Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Jun 1873, p. 4

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- * -- - -- i i = ; Fi ! . 2 - " "Cxution 1Tn our changeable climate}. That Saddie and Carriage Stallion! W. TRENBETH, The Late Fire! fg J . i of the throat,f . .. . y A hc ; ? -- \ Bl i | gang éoks, sud dnmasen sf the, ive - : a : ; HE undersi dasires to return sincere| by HA aa Le Crug consumption will claim its victims. - T wails sume cous, fiends and ous: wr H : ut! na ATA Tote diseases it stoned Ion 505,28 ie while in ula He tod Fold Lig | mo " Mortgages Wanted. arrseted and cured, . ! , {2 inform them, 3p has : : Re po ei aA 3 Wits scalp of 74: | g Wao Bers! MERCHANT TAILOR Opened a SHOP Watchmaker feweler, Subscribers havo large sums of mon a --G L - ; : : i i 3 pgm ei | ten wp mnt PAL. APE OR BEL I. Edi Te f the natural laws whioh govern : ah wl blot Mg lh : at the b carrent rates, est. 4 d pemions "of digestion sud gig and c H ARL EY EIMBLE, 8; * Opposite his late Shop Would re y J to an umerous customers and the pablic £5 mentlly, a their 'money Binet by atuiol, Et cocos, Mr. Epps| Obtained Prizes at the following Spring eg Destroyed by fire, and would 'solicit a con- ould respect beg yey RI, " fei tte fuure] will be found | posible delay. ig ety ios of ns rook fant tables a Shows of 18 oii tn So, Fist | © ; ; , | tinuance of their patronage. ©. ; ; ine. Go TH S, il ny Wo toh Wanted to Parchase ELE EERIE port PERRY 1 inns Fins Golf Sioer Watches, | |g srey ice oc ie 4 de simply 'wit =! at the Whithy & t . 0 A EC / Sng r of ik Each pickets abel Societys wd =bepting "ue above BOOTS& SHOES Having now in Stock a large utiful Goods fo select from, which will be sold at yee BT ads Pe od--% James Errs ey 3 : ! Chemists, London." MANUFACTURE OF ive an account ol Cocoa.--* We will f the process adopied essrs James Epps & Co., manufac dietetic asticles, at their works in the Ba Road, London"-- Cassell's House- hold Guide. Ocean to Ocean! SANDFORD FLEMING'S EXPEDITION! IS NOW READY. OLLARS Wren 4 PRICE, TWO Di g : JAMES CAMPBELL & SON, Youn g Oxford! ype THE PROPERTY OF MR. J, BENTLEY, EPSOM. May 28,1873. -- ONLY ONE DOLLAR, 10,000 SOLD OF ALL gt day Boho reated more astonishment than the ony RepeatingWatch. Theidea of mak- for the small sum of $1 seems T IS SAFE TO SAY THAT the in ions of the ing a Watc an utter impossibility, but it has been ac. complished and the most perfect time in dicator produced which the world has ever seen, besides that each Watch comprises a Compass and Sun Dial, without extra costs. ndon Repeating ,Watch is got up in the most elegant style, with a handsome ease of Gold Metal, which is an exaot imi- tation of gold, glass, orystal, steel and metallic works; and white enameled dial, and is of the size of an ordinary watoh.-- The' Onantey Koza was raised by Samuel Crawiond, Esq., of Port Hope, and weighs "JOAN HOOKER, Proprietor, Raglan, May 0, 1873. That Superior Imported Draught Horse ! 1873, hs follows : TUESDAY, 29h April, thence 10 Foy's Hotel, WEDNESDAY, will leave Port Per oon and progeed along the 7th Con. own stable and remain all night. THURSDAY, will leave hj at noon, and proceed to Pl bridge, and remain till FRIDAY, will afternoon, and and remain lowing Tuesday. and weather permitting. Esch one}is warranted to denote CORRECT TIME and to KEEP IN ORDER F! eipt of $1, or 5 for s over $4, registered to gents for Canaga, . D. EDWARDS & CO., Toronro, ONT. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that W.H. Park Has Removed his business - to to Port Perry, opposite the Post Office, where you will find a choice lot of Furniture of every description, which I am deter- mined to sell Cheap for Cash, or on short credit. 1 am determined to figure close for Cash. Don't forget the Big Chair. Undertaking in all its de- partments. Coffins furnish- ed in one hour's notice. EE Also Agent for Tomb Stones. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1873, Removal ! Removal! T= Subse ould emlimes this oppor- unity of thanking umerons customers for their liberal support during the past 24 lately occupied b; Jones Bros., in the business Tent of y PORY PERRY, Where he hopes by Moderation in Prices, to 'Plank's | anchepter, at noon ; Superior Material, thence proceed a 1lié' Centre Road 10 Good Workmanship his own stable and remain until the fol- Pair * lowing Monday morning. | and Attention to Teaus.--To insure a foal $8; single To sssurean.ipgivased share of public patron- My Stock is_choice and of Bidohontds, Temp Ouousistin kinds, Pictures, d ture F' re be poming and Repairing Puraiture UNDERTAKING in Som ita Depart. ofiaing constantly on hand & god sletion Coffins of ae Customers oa he oan Jreptesd 1 suppl | | Sainifield, at noon ; thence: to Pentose's leap 85. Reach, April 29, 1873. ingle Leap, $10. peom, April 16, 1873. bt HIS imported noble Draught Horse, T the property of R. BRYAN, Carn- wright, will stand for mares this season, 1873, as follows : Monday, April 28, will leave his own stable, lot 5, 5th Con. Cartwright, a1 10 a. m., and proceed to John Coates', 2nd con. Reach, atfnoongjthence to Alex. McKenzie's, East Whitl y and remain all nights Tuesday, proceed to Hodgson's Hotel, Columbus. at noon; thenee to Hind's Hotel, Oshawa--all night. 'Wednesday, will [roceat along the Kingston road to Steven's Hotel, at noon ; thence to Henderson's otel, Bowmanville, and remain all'nighte Thursday, will proceed to Mason's Hotel, Newcastle, at noon; thence to Borland's Hotel, Orono, and re- main all night, 3 Friday, will proceed to Biers' Hotel, Tyrone, at noe; thence ol Dresser's Hotel, Enniskillen, and re ill Saturday noon; thence to Mason's Hote), Williamsburg, and remain 2 hours ; thence to his own stable and remain until the following Monday morning. 'This route will be cont. and weather permitting. This hand horse in rising 4 yesre and weighs 2000 Ibs. He has already established his reputation as a sure fos! getter. (= $12 to insure. Cartwright, April 10, 1873. linued during the season, health That Canadian Draught Stallion! NETHERBY'S GLORY! Wis stand for mares this season, 1873, as follows : Mownpay, May 5, he will leave his own stable, lot 8, 8th con. Reach, and proceed to Plank's Hotel, Uxbridge, at noon ; thence to Hill's Hotel, Victoria Corners, and remain all night. TuEspAY, proceed to Squire Bagehaw's, lot 5, 9 con. Brock, at noon; thence to Edward's Hotel, Derryville, and remain all night. WepNespay, proceed to Ward's Hotel, Cannington, at noon ; thenge Skinner's Hotel, Manilla, and remain all ight. THursDAY, proceed to McKinnoa's Royal Osk Hotel, at noon; thence to Camp- bell's Hotel, Sunderland, and remain all night, Fripav, proceed to Jennings' Hotel, Hotel, Greenbank, and semain one hour ; thence to his own stable and remamn until Saturday morning. 4 SATURDAY Hotel, nos. Epsom to Dafoe's Jong hour ; thence F. H. ELLIOT, Propmeror. { and . : || Port connect- | Rocx. Ev, 1 I}in, th, Gowan Wat : Eu, Tin, oy width 13 be fps hgroity 1 pry aio 1 in. wid RT 5 hy 9, 8, . Wide. Lava Re t i 1 g, i in, 13,14, 17,,18,20, or 21 2 ote i Rbckestes daily in. wide. ¢ i >. oop! hen he eave Ping, Lia, 1%, 2 in., 12, 14, or 16 feet long | - i 00k, ko, will this thochanp- Marg, Beecn, and Biron : : i at and mast x p {to Boston, s fins City 1 ine Bion b gine ! ay, ow -- fo) 3 sy 3 i, 8 ify Plank, further fnformation Scantling. R. CRAWFORD, | pan N GIBBS. 1LL stand for Mares this Season, He will leave his own stable, Epsom, on at 10 8. m., and to Prince Albert, Port Perry, in the afternoon and remain till Wednesday noon. xbridge in the 0 his own stable be continued during the ~--To insure a foal, $14; Season @ Young Lord Clyde 20 eM. ms pepo) 11 J Daily Line fo Rochester |X .. OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y LUMBER! Is now showing, in his new 2 [One of the Largest, Best As sorted and BRICK BLOCK, Own Manufactdre, s and Trousering & Vest- Hats and Caps. Gents' f ng. Furnishings, &c., ever shown in North Ontario.' A call solicited before purchas ing elsewhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED In every case. Port Perry, April 2, 1873. PRINCE ALBERT ri RE MO VED PORT PERRY Shop opposite White's Carriage Factory T= Subscriber would embrace this oppor- tunity of returning thanks for the liberal and extensive patronage towed since opening business in this now much pleasure in informi generally that he has just opene est, richest and most attractive Stock of Juwel- ry &c., ever brought into this County. A call is'sufficient to convince any one that the Prince Albert (now Port Perry) Jewelry Emporium is the best establishment in the County for beautiful, good and cheap goods in the Watch, Clock and Jewelry line. My stock is Sasetully selected, extensive and valuable, consisting of an elegant assortment of Jewelry, Colored and Dright Sets Fine Gold, Gem and Plain Rings, ches, Kar-Rings, Studs. 4 lot of beautiful Gold, Silver and Plated Chains. Cruet Stands, Fruit Baskets, Butter Coolers. Very fine collection of Gold and Plated and Enamelled Lockets, Fine China and Glassware and Toys, Tobacco ds, Flower Vases; real- ly fine Bracelets ; Musical Box playing 6 opera airs. Gold Watches, Silver Watches, Clocks, all of the best description, French Clocks &c., Regulators, Mouth Organs. 3&~ Brooches, - Ear-Rings, &ec. Everything as Cheap as possible to be afforded JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Vaio, ort » Feb. 6, 1873. on MUSIC LESSONS! RS. E.M. PRINGLE, Port Perry, des state that at the earnest solicition of friends she hag to give Music Lessons at the homes of several pupils living at a distance from Py rry ; and as her is not yet wholly occupied sfie would hear from those who may wish to receive musie lessons at their homes. Address, if by letter, MRS. E. M. PRINGLE, Pont PERRY. Mi ils all ived at oppasie the Fost Ofion Fons py, re1dence March 6, 1873. ~MRS.E. MDP, CASH ROR LUMBER upon him place. He has ing the public out the larg- ives to ILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE 1x Can for the following sizes of Delivered at their yard tn Oshawa. [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED.) Oax or Asm, 1 in. 1, 2 in., any width, Burrernur, 1 in,, any width. - , 'w. H. Port Horr; on C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, J Kies 3 + i vox. | Oshawa, Fab. 5 1673. 2ST: TWEEDS, Broad- «| for the sule of my Pills and be caution the publi REG Viflons, 2 be on aging spurious medicines, 88 ny genuine ** Holloway's Pills by certain individuals, of little or no m the last few months onl the Brit= on Their uard 'Which are ny and Ointment," leans, trading (for y) under the style of the * New ork Chemical Company." Every artifice is made use of by them for the Durpdse of imposing upon the public ; and the more effectually 10 deceive, 1! ey have the ef- frontery, in their advertisements, to sue the following caution = ot The immense devand ir HunewAry Pins J AND OixTMENT? has tempted unprincipled patties to ** counterfeit these valuable Medioines m * In order to protect the Public and ourselves, we "have issued a new * Trade Mark, consisting of an "Egyptian Circle of a serpent with the letter H in ithe centre. Every box of genuine * HorLowav's SPinrs and O1ntMeNT' will have this trade mark on "it, None are genuine without it, ** To DeALers AND Jonngrs 1 Drucs ** AND MEDICINES. t*of * HoLLowA Y's PILLS AND O1NTMENT'--rione of the "old style are manufactured by menow, nor have they "heen for months. We therefore caution all pur. " chusers agninst receiving from any Jobbers or - 4 ers the old style of goodse ** Information concerning any sueh goods beirig of- ** fered will be received with thanks. * We ack the favor of all the inform: " give in regard to those counterfeits, Now this Company isaware that your laws do no permit them to copy the precise geting up of my Medi cines, but In order tie more completely to blind the public, they have recourse to another piece of deception, viz., in stating that they deem it necessary, as they say, to make up the Pills and Ointment in anoiher form, and that they adopt a New Label, §c, Besides the above-mentioned * Chemical Company,' 0 by ation you can there is alsoa David Pringle. of New York, who b consummale trickery is attempting to sell spurious imi- tations of my Medicines. Beware of him likewise. This unprincipled Chemical Company has dared to say that [ owe tery large sums of money in the United States. What is the fact ? A newspaper agent obtain- ed, without my knowledge or consent, and by collusion with a party who held a linited power of attorney of mine, an order to advertise my medicines in Routh America for three oo to the extent of $400,000 in gold. He then sold his claim to a Jawyerwho RO! it re~ ferred by the court to a friend of his, who gave judgment against me to the amount of $171,237 gold, for profit which he said he could have made by it, had I not taken steps to repudiate this vile transaction tne moment jt eame to my knowledge. is judgment will soon be set aside. It cannot be supposed. | a é, that | cent to any one that I would not in intely pay. There is no truth whatever in the statement that, { ever authorised any person or persons to use my name intment, although frauds have been practised upon me by unprinciple: u this way. I would ask, as a (aver, knowledge of any pe: being made and sold in uy name, that he be pleased to send me the nuine and address of the vendor who is selling the same, that I may. for the protection of the public, institute proceedings against him, and engage to remunerate handsomely my informant without divulg- ing his name, Should anyhersqn have reason to believe that he has been deceived Ly buying spurions imitations of these Medicines. he will obi me by sending to the address at foot (whih he can do at a cost of six cents mn post- age,) one of the books of instructions which are affixed to the same, My Medicines can he supplied at the lowest wholesale net prices in quantities of not less than £80 worth--viz. s. 6d., 22s., per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must he sent in ad. Juan; 'These Medicines are not sold in the United tates. Each Potand Box of my Genuige Medicines hears the British Government Stamp, with the words * Hol loway's Pills and-Ointment, London,' (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 633, Oxford Street, W. ©,, London, October 8, 1872. hat should it come to the u ) that spurious medicines are 10-6m CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. Tt is acknowl- edged by any Prominent physicians to the. most reliable preparation ever in- troduced for the relief and | cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When rted to in season it sel- i % Come Hi the most ay Liver Oomnplant: Become ver eedi aie a Wo a XL ungs, &e. Balsam does not Cough, and leave ind, as is the case with in ** We call your particular attention to the new style : Parlor,C ing done in good style of wd United witha We were awarded Toronto; Province | tion will convince every unpjud . | Farmer for 1871; built in thgDomini the lowest Temunerative prioes; and 1 Please remember the WILSON'S J - 'Osaawa, March 5, 1873. K BLOCK, KING ST, EAST, an WA. 12 Buggies, Nothing but the best M Thanking my ih wd. and rapidly increasing patr promptly. J Port PERRY CaRrriace Fac Apgil 16, 1873. 'agons, sed with First Class Workman Styles and Best Finish, and ps low as such work can be sold. rs and the public generally for their liberal would only add that by still further increased facilities for business, I shal future be able to execute all orders still more PERRY FACTORY! &c., &c. ship, Latest G. U. WHITE. titutions in Canadas. Paid metal BI. 500.000. Tnstalments "re-payablo in from 2 to 20 years. : Lands Bought and Sold Several good Farms for Sale. A t ance Companies. |< of Collections made and a general agency busi- ness transacted, BEF DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "il JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Ofc in Wr. B nari Suing, 'Port Perry, Oct. 11, be Yad eens Squatters 'ON PUBLIG/ LANDS, Sy & i HE attention of Squatters on the Public T lands is especially called to the re- gulations contained in the Order in Connerl of the 10th January, 1859, wherein squat- ting on Crown Lands is strictly forbidden. No clain to purchase land by night of oc- cupation. will be entertained, unless such occupant was a bona fide seitler on the land with substantial improvements at the time of inspection, and so reported by the Fire an SU Notwithstanding the late d J. Has again re-opened his better prepared than ever such merchandize. I have on hand STOVE Tinware--an endless Sto 0 Produce taken in ex SunperLAND, Feb. 18, 1 PUMP At Having had long experience Shad , the ta feel All orders for any of the above, Please Address, Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870, Conflagratien ERLAND. s fire, which left puch of our fair village in s, the Subscriber, | PARRISH, are and Tin Shop if the Village of Sunderland, ply the very large ind increasing demand for very variety and ste, in jeaper than ever. nship. e for Goods. REMEMBER the Sund@ Hardware and['in Shop, for such Goods anywhere toffund east of Tor » 0 You can get the bdnd cheapest limp in the Province . IRVIN'S PATENT |UEP FACTORY I E THE E PUMP A cof ose and Couplin Swing Lift Pa. on Log Pumps on turned Suctiofumps at 35 ots per foot. n Pawps, a compte Pump, from $3 op to $8: Also every ot making in ny that Wo can fectly satisfy all that will favor him ther by mail or othgise promptly attended to. 0 and Cooking ery manner of Eavetrough- is the cheapest place | i PUMPS 1? J. W. PARRISH. ORELIA, f----- PRICES plete Pomp and Fire Engine with jomplete for $25. at 50 cts per foot. 0 ots per foot. description of Pomp at Equay Low-Rates. argest factories in Canada and the JOHN IRVIN, Borevia. AT Provician Ex. BITION. HELD. aT Toronto, 1870. Rd this 18170, oa parison with ¢ omfetin; - President. : 8 Wiarrsy, June 22, 1971, : arvest, two ftinct Machines, which in gle and confuction, embrace the latest - The 'King o The universal success trials and in the hands of thfarm Reaping Machine, it has mo] good points an success and less failure, than ny Reaper he Cayugy Juniy Mower, the FirsPrize and Dipl competi 2 al ta g Mac HARER, customers for the coming leapers." : both in * closely contested in saying that, as a Self. Raking defects, and has met with 'more offered te the public. Mach: 'warran| g Machines manufactured in the nhesitati challenge investiga: | are satisfied that such investiga: we offer the best Mower to the d for descriptive catalogues. mind, : | Patent M ¥ y al t the Provincial Exhibition, held | p Imp made on any Crown Lands eince the time .of such n= spection, will be lost to the occupant, un- less such occupation has been authorized by the Department. THOS. H, JOHNSON, Asst. Commissioner. Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, April 1, 1873. Newspapers published in the Counties Wellington, rey orth Simede, North on tario, Victoria, Peterboro, Hastings, Lenno; and Addington, Frontenac, Carleton, Lanna and Renfrew, and the District of Muskoka, will please give six insertions, and tramsmit their accounts to this Department. -6w) T.H.J, (20-6 WITH THE STREAM ! HE anionivaed would Sure ip T numerous customers for the generous and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past ; and would beg to informy them and the public generally that he nas =~ * OPENED BUSINESS IN PORT PERRY, And that in future his busizess will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. He hopes by this arrangement and the ine creased business facilities which he hde thus secured to be able more fully 10 meet the wants of the rapidly increasing popola~ tion of this highly prusperous section of country. CHAS. HISCOCKS, . Baker & Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits. Cales, Bread. Floury Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits, Toys, &c Wedding Cakes made to order. TEA MEETINGS, &c., furnished ow liberal terms. SHOPS--Prince Alben and Port Perry. CHAS. HISCOCKS Prince Albert 2nd Port Perry, $ November 27, 1872, \ TO THE oT INHABITANTS Northern Reach » THE PLACE TO BIT Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, © Stationery, edicines, &e, is AT THE TORE Greenbank. July 20,1871. GEO. FLINT, om cq ment ° al Re i fT sold. v a South ighth St., Philadelphia, Pd, ~ : wanted! 'AN clasit ¢ of working # oh AF ohne TO Srvibe opie, r jet Young: or old more money at work for us in theif or all the time, than at' any] N & PATTERSON. ing elev. Particulars: free. Address G: STINSON & CO. Portland, Maine,

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