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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Aug 1873, p. 1

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i £34 1 F550 a 1a) EE rE TTHE 'VOL XVI, NO: 36 i _ PRINCE ALBERT, ONT, iif 818 0. ©he Mutarin Hlserber, A WEEKLY ' POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND Fam ily Y8 PUBLISHED AT THE ' WICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Every Thursday Morning BAIRD & PARSONS, , TERMS :=8 1.50 perannum, if paid withinsix monthssiCnot paid within thattime, f2bn, Nosub- gription taken six monthsjand no paper discontinued unt rearsarepaid. B EF" Lotterszonainingmaney., when addressed to isoifice prep: andregisiered,wilibeateurrisk RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insection . $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per lin 002 'Cards, under 6 lines, per annum 5 00 Advertisgments measured in Nonparei andcharge coordingtothe space they occupy. Advertisements received for publication, without peeifie dustractions, will beinsegted until forbid. un hargedaecordingly. Noudvertisemenit willbetuken ul until paid for. EET + Aliberslligcountallowedto Merchants and others Whoadvertiseby the year orhalf-year, TF" hescierms will inulleases, be sirict yale eredio. JOB DEPARTMENT, Phamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Pirculars, Business Cards. Ball Cards, &e., of every style and color, executed prompily and at lower rates than any other Establishment in this County ! \afties from a distance getting handhills, &e. , printed 9g have them done to Take home with them, J. BAIRD. I © H. PARSONS. 'Professional Cars. Dr. Brathwaite, PORT PERRY. DRE WARE, ORONER for the Connty of Ontario, / Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert D Martin & De he 3 CLINDSAY. ~~ | DRS, JONES & MALLORY, Prvsionns, Surgeons and Accoucheurs, PORT PERRY. . Office--over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st, R. JONES, M,D., CORONER, A. E. MALLORY, Uo. Ontario, . M.D, C.M 5 Drs. McGILL & RAE, HYSICIANS, Surgeons, &c., &e. Office and L Residences, King street, Oshawa. WM. M'GILL, M. D. FRANCIS RAE, M, B, WM. F. McBRIEN, M.D. M.R.C.S., GUY's HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE EYE R.O.H L, z Oshawa. J. E. FAREWELL, LLB, COUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR ONTARIO, BARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, and No- tury Public. Orrioe lately ototpisd by S. H. Cochrane, 8q., Brock street, Whitby. . LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery, «Attorney, A") Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. G. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, Bide A'ttorney-at-Law, Solicitor in i 'Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Pub ic, &c., &c . Office-- Mc Millan's Block, Brock Street, Whit- y Ontario. : CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: ourt House. M 0. CAMERON. | P, A, HURD, H, J. MACDONELL. . TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan-{ cery, Port Perry.. Officein the Royal Arcade, ort Perry, . JAMES LAMON, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Oonveyancer, &c.--Land Agent, &c., 3bridge. Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main street, Uxbridge. JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Attothey at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &:. Office sy the Ross' Store, Port Perry. Newspaper ; PORT Ay PORT PERRY, July 9, 1873. LOOK AT THIS! Sennett 8 84 0 00 20rorenee A. LOT OF Iron Scufflers Of good make, for Sale or to be given away for B71 CircularSaw PERRY. . T. PARRISH: y GRE A % Bornden, BPS Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Twelve Years Experience, FFICE over Mr. Gordon's Store, ; QUEEN STREET, { PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. January 8, 1873. ~ LICENSED UCTIONEER AUC IR, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, 1 EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the past four years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &e, Tt will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Scles or Col- lecting. Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &e., at the OpservEr Office Prince Albert, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept. 18th 1872. CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auctioneers! COUNTY OF ONTARID, ARE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere in the County. Fa . Parties placing their Sales in our hands Thay rely on the utmos. attention being given to their interests. 1 G. Crothers is also agent for all kinds of Ag- _ J. W.BURNHAMN, al f the Third Division Court. Office 4 iE BE of the Block, Port Perry. Office hours rom ten a.m, to 3 p. m. C.D: WAID, furgoonDentist,Ocr Main&Brock Bt, Uxbridge LL Dental opera=, Son "tfons performed A e utmost skill and pare, warranted to Sivesasisfaction or no 6, RO ee tion, Sg tes y To Algo dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy Bavmnavoss-- 2. P. s, Port Hope; Rev. TCENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ix Byrns, Whitby ; - ould, Esq., Ux- Li ¢ofBrock, Thora, Mira & ram 1 bri 1868. 0 t etc., in the Connty o u y Dec. 1, 185% toly North Ou EE ito mn, Brock. Or- ders left at this office, or at his residence will be Ce ~ C. N.VARS ; RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, Ont.-- "Deatal Rooms directly opposite the post a antrance Simcoe street, tl door north of the Ontario Bank. BR, RICHARDSON, 1SSUER OF _ | Toloan on good Farms, at 8 per centinferest Marri: Ac 5 "LYMAN ENGLISH, arriage Licenses ! M EE FIRST CON. OF: Barrister, §c., [OT 19, IN' TH B ROCK; - All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P. 0., will receive prompt attention. October 31 1872. 'Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, oo ey Koy ! F% the Townships of Brock, Uzbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon, 35 Parties cntr sting their Sales to me may W. M. WILLCOX,|: Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. ! The Subscriber ha leased the above Hotel bas fitted up in a sty in keeping with the rapidly increasing business end proeporty of tho Village and neighborhood, and with direct re- ference to the comfort and convenience of the publie. 3 Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be gpared in maki he Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. HENRY FOY. i Ars y 8 ition paid to guest es to and from Whituy call daily. rsal sin attendance. DAFOR HOUSE » UTICA G 00D accommodations. Careful attention AX to the requirements of travelers and gue: The barsupplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling, J. DAFOE, Proprietor, Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, : J. JENNINGS, Proprietor. on ici, Albion WHITBY. A. MASON, PropriETOR. This Motel has undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted np with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and atientive hostlers will have charge of the stables, Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company rFHIS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an.opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the focal 'Agents af the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insuranee Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings Drock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jz., Secretary WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. W. INCORPORATED ........ 27-1y ene A851, -relyupon the u most attention being given to their interests, WM. GORDON, _ Sunderland P.0., Brock. . THOS, H. WALSHE, Banctoaily sttetidedt to. Hehtg Sollested] in Can- ton, or otherw: Aan remittances po o Kemember-- WALSHE, the North On- tarjo Auctioneer. es MONEY (PRIVATE FUNDS,) Capital = =~ $400,000 President... HON, JOIN MeMURRICH oP C, MAGRATH, Firg. Secretary. ERNARD HALDAN, Esq. B JAMES PRINGLE,. . GENERAL AGENT. CHAS. THORN, V.S., BER of thie Veterinary Institute, Chica- IVI EMER OGo1 Mednlist for the bos exam. tion on Horse Practice. Author of a First Prize Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 18, 1867. i ' _ Dr, Thorn begs to announce that he has taken ap his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- Bd ath re Bh gle Messrs. Allison left at the Medical Hall of rs. "| & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. . EF The Veterinary Stables may be found on Sorembiean, 10g, Lilly street, opposite Oossitt's Factory. fn Pork Perry July 24 wi an a "the calm, S| acientifio poneiples it will serve no good of 3 /) HE : APR NOTHING LIKE Leather! HE Subscriber having removed the whole of Ins business to His New Premises! Built for the purpose, IN PORT PERRY Now presents to the Public the largest and best stock of Harness, Saddles. WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, And everything in his line, ever offered to the public in the North Riding of Ontario. 13" He is determined to Sell as Cheap as any other House in the Trade. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ! Thanking kis customers for the liberal support accorded him during the past eighteen years, he will do his utmost to merit a continuance of the same. JOHN ROLPH. Poi Perry, June 18, 1873. 1 pOOT PERRY LIVERY STAB pg C3 X a ' -- CE YIN IY ) C. M'KENZIE, PROPRIETOR. ---- NHE Subscriber having now fully equipped his new and extensive Livery Stables with a comp supply of superior 'Horses and Carriages is prepared to furnish first class Livery Rigs ON MODERATE TERMS, C. McKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873. 34 Lightning CONDUCTORS ! ee NITE Subscriber t ting out an his | Spring Business t ould embrace the present opportunity ot returning his most sin- cere thanks to ng numerous patrons for their | liberal patronage during the past three years in which he has carried on the | | Lightning Rod Business THURSDAY, AUG. 21, 1873. . ». HOW TO WATER HORSES. One writer says, never water immediate- ly before or after leeding. 1 say that it a horse 1s thirsty, always give him a drink, and he will thank you for it. 1 have often seen horses put in the stable at noon for an hour or two, and not eat a pound of hay or grain, but looking wistfully for water, and then their careful owner," who, would not let them have water when warm, will come (0 give them enongh to kill, and drive the remainder of the day, on t vo buckets of water and no feed. Ten chances to one ais horse gives out with him or gets sick before night. Now 1 say give the horse water, if he 1s ever so warm ; give him a swallow, rings out hie mouth and nostrils, give him 8 bite of hay in a short time a little more water, but not tco much. If he is watered sev-ral limes, a litle at a lime, unul he is what he would if you let him gulp it down all at once. -- Cor. 7ribune. ®HE VALUE OF OOWS . The Live Stock Journal says :--~Mr. | Jeremiah Price, of Lrie County, N. Y., has sent us a corrected statement of his dairy, mentioned in our December number. That statement showed an average of 24.36 pounds of mi'k for each cow, per day, for tour months at the cherse factory. The account for the whole milking season s'auds as follows :-- 121 days at Cheese Factory... .$442 38 For calves fatted on milk. . 89 25 Butter solds soeviesessnersss DOL 37 Gross Tucome from 18 Cows. . $1,036 00 This gives an average of $57.55per cow be:ides milk which was used in the family, and pork made from whey and refuse milk, which is an excellent result for a dry sea-- son. These were fed during short pas'ure £9000 worth,or five dollars per cow, of melt sprouts or bran. Much of the butier was sold under twenty~five cents per poud. Not many of the dairies at the same fac-- tory reached $40 00 per cow, while bis averaged 52 0D, after deducting extra food, Let duirymen make a note of it. BE -- SHORT-HORNS RUNNING UP, The Foglish Farmer says :-- The prices in Short-horns were thought NEE fa) and before the conclusion of '73 there are every probability that an amount of money will be spent oa imdividual animals. that will astonish the best lLieeders. The satisfied, he will not drink more than half i ila bp In an old Pennsylvania town; w voted the Democratic ticklt solid" (so story goes), in 1868, the etperiment was made of putting ajrepublican ticket in 'the field. A Mr. Gieen was ihe candidate selected, but by reason of sickness he was unable 10 go 10 the polls on' election day,~-- When the returns were published Mr. Green had just ane' v hagtined at this, and annoyed by the accusation that he bad voted for himself, he announced that it the person who had voted for him would come forward and make affidavit to the fact, he would reward him with a good suit of clothes. A few mornings afterwards a burly Dutchman called upon Mr. Green, and abruptly remarked : "I vants dat suit of clothes !" hie you willing to make an afiidavit of ¢ Yah, T swear to em." Mr. Green, accompanied by the intelli- gent voter, wen( to the justice of peace, and the required affidavit wus.mada, alter which the clothes were purchased and given to the deponent, At patting, Mr. Green said : + Now, my friend, just answer me one question. How eame you to vote for me 7' ¢ You veuts to know dat 2 ¢ Yes.' ¢ And you won't go back on dc clothes 7' ' No? ¢ Vell, said he slowly, with a sly twinkle of the eye, ¢den I told you--I make a mis- take of (he dicket !? RUN HIM OUT. The moral of the following, told by the sufferer, is too apparent to mention. . Young ladies, hereafter, are advised to run: their brothers out when gentlemen call. 1'm certain that I wished someone would spank the young rascal. We talked of hills, mountains, valleys and cataracts--I believe I said waterfall, when the boy spoke up and said : ¢ Why, sister's got a trunk full of them up stairs; pa says they aie made of horse | hair.' This revalation struck terror into me and blushes into the cheeks of my companion. It began to be very apparent to me that 1 must be very guarded tn what 1 said, lest the boy might slip in remarks at uncalled for places ; in fact, I turned my couversa- home with me, and see the nice chickens wo had in the country. Unluckily I men- tioned a yoke of calves my brother owned. + Sister has a dozen pair of them, but she town on windy days.' ¢ Leave th» room, you upmannerly little wretch I" exclaimed Emily, «(eave al once.' highest prices realised this year up to the present time, were for the berds of Col. | Towneley and Mr. Cheeney, Gaddesby | He feels much pleasnre in stating that of the many hundreds of buildinzs on which he has | put hig Rods there is not oi stance in which | they have tailed to prove rfect protectors | against the dreadful effects of the lizhtning | stroke. While neighbor idlings have been { st , the prope live iced, tl ed have been as so Idings which I have rod- | in the thunder storm as in Let me say however that it is not enous that buildings be roded unless it is dons on purpose. To secure the advantages ol these most valuable protectors they migas! be properly pot up, and this can only be done by expenenced bands. | wonld now say to the public in general that 1 am now prepared to enter upon another season's tour throngh this and the neigliboring counties ; that my business facilities have been largely increased which tog er with my thorough experience will enable me sull more promptly and efliciently to meet we orders of all who favor me with their patronage. My motto shall still be good work and the lowest possibly jemuneratives prices. All orders punctoally attended to. W. 'H, LEATCH, Prince Albert, May 1st, 1873. CASH FOR LENBER THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y [7 ILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE 1x Casu for the following sizes of LUMBER! Delivered at their yard tn Oshawa. [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED] Oak or Ash, 1 in., 13, 2 in., any width, BurtTernsut, 1in., any width. Rock Erm, 1} in., 1} in., any width. Common WATER ELM, 1in., any width, Basswoop, 1 in., any widih. " 1} iu., 5, 8, 10 or wide. " 13 in., 12, 14, 117, 18, 20, or 21 q in. wide. £ hy ; Pg, 1 in. 1}, 2 in., 12, 14, or 16 feet Jong , Marie, Beech, and Bircu : in., 13 in, 1% in. 1 in, 1 § in. : ne 3} in. 13 in. as 23x23, Square Scanthng. W. H. GIBBS. aa : President. Oshawa, Feb, 5 1873. HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR END DRAUGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business witlrthe Patent Office and ts and the Registration of Trade Marks and Haghts ab an Drawings, Spec and other Documents necessary Pa- Model of the Inven! REFERENCES, n. A. Campbell, Postmaster General; W.C. Jehn Langton. Esq., Auditor forthe Dominion , and precious other departments of the Government. Copy- ifications, tents of Invention Jrepared 0a receipt of the, on. Hi Smillie, Kage President Britisn Bank Note Compumy; Wm. (Tall, Leicester. 'The average made on, Thursday last was for cows $1.600 odds, | and for bulls, upwards of §935. Last vear, Lord Dunmore made $1,250 each | for his cows, and $C065 for his bulls. "he best sale of the season was that by | arvard snd Downing, where 53 raged $1,105 and 11 bulls §1,- | | | 204, The Agriculiurist N. B. says :-- 'I'le second sale of the Gaddesby Short. | Lorns, which comprised some first-class eattle, the property of Mr. Ildward H- Ciieecy, Gaddesby all, Leicestershire was held last werk at Gaddesby, the auc- tioneer beiug Mr. Henry Staflord of lus~ ton Square. Some of the largest and most voted breeders in the country atten-- | ded. Luncheon was served at half past12 in a large marcfuee presided over by Lord Skelmersdale, and among those present were Lod Pernrliyn, Lord Bective, Sir W. Lawson, M. P., Mr. Smauda, M, P., Mr. Brogden, M. P., Mr. Hl. A. Brassey, M. P. and Colonel Kingscote. After lun- | cheon the party adjourned to the sale- | ground in the paddock where round an enclosure were from 300 to 500 of the | lafgest graziers of the land. The highest price made was for the 12th Duchess of Geneva, red calved the 27th of April last, by the 9th Duke of Geneva dam 111h Duchess Geneva by Baron Oxford and bought by Sir W, Lawson, M. I, for $4,670. The highest price made fo bulls was 4,100 for the 3rd Duke of Gloucester, red, calved December1872, by 10th Duke of Thorndale dam Duchess of Airdrie, by Royal Oxford and which was bought by Lord Bective. The amount realized for the cows and heifers was 44,960 the av- arage price being 1,605; and the total emouut for the bulls 6,570 average 935 each: Mr, Seymour of Ohio sold by auction on the 24th of July last short. horns to the amount of 80,000. One of his bulls "Third Duke: of Omeide" was «old to John Montgomery, Newark, O. for the handsome sum of $6,600. We learn from the returns made to the De. partment of Agriculture, the wheat erop of the United States this season is likely to be 250,000,000 bushels. , Last year the department estimate was 220,000,000 bushels but the actnal crop turned out to be over 250,000,000 bushels so that the yield of the present year may largly ex ceed the estimated amount. Arms have they, yet toil uot--Chairs. The children of God have much in hand and much more in hope. - Au expensive wife makes a pensive bosband. We oe Ontarip Ba 5 1 ni eae thrones oi 3 op | that glass eye of yourn, for | ain't going out g y y [4 ¢ I krow what you want me to leave tha, room for," replied he; ¢ you can't fool me ; vou want to sit on thal man's lap and Kiss him, like you did Bill Simmons, the other day ; you can't tool me, I jes' tell you, -- Give me some candy, hike he did, and Vl go. You think because you have the Gre cian bend, you are smart. Guess 1 know a thing ortwo. I'm mad at you, anyhow, because papa would have bought me a nex top yesterday, if it hadn't been for you get- tin' them curls, dog on vou! You needn't wrn so red in the face, 'canse 1 can see the pat. There am't no use working with | of here, that's what's the matter with the purp. | don't care if yor are twenty-eight tion to him, and told hin he ought to go | alraid of?" asked the momma. don't wear them only when she goes up | lighted cigar hurriedly into Lig IWHOLE N an that dgn't know anything 1r1hq first time Ap geto a chance. th the; date of your bustle ¥* Was ll tell what an ehxous papa of. Cobloskiil as { his ®ell-dhessad duvghter, after senrohi in vaingfor the latest copy of bis paper. doh ing curioys fact,' says some enlomo- logists, sMhat it x the female mosquito thet lrmests us." An old bachelor says that it "iS not a! all curions,, ae 4x An old lady directed the attention of her | husband to a pair of twins remarking as she | hd so, ¢ How v.ueh those two chil'ren do | look alike, especially the one this way. | A DirricuLry.~¢ You have only your, {self to pleas," said a married man to an 1 old bachelor. "'Irvue," replied be; 'but | you cannot tell what a diffcult task I find "1 live in Julia's eyes,' said a dandy to 80 acquaintance. ¢ I don't wonder at it,' was the reply, since | observed she bad a stye in them when I Just saw her." A Kentucky paper says that a man who | was recently convicted of 'moon-stining,' { and sentenced to 1wo year's imprisonment and a fine of $1,000, has been pardoned by General Grant. Now will somebody tell us what 'moon-shining' is? t A package containing $4.000 was left in the reading room of a Chicago hotel for thirty hours undisturbed, but it is only due to the liovesty of the Chicago people to say that the valuable package was mis= taken by everybody for an old shirt. " Who is be?" said a pascer-by to a policeman who was endeavoring to rise an intoxicated individual who had falleen into the gutter, ' Cant say sir," replied the policeman; *" he can't give an account of himself" « Of course not," said the other," how can you expect an accout from a man who hus lost his balance 2' A litle girl remarkd to her mamma on; going to bed: | am not afraid in 'he dark." "No of course you are not," replied the mamma. 1 was a little afraid once when 1 weat into the paniry in the, dark to get a tart." ¢ What were you, "I was | afraid 1 could not find the 1arts." The Louisville girls do not throw away. to be very extravagant last year. This | The word calves ruined all, The little one | Toney °8 sleds, bul alide down tills oa tin ney, o aunthery pe 3 kety. where he tind a lot of gunpowder, His pucker woun't hold maibles. A man at Niagara having been crossed in love, walked out to the precipice, took off his clothes, gave one lingering look at. the gult beneath him, and went home. His body was found next morning in bed. A woman has no natural gift more be= witching than a sweet langh., It is like the vound of flutes on the water. It leaps from ber in a clear sparkling rill, and the. heart that hears it feels as if bathed in the cool exhilarating spring. A worthy old lady offers the following advice to giles: Whenever a fellow pops the question, don't blush and. stare at your, foo, Just throw your arms around his neck, look him foll in the fice and coms meuce talking about the furniture, years old you'r no boas of mine.? ---------------- A lady fwked the doctor il he did not| think the small bonnets the ladies wore | A Troy aN advertises "the largest | assortment of boys pistols in the marker." Inasmuch as the merchant has an under-- had a tendency to prolues congestion of the | taker's shop on ove side of him und a sur- brain. ¢ Oh, no, teplied ha doctor, ¢ wo- | #eons office on the other, suspicion has men who have brains ¢o not wear them. ME UL AO PH. An Irishman, tied for manyinz six wives, on being asked how he could be so | been aroused that the three have formed la sort of triumverate partnership, A Jury once returned into court in [ 2 30 hardened a villuin as to deiude ko many, | Order that one of their nunber night be, replied with nouchalance, ¢ Why, please your worship, I was trying to get a good one.' ier me A rich old fellow who owns more houses than any one man in Toledo, was waited upon by a committee for a subscription to rebuild the fence about® the cemetery.-- | Lis reply was characteristic as well as humorous. ¢ Gentlemen,' says lie, ¢ | have always made it a rule in my business. never to make uny repairs until the tenants begin to complain.' iri! rere elite opis An Omaba man rose to build bis Mon- day morning fire, when he was seized with a violent fit of coughing, and choked to death before relief could be had. Let this serve as a warning to domineering wives who drive their husbands out of bed at daylight, and sweetly snooze while le chills the marrow in his booes and barks his sh'us on the stove hearth, kivdling a fire for ber. etl A -- er, Few PeorLe unacquaimed with physio logical ctemistry are aware of the quantity of iron in the blood, but all should koow the importance of keeping up the supply, for debility, disease and death are sure to follow when the quantity becomes too much reduced. The Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Iren), supplics this vital ele. ment, and bas cured many chronic lis eases. : BREAKFAST. -- EPps's CocoA.~ GRATEFUL AND CoMFORTING.--* By a thorough know- ledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and. nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine pro- perties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bitls.""-- Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boil- ing Water or Milk. Each packet is labell- Chemiste, London." "Manus, & oF Cocoa.--¢ We will now give J the process adopted by Messra Co., mannfactur- -- Cassell's House- We sll do more barm than we inteud;and lass ody, ! Euston Road, London" Told Guide, i, ed--¢ James Ervs & Co, Homwopathie ames ers of dietetic articles, ot their works in the instructed vpon the following point of laws, "101 beleive the evidence is one way, and the other eleven beleive different. does that [justify any other juryman in koocking me | down with a chair, { ------------ | CURIOSITIES OF HUMAN LIFE The average length of life is 30, years {one in one 1,000 reach 100 years one in 1500 rereh 80. The number of deaths per | day is 90,000. 'I'he pumber of births per day is 108,000. 'The married live longer than the single. . Mortality among bache« | lors between 30. and 45 1s 29 per centi-- Among the married of the sameage is only 18 per cent. , There are 4 per cent-more females than males. Three fourths of all, suicides are males. The average weight at birth is 6} pounds. The English av--, erage weight brain is 47} brain weighed 64%, There are 60 bones bones in the lead, 60 in the thighs and and legs, 62 in the arms and bands, and 67 There are 15 quarts of blood weighing 2 pounds each. is an hogshead*an hour. perspiring tubes is 28 miles. There are long. A man of 70 has renewed bis nails 180 times. The bear! mukes an average ol 64 pulsations 10 one minute. moment durig life a portion of our sub-- of tfie inhaled oxygen, and is thus remov-- od. years. THR FINDING OF. DOSES, Bie -- nd there she 4 al + Which av yee ladies gia th out quick An thats troth Toe known i But since we've found him ip this By all means let ug christen oz, Curier's, in the trunk, moking in all 249 bones Every pulsation of : the. heart discharges 2 ounces of blood, which. 'The length'of the. 500 muscles, and the intestines are 24 feet, Every. stance becomes dead, combines with some. By this process "it 1s believed that the whole body renews itself every seven mE ee PWN pics NR Sg BEA a ee © a So RPT Se Me NAT CE Ae Lia pi ny Cb AE be Ep a Shan ne

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