Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Aug 1873, p. 4

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2 JR Beh . 'MEN'S EVIL MANNERS ARE WRIT TEN IN BRASS, AND THEIR VIRTUES IN WATER, 'The Windsor Record says :--Char'es Landgrave, ove of Mr Whittaker's staff at the station here, on Wednesday last picked up in one of the sleeping cars & pocket book containing nearly $1,000, evidently belonging to John Cutliffe, a pussenger.-- Prompily upon finding the book, Landgrave tamed it over to his principal, who took steps to huve the owner by | oi HNEYTO 101 Mortgages "Wanted. J Subscribers have large sums of money Zed 3 in_ their Lands for investment means of the telegraph. We thank the Record for. giving publi- city lo the above; it 1s nauseating in the - extreme to read the eternal ding, dong of burglary, theft and {rand daily ringing in public prints with scarcely a variation in the tune. While daik deeds are of lament ably frequent ocourrerce, good deeds are still more frequent ; but fromthe almost un- iversal desire 10 turn the wrong side of the world out aid wiite men's evil manners in brass, men's good acts but seldom come to the surface. A thonsand good acts ore being performed every day for every one that 1s really bad. el 4 em TRAVELING FOR MORK THAN A N A dispatch to the New York Herald, from the exploring expedition of Sir Sam- uel Baker in Africa, announces the discov- ery that the great lakes Tanganyika and Albert Nyanza are connected together, and communicate wita the*Nile, forming an 1n- Jand sea seven hundred miles in leng'h. -- Further, that vessels launched on the Nile wbove Murchisou's Falls will be able to gail thence into and through the great lakes. This is a very important discovery, as it brings an immense and lertile portion of interior Alrica inlo easy communication with the civilized world. i+ + -- LIGHY WEIGHT. eo We find by the Leaier of the 2nd inet., that the city commissioner had made a raid on the Toronto bikers and lound light bread in 32 establishments and seized all that were found to te light. The number of hight loaves in the several establishments varied liom 1 vp 10 69; and the total num ber of loaves seized was 473, and these were given to the several charitable insti- tutions_in the city. Knight & Brean appeared to have gone largely into the light line ; there were 69 hight loaves found on their premises. J. Clegs had 50; Coles had 37; Stemin had 83 and 80 on down to 1. ee -- Tue VENERABLE ARCHDEACON ScoTT, of Dunham, Canada Eset, says thay he suffer- ed from Dyspepsia morte than twenty-five ii bat that three weeks' use of the eruvian Syrup (an Iron Tonic) has bene fitted him so wonderfully that he can hard- ly persuade himself . of the reality, and people who know him ara astonished ai the change. re eee BREAKFAST. -- EPPs's CocoA.-- GRATEFUL AND' CoMFORTING.--¢ By a thorough know- ledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine pro perties of well-selectad cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfust tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills.""'-- Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boil- ing Water or Milk. Each packet is labell- ed--¢ James Erers & Co., Homeopathic Chemists, London." MaxuracTure oF Cocoa.--¢ We will now give an of the by Messrs James Epps & Co., manufactur- ers of djetetic articles, at their works in the Euston Road, London' -- CdBsell"s House hold Guide. eet To Cure a Couch, to relieve all irritations of the throat, to restore perfect 1 Faims, Village Properties, and or Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers cai depend on getting their money with the leas! possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary Institutions in Canada, Paid | up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold Several good Farms for Sale. X35 Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and a general agency busi- ness transacted. B&5™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "TU JOIIN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872. . . Marriage Iicenses | November 11th, 1569. MUSIC LESSONS! RS. EM. PRINGLE, Port Perry, desires to state that atthe earnest solivition of friends she has agreed to give Music Lessons at the homes of several pupils living at a distance from Port Perry; and as ber time is not yet wholly occupied she would be pleased to hear from those who may wish to receive music lessons at their homes. Address, if Toy le Joust, . (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. Office, the Scugog H . M. PRINGLE, ouse. HENRY CHARLES Port PERRY. Music pupily always received at my residence Post Office, Port Perry, MRS. E. MD. March 6, ik « Psychomancy, or Soul Charming." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, in- stantly. This simple mental _acquirement all ean possess, free, by mail for 25 cents, together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &c. A queer, exciting book.-- 100,000 sold. Address T. WILL1AM & CO. South Eighth St,, Philadelphia, Pa, A TO $20 per day. Zgenis wanted! All classes $5 ak ren of cither rex. young or old, make more mo work for us in their spare jmoments or all the time, n anything else. Particulars free Addrass 6. 8] ON & €O., Portland, Maine, EWING MACHINE HE Subscriber wishes to Inform the public that the WANZER LETTER iH A SEWING |g Is now the most complete RE out, for sewing from the finest fabric to the coarsest cloth, It sews leather to perfection. 1t has the advantage of extra foot pressure, also an extra gold finish making it superior to all other machines now in use. Parties wishing & really first class reliable Sewing Machine will do woll to send ia their orders to the subscriber and "they will be The Confessions of an Invalid, PUBLISHED A% A WARNING and forthe benefit of Youse 1 Men and others who suffer from NURVOUS DEBIL- promptly attended to. JF MANHOOD, ete., supplying the means 0% PRICE, $32. of seif-cure, . Written by one' who cured himself after If- undergoing considera fe quackery, and sent free of charge. Sufferers are invited to address (prepaying pos'age) the author, Warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. J. C. PILKEY, Epsom P. 0. 23 NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Box 153, Brooklyn, N« VY. FRAUDS ABROAD !! Epsom, May 21, 1873. OTICE that W.H. Park Has Removed his business tou to Port Perry, opposite the Post : Office, where you will find a choice lot of Furniture of every 1S HEREBY GIVEN| QAUTION! I beg most respectfully to caution the public of tIf& Brit= ish North American Provinces to be on their guard against purchasing spurious medicines which are Being sold as mn * Holloway' Pills and Ointment," Hi ve, rudveriisements, (0 issue ae following emand for *HorLowavy's Pinus tempted unpineipled parties to Jewelry _ Emporium PORT PERRY Y ONTARIO, Opposite White's Carriage Factory, Fine Gold Watches ! Blgin and Russel Levers ! Fine Gold Jewelry.! Brooches ! Far-rings ! Lockets ! Wedding Rings!| Ladies Gold Guards, Bracelets, Gold Plated Chains, &e. N. B. This is the place to which you should 0 if you wish to get your Watches and Jewelry repaired to give you satisfaction, Prices moderate. LOTS OF Whitby Clocks to Hand! JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Queen Street, Port Perry. June 4, 1873. soundness and health to the most delicate organizations of the human frame--ihe Lungs--use Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which is still prepared with the same care in the selection and com pounding of its various ingredients as when it was introduced to the public by Dr. Wistar, over forty years since. TOMLINS SON s GOCOASINE THEHAIR! And rendering it DARK & GLOSSY. 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 5 DIRECTIONS. -- Appl Apply. with the 'the Jang ora Pubbing i into the roots of thedinip, W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor ! PORT PERRY! Is now showing, in his new BRICK BLOCK, One of the Largest, Best As- sorted and CHEAPEST Cloths and Trousering & Vest- ing. Hats and Caps. Gents' Manufasiured > 7 Tag, a Furnishings, &c., ver shown in > North Ontario. : JORN McDONALD, A call solicited before purchas- m \RBLE DEALER, ing elsewhere. NEWCASTLE, { ONT. ST with A, sesipon st SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! ! In every case. *' Port Perry, April 2, 1873. | 1 am | Stock of TW BEDS, Broad- description, which I am deter- ¢ counterfeit lanule Medicines. mined to sell Cheap for Cash, i Inorder to protect the Public nud ourselves, we " nde Mark. consisting 6f an or on short credit. = {a serpent with the enter 11 in box of genuine * HoLLoway's »t? will have this tiade mark on ine without it s AND Joners IN DruGs D MEDICINES, © We call your particalar attention to the new style of HoLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT? -- f the sold style are manufactured by me now, nor have they . e therefore caution all pure ing from any Jobbers or Deal- determined to figure close for Casu. Don't forget the Big Chair. | ** Information cose fered will be rec th thailkg. sk the favo I the ir cgard 10 those counterfl Now this Company isaware that your laws do no. permit then to copy the precise geting up of Medi cmes, but In ord: gany such goods leing of- ih | ation you ean i i Yo make up the "Bilis aud Ot ment in another oY od that they adopt a New Label, §c. Undertaking in all its Ss 3) ish- Besites the atovec mentioned Chemical Company," partments. Coffins furni or Chemical Compan iy ed in one hour's notice. gto soll spur € of him like Also Agent for Tomb Stones. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1873. oa wihout my na with n party who he mine, an uvrder lo America for three yenrs gold He then sold hi Removal! {| ferred by the a t 'me to the amonnt of which he said steps to repudiate came to my knowledge aside. Iteannot be supposed. | am swe, that | owe a cent to any one thut I would not immediately pay. There is no truth whatever in the #lateme uthorise (d any Person OF PRISONS 10 Ws le of my Pills and Ointment. alt been practised upon me by unprinc Is Removal ! vid 7 gold. for profit it had T not taken ould i, ns a favor, that should it come to the ge of any perso that spurious medicines are IIE Subscriber would embrace this oppor- tunity of thanking his dumerons custome: for their liberal support during the past years in which he has done business in the vil- | lage of Borelia ; and would now inform them and the publ eneially that he has moved his th ing the same. that | 1 public, ins! tituie proaeediy cl ge 1 without divalg- lieve that he has Pe of business to the'Store lately occupied by whats of tose Joes Buos., in the business centre of at (i oe SIX cents in post- +.) one of the Soars enti which ure affixed = he me. PORT PERRY, Where he nopes by Moderation in Prices, Superior Material, Good Workmanship, Fair Dealing, and Attention to Business, To secure an increased share of public patron- age. My Stock is choice and complete, consisting ji of Bureaus, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs of all Ea kinds, Pictures, framed and unframed, Picture Framing and Repairing Furniture done on the best terms. * | UNDERTAKING i all its Depart- ments, Having constantly en hand a good selection of Coffins made up of Black 'Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c., &c., 1 am prepared to supply can Le supplied at the lowest whol, uthties of not less than £20 worth-- per dozen boxes of Pills or po which remittances must be sent in ad- These Medicines ure not sold in the Usited nuine Medicines hears with the words ** Hol- + London? (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Sueet, W. €, London, October 3,1872, 10-6m customers on the shortest notice. Funerals fully supplied, and a THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknofvl- edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. 'When resorted to in season it sel- dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore~ ness in the Chest and 'Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &e. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause First Class Hearse provided when required. Suitable Lumber aud Produce taken in ex- change. Agent for Tomb Stones and Monuments. JOHN NOTT. JOHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP CLERK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses ! Conveyancer, Commissioner, &o. Orrice-- MANCHESTER. HONEY 10 LEAD! HE has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at § 3 8 5 § Unusually Low Rates of Interest. db 5 0 0.0 8 Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. behind, as is the case with Dt a Yorms, and \Wd| post preparations, but it plirestments made jn.) elles Debentares loosens and cleanses the poly to lungs, and allays irritation, w JAMES HOLDEN, - cial Assignee, Broker, &c. " thus removing the cause of ans Bleck, Broek ot, Whig Bank, McMil- the complaint. Ww. Hepinstall, "| Buggies, '| better prepared than ever to supply the very large and increasing demand for ed to | for such Goods anywhere to be found cast of Toronto *! Sunpernanp, Feb. 18, 1873. REMOVAL! "Watchmaker & Jeweler, LATE OF BRO9YKLIN, Would respectfully be; 8 leave to announce to his numerous customers and the public generally, that he has REMOVED his place of business to OSHAWA, where in tte future he will be foun: most happy to supply their wants with anything in the way of - Fine Gold and Silver Watches. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS! !/ Having now in Stock a large assortment of beautiful Goods to select from, which will be sold at | the lowest remunerative prices, and warranted. * 0% Please remember the place,-- WILSON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Osuawa, March 5, 1873. 12 PORT PERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! THE VERY BEST DESCRIPTION OF Wagons, &c., &cC. Nothing but the best Material used with First Class Workmanship, Latest Styles and Best Finish, and prices as low as such work can be sold. Thanking my numerous customers and the public generally for their liberal and rapidly increasing patronage, I would only add that by still further increased facilities for business, I shall in the future be able to execute ull orders still more promptly. Port PERRY Carriage Facrory, April 16, 1873, { . G. U. WHITE. Fire and Conflagratien SUN DERLAND. Notwithstanding the late disastrous Fro which which left much of our fpir village in ruins, the Subscriber, J. W. PARRISH, [Tas again re=opered his Hardware and Tin Shop in the Village 2 Sunderland, such merchandize I have on hand STOVES of every variety and style, in 381 and Cooking Parlor,Coal'® Tinwars--an endless Stock, cheaper than ever. ing done in good style of workmanship. 027 Produce taken in exchange for Goods. REM EMBER the Sunderland Hardware and Tin Shop, is the cheapest place Every manner of Eavetrough- I. w PARRISIH. You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the" Province Ap Pope IR NETRING, PATENT PUHP FAGH: BORELIA, --_--> . See the Prices. FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per foot. Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 ets per foot. Cystern Pumps, a complete Pamp, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump at 5" Equally Low Rates. Having had long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Canada and the Un'fed States, the subseriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisfy all that will favor him with a call. All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, BoreLria. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. JOHNSTON'S ELF - RAKING REAPER, We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT Provincial Exnr- BITION HELD AT Toronto, 1870. Th The universal an of this Machine, both in closely contested trials and in the hands of the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self Raking Reaping Machine, it has more good points and less defects, and has met with more |. success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. : Cayuga Junior Mower, We were awarded the First Prize ind Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, held "King of Reapers." in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the I d in the Province ; and with our recent imp ts, we tingly g investigo- and comparison with comp Machines, we are satisfied that such investiga: tion will every. un d mind, that we offer the best Mower to the Facmer for 1871, built in the Dowipion. oar Send for descriptive catalogues. 'BROWN & PATTERSON. Hy hall 5 PH SHLERKING BEAPED, is numerous friel liberal support he nis a inform them, Opened a SHOP In the Store recently occupied by H.T. Flynn, |Opposite his late Shop Destroyed by fire, and would solicit a con- tinuance of their patronage. I have a large quantity of BOOTS& SHOES Own Manufacture, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Please give us a call before purchasing else- where. RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1872. STREAM YHE undersigned would thank his numeions for the ¢ and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past ; and would beg to inform them and the public generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN T PERRY POR' SRRY, And that in futore his business will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. He hopes by this arrangement and the in- creased business facilities which be has thus secured to be able more fully to meet the wants of the rapidly increasing popula- tion of this highly prosperous section of country. CHAS. HISCOCKS Baker & (onfectioner, Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits, Toys, §c. Wedding Cakes made to order. TEA MEETINGS, &c., furnished on liberal terms. SHOPS-- Prince Albert and Port Perry, CHAS. HISCOCKS Prince Albert nd Port Perry, 40 PROCLAMATION ! INHA BITANTS Northern Reach THE PLACE TO Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes; Hardware, Tinware; Stationery, Patent Medicines, &e., IS AT THE Gureevpank Storm GEO. FLINT. 9 Greenbank July 20, 1871. Daily Line to Rochester! THE NEW LAKE STEAMER NORSEMAN Leaves Cobourg every morning at 7;30, and' Port, Hope at 9 o'clock for Rochester, connect" ing there with New York Central'and Erie Railways for all points East, West, and South.' Returning,' Leaves Charlotte at 9 p. m., except Saturdays when she leave at 2 p. m. for Brighton. Dealers in Stock, kc., will find this the chea; est and most expeditious route to Boston, Al- bany, New York, &c. For further information, apply to! . CRAWFORD, Port Hore; or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston, TAILORING IN ALL ITs' DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVER ROSS' STORE, PORT PERRY. ; JAMES Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1872. SQUIRE WM. SPENCE, &e., &c., in all their ARED BY Whitby April 10, 1872, SETH ¥, oe 'Waray, June 22, 1874, © < " Nir ments, executed in the best t style. Utica, July 15th 19% . The Late Fire! ok TE, undersizned I desires 9. Jetuen b Slugere tomers for the while 1 in EE Lhe in this Jaand and would port of Rochester) daily ' Contractor & Builder: | BritRina) AVING, S10 STONE-WORF, PLAS.

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