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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Jul 1873, p. 1

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* 6 PUBLISHED, AT. THE +. VIGRORIA BLOCK PRINCE ALBERT Pwsninsiel doWNTY OF ONTARIO, ~ Hive oY Fhursda y Morning J3: Ts! > hh! : bridge. y ; 4 . RACTI Hg a © XY Deatal Room " Hires LJRARDS he nil paems "BAIRD & & PARSONS.| niagh 1 olil wm srpBanESse pa Fp nineix | ed mui £178 FA Ry PELE IA ears RY oa; bi 1 oer 0 ob fic d dio PA Ce ourrisk' #00 Arms OF ADVERTISING. un gor hie} first thggdtion... .'$0.08 1964 quent Insertions, péi tine . 002 under 6 Jines, per anpum...... 6 00 af "da apsureditNanpareil andoharee ws Ad N nenidA Reckived for pdblication, withoit nstructions, will beinserted until forbid. Jan REARS: Reni dehes. tae catingrolitisgohiisallowed io Merclunts did others | aE wn allcheet, o Will nal cases, be dirict.yala | | lie Nay Belli : % Emr any! ny aunt on Rr FERNY hy Had Billa Posters, Pri 0] Bilt Circulars, sa Fa {I} Banke, Checks, Bpoke, DN mn Ee at ower 1 rates = 0aaE o EpAbtighent in this County! i i i Vd dltaics | ening. Subd, se. J printed - ES Abe | © H. PARSONS. ©) S------ Professional Cavs. * Dr. Wrathwaite, i. 1 PORT PERRY. I TT Ty 7 "i. DR. WARE, -( Yorax ER Nn iv County. of Ontario, iciang 18 cond A 4 Bras Albert... 0 ... Drs. Martin & DeGrassi, wh lin PORT PERRY, July 9, 1873. TT AT THISI: | ------ A LoL oF gah Vc. ron Scufflers or good make, for Sale or to be given oy for B77 AT THE eo SN, DNAS :CircularSaw PORT PERRY. W. T. PARRISH. RTT) press en H one knew not the other's thoughts, and sor ag if by common consent, they accompanied the child to the sitting-room. Grandpa Bursley, a white-haired, ruddy-cheeked old man of sixty, was rehearsing some of ing with thy Tong golden eur! that fell over M18 boyish capers, and Lockwood and A Mystery of : 'Fifteen Years. Don Caxton stood before the pier-glass in her elegant chamber at Oak Farm, toy- |! 'Wharton had been somewhere else, but who lived and flourished sixty years ago. The enthusiasm tbat this created being over, the party separated in groups and couples. Dora Merriam and Mr. Whar- ton together, and for a monet she felt uneasy, then seeking Giles she coaxed him to 80 sof into t he woody in. search of col- ber shoulder like a quivering rey of :sun- Wharton were, listening with . respectful light. There was pride in her lustrous attention. As the ladies entered, the blue eyes, pride in the curve of her splen. former arose and bowed with a studied did red lips, pride in every movement of smile, the latter, however, eame forward her stately elegant form. And pale Mer. with outsiretebed hand and greeted Dora riam Bursley gazing 'with admiration upon |®® if they hado't met for years. This ber friend, sighed that she was nol threw ler off her guard for an instant ; | beautiful, so fascinatin g she bad not expected such composure in a «How do you: like Me. Lockwood, simple village lawyer. It chanced that Mertiam !' asked Dora, glancing: over her Wharton took a seat beside Merriam, shoulder, and smiling somewhat 'vainly. and grandpa having paused for breath, ¢ He'is very" batddome, very courteous theyl'gradually entered ' into conversation. and evidently bighly educated, but there] Meérriam was shy at first, but'soon became is something. about him that chills me interested, and her cheeks glowed, (her whenever he comes pear me,' replied | eyes parkled, and Wharton wondered Merriam, reflectively. that he had always thought ber plain.-- Jlaughed.. extravagantly. ¢ Why, | Graodpa now begon talking. sgain, snd you deat; silly thing ! Is it'possible that | other conversation, of cotirse, was' hushed, bis grandeur impresses you with such an'[not wholly out 'of courtesy either, for the awe.' o}d man was not a bore by any means. ¢ Not, awe Dobs; but dread !' 1 guess you don't remember the Stark, "The bout shred bier white: should. eather amurder do you, Merrie?' said ers peevishly. < Wiht nonsense! You |Brandpd, pushing fs snowy liar from his torture yourself witli ridiculous fancies.-- | brow. = ¢ No, I'm sure you don' t, it was You always did." o filtegn years ago, and you were only two "And you' iitend to" marry this man, | Years old then: + That was a hard thing Dora ?' continued Merriam, following her and very curicus, too. It was a year's own train of secret thought. talk for everybody within a good twenty ¢ Why, of course, I do." mile, Old Philip Starkweatlier! I re. tion were absurd. member bim as if 'twere but yesterday. -- ¢ Even at the expense of ruining Charles He never had a chick nor child of his own, Asif the ques. Yimen' BE %- Rarnden, Bs »# DRS, ; JONES. & MALLORY, rs Surgeons and Acogucheurs, PORT PERRY. » Office--over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st, R. JONES, M.D. gorsotin. i LA EO satery, 0, Outario, M.D. CM. hy Dig, McGILL & RAE, SICIA. , Pw Shion K0 orgoons doke. wa. MGILL, M. BD. FRANCIS RAE, M, B, - 'WM: F. MOBRIEN, M.D., M.R.C.8., ®'"" gUY"s' HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE EYE R.O.H L, ; 'Oshawa, J. E. BAREWELL, LL.B, COUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR NTARIO, Br WY Solicitor, tind No- occupied by S. H. Cochrane, Bsa, righ aly Ge hitby. v : L OHA x3 NLA LLB, | Changery, Attorney, | Offiop--fiimeoe Office and rami) 1 C - (or yeyancer, wa, I on the oo office. Surgioal and Mechanical Dentist, "Of 'Twelve Years Experience, QI over Mr. Gordon's Store, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE--JPRINCE ALBERT. January 8, 1873. WwW. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS'to thank lis many friends and the BE public sone z liberal for the patronage bestowed upon him during the past four years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ intend, in future, to devote | my whole Hime to the of A & . BA: "@. YOUNG (SHITH LL LB oh | F BASE, ET ic, &it., HO by i: Me oo--Neillap s Block, Brock Street Whit- W " OAMERON. & WACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Altorneys at Law, Solicitors Cou ufity Oounell On Ontario. Offices: ourt, House.) "0. C. CAMERON... So 87 and Soli \ or a dh BE A MACDONELL. gia i Br in Chancery, cael Ai, tel Jas 34s 3 8 oa , ent ie, : ood Auctionset, Valuator, Cy It will be my endeavor, Eo prompt and o and Jaret] attention to business, to give fu n to Pub at who may favor me with their satisfac or Gol ecting. Bills draughtéd and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Alse Bill Stamps always on hand. ' Arrangements can be made for sales &e., at the dod Of Office Prince Albert, and at the ce, Port Fy M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept. we '1872. CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE COUNTY. OF: ONTARIO, Aen cofiduct Sales anywhere in the County. : Te ateren on Rostian nein most tis Sues 53 beng eas may to 'G0 re waleo t for all kinds of Ag- dh ey fe 11 orders addressed to G. Ci A pirated ue, Sin Ses October 31 1872. Wm. Clovdony Tovace 10 the Somfort and convenience' of PiStrict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. 7 'to me: may | EE a - WM. GORDON, Sunderlshd P.0., Brock. . Lpialy increasi Village and neighborhood, and with Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared i making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy public patronage. Port Perry, June 16, 1869, The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted up ina style in keeping with the business and L prosperty ot the direct re- of the|2Wap-30.n0ble a-boart: HENRY FOY. Wharton's happiness ? said Merriam, re. but he adopted bis sister's boy after she hotels provingly. died, and took mm home to live. He oY ee AT ar ay | ¢ Poor Charles! alas, yes! answered | Was a likely lad, the housekeeper used to Royal Canadian Hotel, 3| Dora, laughing lowly, and clasping a | and Phil taought most everything of him. 'Pears to me, Mr. Lockwood, he'd looked u good deal like you if he had lived. ! *¢ Me's dead, ody is he ¥' queried Giles Lockwood, composedly. ¢ Bless your heart, sir, yes, died in China ten years ago, so the papers said. He lived her¢ until he was twenty years old, and then he started out into the world superb bracelet over her snowy arm. Merriam regerded her with mingled pity and regret. How could she throw yet untried and unkoown ? How couldshe break ber promise fo Charles Whartgh with such an in| utter indifference to her word and bis of feelings ? ¢ What are you thinking of now, you B. PLANK,... Hild purchase PROPRIETOR. 8 to and from Whitby 'ostlers always in attendasicp. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER he above hotel, and has furpished the Bar with the choicest liquors an cigars. Every attention paid to guests.-- tage! 1 daily. Carefu) litile priestess 7' And witli a gay laugh * {he magaificent Dora threw her arms around Merriam's neck, and kissed her several times. *1 was thinking, dear Dora, if you were not endangering your' ow bappiness.-- The very next day after he left, old Philip was found dead in bis bed, sir, smothered, the doctors said there was no doubt of it. Marks were found on his brow and throat, and besides, all his money was gone; same (wenty thousand dollars all in gold DAFOE HovskE di A i You know that Charlie Witirton i is a noble and bank notes, for Philip thought bis iron specimen of earnest, moral manhood. -- box safer than banks. The box was left but the day after that was gone, and then 99 Pe cigars Good sta 8 fabling, uirements ions travelers and guests. The barsupplied with the best wines, liquors and . DAFOE, Proprietor. - Think twice before you sfinder your re. lation with him.' «0, 1 have already, dear,' with a toss 1/| of her golden head. everybody thought the murderer was right here in the village, but they never found him. Some think to-day that it was the entre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, J. JENNINGS, Proprigtor. #Yott buve? O, Dora! Did he not seem pained ? Did you not see reproach igh v nephew's work.' : 'Twas a terrible crime,' said Giles Lockwood, with a shudder. WHITBY. A. MASON, Whey Bs This Hotel has. i dorgon a tion and been. fitted up with a' fort and convenience of | { ar, ble Jutsntion the sal oS ave Albion Hotsh.. wal pu blic.-- he table and Dar hostlers will Whi es Soh. i 1550. 26 i it were an excellent joke: Merriam looked up at that instant and never accused you of treating the visttor's glance fell upon her. ; 4 To spite of herself a shiver went over jebluc. eyes sparkling with 'fun. ber frame, aod her friends noticed it and "He "bss wonderful control of himself, {laughed at her sensitiveness, all but Lock- then. - Did he not evep ask you why you' wood, he proposed a game of croquet and cast him off?' said Merriam, wistfully. [tbe party "went out on the lawn, ¢ No,' and thé beauty's bosom trembled The text day there was to be' a picaic with suppressed laughter. on the outskirts of the village in a place THE ONTARIO: FARMERS' to the Head Ofive;u touny of thie loa] {f She Qompany, Ni bis will ibe found low as those 27-1y Mutual Insurance Company ny is now now fully organized and is A accept risks on Buildings tual Insurance Co) n Canada. | CRE gltey Often, Bg: © "Li FAIRBANKS, In, I ¢ And you did not tell him? Did not called Birch Grove, and all our friends say one kind word to soften the blow, to were going, even to grandpa, who was to excuse your own fickleness 2' make a speech after dinner, and tell the No, apd Dora laughed loudly, that|yobog people how affairs went on sixty ant Ll coptenis, cory try, Sobool Houses aud rich, silvery laugh which had made music | years ago. There was also to be music a. Hom Home Ins: ishing fp insute dud the id] on §0 many ears. in attendance, and a grand, time was ex-- an SDpgHality of 'doing so Celther b by ihe ¢Can you forgive yourself, Dora ? "Now please don't make light, ofit. Way down deep into your bLeart dear, down where the wonianly. feelings vestle, and. dream :| sweet dreams of a home, of new and sacred 'ties, of immortal souls that 'are to come pected.. Lockwood evinced but ttle enthusiasm when the matter was talked over, and when the hour ¢ame to go, he felt a decided reluctonce, but of course did not give expression to it. ¢ You are_moody this morning, Giles,' WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, ©. Ww. INCORPORATED ond ani 1982, i and look to us for guidance. Can you forgive. yourself there, dear ?' diag Merriam's soft hazel eyes were full of tears born of her weet 'sacred' thoughts, | inged with, said Dora, as They tode along side by side; i 'I? be Josked up dreamily and sighed, 'Yes, perhaps, I am. I always feel beiter and ber white cheeks were just til after dienes.' © |: color t Wag shie not beautiful then ? «Then we'll rs laner at 1n wr : Dora's face flushed, her liquid orbsfefier we are--" « | drooped, and for a moment it seemed that{' She:pausel in confusion, she: would weep: then and there, but 'gle' "'eMprtied you were about to say, dar- 'catight a glimpse of herself 'in' the "glass || 2 1" be queried, witha sad tenderness. A 3 bru trogged Tier thoulders again Pottisho + Yes, Giles,' she replied, averting Ld wt: 16 room and exclaimed : | eves and blushing deeply. Did she love kim 'or was it nfutuation'? For a few moments Giles * was _yivacious and enlertaining, but his + believe You are in love with Charlie {Wharton yourself; May.! "0 |" Metrism's face tecams stérc 'and cold, and she made no reply. + a4 11 At that moment little Jennie, Merriam's yousgest sister, 'came tipping into the until they reaclied 'the ground: where a goodly company 'were assembled. The Mr. Lockwood is down airs, 'bar £ Witte i 0g. 094 ndpa Tis came din inoer, , enlive he band and a short goed by from ig | Wharton, which was: received with de. on} - The ma; looked. at ich. otheri=s pariaken of, [and then. Grandpa Bursley 301 Perhaps both of them wished" that Charlie related several amusing #tories 'of people | looked at him. lis arms folded and bis feet pressed close | head soon dropped again sud he spoke, not | served praise. After:this, the dessert was {* Women always like to explore forests, Why i is it 2° he said, petalantly, "If you are averse to going, Mr. Lock. wood, I cen doubtless find a willing com~ panion," she answered; coldly: ¢ Forgive me, Dora. - Don't be angry. 0, what g fool I am,' he muttered, discon- nectedly. She Isughed and tried 10 ban'er: bim in good humor, but his smiles were few and bis frowns many. .: At timés he glanced around restlessly; and rubbed his hands as if they were cold. Suddenly they came into a marshy place girded by three im- mense trees and several large rocks. ¢ Let us get out of here, it is wet," said Dora, puting with disgust. : Her compaaion' made no answer, She He was sending with together, at intervals bis frame shook. ¢ Giles, what is 'it? Are you ill ? she queried in mingled wonder and anx- iety, Not a sound from the compressed lips, only a more convulsive working of the muscles of the body and a greater pallor in his rigid face, Dora placed her hand upon his shoulder and spoke again. The spell was broken. Fire leaped from his eyes, his teeth grated, bis facial cords swelled and a ringing shriek went out from his agitated breast. Dora recoiled in alarm. ¢ There, see there I' he cried, pointing toward the rock on the left. ¢ It comes again--it will take me now--it will! Oh, merc@$ Fiends !' Ha! I'l{ fight, I'll not give up. Years my come, years may go, but Ill live still--1"ll tramp it out." He stamped bis feet upon the yielding sod, meantime striking with bis fists and biting the air with his teeth. Sweat run down his face and dropped upon bis coat. - ¢ Great heaven, be is mad! thought Dora, and tried to scream for help, but her vocal powers seemed taken from her. She could only lean upon the tree and gaze upon him with®orror, + You will not die, you say you will nog die ©" he howled clenching his fists and beating an imaginary form. = ¢ You shall! Earth shall rot'but you shall not conquer me. Now !*Armto arm! Ha! Oh, furies, my uncle, he chases, Oh God--" Froth appeared upon his lips, bis veins expanded and turned purple, his eyes pro truded from their lids, his tongue lolled out, and he sank upon his knees at the side of the rock. By a superbuman effort Dora conquer= ed the faintness that was fast overwhelm- ing her, and with ene parting glance, away from the dreadful scene. Reaching ber friends, she told them that Giles Lock- wood had been seized with a spasm, and begged them to hurry to hisaid. Several |a at once started, and Dora, unable to stand upright, sank upon the greensward and gasped for breath. Wine and frdit were at once brought to her, and then Merriam came and sootted her fears as best she could. : Among those who went to assist Giles Lockwood was 'Grandpa Bursley who wis yet more capable of walking than many men of sixty. Reaching the spot, they found the unfortuste man bent nearly double,, his. hand, pressed against the soil beyond the rocks. As .soon as they touched bim they knew he was dead, and then they. gazed upon grandpa as if inviting counsel. Lhe old man drew a m.; | long breath, and passed his hands through bis bair. 'An awful suspicion was in his soul, and yet he could" vot credit it.-- | But he would listen to it, strange 'as it was. « James Wood, go to the 'wagon and get a spade, and anything that will serve 'to dig 'with,' he said, ina low, impressive voice. The man obeyed. The others ex- changed glances of wonderment. Pres ently James Wood returned, and Charlie Wharton - came with him, Grandpa Bursley bad say; his face was very grave, his manners solemn. Moving the body of Lockwood, the old man or- | dered the ground to be thrown up Where his bead had rested. Operations were at once commence the workmen ig Reg most and undefinable. A bush was on the air ; every soul was ladened with awe. = Sud- denly the spade gave forth. a metallic sound : it had struck s to the soil. The men: onaliaglorigs to 4 workmen redoubled their eflorts=--the very atmosphere teemed With' ex A moment later an dron box was' and Grandpa threw up his lands; as' ¢ Whose is it-#- W' does it mean 7' were thie 4 ¢Itis,.or way, Philip Sharkwentber's nephew. Tis well as it is. May 'God forgive him !" said Grandpa Bile, in a hollow voice. » -. . oie Ce The nine days" wonder was over." Tn Lockwood's room a paper bad been found with these words written in a tremulous hand upon it, and dated the day of the pic-nic : .T feel that [ shail die before night ; if I don't I'll come back and dis-- troy this--that's all. I am, or was Philip Sharkweather's nephew. I killed 'him, -- Why 1' Perhaps God knows, I dot't-- My life has been a curse.' Poor Dora! All her bright visions bad been sundered at ove fell stroke, and the mon she was to have married wag now a black pbantom in ber memory. For days she was ill, and barely escaped with brain fever, It had been a period of ter- rible excitement for all concerned. Now as she sat gazing out upon the flowers in the garden, and listening to'the voices of the birds, thoughts of Charlie Walton returned, and she reproached herself for her cruelty to him. Was it not her duty to acknowledge bier error ? Perbaps be loved ber yet ; perhaps be in bis nobility of heart, would forgive her, and_happiness might allay this terror and and grief. Tears trembled now in her hlue eyes, and her proud head sank upon her hand « «I'll write. to him,' she murmured.-- ¢ I'Il tell him that 1 have deceived myself and beg him to forgive.' A dozen sheets of paper were wasted, and at last she succeeded in pesniog a few lines. Then peculiar feeling came over her heart, and she was about to bura the massive, but thought that to seud it would show that she had conquered her pride, and so it went, Two days of apx= iety and wearing restlessness followed, and then came the answer. She broke the seal with trembling fingers. The note read thus : : ¢ Dora, you have my sympathy and good will, but my love for you has departed.-- I would not pain you. May heaven send you happiness! Yours, in friendship, Cc. w," ¢ Humbled, abashed ! Oh God, what have I not suffered ?' cried the stricken girl, crushing the paper under her foot-- " Why was I fool enough to write ! Ob, misery-- misery ! . Ld . . . - iT; What Dora Caxton bad left Oak Farm, and returned to her home in New Befilera, --~ It was evening ; the grand old patlog, at the farm was lighted just enough to'/give a soft, mellow beauty of everything.-- Merriam had just arisen from the piano= forte, and now stood leaning agsinst the case. Charles Wharton was near her, . his face serious and meditative. ¢ May,' he said slowly, ¢ do you believe a man cao love one woman deep down in his beart for years, and not know it ? In deed, be so blind to it that he fancies an-- other in the meantime, and only discovers bis love for the first time, when the second is taken away from bim ¥' ¢ You have suggested a problem, Mr. Wharton,' she answered, evasively. He sighed and paced the room two or three times.. She did not take bis , mean-- ing, but lie would not be elud:d in that way. Pausing suddenly, he clasped her hands, and said, quickly; but! with emu lous accent : ¢ May, 1 believe it, for I Yow ® I have loved you ever since [ came heré.-- I love you now, will you be my pife darling 2° The red blood surged from ber neck to her brown hairyshe lifted her hazel ey! » y and allowed them to rest upon him in sweet tenderness. It was enough. Ho clasped hor, to bis breast, and pressod warm kisses rich, red lips. Aud she, ber. fowing with joy, smiled upon. him: Ore month later they 5 EA Pr VRE

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