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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Jun 1873, p. 3

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Ce po the most, complete machine ou, for : : hi the; DAPSLAO ok 1 ot than the 'k a A. ogy, Soviotiod. ; i Tuspector. - Duted May 28, 1873 Raglan, Ott, May 20, 1879 24 Dds" Ln ine foment 1, fais | - in it, eed rr al' See f Aching no KU se " | reliable pT Soil Yo 17 frst la ia vil te ada asriber aud Rey wil promptly attended 1 EPRICE, $32. Warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. 3 J: Ci PILKEY, Erron P. o, Port Desay, Jute dy 1873. an ~ Passed 0 SAmahiay'l ------ED 4 () CAC -- wn? a the accommodation of the public and to forward the interests ;offPey 0 e Albert, and the township generallyj1 have sold to Mr. Wightman the wstare which, [ lately parehnsed from Geo! Currie, E¢q., and my customers and ad public' geaerally, will now find me in the Storer lately occupied by Capt. : 'Sinclair, prepared tu meet the wants of all from ny IMMENSE STOUK or BOOTS & SHOES! Sul} \ every size nnd variety, work Dade upat my own all of choice quality, which together with the establishment, will enable. me to "supply all who re favor me with their orders with just such goods as they require. and at low est price' at which such work can be sold. J. WRIGHT, Bégrar Meadow em Tanayy; ' SHEEP. STOLEN | Mi § [DEON sree STIL rt; Mortgages ges" Wants d. en im TOLEN from the Subscribe: te hi bpm Biber have large somal money | residence, on Thursday night, nly oo gon = investment Friday morning last, 2 Ewes aud 4 Li: other' in eV and' ai intog. Ctra Any party gividg such inboriiaton s as wil at the i) current rates of interest. As we [led to their recovery will receive the above xe funds on hond at all times Borrowers can | reward, tting their Joomey with the least e JOHN BILLINGS. Prince Albert, June 11, 1873. Lightning mons ! ts 1 + Wanted to Purelinse "aumber of Mor for which the high- wit belo Howes hg appraisers for the Canada Per- Janent hii Suet: the cheapest and fnrgiat Monetar; tutions in Canada. Paid up I Instalmeats re-payable in from 2 years, ber bef Dotare set setting out om his nds 'Bought 'and Sold 3 E Business tous Wool pmbrace io 'ants present opportuni returning his most sin- 4g od F for Sates cere tha) os to his sa dl Bei r several first elass Fire Insur- ions tuade'snd # general cy busi- ness transacted. ener BE@™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "9 liberal patronage during ios past three years > which -- ontried on the Lightning Rod Business Wi feels much pleasure in stating that = the JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, any Bndreds of buildings on which he has General Agents. au li 2 Reda thers 19 not one ioe tative i hick . cy have failed to prove per "© Office in Mr. Ross Quarts Buildings, agaust t grentivl i ici "o "the o abining stroke. uid! been Port Perty, Vet. 11, 1871, struck, the le neigh destroyed, A precious lives sacrificed, the buildings which I have rod- ed have (8 oer as safe in the thunder storm as in the calm, Let me say however that it is not enough that buildingd be roded unless it is dons on roientifiv principles it will serve no goud purpose. "T'o secure the advantages of these modt ¢uluable protectors they must , VIARCERY MLE! | aa LANDS! dees itor un say lo the gublic in general that [ am now IN MARA. : 7 prepared "to édter pon another semson's * Ie 1 tour throught this and ihe neighboring counties ; that my business (acili ave URSUANT to the D Desren uhhh been Iafgely inereased which eh thns ar jot ale in a on oo Id by and | MY thorough experience will enable me ~with'the's i riot of GEORGE yaa still mote promptly and efficiently to meet Darmell Eequire, Master of the said 'tne orders of all who favor nte with their patronage, , My motto shall still be good work andihe lowest possible remuaeratives prices, All orders punctually attende:! to. W. H. LEATCH, Prince Albert, May 1st, 1873. nyt «Court at Whitby, by PUBLIC AUCT ION, At, FH amilton's Hotel, " IN'THEVALL AGE OF BEAVERTON ! WANTED! ! 50 5,000 Ibs Clean Wool, for which the highest| price in cash will be paid by _°, JONES BROTHERS. a Sabaetibet LE now on Handa" very large and well nasorted Stock of D, s, Groceries, ry 36c.3.16 whigh he would call the dtietition of dil vo oly want of Goods, being determined to SELL GOODS At the very lowest percentage possible over COST fo CASH. Particular attention is requested to his immense Stock of BOOTS abd SHOES, made expressly for his own trade by the best Shoemakers in Montreal, a an Which cannot be beat either in quality or price. . A large lot of Gentlemen's Peli, Silk and Sun Shades, &c. A large lot of Garden Tools. Seeds, &ec. 0 Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Dried Apples. Salt, Coal Oil, &e. constantly on hand Straw Hatey just received. Ladies' WANTED ANY QUANTITY OF First 'Class BUTTER, Eggs, Dried and Salt Pork, [Tams, &c., for which the very highest prices will be allowed in trade, and goods sold as low and evenfor less money than they can be purchased anywhere wizbin 100 miles of this. . T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, April 16, 1873. TAYLOR'S, MANCHESTER, The best nasbitripn mo, lish ure. to be fot {0 aiid molt sty. in, any LADIES ! Iry you wanta New Patasol, a pil. of . Kid Gloves, a New Bonnet, a New Hat, a pair Boots, a Silk Dress, a Broche Lustre Dress, a New Tasso Linen Dress, a Japanese Silk, a Batiste Mauslio Dress, a Print Dress, or any other kind of Dress Goods, you will find my assorlment best und prices lowest, Do yon want a Black Silk Shawl-- : Black Grenadine Shaw]--a Sinsh ndiana Shawl, a Rich Striped 8) a Broche Shawl, a Roman ig § | wis, Silk Jacket, a Cloth Bore «" Pine Rich. Black Lace Shawl. 1 Fe all these in great variety ania prices that will suit Lo ant Lage Follars; a Lace Ties, Lace' T' ings, "White | The Subscriber would take ih Srp opportunity of informing the inhabitants of Manchester and surrounding country that having leased the Store lately occupied by A. Gorbon, Esq., he is now gelting on a carefully selected Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., &c., purchased at the best inarkets and on the most advantageous terms. Latest styles and superior quality in Dry Goods. Choice, Fresh Groceries. B&F Gools all New and Reliable, and sold at such prices for Cash, as will secure speedy sales and quick returns to make up for small profits. JOHN TAYLOR. Manchester, April 7, 1873. A. Bongard At Port Perry. A BONGARD be, gs to oTntorm the inhabitants of Port | Perry and surrounding townably, that o he has establis hed and is determined to drive with vigor a generak Meat and Grocery Business ! In Port Pe pent oor west of Thompson's Hotel, where lie will alw keep on hand a full took f CHOICE MEATS, Pere and GROCERIES. oay description AT sven phd as will put COMPETITION out. of the QUESTION!!! ri GREEN, BLACK, and JAR"D TEAS~RAISINS, GUR- RANTS, SYRUP, TOBACCOS,~HADD DDOCK, 4 HER- RINGS, &c. FRESH OYSTERS -- best gradee--always on hand.' A. ONGARD. Port Perry, Jan. 15, 1873. CE we oom ane of tow EX AMI N ATIO NS| JUESDAY. the Sth day of JULY, 1678 Buwfeuine WING LANDS AND PRE-| ¢) - BY hl LIC Mr; le Bi If of the h t of Lot psi Soul HL SCHON ws, 1. 1 is covered "with timber. The soil is olay loam and 8 Eiswianios cL Gla Leste oan aieiog grain ly ix (t Al Svea whine Ine t is sitoated' within aboot twenty rods of the mai fedfingidad from Beaverton to Orillia, ; y the Vil don miles ol Pwillbg put up in gue pur- Ee bythe On Tuesday, ws uy oA NM idates BI > ela, ai a say, The andidates "foc Fmstr 8 SE tthe same | ( pti fst Tu 0 x = 3 Town of of Whitby, | FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES ud On dio Su Works | "PRINCE E ATEmED. w ho i BU af {hie BG Conti BS Briticst Anew. Buggi are ext superivr both jas Material,| Workmanship, Style and " 8 , While the prices are such' as cannot, fail to satisfy: ally 7 [rae } An inspection will scours their sale. Call and inspect theme, 1 hain ip ENANEY. ONTARIO CARR ONTARI ALBERT, HE ' aeniThe ¥losmarongm naar me die NEAR THE | = BHOCK STRE 2 2900] hes 4 qa . : SiO oaante on Hand Ss from vest big made to order with + Bigger and dispateht Pattieulir atténtion pa to réfliring {= ALL WORK WARRANTED. ¥ coon asedrirden of A pT 3 sateriali "Work | Silk J White Cluhy Lace, White Edging, Black: Real Lace, Black Silk Lace, Black Cluny Lace, Black York Lage, Black Frings Lace, Fringes, Black and Colored, Braids and But. tons? Youn will find my assortment ccaiplete and cheap, Who want suits for sthmer will find| = over one hundred pieces of Naw Spring. 'I'weeds, Russél Cordé and Drills to select from, besides Coatings in Light and Dark Venetians, Meltons Serges and Black end Blue Broad Cloths ; and can have their Garments able style and at reasonable 8,5 Gentlemen's Boots, Sogks, loves, Ties, Scarfs,Collars and Handkerchiefs!| in great variety, and a beautifulassort- ment of FANCY VESTINGS i in light and dark colors. Fifiy pieces of Fancy Flannel Shirt. ings from 25 cents per yéird. Just fe. ceived also, a large lot of Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, Pillow Cattons,/ ' Steamlooms and Sheetings.' ! In all the endless' variety of Small Wares that are so 'uecessary 1a bur | daily comfort, as well as ool more important ftaples my stoc plote and every 'y attiold is is marked doi to the Lowest Price willals| * low the: Smallest Préfit for HE my .customers and the i pt say when you have pres for Sempeiiten, -- _CLERE YMEN Allowed a i a Ii eral discount on all a Plaster, Salt, Water" Li Su Hinges, Glass, Re Pain ins Géueral Hardware on hand. ENN sale GEO. CUBRIE: pots Petty, iy 6, 1873, made up pramptly in the mest fashion. |* BUTLER -- = ha v = i = | chek. ibe. 8 Oh - | COOLUMM, t Cf 4 Fu wX Bargains' Tel r 5 ays). IN Evely " Dépibtniont 11 . = ¥ = GENTLEKEN ee wists price This highest pr price pid fot any quantity of good (9 chases of Goods. dol nner AE | "ry ¥ 4 in French nerous appreciation' and. confidence. Flowers and Ribbons |*° - Non Avi? i 18 hed tiaad Tio io Cafgest aiid x most Fashiod able Stock in Town, at po 'THe Freshest Styles! : Tlie Lowest Prices 1 An Buna ore dp, ° W We've nged nn] 3 he Ea, we've sought To farnish J and secure th' Inst A 2 too the ho dire 24 Sha rsh Bower w ea Tiselny We've pi aed them cheap, = ut vile them For at you should give--sd who'll come A i6% close of the most successful séason we 9 bate ever enjoyed, we would be remiss iw our duty, did we fail to extend bearty. thanks to, our custoniers for the liberal patronsge which. has flowed in upon us. While thankfully acknowledging Ti cpu favors, we pre £3 termined, as another sedvon opens dp be. ore us, that mo effort hy . spared to render : our House even mtofe worthy of 'your i We have dow much pleasure in advisieg you that 0h oapss ITI Is fully complete in all depertments ; and in view of our rapidly extending busi. tess, it has been rendered more | than usually comprehensive and attractive. Whilst vain hoastiogeyng og oo TH 10 its mag. aitvie and variely, are unreces. sary from the fact that our spacious and' well fill Stores speak for: themselves, Wa froud remark, With regard to the value of 0 T400ds, that we are only: too Srvioue prices and quality should be carefully compared with hid other House. and richness, any thing we have before bad the pleasure of; offering. | Wa are Row prepared to. show 4 the orgecus and varied assortment of ts; Flowers, Ribbons, Tmmings, which are greatly ge 0 bare » ep 01 £8 see 0 i " es: En SHBser, find it convenient to be

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