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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Jul 1873, p. 3

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dh that my, busin ilities |h ain are rare. valde, bs for ee i aaa moh a i with urd Prints : gh ex Ri will enable. me Jes rains i Hersly iy 3 o {a AAI 3 *-i3mgsh an Tas Li £% erives ils i fom the City in J Mjoh it "he pi jh. Calleat, Hi li BE AE il Je ou, ra i t c in England un "Bbout the 0 vi The English now excel all _other 'ations, both as to "durability and beauty of colorings. -- | of Alp -- Ashton's goods are gener. leged to be the (Wg 'and may Srknax be. had at RQ TI 3 api oe Id; bf 2 iia Asma Bunion for the benefit of the PRESBYTERAN SABBATH SCHOOL 10 ha PORT PERRY, : ~ Will take place On Voter 5th August, 1873, season, 60, which they offer their hd will leave, the wharf at Port Po hoe of 9 olock a.m. and pro: Washburn's Island ! wingsgud other means of cheerful amuse- wen 1 be provided on the Island. confectionary stand for the sale of Eatsbles an drinks on Vemperancs principles, will ac- Porr xe ea, July 24, 1873. 11 Ibe. wr Ibs. FOR ONE DOLLAR: The" undersigned having 'determined not to be conveniently out of Sugar during thie preserve have purchased and are new.receiving 000 LBS. SUGAR; at the above low rates. The Stock comprises all the various grades of Crushed, Refined, Cuba and Porto Rico: J ONES BROTHERS. - company the Exit Appropriate Melodies oi Choice Har- monies! 'With Organ accompaniment will otitis to he enlivement of the occasion. GOOD ro 8s VY { y Pa i § wn ail arrive at the wharf, PIA , fio poy ori pio ne tution '8 aldo] Ti0KO 50 Santi cairn Half-Price. 'the V colored foo ods, and COMMITTEE 6F MANAGEMENT : are atall to | repre 10 Tv at| , Me Bride an Ta nA Soehrane, Watigfyafory; prices, 1 ase they, will Perry; T. C- eGill, Prince Al- bert; John Ratcliff, J. "smi Columbus; A. Gor- ! Wir vant hot to Fade. |Z ! Tn" former mit, Cities was' printed apy hand, 'with' 'blocks, bit cylinder m rioting, has. since, been introduced," the, greatest : improvement [ r been made in the art, the ce of which" can scarcely be _ impo JY epabling ra ol is JradiA IN § DROS IDO i19 con' 9 "Yo offer the choicest goods ata mere Lille, of the price paid in times gone by, "When a print 'grown, was considered, ro by'our grandmothers, a real luxury. In some of its forms, not the most "amplete, it is stated that a mile of can be printed off with four dif- 3 ferent colors in one hour, and more ac- _curately and with better effect, than by band blocks. One cylinder 'machine, attepded by une man, can perform as myth, work in the same time as can one Jun 'men, with as many assistants. n a similar ratio, owing to the im- hdppe variety and. excellence of their stock, combined with wonderful cheap- eds §| fone hos, Cid dr probability: sell mora prints in a given time, than were sold in this Ihe § County some years ago. 'eopper 'eylinders" are from 30 to 40 inches in width and frm 4 to12 in diameter, The pattern is complete around 'thie dircum ference' of the roller, d each. revglution of this exactly re-- als its In the large calico print orks, the 'engraved copper rollers con. itdie a very important item in the in- siment of the capital, the value of the stock of these held by some print houses being rated even as high as $200,000. At one time, fifty to one hundred yo P. Christie, Thompaon, don, Manchester; &. W. Su ; Thos. English, hi 4, Port Perry, July 23, 1873. LIQUORS! . Wightman' S,| i " PRINCE ALBERT. Good Farm for Sale, Cheap. -- PI Ge we Nortb-balf of Lot No. 18 in the 4th Con. of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, 'Containing 100 acres, about 80 acres clonred. he balance in woods ; good Frame Buildings and young bearing orchard, well watered.-- Te property is closs to the Village of Prince Albert and one mile from Port Perry; the Station of the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway is on the corner of the farm. If not sold soon it will be rented. For further parti- cuilars apply to WILLIAM MASSON, Bfooklin, Ont. 8 brookiiics uly 9, 1873. ---- Choice lowest possible rates. PRINCE ALBERT, Jur 24, 1873, Don't forget . The inhabitants of Reach and surrounding townships are respect- fully informed that the Subscriber has added a Stock of Liquors to his Dry Goods and Grocery Store, where purchasers will find the very best Brands at the W. M. WIGHTMAN'S, New Store, Prince .Albert. PRINCE ALBERT CHEAP GOODS FOR EVER ! The Subscriber having a tremiéndony Stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Summer Clothing; &c., &c., which he is anxious to dis- pose of FOR CASH Previous to the purchase of Fall Stock, has de- termined to offer the same at a Sacrifice for Oash for TWO MONTHS from this date. All parties having any spare funds on hand "pease bring it along and secure bargains of 0 Cr) Now is the time to save from one to two Dollars on every Ten Dollars purchase. Save your money and bring it along as soon as possible as the Goods will positively be sold at 8 Leavy discount. XXX XXX OOOO0 HX AXXX COC The public acknowledge that when the Subscriber says he is going to sell his Goods at a sacrifice, he means what he says and no hambugging, and now is the time. iE I. C. FORMAN, Noted for Cheap and Fashionable Dry Goods ! Prince Albert, July 3, 1873. . pieces of calico' were considered Ly re~ ~dailétsi a large stock, but to supply theic, extensive trade J ones Bros, uire Gosilly from eight hundred to 4H Hodgand: preces, Customers call- AE stores are astonished at the va variety and still more at their "2 remarkable cheapness; especially their A24 nt, s, which are really ! tRNA i wt watranted fast % We produce all {hese various 8 Golorings, dé, separatecylinder is required for each otie, (They ate set in a strong frahe dgaif face of a large central drum, ma rom, and covered with woolen Sella. sdvéial. folds, Between which and the .ongraved oylinders the calipo d 'ap'it passes. ie pimeda of many kinds nd quaiifies he onion ihe ho not always the best, 'std sized chai id eg closély woveri' and even) good cotton, Rn generally _.the best, Although Canadians have not |: -iiyat i the printing of" calico, they have ined {* teat degree of pe, fear of softone | : | ] rank equal if not| fr al she sins grad RAE rh Are ile they ot Ha ! tied as i Ba Iq mies wwoERR: A. Bongard At Port Perry. A. BONGARD be to ne the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding townships, that he has established and is determined to drive with vigor a general Meat and Grocery Business! In Port Parts next door west of Thompson's Hotel, where he will always keep on band a full f CHOICE MEATS, FISH and GROCERIES of every description AT sven oRIChT as will put COMPETITION out of the QUESTION!!! GREEN, BLACK, and JAP"D TEAS--RAISINS, CUR- RANTS, SYRUP, TOBACCOS,--HADDOCK, HER- FRESH OYSTERS --Dbest grades--always on hand. A. BONGARD.: Lightning| RINGS, &e. Pont Pgray, Jan. 15, 1873. orm To School 1 Trustees ! CONDUCTORS ! hare Sven that all" Séhol rE Satgerer Boos fo ie i Nee I wuLshy Sivm that % present nt opportunity of returning bie most so: owinship of Reachs| fiver Tiber patronage during. the past three years in i Who nb wins fo ave tr hich carried on the Lightning Rod Business ~ EE of iidage En he fe fnoies one ins [ape in > hich | . School Assessments pro er Tus soot hn The Towa Hal Brat eT ET st b aniches on pi he such uid to x of be ligbiaing JBN CARISTIE, Phe bushdingd which i have od Sv Gem Jo h been as safe in the as me say however that it is not enough Passed Through THE FIRE! MOVED AGAIN! tm--ETD 1 (ETM ------ With a view to the accommodation of the public and to forward the interests of Prince Albert, und the township generally, I have sold to Mr. Wightman the store which I lately purchased from Geo. Currie, Esq., and my cusiomers and the public generally, will now find me in the Store lately occupied by Capt. Sinclair, prepared to meet the wants of all from my IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES! Of every size and variety, all of choice quality, which together with the work madé up at my own establishment, will enable me to supply all who may favor me with their orders with just such goods as they require and at the lowest price at which such work can be sold. J. WRIGHT. Beaver Meadow Steam Tannery, Prince Albert, May 15, 1873. FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AT Ontario Carriage Works ! PRINCE ALBERT. A VERY LARGE NUMBER OF THE MOST STYLISH BUGGIES! On Show and being built at the ONTARIO CaRRiAGE Works, Prince ALBERT. These Buggies are extra superior both "in Material, Workmanship, Style and Finish, while the prices are such as cannot fail 10 satisfy all. An inspection will secure their sale. #@. Call and inspect them. . JAMES EMANEY. ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS, } Prince ALBERT, April 16, 1873. TCE TAYLOR'S, MANCHESTER, The o Stbeétibet would take Hpi opportunity of informing the inhabitants of Manchester and sufrounding country that having leased the Store lately ocoupied |: 'by A. Gorvon, Esq, he'is now gelling on @ caréfully selected Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &o., &e., purchased at the best markets and on the most advantagests terms.' wwsion| Latest styles and superior quality in Dry Goods. ; Choice, Fresh Groceries. #6 Goods all New and Reliable, and sold at such prices for Cash, as will [ secure speedy sales and quick returns to make up for small profits. 'Manchester, April 7, 1873. " IST OF THE DIVISION COURTS that buildings be roded unless it is dons on |: s {1siantifio png iplea. it ii serve no goud | son's ur | : Tr mont Te ray plore they. Gounty of Ontario, Se properly put up and Jie gue only be " Noid © '¥EOR THE YEAR 1873." 5 sm i acd in general that f am now pis - ~ '| prepared to enter u; another season's 1 through this and neighboring Pont Pend 5. Tits 2 1973 ik 4 W. H. eaten, Prince Albert) My Tety 1873. : MM. oO. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL, ' Carriage NEAR THE TOWN HALL, aE BROCK STREET, WHITBY I 0 02 I (free 00D assortmisnt oh Biggiivon antly on i madodiom ost material. Work to order wii = articnar attention paid to repairing A TT pe] wm cts. | JOHN TAYLOR. Maker ! S009 INIHIS MAN SPECIAL | ; Bargains Flowers and Ribbons Cheaper Than Wholesale Prices. This highest price paid fof any quantity of good BUTTER! I ma ¥ wn { {lish are to be found at COMPLETE Every Department !! in French Black GOODS! The best assortment, and most "ay. wile » mn AM LADIES! -- If you wanta New Parasol, a pair of Kid Gloves, a New Bonnet, a New. Hat, a pair Boots, a Silk Dress, a Broche Lustre Dress, a New Tasso Linen Dresd,a Japanese Silk, a Batiste Ge Muslin Dress, a Print Dress, or any i other kind of Dress Goods, you will Re find my assortment best and prices -| lowest. Lo Do yon want a Black Silk Shawl-- a Black Grenadine Shawl--a Black Indjana Shawl, a Rich Striped Shawl, a Broche Shawl, a2 Roman Scarf, a Rich Silk Jacket, a Cloth Jacket, a Fine Rich Black Lace Shawl. I have all these in great variety and at prices that will suit you. Do yom want Lace Collars, Lace Sleeves, Lace Ties, Lace Trimmings, White Silk. Lace, White Cluny Lace, White Edging, Black Real Lace, Black Silk Lass, Flack Cluny Lace, Blagh Yoo ce, Bla nge ney d i ay ride and But. tong? Yuu will find my assortment ocmplete and cheap. GENTLEMEN | 1" 0 ' Who want suits for summer. will find over one hundred pieces of New Spring Tweeds, Russe] Cords. and hy Is to select from, besides Coatings 0 ight and Dark Venetians, Meltons 3 2s and Black and Blue Broad Cloths ; and can have their Garmients made up promptly in the most fashion- able style and at reasonable prices.-- Gentlemen's Boots, Socks, Gloves, Ko. Ties, Scarfs,Collars and Handkerchiefs ) in great variety and a beautiful assort- ment of FANCY VESTINGS in light Ye and dark colors. A Fifty pieces of Fancy Flannel Shirt- ings from 25 cents per yard. Just re. ceived also, a large lot of Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, Pillow Cottons, Steamlooms and Sheetings. In all the endless variety. of Small Wares that are so unecessary 0 our daily comfort, as well as in the more important' staples my stock is com- plete and every article is marked down to the Lowest Price that will al. low the Smallest Profit for andling--to my customers: and the public I would jus, say when you have, cash iti your pocke t that you 'want to spend remember that I," Sell "ash and read Sent (fully as o dg and probably 4 do hat, way than those who sell for pk 'pay, and cheerfully submit my, Sod prices for comparison, i . CLERGYMEN Allowed a tiberal discount on al puts chases of Dry Goods.

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