~~ redo - ~ Y. ee ---- -- Sk) 1 5 TEN 3 ida ay TOMH A Ayo LE ot fi Lda ; % ' ll -- wind ali - g oo i i . icy 2 s0.bas |. ' i § { hay a gt * 4 Yale 2 vi : w 'ini : Wp : ny : : & £, A. i 3 1-3 {tai jt)! g tw eee = OR. ° A SH ; Ch x # s : wiih rages ay ) oy i wit 015 es revlods 65h puichase of Pil Stock, has des T° 0 ot : = g |? 4B a ih 15 i : + Rh offer the saine at a Sacrifice for : 2 Le "F i . 84) (ype! 305] 00} 61 LE v0, MONTHS from this date. i : 3 a i oor el 1 LE 3C ool Alligarties . ' He RL X 8x coop 8! ' i | od ais . 2 } Aa me, ' pie ATR save from, ome one to two > Fo 5 5 $ +H 4 Save your m sap hao , wd é a asi X CE Sm X = | In. p-- . mmense CA e Hi 5 The best aseortmen wii] CL stiontige pe seh the Subiseriber says he is ® ¥ 8 lish are tobe found ty and mont ty. ) Be ; AD RNs Aw ea yous, he pyyud Yh e : : wilza i ! oe Fa wh ges - at shmop i "e ) FORMAN, HED Cy Th (1D eap and Fashiona ne v s vy y Prine hin, Taly. 8.1878. i ile Dry ' . = » " ! 3 : } Er " tw > v Largest eal ™ 10 baa nds bg . ya | abi Sta e eo so Pati i Fe foi Bi ba $a ami i arn . . od ¥o van Vaal won =. Ch oR Port. Perry. H = 0 " 10 info ¢ ' % ' 3 bemoans pp in| BC . dad Mew al Ki ed Grocery 'Business ! - Hem LADIES! J The Freshest Styles next, door west of Thompson's Hotel, te dh y wi ha CHOICE | Thompsons Hotel, ers he will always keep on band a full ~ ho . u : hos gh or 'SUCH PRICES ai will, put COMPETITION out of the Ah P ne d RES yi : The Lowest Prices t AF ary MEY GREEN: BACKS Gun 3A, TEAS Quignion Lis ~ Through Wo HES QUOTERS ARR hi gin ot uber Peary, Jan. 15, 1878. ; A. BONGARD. [ie you wanta New Paros a pair of a Ua Basis wove sought <M Nicht Bassman El twee 3 h ht y . A Dress, o i ale : | Ligkénin AT au Tr Deparment 1 A a ii eng ini EE | vo DORIAed thes hop, bad wi CONDUCTOR Bi re) Sa Doe of 8 BES » : find m' you will , oud bi he give--~go' who'll cole HE Subsriber before 3) mM 0 VED' D AC G A IN ? lowest. Sigoriment bos -d ples : ry ey ohm a. sett opbortanty tour fore Seog out on Ms ; : " Do you want a Black Silk Er : : At the close of the most ois fsa p unity of returning his -- Ts Te have Tog we of money iberal i Baste el Tpit a view ta the accommodation of ip ee ant d 1 ot Sri. Shawl--a ivr Ap urs ve phi sesnqn' fas i Fe Soe which be has carried 0 the ree years in af Prine Moar and the fownahip generally Jo ani a foram ie interests a. Broghe la Rick Striped Styl, 1 nL, of did RC io a oi ¢ ' v. Roman 2 fs r. customers' i SE ole als | Lightning Rod Business|'" Pb! Aa grind QO, Ag og A i ime Xin Suk Jackel, u Cloth Jac or win Toor i Sepund on sting their money iri Sa Hefatlsmueh plesau utedn stating that of the Sinclair, prepared 1g meet the wants oe pied by Capt. | have all or pt bike Foon! 1 SPECI AL thank in rad ww, Whi, ap Pure put bis Rods there is {py tne 1 wih IM y = prices that will suit you.' yan at] © YE rit past fa wo peg. jog he EE a ns stroke. Hh dal ei but the ising MENSE STOCK * OF . Te Ties 1S Lace Sieore, i gis ss soother 6 all neigl oring buidlin E , Lace Trimmings, Whi 4 - opens'up b=" * Wee eb 2 ty roar estore 164 vecot| JOB A ilk Lape on White; ep gw Er 125.7 1 fr Sue 2 ad have been hota: Vo Lita whi job Jf haverrod 00} 8S & IS) HOES ? Boing. ick Hat La Cluny Lace Joie ay a 5 of : i And i - a »p Sivan. Instalments ms 1 po Ait Roma, ayes Bleck York Haat on A wt in from 3 to re-payable; 'Let ma day however that it i Mo 2 1) Tice, x vnres, Dao that build s not enough | OF every size and v Black end Colored; B Sgwitan, br emo Hor , Zande Bought and Sola |r Hien aot my mvt ll of gins quali wien topsite wit len il td my sain Fl i --- nad Several good Fagms for Sale. pacfioss. To secure the sdveniage: | may favor me with their orders with just such enable me to supply all who | %0®plote and cheap, ' owers rs and Ribbons : gers! find dasa Bir Fass. fiorg mow valosbi protectors they on the lowest price s at which such work can be h aeds as they require and at ' pa ich pe "AT fand » ceneral agency busi- Jone by experienced hands. DB de ? : i : . : wig y to the pub . ; ; oi A - proper i Bor go that Lam now Beaver Meadow Steam ay WRIGHT. : 'JOHN & payin 5 ADAMS, counties tha and the nrighinring rince Albert, May 15, 1873. } : { RING ' eral Agents. 1 largely increased which 1ogeth h i; v . --_-- ¢ bh P\ Office in Mr. Ross Oniaric Buildings, my Toegogh oo erivuon wil guiber wih FIR ST C 4 ° a ro b id [te i 'Port Party, Oct.11, 1871. rr Fon a een) ve. moo LASS CARRIAGE ; ly complete » a by i -- tL _________ |paironage. My Who Terar Moe Win then in view of our rapidly Iaperemon tsi and 3 OR ANGISM org ang the lowest possible Taher re. AT ve i. Jug oe rendered' 10% to if All orders punctually attende to. : 5 X TRE GENTLEMEN 1 Than Whelesle. Prices. Hn eine p= fi pines avon, sor tin =" | Ontario Carri fe si vm : 4 a aro arriage Works ! | Bose® | INATION S PRINCE ALBERT. = : Le 1 wily ¢ -- ei Who want suits for summer will fi bmi ------------ are uoneces- PUBLIC A VERY LARGE NUMBER OF THE MOST STYLISH Spring T husiured pechs. Wl fd : hep hi fr be lok. fact 6 g Tweeds, Russel Cotdi and 5 SCHOOL TEACHERS BUGGIES! [isin This ghost price pad fo ang _ hers. Ni Th, i : N ; and Dark Venetians, Mel uanti wou'd remark, 4 EE : 3 On Show and being built at the OxTario Cansiace Wonxs, P Grothe; ni Blass 1 Blue Breed Ade » J o ; Wigfli i - 3 volun of 4 our fa © Am rt Meeting. of he. Lovell A Sora Tinstion of Cundidatey for bublie| Fi Thiede Bugpint ore Sire superior both in Materiel, oy Aude a 1 ig prices and quality should be. cometus 0 LX, Orage A osistivn; held in Sunderland, iol Teasiery Srconn and Tus Lape inish, while the prices are such as cannot fail to saisfy all. aps ip, Style and | lle style To A JE fof ry iy EL |. compared wilh any other iSarelully 4 iy recived lo celebrate he comi Coming A naierary Town of Wh ithy An inspection will secure their sale. pe. Call'and inspect them. Soy eme -- Socks, Quoves,| | : ' Ou M i" a ne, at s d od < oui ih A VILLAGE OF URBRINOE ! On Tuesda Commencing | ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS : JAMES EMANEY. in pny variety to Sethi B U T T E R ! r iliné ory !. 0 Pian, by re G. But AY ous at 9.4, NM. _Peixwe Auster, Avil 36, ws | mea of FANCY VESTINGS in light "This season, surpasses in extent, th ilhgan, 02 rie; foal siljects in the Be ike Boop and dusk colors. ! ¥ 369 Hiebubin any thing we mney : Le) be snd ar bach y ap- Oe Naren History, Botany, and Fifiy pieges of F: - e had the pleasure of offering, yer Tangemests for the Een The moceaacy are | sirens | Ts present them: C ings 1 Be go ; We are now prepared 1 f . r Cis 4 M. McPHADRN, R.8.'Wenster|!%o oclock, on Monday, 14 ceived also. a lar, oi 28: Ra {ream and nd varied o show. the gon ft + The y, 14th July. ge Linens priment, of Has, y : » Coe Nagler. a Sunmixoas wil bo bel at for Fins § | Seam Rap, Pillow Cottons, | ey ot Fiowers, Rib Plumes, snd YY, 3, tn reas at the same ; loonde aitrd Sheetings. : +... a at adh Wiel zr admired by . \ Ke v, Slat July, at Two P. M, + 54 A Ne HE ST ; : n all the etidléss variety of Smal ' . : iy ised wo i wit | so bo tied bo wm. Mocha | y §: ee do ao Ugo our ud dvi a Te x "a aa Vo nce puso The Subscriber would take 1h imponsat sta ok the more ne it copvenie Rat didi Se Clase Certificate avd Menoponaiond poral eo opportuni 4 ae Eto inhibitag(s of | plete and iris hy Sloth 3 Som es fis, ero Wi ia ie i pt i he Eso De by A. Gorbor, Esq., he is now ied the Storé lately. Sosupied; tb the. Lowent shed down : : bua uly 1 = Sister ha fe SH be 1: i getting on a carefully selected: Stock of ou the § eite e that gal Pe A thie Taper te of oak ir ris ps Dry Goods, Groceries, mimi, mie na ne "IEE Our He B 'Wot later than the A do. do. €8, Laven dl would jus, yn when you have ga dariun ih Dross Maker; .- ofthe anton te prot ie aah of Kv » &0., purchased at the best markets and on the most advantageous terms. | Spend pe "1 IN ant do iD Whose slogan sais 3 Xe if Suittion, ahd inting ihe Cisis Cert Gersteate | Loa test st yles andeuperior qualit inD G Catshi and ready pay as sheet 2 -- abi ara 3 is A nu La Ly. ry oods: any may, and probably domorein ates | ; 2 slave. iid ¢ Pl sro yae sgiuioed EE Some i} . Choice, 'Fresh Groteries, sad ry heel or wat we fi} Hla df ing 8 competent staf of Se | 4 LS fas = Goods all New and Reliable, and sold at such prices Jor ais wy wd i LLRAR 1 Canary Hl peoingtly : \ IN PO; for : T OF THE DIVISION COURTS | spony nls and quick réturns to make up for small pro *.C wt, » wif" ' i. 3 . April %, 187. - % aN TAYLOR. \ cEiTLENEY; | or tts dott County of Onta ha we ) 2 6 -- -- | . ond ! rie = \ To you our | ema Eon 0. Do OVAN, aw CLERCYMEN, |=] == Rm 12k THE : on 2 ru ihadof ¢ iad 3 while qur Allowed a libera! iscount ; g a spe tem pe | | ae | JG 8 3) = la hl, zi wl | i be i 4] fl | ol Zl 18 14 . 3 an 10 3903 Al ! t eighteen | x A \ 1 oh i . | 3 2 ; ' : g : b hs Re, | ng aT 1 an ho St The . mind oy a pl wiity, fon. 1, P73. donee. |. \ aie order with nea ssostan 0 hand made rom bast . Work " ( . y Im | To WAFRATER, utieln atfogiony o tapairing| ; - GBO: CURRIE. ; . ee cy mT mr Ty. Wy 4, 1, Meiko Hie. To YW : 3 * La © XK EB _ Msnchester, May 18, 1873: : .