Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Jul 1873, p. 4

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"Then ls the aside, and leave the rest ty y ha wd] 1 had met, ie better suocers IW ate J ad o ania 0) i apd .1 had a geruine sharper to deal with, whom it woul bea hour mate to onwit. fronts ition behind the counter, where, itis ix needless to say, I felt ill at ease ; but years : of training and patient study had enabled me to act almost any role to perfection, and it was not long belore the feeling of uneasi- | ness wore The day dragged slowly along, for trade was not very brisk, and the salesmen had but little to do besides reading the papers and yawning at each other across the glass cases. Four o'clock! Would the owner of the ring ever come ? asked mysell the ques- tion a hundred limes, and was on tbe point wk dois 0 again, when the door opened eavil welled figure glided in, ap- counter, and, in a Himesh Em's inquired : + © * tls Mr, --= in? «No, madam, he is not,' 1 replied. i 1 do anything for you 2' <1 dae say you can, I left ating in care of Mr. --, for a diamond setting, whiol' waa to be ready this afternoon. You will [lease let me have it, together with She bill ; «What name?' I inquired, bringing out 4 the tray containing the articles left for re- pairs, i i). _ ¢Emily Baker. ' y ¢ Emily. Baker,' 1 mused, picking up several rings 'end examining them. "It dos not appear to be among there. Ah!l recollect what has become of it," and I re- placed the tray and took from the g'ass case a small box, removed the lid, and exposed the ring to view. ¢ Is that yeur ring, madam 7° ¢ It is. Why has it'not been attended to?' ¢ Simply because the original stone has been recovered, and presuming that you would 'prefer that to any other, we have waited until we could hear from you.' . .* The original has been recovered! I do UR not understand you,' and her voice sounded HE strangely masculine. ¢ Pray tell me where it was found." ¢ Certainly. It was found just where you lost it--in the vault of the Clifton: Bank,' ond I reached acrose the counter, and with the quickness of thought tore the veil from the face of no less a personage than the cashier of the Clifton Bank. Ha saw that it was all up with him, and quietly submitted to the handenffing pro- cess ; but when I took him before the chief Y he broke down, and begged piteonsly to be NEE -let off for the sake of his wife and child. i When on trial, he confessed that he had W, TRENBETH,| Ly ee Fay One of do! Lae, Best As- Stock. of wns. Broad- Cloths and Trousering & Vest- ing. Hats and Caps. Gents' Furnishings, &c., ever shown in North Ontario. A call solicited before purchas- ing elsewhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ! In every case. Port Perry, April 2, 1873. » Fe stolen the bank's funds to lig gam- bling debts, and having missed the stone of his ring a short time after the robbery, and fearing that-it' might lead to "his. detection, had attempted to have. it voplaced, as we have shown. BREAKFAST. -- Epps's Cocoa.-- GRATEFUL AND CoMFORTING.--* By a thorough know= ledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine pro- jetties of well-selected cocos, Mr. Epps as provided our breakfast tables wih-a delicately flavored beverage which ma save us many heavy doctors' bills."'-- Civil Service tmadlc. Made shri. wilh Boils 'Water or Milk. Each packet isdabell: > -- James Erps & Co., Homaopathic Chemists, London." Maxvuracture. oF Cocoa.--¢¢ We will now give an of the OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that W.H. Park 'Has Removed his business to to Port Perry, opposite the Post Office, where you will find a choice lot of Furniture of every description, which I am deter- Y| mined to sell Cheap for Cash, or on short credit. 1 am determined to figure close. for, Casi, Don't forget the BigOhalr. | wHIPS, TRUNKS, fo EES phate Netlog removed the while of His New Premises! I NP Built jo T Pi i RY Ht ang best Now presonts us Posie to he Harness, Saddles, VALISES, thing in_his Ii fered to the 20 pubic in the North Riding of Ontario, He is determined to Sell as Chea) " ey other § Jouse in the Trade. b Thanking his customers for the! liberal support acoorded him during the past eighteen years, he will do his utmost to merit a continuance of the same. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, June 18, 1873, The Late Fire! HE undersigned. du to return sincere T thanks to "friends and cus- tomers for the rt he has received while in business in lave and would also inform has In the Store recently by H.T. Flynn, Opposite hi = Shop| Destroyed by fire, and. would solicit a 'con- ye of their Patonage, " 1 have a large q! BOOTS&SHOES ; Own Manufacture,| = Watchmaler & JT drolbry ATE oF BROOYKLIN, B asm TE TL Ta oR incsGoll and Silver Sa #1 AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANC Y GOODS !! 2% now in Stock alge assortment of beautiful Goods to select from, which will be sold at the lowest remunerative prices, and warranted. s. BF Please ig the place,-- NEW BRICK BLOCK, xe ST. EAST, Fa OSHAWA. i ve to Jupounce to his numerous customers and Sk an CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Floats give us a an before purchasing else- where. PICHARDRWARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 18," ase, 40 GOCOASINE For Preserving and Beautifying |THE HAIR! And rendering it DARK & GLOSSY. 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. W.McTAGGART, Medical Hall--Forman's Block, Prince Al'ert June 3, 1873. +| against purchasing spuj Removal ! Removal! by Messrs James Epps & Co., I- ers of dietetic articles, at their works in the Euston Rw London*-- Cassell's House hold Guide. rs Marriags Ticenses {BY AUTHORITY.) 150m at Port Perry. Office, the Seugog HENRY CHARLES November 11th, 1869. Unlerikings in all its de- partments. Coffins furnish- ed in one hour's notice. Also Agent for Tomb: Stones. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1873. JOHN McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER, NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones of great variety, with every description of Marble Work, suitable jor nario supplied HENRY GRI ST, HAVENT S0MCITOR AD DRAVARSIGH, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transaets business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government. Copy- at short.uotice. Also Granite. 0% Parties will nd it to their advan re to withhold their orders until ps | ) J. OC. WILLIAMSON, ha Agent: raDptisfction guaranteed, and all work Wars « January 10, 1872. 3-re RAST oF THE DIVISION COURTS | Sn FoR me County of Ontario, ' FOR THE YEAR 1878: EE - ilala iH 3 if Id 2 sl 1 > = = 23 1a "i. Johies and the Jlegistnfion of Trade Marks and Des Drawings, Specifications, and os Documents necessary to secure Pa- tents of Invention pated 0a receipt of the Model of the Tnvey PERENOES. : 0s! r General; W.C. Hon C TP Smillie. Bas P Nole Com) ny; i| Jehn Lasgion, Ekq si Dominion ; Wm. ode. Ia ; Hon. John Carl ng, inieret ® CWErEI PFO: e ofOntario. J pi TOWNSHIPLGLERK, % JSVER, OF; | Marriage "Eicenses ! Conveyancer, Commissioner, &o. Orsrice--MANCH © 8 bh i Tog me re 16" HE Subscriber would 1 this oppor- tunity of thanking his dumerons CAUTION! FRAUDS ABROAD !! 1 beg most respectfully 10. ish North American Pfov the public of the Brit= to be on their guard us A, which are being fold as my genuine ** dothwny's pills and Ointment," by certain individuals, of ing no means, trading (or the last few ingutlis onl uber the syle of the ** New York Chemical Compal Byery artifice is made use of by them for the pur and the more effectually frontery, in in their caution » The immense dem for * HoLLoway's PiLLs ** AND OtxyeNT' hagtempted unprincipled parties to *¢ counterfeit these valuable Medicines. * In order to protect the Public and ourselves, we 80 "ae issued anew 'Trade Mark,' consisting of an plinn Circle of a serpent with the letter I in "hs centre. Every box of genuine * HorLoway's ig. Pinus axp O1xTaeNt? will have this tiade mark on "i, sing upon the public ; 10 oe" cee jy hays Li of 0 1s5ue the g Nong are genuine without it. "To Dearens ANp Johsges iN Druas * AND MEDICINES. + We call your particular attention to the new style "of { HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT'--nione of (he 4 old style,are manufactured by me now, nor have they "heen for. months. We therefore cation all pur- "4 chasers against Jeaeiving from any Johbers or Deal- "ers the old st ses 7 " Information eoncerningany sueh goods being of- fered will be received with thanks. " We ask the favor ofall the information. you can " give in re; 10 those counterfeits," Now this Company isnware that your laws do no permit them to copy the precize geting up of my Medi- cincs, but dn order the more completely 1 blind the public, they have recourse 10 another piece of deception. Viz., in stating that they deem it necessary, as they say, 10 make up the Pills and Ointment in another form, and that they adopt a New Label, §e. Besides the above-mentioned ** Chemical Company,' there is alton David Pringle, of New York, who by 1ckery is ping to sell spurfpus imi- tations of my Medicines, Beware ofbjm likewise. 'This unprincipled Chemical Company | has dared to say that 1 owe very large sums of money in the United What is the fact ? A newspaper agent obtain- ont my knowledge or consciit, and by collusion u party who held a" limited power of attorney of mine, an order 10 advertise my medicines in South America for three years, 10 the extent of $400,000 in gold He then sold his elnim to a lawyer,who got it re- ferred by the comt to a friend of his, who gave judgment ngaingt me to the amonnt of $361,237 gold. for profit which he said he could have made by it, had T not 11ken steps to repudiate this vile transaction tne moment it came to my knowledge. This judgment will soon be set aside. Tt cannot be supposed, Lamsure, that I owe a centto any one that I wonld not jmmediitely pay. There is no trath whatever in the statement that, i ever nuthorised any person or pers 10 nse for the sale of my Pills and Ointment, although ae frauds have been practised upon me by unprincipled men in this way. 1 won'd ask, a8 a favor, that 'should it come to the kuowleige of any person that spurious medicines are being made and sold in my name, that he be plensed to send me the name and address of the vendor who is selling the same, that I may, for the protection of the public, institute proceedings against him, and [ engage to remunerate handsomely my informant with: outdivulg. ing his name, Should an peteon have reason to believe that he has been de by buying epurions imitations of these Medicines. ill oblige me by sending to the address at foot (whizh heean do at a cost of six cents m posi- age,) one of the books of iusiructions which are fixed to the same. My Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale net prices in quantities of not less than £20 worth--viz., 8s. 6d.,22s., 34s, per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remitlances must be sent in ad- Ree These Medicines are not sold in the United tates. Each Potand Box of my Genuine Medicines bears for their liberal support during the past 24 ears J which he has done business in the vil- e of Borelia ; and would now inform them d 2 the) ublic generally that he has moved his of business to the Store lately occupied by joes Bros., in the business centre of PORT PERRY, Where he hopes by Moderation in Prices, Superior Material, Good Workmanship, Fair Dealing, and Attention to Business, I secure an increased share of public patron- Stock Sigice and 'complete; consisting of' eboards; Tables, Chairs of all Yada Plotarcs, framed and unframed, Picture Framing, and Repairing Furniture done py the best terms. UNDERTAKING 8 In 'all its Depart. Having constantly on Jet's a good selection of Uoffins made np of BI alnut, Oak, Butternut, &c., &c., I am a to supply customers on the shortest notice. Funerals fully. sapplied,and a First Class. He: 111 provided when required. ' Saale Lumber and Produce tenn ex ge. Agent for Tomb Stones and "Montments, or i Lime MF JOHN NOTT. Dominion = Gardens ! LBROCE ST. EAST; UXBRIDGE,' v3 YO 1 White is in the Garden again with a jorge variety of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomato, Melo: we ae or ae at Epsom, U w som, i1bers and dors Ferry wi Ta ny 14, 1873. TL 0 UXBRIDGE. Tid CATER FAILORING PORT PERRY, Port Perry, 0c. %, 18a, Cucumber, Citron, Pepper, Celery Plants, ig | JAMES SQUIRE. =} the Britis] Stamp, with the words ** Hol- loway's Pills and Ointment, London.» (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 633, Oxford Street, W. €,, London, October 3, 1872. ( 10-8m THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which "can be cured';by timely resort to this sand: ard. preparat; proved by the hundreds ot testimonials br wi proprietors. If knowl= pe by a) prominent ysicians to 'be the 'most Fellable tion ever in- | Fle pop relief and RS oltre Hebi, offered to lic, sanctioned by the A of over forty years. 'When "resorted to in season it'sel- a of Cong. Bes chi, cases nchiti ie bet Cough Liver Com Ea at the eg Gonghantlohve Sn o meine ht dom fails gi samuivil I * = TORT PE RRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! i S en ; "a TIIE VERY ren Seve TION OF Buggies, Wagons, &c., &c. Nothing but the best Material used With First' Class Workmanship, Latest Styles and Bést Finish, and prices as low as such. work can be sold. Thanking 'my niimerous customers and the public generally for their liberal. and rapidly increasing patronage, I would only add that by still further increased facilities for business, I shall in the future be able to execute all orders still more promptly. Port PERRY CARRiaGe Facrory, } Fire and Conflagration SUNDERLAND. Notwithstanding the late disastrous fire, which left much of our fair village in ruins, the Subscriber, J. W. PARRISH, [Tas again re-opened his Hardware and Tin Stop in the Village 2 Sunderland, better prepared than ever to supply the very Jarge and inoreasing demand tor such marchandize. I have on hand STOVES of every variety and style, in Parlor,Coal'®ll and Cooking Tinware--an endless Stock, cheaper than ever. res manner of Eavetrough- ing done in good style of workmauship. 027 Produce. taken in exchange for Goods. REMEMBER the Sunderland Hardwara and Tin Shops is the cheapest place for such Goods ay bere to be found east of Toronto; J. W. PARRISH. PUMPS 1 PUMPS!!! You can hai and ehetpon post Pump i in the Province » TRVIN'S PATENT POHP FACTORY I BORELIA, a> See the Prices. FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hoee and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log, Pamps at 40 cts per foot. Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other descr ption of Pomp at #&" Equally Low Rates. Having had Tong experience 1n Pimp-tiaking ine {he largest factories in Carada and the United Sa hos, the subscriber isle confident that he can perfectly satisfy all that will favor him with a cal All orders for any of the above, whether by mril or otherwise promptly attended to, Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, BoreLia. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. . JOHNSTON'S ELE - BING REAP: to iif Customers for the coming GU. WHITE. 0 rh PIL two_ distinct Machines, which in AWARDED wi and construction, embrace the latest Fin ST. PRIZE | 'and'iiost useful improvements of the day. * | Piowneris, Ex BITION HELD AT Be JOHNSTON'S The diiiversal he is hat hin Sly spied trials and in the "hands of he armers, warfant-iusin' saying" that) as 'a Self. Reaping: Machine, it has more good points less d and less foiare; ghoa any Cajiida J eretof - - Cayuga nd 1 with | fre ia 9 the First pa, sul Biles, at the he Provincial Ration, held | th he leading Machines manufactured ah Sa Dard or As, 1d. 13, 2 na any width, TTERN i Rook Toot 1} br a width. Boas Tula lh me Kum, 1in., any width, Basgwoon, Tu widi : ) or 16 in. wide. 4 A: phy 4, 17, 18, 20, or 21 in. wide. 3 Pug, 1in., 142i in., 12,14, or 16 feet long Watkis Beecu, and Birch : i it ipgltin, 13 in, 1% in. Zin. 34 ini, 8in., Plank. #2, Squate Scantling. W. H. GIBBS. % > OTE 51873. WITH THE' STREA: HE "at an fe wont thank his for the g and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past ; and would beg. lo inform them and the public generally that hie has OPENED BUSINESS PORT PE] And' that in fotote his bis o carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. He hopes by this arrangement and the in- creased business' facilities which he has thus secured to be able: more fully to meet the wnats of the rapidly increaring popula- tion of this highly prosperous' 'sctiogh of country. CHAS: HISCookS®, Baker & Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Fl Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lobsters; Sard Fruits, Toys, §c. Farp Wedding Cakes made {obo i TEA MEETINGS, &c., Jurnished on liberal terms. SHOPS --Prince Albert and Port Pony. CHAS. {ITE Prince Albert end Port Perry, } . 8 H ig November 27, 1872, ATION TO THE INHABITANTS Northern n Reach THE E PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, 1 Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardw, eh n Tinware, | tationery, 4 4 | Patent Mo: gi Is Ar THE Gurr NBANK Sidel: GEO, Re § Be PR Greenbank Joly 20, 1871. MUSIC LESSONS! MI eb MES EM. PRINGLE, Port, is i [te thal that at the earnest solicition oes she t homes of Seve bE iin oe from t as e no Port fens ond be pleas el jolly floss who may wish to receive music He r homes. Address, if b; Jester * MRS. E: M. PRINGLE," Pont Penny. oad dt oiy': pesidieride Lewy yy AE oF a. E ND. Misi} upils al opposite thy ls wapdroc] March 6, 1873. o Psychomaney, or Soul" Hoy Sr gex Fae ot sandy hi Phis imple hEnihy py fe mall 0 | aNrae e a sold, Bosh Eighth HE hp igi i lis ai} Daily Line to Rochester | iw a oy THE NEW LAKE) EEA 'most New York, Sain # nis Rofo: information, apply to} - / R. CRAWFORD, (Poke a. F. GILDERSLEEVE, Nrtpsron 1° Al cl clase . "young or Sey EE, TO $40 per doy. $ of working people, hh make more money at work for usin sel 1 de YG ¥ 7 i 3 Tings; wi Jimmi a with competing ac Jare: oth hn us a a 1 eonvinc. that we offer at / the ri shen h adi 2 Farmer for 05, bitin 1 the D AE | wer LH BAHT oe > Bes TH i Ls WN \TTERSON. "atl mE anny 1. Wartsx, Tune 92, 157h, or all the tune, than at suyibiog else. Api A fice, Address G. STINSON & © Maine, , Portiuna, President. . 74

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