril Fo Tl an y will be . Lr PRICE, $3. arranted to give satisfaction or no sale, J. C. PILKEY, alias hfod > : Ep P.O. on Epsom, May 21, 7875, SOM is Port Perry, Jure 4, 1873 EE TT et Passed Through { AND I ----TID 1 (CTR ---- WAN TED! 50,000 lbs Clq Wool, for which the price 3 e highest ash will be paid by To JONES BROTHERS. pring, 1873! Subscriber has now on hand a very large and well assorted «_ wk of Groceries, Hardware, &c,, to which he would call the attention «0 Dry are in want of Goods, being determined to 1 who ELL GOODS ery lowest percentage possible over COST for CASH. ose. ack, SmRraSg. bse most valuable prtecre They mas properly nd this ean only As intimated in the " Journal of Ed by ex ed hands. | would now |a Gold Medal ited by Wm. : rfid > " that [ am now LLB, will anid bo' Se Ta th hem iver, seasons y - ahe neighbori my business. facilities | have EP as p: With a Viex lois abevamedution of the pablie and to forward the interests : \ of Princa Albert; and the township generally, I have sold to Mr. Wightman the [|i town 3 os Hos which I lately purchased from Geo. Cutrie, Esq., and my customers and las attention is vequenter jo is Smimanse Sronle of BOOTS and SHOES, . . ie public generally, will now find me in the Store lately occupied by Capt. JR" ~ y tor [iis ! Y the best Shoemakers in Montreal, and which A Sinclair, prepared to meet the wants of all from my e beat either in quality or price. Ee a YA IM > ) tle of Gentlemen's Felt, Silk and Straw Hats, just received, Ladies' : f M es, &c. : 1 pa ENSE STOCK or e lot of Garden Tools. Seeds, &c. ° - fai BOOTS & ay HO » tmeal, Cornmeal, Dried Apples. Salt, Coal Oil, &c. constantly on hand LAD I E Ey 9 $s E N ° : u ikipis Fb ay fheieg quality, Wthish together with the | WANTED ANY QUANTITY OF t v stablishment, will enable me to supply all, who : ' , wa HI SG SLU | Hirst Class BUTTER, e sold. y Eglciefind Salt Pork, [Tams, &c., for which the very highest prices will | If you want & New Patdsol, 1 J ny WRIGHT be Wed rade, and goods sold as low and evenfor less money than they can |Kid Gloves, a New Honnet, i New Beaver Meadow Steam Toner.) . . be [has ywhere within 100 miles of this. fat, 8 al Boole, a Sie Dress, 8 «Pri A roche Lustre Dress, a Ne : Prince Albert, May 15, 1878, i T. FORMAN Linen Dress,a Ja anese Silk, a Batiste x 4 5 . ® |Muslin Dress, a Print Dress, or any . Prin i vi 16,1873. other kind of Dress Goods, you will TOMELINSON S : find my assortment best und prices lowest, . ' © SRR : : Do you want a Black Silk Shawl-- ¥ y a Black Grenadine Shawl--a Black " Indiana Shawl, a Rich Striped Shawl, Ga SESSIONS. " a Broche Shawl, a Roman Scarf, a la ! ? 5 pick Sik Jacket, LR, Jake! ni Se : . a Fine Ric ack Lace Shawl. Notice is hereby given that the Court ot i have all these in great variety and at GENERAL SESSIONS AA NCUHESTER, |poriewisipe tm Coun i La i ings, Whit Am ty Court, for the The Suber would take this opportunity of informing the inhabitants of fase Ties; Jose Srimmings While County of Ontario, Manchesdd surrounding country that having leased the Store lately occupied | Edging, Black Real Lace, Black Silk by MrooN, Esq., he is now getting on a carefully selecteg-Stock of Lace, Black Cluny Lace, Black York Will be heldin the Court House, in the i . Lace, Black Fringe Lace, Fringes, 5 » Black and Colored, Braids and But. TOWN OF WHI TBY, | Dh £ Goods, Gr ceries, tons? Youn will find my assortment : oN i ocmplete and cheap. 4 Tuesday, June 10th, 1873, &ec., &e., thased at the best markets and on the most advantageous terms. At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all | . . . C Ji . > Coroners, Jurors, aud Constables re required Latesfyles and superior quality in Dry Goods. an N. G. REYNOLDS, ! Choice, Fresh Groceries. Shierifi's Office, Seri 0.0. 3&~ Giall New and Reliable, and sold at such prices for Cash, as will| SE Whitby, May 27, 1873. 25-1w secure spegales and quick returns to make up for_small profits. | > JOHN TAYLOR. | Coy COUNCIL, Manche; April 7, 1873. . COUNTY (F ONTARIO GENTLEBEN I i And rendering it 3 Oo 1n g a Ir DARK & GLOSSY . ' . w t suits fo r will find 2 CENTS PER BOT{E | At Port Perry. Mis wanniis fr sar Ti gne Gk SOX { " § ,-------- Er Fite. tit Spring Tweeds, Russel Cords and The i 3 ta inform the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding townships, that | yi] to select from, besides oatings : ' Ona, will tn 'eigen. st Fy WY Se of A. Ze b bliahed aad determined ¢o drive with vigor a general v ' in Light and Dark Yonstians, Milois . : p JM G B Serges and Black end Blue Broa EL. Yrown of Whitby Fyne d 157s. DrinqAllert. ed and rocery USYNESS © Cloths ; and can have their Garments 2 y ; : ne 3; 1373: In Port Rerspat door west of Thompson's Hotel, where he will always keep on hand a full made up promptly in the most fashion- i oN . - Stodf CHOICE MEATS, FISH and GROCERIES of every description aie style and 3 xapsonable pasa. AT SUCHRICES as will put COMPETITION out of the QUESTION !! !| Gentlemen's Boots, Socks, ves, Tuesday, 3rd June, 1873, x" ! i. BLACK, and JAP'D oie Guath CUR- | Ties, Scarfs,Collars and Handkerchiefs 4% twp ojélock in the afternoon. RANTS, SYRUP, TOBACCOS,--HADDOCK, HER. |in great variety anda beautiful assort- H.J RINGS, &FRESH OYSTERS--best grades--always on hand. ment of FANCY VESTINGS in light ~MACOONDLL, ? g A. BONGARD. |and dark colors Clerk, Co. Ontario. Pont Per Jan. 15, 1873. : A 2 E _ Fifty pieces of Fancy Praune] Shirt- XAMI NATI ( 1 ings from 25 cents per yard. ust re. } ceived also, a large lot of Table Linens i rt FIST CLASS CARRIAGES ove apn Filor 'Coon or ; a ' teamiooms an eelings. . PUBLIC . A AT JEG ds?) THE In all the endless variety of Small ! ko. of lat X73 Wares. that are so necessary to our SCHOO MA | | | Ran Sm ny daily comfort, as well as in, fhe more 3 Sa important stock is com- ; spine ie DUA I Ontrio Carriage Works !|ifu oli: someon pa pity * J 1 \ $ 3 to the Lowest ce that will al- liberal Da {rouage during sue past thres years AS Examination of Onndidates fuiic \ PRINCE ALBERT. dow ' the Smallest Profit In . . : . d Hehoo OND a | f wf py nt ------ : y g---to 'my customers an e LightningR od Business EE perany, A 1RY LARGE NUMBER OF THE MOST STYLISH publio I would jus say when you have Tio feels 1 Siotatiog. that of ihe Town of Whit ys : ; cash in your pocke t that you want to i Sandreds of butions on rehion 10] fhe Commencing" + It G G IE MW spend remember that 1 Sell for put his Rods is not ons instance 1 which ; ; Cash and ready pay as cheerfully as oA, iY SAR Protectors On Tuesday, 16th July, at §, M,| T° wedi. by & 'any way, and probably do more in that S. oring buidlings hase hess But Candidates who intend to takhe op- |. On Shownd being build at the ONTARIO CARRIAGE Worgs, PriNCR ALBERT. way than those who sell for ready pay, ae Which hoes out | Class, ria Noor Ba cond! These Buties are extra superior both jn Material, Workmanship, Style and |an cheerfully submit my goods and hie as safe In the thunder storm as in AsricviTvas 15TRY, must presghem- | Finish, whilthe prices are such as cannot fail to satisfy all. . 4 prices for comparison, : sam, ©) ne Ani 5 i i 1} and inspect them. ~ : : however hat ition Two o'olock, gn Monday, 14tfuly.| An ingpocon will secure ad silo 0B on i Listpes a oy [] J toded unless it is dons on | The exantination of Candidates swisha : sire adi . iPrinsiples it il 26¢%9 no god Crass Orrririoates, will be held at: ONTARIO 4RRIAGE WORKS, } ic , . ure the sdvanteges of be ; : highest [A] RT hey penaable thar Canditatns ds boul th "orn Inspestor . Not later than the 24th of Of their inf 'prege! amination, an Siting: the Glass Gor 'which they intend to apply. JAMES McBF v | prom. ents te rir of on who faver me ih iid patronage. motto shall a wark sod thie lowest posable mun, I cin Xo 3 i 4 All orders punctually attende:] to. H. LEATCH, #4 : w. Prince Albert, May Ie, 1873, Raglan, Ont., May 20, 1873. i Monday, 21st July, at Twd Onn for a First Ol didnt for, Ties Class Grtncaf Bie 4 thohy 4 ie Prissy 3 OLE y County In 0 .|. Pminck Aunt, April 16,1873. lish are to be found at THE CHEAPEST GOODS! The best assortment, and most sty. 1. (IRAE ™M 0. DONOVAN, * PRACTICAL. 'NEAR THE TOWN HALL, STREET, Carviage #9 Maker ! T, WHITBY I GOOD asortment of Ruggies constaritly on hand made from best malevial. ; Work Allowed a liberal discount on all pur. chases of Dry Goods, : Plaster, Balt, Water Lime, Nails Hinges, Glass, Puity, Paints, Oil, and General Hardware on hand. "T"MPLETE Every Department !! Cheaper CLERGYMEN NOW READY! FOR THE _ Every Department Thoroughly > = Equipped, by A Ninmense Arrivals} . 4 OF The Largest and most Fashion-. able Stock in Town, at . Jones Pros, The Freshest Styles ! S100 INIHS | The Lowest Prices:! ---- All Hail ! all hail ! to our friends and ouf patrons, . We welcome again your presence and smiles ; [¥ve Sanged throigh the East, we've sought > e nations, ! x Au Taiah new Goods and secure the lage every*he power who directed 8d wisely, We've purchased a Siock that will Please precisely For what you shobeap, and will sell them and buy ? . "0 who'll come At the close of the most suecessi. we have ever enjoyed, we would be re. in our duty, did we fail lo exten hearty thanks to our customers for the liberal patronsge which bas flowed in upon us. While thankfully acknowledging past favors, we are de. termined, as another season opens up be- fore us, that no effort shall be spated to render our House even more. worthy ot your generous appreciation and confidence. SPECIAL Bargains in French Flowers and Ribbons 'We have now much pleasure in advising you that OCR SPRING STOCK « Is fully complete in all departments ; and in view of our rapidly extending busi. ness, it has been rendered more than usually comprehensive and attractive. Whilst vain boastings, ns to its mag- nitude and variety, are unneces- sary from the fact that our spacious and This highest price paid for any a ai Te ak quantity of good with regard to the value of our . goods, that we are only tod anxious that prices and quality should be carefully compared with any other House. Our Millinery ! This season, surpasses in exlent, variety and richnegs, any thing we have ever. before bad the pleasure of offering. 'We are now prepared to show the most' orgeous and varied assortment of Hats, onuets, Flowers, Ribbons, Plumes and Trimmings, which are greatly admired by all who bave seen them. All are cordi- ally invited to visit our Show Room and see the new styles. Even if you do not find it convenient to become a purchaser, we shall esteem it a favor feeling confident that our Millinery has only to be com- pared to establish the superior taste of our popular Milliner. Our Dress Maker, Whose elegant fits are attracting a large' circle of patrons, has received the latest designs for Spring and Summer, and Hav- ivg a competent staff of assistants, is prepared to execute all orders promptly . satisfactorily. GENTLEMEN, 'To you our stock of Cloths, Coatings, and' Fancy Vestings offers superior attractions, while our assortment of Hats, Caps, Shirts,» Collars, Ties, Gloves and Hcsiery, con tains all that is new and fashiorable, Than Wholesale Prices - BUTTER! PRICE ONLY, AND THAT THE LOWEST!) ONE QUALITY ONLY, N42: 7uar ap BESTS. NVILSTE) ® NAOH GEO. CURRIE. 3) i paid to rep made {order with nearess and ALL YORK WARRANTED. ~' Port Perry, May 6, 1873. 5 Manchester, May 14, 1873. ~Ponr Perry, April 28, 1878; 7 be ai