Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Jun 1873, p. 4

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Pa ie a B we He piatall : {ne OSHAWA CABINET GO : 3 % : | EY, ix Cas for 1 HIGHEST PRICE hraher & Jeweler; u following sizes of 8 QF :BROOK LIN, SrA vad oil wat hers are the first 10 note the. Righistlr Wb A good ilk \héiglary ancjoy of a good busband. We .9p80 The hearts of others when we Opened | | Tn the Store recen Opposite Destroyed by. fire, tinuance of eave to announce td bis nu £ place of business to OBA . in ' my PPY to supply their wants with anything "the way of shee edd pany Width, Hint Gold and Silver Wat hes. rr 1 in., any width. G0ODS I have a large q Kum, 1in., any width, 5 ANBIE WELRY, SPECTACLES OR FAN {BOOTSKSHOESI; LL 1d hy n. wid In : = TE wee re i A Ee in his new . Et, F lease v i i Eo + 2 in, 12, 14, or 16 feet long eX, Bi |e pe NEW BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. SA Me shea Bhatt hid bi { ONTARIO, {rool a 5 ! soittle thought. There i 00 greater punishment than that of being abandoned to one's self. What matters if one po ber vot gold in bis Wl it fo His' bear. Is now Try whal forgiveness' will do before| - you resort to punishment. & x : OSH Ji ims 14 in. 1 § in. P= . AW i fi Prank. ren suffering we may avoid sinning ; but -- i Opposite White's Carriage Factory, ) : i 1a; i Seng, GIBBS { inning we cannot avoid: suffet J J ih N AE aged ere 3S. 8 ok show that you Nn' ac- BRIGKBLOCK, Fine Gold Watches ! Sead 1 fol) 'Huald o X President. 5 cuse till you bave found that your suspi- ? " leldl and Rist Bran : Oshawa Feb. 511873 8. cion was well founded. | : (ogre | i ine Gold'J¥ WITH THE g Brooches ! eh tre Far-rings ! ; | Lockets ! w dais 2 HE 'Sndersignad, ahh Shank bis "a tn do with, ha 0 right to com- ; " § : Por oo tome fore aenprous p'sin if the sparks fly in his face. 3 - { [ a | { I beg mo most oper cantion he © public ofthe Brite | § and liberal see teh "upon him "B0loho 5iv68 0p I 400m given ap: and a | NN; is tha place | again: purchneig Ries which ro Sein | - thoy nar phen * > coriider btreelves of no ase iy the slmost : i JEoityon whi fo your Watches aad Jewelry | Blea meant, india {fr Lo fo oF : YF certain way to become useless. : T | moderate. y thei mori Np ie o lhe now | Nef °° pp VERY BEST DESCRIPTION OF p 0 Ta TER ES Right Education-- Look to educati CHE BE S Whitby Factery Clocks. |ubyhen forthe pirpore Bllipoeing upon the public; take care that i Bs of tbe right kind, snd EXPECTED DAILY. ~~ |fomievuin than dverigbmentoylh wove th ollowing Buggies, ; Waban ox &o. And hl in V " 2 i re "bo disgivings* abot the par: ~ JOHN DIESFELD, The immense & tf HoLLoway's Pirie Nothing bgtethe best Material used First Gre Warman Latest \ 1 ang g Bu 5 Polis Waish Maker, CL oumiertins trae valontHe Modecipled parties 10 | ov log and Beat Finish, and-prices as lowas sich work can be soldi" Ho hopes by hie rangement a ie nt 4 Ad e manos ; it is to 'be rh STEER oie d, 0. ueen Street, Por! 1. ster tered CHEE Thanking 'my fumerous'customers and the public genera hx for_theie-liberal eT to be aBl§ more folly 10 meet ad sre do. [Co Cope Gon | WOME ENBONS, | or oe a ce a ee Fe ee a ods Yor need hig Ott ing, Hats an aps. ents' : REE, ; | "it. None are genuine with promptly. y ar "OL, % A Furnishings, &c., ever shown ing into remote places to gather it, since it lag sind dow 1/8 heaven, at our very North Ontario. doors or rather within them. A call solicited before pirchis Ty Deb Jog 8 13 Devos PoRT Perry Chrriace Facrory, } . . G..U. WHITE. | OAS, SCOCRS,, or Grae fe te it 2p 16, 3000 \ BRIMIR AR CY Baker nfeclioner. * old style are manufactured by me now, nor have sop SRA. ol-igestion wa Duiriflony and y a caieful application of the fine pro- eftiés of woll-selected 'pocoa, Mr, Eppes ; ve har provost our' brenklast" tablon are SATISEACTION. GUARANTEED ! dplissialy. fla voted - beverage which may aw many heavy doctors' bitle."-- Civil Made simply with Boil- ing Semigata or Milk. Each packet is labell- "heen for months. \We therefore cant Candies, Biscuits, 0 Tes | Fi ing elsewhere. Re PE 0 EE he i t Oumeal, iy b iy, Fi ABA: ~ Eppes Cocoa: ~Graferos " Inf ling of- Fadnd Cor a r a i on 'ruts, Toys, §c. y AD iG, ~% By a thorough kuow= fered wil ed et Thaurks n 5 PRA mail Tage wpesooal kuow= . RE ERIE you can . . Wedding Calieh mdf 1a irilr. TEA MEETINGS, 4c), furnished oh liberal terms. SHOPS -- Prinice Afvert and "Port Perry. CHAS, HISCOCK Afbertind Po Perr, rg Bs rember 21, 188. | ow thi i it the fo pete et rs jos, but fa lete! » or blir lie heh ned a a Ts A i Te ARE ey 3 Phrake pr ir it al Ja they aie that they adopt a yan Besides a im Chemical Company," Prin 9 theta salvos David Pringle. of New York, who. b Nouwisniniing the late disastrous fire, which left ymuch.of our fair Vilage } in 5 iekery is 10 sell spurious imi. ruins, the, Sitbsciibier, 4 ed--* Jamis Errs & Co., Homaopathio In every case. 1] tagions of my. Medicines. Jena uf him likewise. " be ' . Cheniists, London." x i gros gen of An ' J. Ww. PARRISH, o ol "MANUFACTURE or Cocoa. ol We will » ns What a a 8 of Sot dn ol now give an of thie Port Perry, April 2, 1873. ed, willion! my Knowledge or consent. nnd by collusion wilh a party who held u Tinted power. of utiorney ord Has again re~oper.ed his Hardware and Tin Shop in "the Village > Sunderland, mi an_ order to advertise my medicines in Sout FR eB Be Mme id Dhar 400.000 in better prepared than ever to supply the very large and increasing demand tor He then sold is cloim tn a lawyer. who gol re- | such m2rehandize. ferred by the court toa friend of histo ho gave jddgmen: aginst me {0 the amoant of $171,237 gold. for profi | - 1 huve on hand STOVES of every variety and style, in which he said he conld have made by at had I not taken Tope on rep in ie Sanat ute wine 4 Mh 00 i aide. TU SaINON bo ADOSER | fin ste. tht §: Oe 8 Parlor,Coal and Cooking b i 1 cent to any one that I would not immediately pay. 1 . There is no truth whatever in the, statement th. | 1 Lmiy 10 THE } Me , ever authorised re or pris fo Uo i : y 1 Ele J Sl, J men | Tinwar>--an yd Stock, cheaper than ever. Every manner ¥ Eavetrough- INF A BIT A NTS \ . | n nd way. ing done in good styleof workmanship ¥ + > » to Port Perry, opposite the Post i oT: " p 3% if vor, A eee the | 0% Produge taken in exchange for Goods © Marginge Ficensds Office, as aon wilt find, a For Preserving and Beautifying or ie! he i en i, Sei hr REMEMBER the fnechans Hardware and Tin Shop, is he Howe st _- beth eine name and address of tlre vendor who is : & n' nr the rotection « he e I i p (BY AUTHORITY.) choice 16t of Famitine of" every' THE H A TR]! i a Ta Rite and © bof he for such Goods anywhere 10 he found east of Toromeé No cthiooa Re ach , Feb, 18, 1873. J. W. PARRISH. TESUED at Port Perry. Office, the Scugog | description, which oI. am deters § my wituow divas |, SUNDERLAND, Fe ! by Messrs James Epps & Co., menufactur- ots Sisistie Sricios, at their works in the neton. Road, London"-- Cassell's Hous hold Gide, i : i oy pd re H Has Removed his business to v . . 4 his nume, ~~ HENRY cHARLEs |mined to sell Cheap for Cash And rendering it EE ut Je Je x9 ; THE: PLACE TO! November 11th, 1869. or on short credit. DARK & GI 0SSY Medicines. he will o ge me hy sending 10 the address v . 4 es mean) Which wre fred . ! JOHN McDONALD, I am determined to figure 95 CENTS PER BOTTLE trim mat ein on i oi 3 . My Medicilles caivfbe siipplied at the lowes{ wholesale | | -- 0) Wpp---- ; ry a LE! BEALE " lose for Cas, 8 = ser risen mies oi ia You ¢an get the bést and cheapest Pamp in the Proviiice: 1 fit | NBWCASTLE, ONT. Don't forget the Big Chiat, W. Mc T AGG ART | Ginmént for itch remiances moe ho. sent wi- - [ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones of front variety, pi every description of for at short uit Also Pte and Aberdeen Granite. (5 Parties will find it to their advan- tage to withhold their orders-until called odical Hall --Forman's Block, uo. 'These Medicines ure not sold in the Unded ' Nn t J. 'T rR Vv I N 2 SS Dry vg a h TIR\ maid Bos. of yy Giewiie Medicines Yot'e oy Groce ies Le June 3, 187, Prince Alert | ar: Lt 2 | IP ATENT POEP FACTORY ¥ a if = (Signédy THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 3 Removal |! «Removal ! [ss oxtri sues, w. c., yu SeoTI ae " Bootsiand Shoes; e Loudon, October 3, 1672. 10-9m B 0 R B L I A Tie ware, on oN » * ¥ By y J. ©. WILLIAMSON, PECL IIE Sal I ; 4 --- - YE . Agent. : PAY : [| £4 Satitaction Soaraniend, and all work war- Undertaking in all its de- See the Prices. Patent Medicine , i S89 Bik January 10,1872. sre] partments. Coffins furnish- Is AT THE ed in one hour's notice. _ FORCE PUMP- A compléte Pump and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling comp'ete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pamps at 50 cts per foot. Gurr Bang Stotn Common Loz Pnmps at 40 cta per foot. ] Commun turned Sustion Pom oe 35 ote per foot. Greenbank July 20, 1871. GEO. FLINT, 20 Cystern Pimps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. ng Jn y Alo every other description of Pump at ; \ 1 \ & Equally Low Rates. [MUSIC LESSONS! 'i MIA a tion ante Also Agent for Tomb Stones. HE Subscriber would embrace 'this oppor- tupit; got thanking hig; dumerons. customers Wi WH. PARK: [fr tele Aig support duning past 24 Port Perry, Feb. 19,.18%73. [asi in which le h ul oh form n ie vik vile Borelia ; and amo i done I= OF THE DIVISION 'COURTS and he ublic i Hn -- HENRY GRIST, [gsi ay Co unt y of Ont ario, PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, PORT CL Hing ed long _expefence 10" Pump-making in the largest factories in Canada and the United Sot the subperTber feels confident that 'he can pe ctly satisfy all that will favor him { she give Musie aeons a the OTTAWA, CANADA, : with a call, fhe bas of rami ll Jiging a IS wily FOR THE YEAR 1873, T otsbusiness with the Patent O a Wher, he iopes by. All orders for any of the above, Whether by rail or otherwise promptly attended to. Port Pert ; an time a no wholly aT ash esi 2S Th he Patent Of od Moderation in Prices, Plense Address, ; "| JOHN IRVIN, Bonguia. | cup ed 8 Blessed to Taste sons my "f zt HE 2 3 § 2 fg ne on a 8 lar 0d j ou atonal, Borelia, Sept. » 1870. 1 Hal their homes, { 0 = Pp ign§ procure rawin, 8, Specifications, od 'Wor ans! Sls 1<®5 22 ] ther Documen t Pa. P, = a Address, ifby loter, in 2 i 3 aod of Invention "prepared 03 receipt of the Fair Dealing, . / MAS: EM. | PRINGLE, Nod 3 1]. 1 12 2 111 Model of the Inver -1 and Attention to' Business, . 21 3 2 3! SEPERERCES, . 3! 98 digested and g cad -- e qubaniity | gs LL § HAO ; | &T Prrav. 4,2 ures - of Nalhe's | : -a "ap : : al at i hele cos CASEY Ho ANE TON'S sso leq fo TW hoice and. nsisting | 'oa : ' ; SoM Marehl6, 1873; Ed [in a REE aban Sel is, ; Aa z 19] 5}: 4 4 Ep of og, Miniatsr ef Publi : of Rasa, ich? and unfri ont fmm |THE oe een] SEEN (0 DEA Duss TOWN CL UNDERTAKING i: in, ar ts Depart. TP il {i v * Re | ari conn ont hil 0 and ing. not! AY BY CHER | Marra ; ; wy | the w= | : "Weal toa cum Al Conveyan , OOH je Plains |. curing I in on Ee \ distinet Machines, isi in) ro rrr : Orrice--MANCHESTER: bmp sat nas a Plant, i orig Diax Li a wh . a ws i pr of si} -XIOA, Afféctions,. 1 and most web cneniass the Hay. ox a so fie deals, : x Tk First Olass Hearse Provias hen Joguired. "All elasers' ex; or old, make more money in re 3 or.all the time, han at nnything else. ' Particyld fee: Addiew'S. STINSON & COv Portland, hd

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