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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Jun 1873, p. 5

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Sh ad t pressure, * machings no! Partidst wis! Se ol promptly atte ded to. _- Waranted to give satisfaction or no sale. gush tant Bl yo 11 51, J C: PILKEY, bine 2 renly frst clase us. liable ne will i taco, iad' they vil CO. Bro 25. price Port Defy, Jue 4 1873. « Epsom: yy 2), 147d. CRB rsd SAabinay'l a i te ail dan i TT an KI 28: vi accommodation of the public and to forward the interests olf Tat po the township genera wstara which [ Jately purchased from. Geo! Cur ithe public' geaerally, will now. find me in the Store lately occupied by €apt. "Ki = 8inolair, prepared to meet the wants ofall from my nnd wd ivan Gt i IMMENSE BOOTS & SHOES! Quoly irvery size aud variety, all of choice quality, which together with the work made upat my own establishment, will enable. me to supply all who Ape favor me with their orders with just such goods as they require and at he lowest price'at which such'work can be sold. . Passed --ETD + ()) CA C-- ver Meadow Steam Tannery, Throug "A GAIN! STOCK OF J. WRIGHT. Prince Albert, May 15, 1575. gages Wanted. be FA aT v Hi¥ Subscribers have large sums of m: in, their ha i for in ment trates of interest. As we have funds on hed at all times Borrowers can oi . tting their money with the least fas ves. gp 21 : = Wanted to. Purchase umber of -M for which the high- I Seno Bi 80 Appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Duilding, § ciety, the cheapest and largest Monetary' tations in Canada. Paid up Zapital 31,500,000, Instalmeats re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. ; ds > Bought 'and Sold k Farms for Sale; r several first class Fire Insur- fons made'and u general dgency busi- ness transacted, M&F" DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "9 JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, ; * General Agents. 1" Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings; Ean Fl. Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1871. ra IN. MARA. infil 1 "JDURSUANT to the Decree and final or- od sider for wale in a suit of MOWBRAY VSI BOMERS, here will be sold by 'and withthe approbation of GEORGE HENRY JDARTNELL, EequitsSMaster of the said ot aed COBH, 88 Tak by "PUBLIC AUCTION, At. Flamilton's Hotel, " INSTRE:VILL AGE OF BEAVERTON ! "41 '¥tié' County of Dnitario; at the hour of one WR 0'clook in the afrernoon of : TUESDAY. the 8th day of JULY, 1873 THE POLLO WING LANDS AND. PRE- ayn nas Lea 'y 4 abt a The 8 dnat-hal half the. Sou th part of Lot ERC 3 in | "Copatyjof h Sonia ig Riby Aste tous ea rr Bp Brin Pupiy ig gp hn! ER at By or © vis situated within aboot twenty rods of the waif i Chien ren OHL it uine n t the Vil erly and hin vn i of the igen R put up in one par- (o iedare bid hited by th rh a Whey uw . Court, DARTNELL, beg RP soi Soutoffod, ~~ Duted May 28, 1873. t 8, oe Proper ahd Friday morning last, 2 Ewes and 4 Lam this and ining Cotinties lead to 4 HANCERY LE! *FARM "LANDS! SHEEP STOLEN $10 Reward! -- 008 SToLEY from the Subscriber opposite his residence, on Thursday night, or Sarly on : : An, ving such information as will by the! a ooaery will receive the above .. JOHN BILLINGS. Prince Albert, June 11, 1873. Lightning CONDUCTORS! en Ome HE Soper ber before setting out on his 'A Spring Business tour would embrace the present Spberunity of returning his most sin- cere thanks to his numerous patrons for Hie liberal age during the past three years in which lie has carried on the Lightning Rod Business He feels much pleasure in stating that of the many hundreds of buildings on which he has Aut his Rods there is not one instance in which they have tailed to prove perfect protectors against the dreadful effects of the lightning stroke, neighbaring buidlings have been struck, the proper y destroyed, and precious lives sacrificed, the nildings which I have rod- ed have been as safe in the thunder sform as in reward, Let me say however that it is not enough that buildings be roded unless it is dons on reientifiv punciples it will serve no goud purpose. 10 secure the advantages of these modi valuable protectors they must be properly pit up, and this can only be done by 'experienced hauds. | would now say to the gablic in general that [ am now prepared 'fo' ter tpon another eewson's tour through' fliis and the neighboring counties ; that my business focithienshave been lafgel) 'increased whieh together with my thorough experience will enable me still mote promptly and efficiently to meet Ine orders of all who favor ne with their patronage, | My motto shall still be good work andihe lowest possible temuneratives prices. All orders punctually attende:! to, W. H. LEATCH, Prince Albert, May 1st, 1873. EXAMINATIONS OF fliiPeBLIC /} 1 waimias ad soba: far. A N. Riamination of Cand A a ae op aly Oo EW { y v! own of Whitby, On Tuesday, lhe CO riou nf rims f ¥3 1 have sold t6 Mr. Wightman the TEACHERS for Public} .: Cuass| roid | OuShow a being build af {lie Offranio Carsisce Wonks, Prinos Avssny. I Pod a a superivr both jo. Material] Workmanship, Style and WANTED! be 50,000 bs Clean Wool, for which the highest T in cash will be paid by JONES BROTHERS. ¥ 'Subset ibef Me lind avery large and Well nasorted Stock of Dry acd, 8ko..16. whigh he would call the &tiention of dil who "The Goods, Groderies, Hardw are in want of Goods, being determined to SELL GOODS At the very lowest percentage possible over COST fof CASH. Particular attention is requested to his immense Stock of BOOTS atid made expressly for his own trade by the best Shoemakers in Montreal; and cannot be beat either in quality or price. HOES, Which » A large lot of Gentlemen's Felt, Silk and Straw Hatsy just received. Ladies' Sun Shades, &c, ; A large lot of Garden Tools, Seeds, &c. 0 Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Dried Apples. Salt, Coal Oil, &c. constantly on hand WANTED ANY QUANTITY OF First Class BUTTER, Eggs, Dried and Salt Pork, [Tams, &c., for which the very highest prices will be allowed in trade, and goods sold as low and evenfor less money than they can be purchased &nywhere wizbin 100 miles of this. : T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, April 16, 1873. TAYLOR'S, MANCHESTER, The Subscriber would take this opportunity of informing the jphabitants of Manchester and surtounding country that having leased the Store lately occupied by A. Gorbon, Esq., he is now gelting on a carefully selected Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &e., &e., purchased at the best markets and on the most advantageous terms. Latest styles and superior quality in Dry Goods. Choice, Fresh Groceries. B&F Gools all New and Reliable, and sold at such prices for Cash, as will secure speedy sales and quick retarns to make up for small profits. JOHN TAYLOR. Manchester, April 7, 1873. A. Bongard At Port Perry. A, BONGARD begsito inform the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding townshigh, that eo he has established and is determined fo drive with vigor a general £ Meat and Grocery Business ! In Part Perry, next door west of Thompson's Hot 1, where lie will aly keep on hand a full Stock of CHOIGE NE ATE Er ich Shore lon kid AM AT SUCH PRICES as wilt put COMPETITION out, of the QUESTION!!! GREEN, BLACK, and JAR'D. TEAS~RAISINS, GUR- RANTS, SYRUP, TOBACCOS,~ HADDOCK, , HER- RINGS, &. FRESH OYSTERS--best gradee~alwaye on hand." & Se f : A. BONGARD. FIRST GLASS CARRIAGES Cirriage. Worl PRINCE ALBERT. i bo y : gd Sito : g x R% ER OF THE MOST STYLISH : BUGGTIR" #3 EE CAEh isfyall, are such' as cannot fail 10 satis dor) An inspection will secure their sale. pg Call aod inspeot theme; 1) Sh T : cote JAMES EMANEY. DONOVAN, HEL hs y | Th TEE EY) PRACTICAL ii 5 Lr itgunl) ¢ 2 eo, AG & oN, = 3 9 ld slarriage 9% Maker i 4150 TR Gn RAD oi OR Ti - -- a, AE amr fsoat wo dhe NEARVPHE TOY RELL oon x BOCK' -§ Ry rs ii ) orn AR ) of H ad = Hind J ' gp { g i Dsl GOOD assditrien of Buggies canslantly on . made to order with Boggran vo dispatch: ALL WORK WARRANTED. Rip Hi gs rev TE ou oy om bo Sarat, Work speid remember that [ "Se and read fs The best sasiteipl lish ure. to be foil at i, (Rh Yi ¥2 LADIES ! If you wants New Patasol, a of Kid Gloves, a New Bonnet, No Hat, a pair Boots, a Silk Dress, a Broche Lustre Dress, a New Tasso Linen Dress, a Japanese Silk, a Batiste Muslin Dress, a Print Dress, or any other kind of Dress Goods, you will find my assorlment best and prices lowest, . Do yon want a Black Silk Shawl-- Black Grenadine Shawl--a Black Shawl, a Rich Striped Shawl, a Broche Shawl, a an Scarfa Righ Silk Jacket, a Cloth Jacket, GENTLEMEN I fb vy Fy ¥ over one hundred pieces of Naw Spring. 'T'weeds, Russel Cordi and | Drills to select from, besides Coatings in Light and Dark Venetians, Meltons Serges and Black end Blue Broad Cloths ; and can have their Garments able style and at reasonable 8,5 Gentlemen's Boots, Sogks, loves, Ties, Scarfs,Collars and Handkerchiefs in great variety, and a beautifulassort- ment of FANCY, VESTINGS in light 3 and dark colors, 1 y Fifiy pieces of Fancy Flannel Shirt. ings from 23 cents per yérd. Just ten ceived also, a large lot of Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, Pillow Steamlooms and Sheetings.: Wares that 'are so 'necessary ta bur poets Fl / itis Pilly 'Allowed ». Vig discount on all pus. chutes of Goods. In toiinh of » » 5g i Plaster, Sali, ried Lim, ' Nai Hinges, Glass, Puity, Pair 3, Oil, Gira) Hau vite bn ams Oily and maa nr Pott Perdy, May 6, 1873, J wild mitiaty. | ry a x COMPLETE ' 3 i Who want suits for summer will find: made up pramptly in the most fashion- [+ * Cottons, : Tn all the endless' variety of Smali|® A . # GEO. CURRIE: |. Se THE GRY bi ' Manchéster, May 14, 1873. = RR pha Hawt Ei rs 8 Ouriacable] 3 Ras a oad AJ . Gy! | « » 11500 goisd POR THE +40 dae i it JSleeipsa mr BOOK Fag PRY { Se i ped ee sega diopied A ami Un mung (Ry yabtident Con. Equipped; by © © Boniunse Aci -- al 1a hed conn ATMO aM fo IH s 'oi to 5.0 i * SO 2m afgost aid most Fashion: able Stock in Town; at 1» Jones 0s; 'The Freshest Styles! ; The Lowest Prices'! The ¢ IN ; 1 i dalle A) Hail all bai 10 our ridhds aud one : ° come again Jysience and 3 We've ranged through the East. ni, from the nations, 1h ree : To faith new Goods and secure thie last And thanks to the Bower who direoted so wisaly, Every | Déphtinient 11 We've pure that, will ple We're pusthased thm chop, and wit thom For you should give--do whol come y At the close of the moat successful season we baye ever enjoyed, we would be remiss iv our duty, did we fail 10 exténd ; bearty. 'thanks to our custoiiers for the liberal patronage which has flowed in upon us. While a Pine Rich. Black Lace Shawl. | SPECIAL thankfully ~ acknowledging have all these in great variety and, at ©. [78 0 punt favors, we aye FL prices that will suit Jo. Bo 'youl -- --h a termined, as another want Lage Collars; Lace ' Sleeves, >» TAY x: a s4gson opens tip ber Lace Ties, Lace T' ngs, "White > Fo a. fore us, that mo . Silk Lace, White CI Lacs,' White $ Fav aig effort shallbe «17 Edging, Black Real Lage, Black Silk {a0 { ; . spared to Lace, Black Cluny Lace, Black York Ho oe y render old Fnaes Black [Fringe Lace, Fringes, Bargains in French ow sous even wore worthy of your Black and Colored, Braids and But. ; fein . generous appreciation' and: confidence. tons? You will find my assortment| Flowers and Ribbons x ocmplato and cheap, x : : We have now much pleasure in advisiog you that Frais OUR SPRING STOCK Is fully complete in all departments ; and in view of our rapidly extending busi. tieas, it bus been rendered more' | than asvally comprehensive and attractive. Whilst toe vain hosstioga ne tan lo ils mag. nitude and variely, are ureces. sary from the fact + that'our spacious and' - - well fill Stores speak for' Than Whelestle . Prices. This-highest price paid foi any i good themselves. Wa ould rematk, quantity of With regard to the value of oup;. 1 rv T400ds, that we are nly too anxious that $217 : Hi i prices and quality should be - carefully coripared with' any other House. 5 ua 3 Sh Ea opyel rE ws yr BUTTER! Ow Milirg! ' NL "This besddd, Sufpisaes In cite y variet) of tres HIE Se bate ore asure pfioffering. | Beta 5 ho oe I datty comfort, ssw as jo ihe more ke d fad it con Ses Doble a > mpoftary ' dhap! a Woe Soind y | 8 SIAL enteem i. a, favor.fualif Fi acsneals (ES (Ri EE ree to th t Price that willal.| © finial. ta. establish the superiork our lowe" Sm ten Pron _- fe If ile £4 gekminoitt andling--to my ,customers and the en ¥ ei ai, EN aaedd oa) EE han you hve nr : Aa Wes w prepared tq. sh A xe ory a ear he of Hats, 4 ts; "Flowees, SRT

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