Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Aug 1873, p. 4

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II B Subsesihers have large sums of money their hands for investment OL flac oo Faims, Village Properties, aud or arti in hls MLE ning Counties pico lowest current rates of interest. we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money withthe least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mor! for which the high« br i will be pa big 'We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and lar A Monetas nstitutions in Canada. Paid up ital 050, Instalments re-payable in from 2 'oh years, Lands Bought and Sold Several good Farms for Sale. 5~ Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Com, Collections made and a general agency busi- # | ness transacted. BE™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "%B& JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, ° General Agents. . Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario 0 Buildings, ort Perry. Port Perry, Oct-11, 1872. THE ANNO November 11th, 1860. Marriage T.icenses (BY AUTHORITY.) SsuD at Port Perry. Office, the Scugog figuse, HENRY CHARLES SEWING MACHINES pee Subscriber wishes to inform the public al e WANZER LH A BEWING fs now the most complete machine out, for sewing from the finest fabric to the coarsest cloth. It sews leather to perfection. 1t has the advantage of extra foot pressure, also an extra gold finish making it superior to all other gon now in use. Parties wishing & really first class reliable Sewing Machine will do well to send io their orders to the subscriber and "they will be promptly attended to. 0% PRICE, $32. Warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. J. C. PILKEY, Ersonm P. 0. Epsom, May 21, 1873. 23 OTICE 1s. HEREBY GIVEN that W.H. Park Has Removed his business to to Port Perry,.opposite the Post Office, where you will find a choice lot of. Furniture of every description, which I am deter- mined to sell Cheap for Cash, or on short credit. 1 am determined to figure \ | close for Cash. J ewelry "Emporium PORT PERRY } ONTARIO, Opposite White's Carriage Factory, Fine Gold Watches ! Klgin and Russel Levers ! Fine Gold Jewelry ! WARDROBE WILL REMOVE TO Don't forget the Big Chair. Undertaking in al i its de- partments. Coffins furnish- Brooches ! Far-rings ! Lockets! Wedding Rings! Ladies' Gold Guards, Bracelets, Gold Plated Chains, &c. N. B. This is the place to which you should go if you wish to get your Watches and Jewelry repaired to give you satisfaction. Prices moderate. 'Davis' New Block ! LOTS OF Whitby Clocks to Hand! JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Queen Street, Port Perry. June 4, 1873. A GRAND | W. TRENBETH, CLEARING SALE Merchant Tailor ! Will be continued from this PORT PERRY ! date till Is now showing, in his new Sept. 1st. BRICK BLOCK, One of the Largest, Best As- Parties desirous of making pro- sorted and fitable purchases, will do well to COME AND SEE 12 Ibs Beautiful Sugar - £008 . 20 Ibs Fresh Prunes = LOO 20 1bs Good. Currants =~ 1.00 20 Ibs New Raisins. - 1.00| Stock of TUF BEDS, Broad- Cloths and: Trousering & Vest- ing. Hats and Caps. Gents'|, Furnishings, &c., ever shown in North Ontario. A call solicited before purchas. | ¥ ing elsewhere.- Tea from 25. tei In every case. dro ry, Hi 31875. 2 CHEAPEST| lige ed in one hour's notice. Also Agent for Tomb Stones. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1873, Removal! Removal! HE Subscriber would embrace this oppor- tunity of thanking his dumerons customers for their liberal support during the past 24 ears in which he has done business in the vi!- age of Borelia ; and would now inform them and the public generally that he has moved his place of business to the Store lately occupied by Jones Bros. in the business centre of PORT PERRY, Where He hopes by Moderation in Prices, Superior Material, Good Workmanship, Fair Dealing, and Attention to Business, age. To secure an increased share of public patron- OERASINE For Presgrving and Beautifying THE HAIR! And rendering it DARK & GLOSSY. 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. ---- DIRECTIONS.--Apply with the hand or a soft brush as often as tlic case may require, rubbing it into the roots of the Hair. Manufactured by YY 2 7/2 le Taggart A 'Medical ITall, Prince Albert. JOHN" McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER, NEWCASTLE, ONT. N ONUMENTS, Tomb-T ables, Head-Stones of ) Marble Work, suitable for rn at short notice. Granite, supplied "Also Peterhead and Abeideen Parties will find it to their advan- tage to withhold their orders until called on by J.C. WILLIAMSON, Agent. Satisfaction 'guaranteed, and all work war- ; | ranted. Janus ry 10,1872. © 10, 1872. Bore MUSIC LESSONS! IES, EM. PRINGLE, P Port Perry, desires to M state that at the earnest solici ition of friends she has agreed to give M L homes of several pupils Port Perry; and as her time is not yet wholly occupied she would be pleased to hear from those who may wish to receive music lessons at their homes. Address, if by Tot MRS. ! M. PRINGLE, Music pupils always received at »y res opposite the Post Office, Port fone March 6, 1873. ¢ Psychomancey, or Soul ar Hr How either sex may fascinate:and gain the love and affections of any person they 0, -dn- stantly. This simple mental acquirement ail can possess, free, by mail for 25 cents, together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle. Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &c. A queer, exciting book. -- 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO. South Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa, $5 TO $20 per days Zgems wanted! All clases +) of working people, of cither sex. young or old, make more money at work for us bt their spare moments or all the time, than at anything else. Particulms hee Addrass 6. STINSON & ¢ 0. Pura; Maine, The Confessions of an Invalid, Pusursien fs a warning aud for the bonef of Yorx ewan others who suffer from NOCRVOUS DEBI OSS OF MANHOOD, ete. supplying To Witten by one who cured himself ne Sufferers are uvited to address (prepaying pos'age) the wuthor, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Bux 158, Brooklyn, Ne Y. My Stock is choice and kinds, Pictures, framed and unframed, done on the best terms. of Coffins made up of Black Walnut, Oak, customers on the shortest notice. Funerals fully supplied, and a ha q ia Sid SUPAT) provided when required. nge. - Agent for Tomb Stones and Monuments. JOHN NOTT. JOHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP CLERK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses ! Conveyancer,' Commissioner, &c. Orrice-- MANCHESTER: slides iv a 3 8% 37 Unugual § ierest. 'S58 § dia AES AMES HOLDEN, ; i "&c. Ores the ion 3 Bank, NoMi)- omplete, eonsisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs of all Picture Framing and Repairing Furniture °| UNDERTAKING in all its Depart- ments, Having constantly on hand a good selection Butternut, &c., &c., I am prepared to supply First Class Hearse Suitable Lumber aud Produce taken in ex- MONEY 10 LEND! TRE] amount of Money to lend upon Farm'and Town Property, at Low Rates a fe oh | Loans can be repaid in any mariner to suit SATISFACTION: GUARANTEED ! EE err l, Improved Farms, and AWild April] 10,1672. : 16 Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian S; yr, a Protect= ed Solution of the Protoxide of fron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the Haha of . Nature's Own zing Agent, Iron in the Py and cures "a thousand ills," simply Foningup; ines ore and viched ing the v atlsed Yoo Ee meates ev art of the body repairing danages and waste, disease to feed upon. ¢ This is secret of the won- derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar- rhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Losi of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Bladder, Female Complaints: and all diseases' a bad state % the , Or ace DA Aa n or \ o* my yy fori, its Hon, fll Prisha? y Fir nia ail po et Tans he a wi i ats an Iron Oon= Eira changed: ebeli i from d for sale, chen; itate to ® patyesuents made fn Mun eile Debentures give it a trial. ERD -Prigto VIAN SYR Sonn hein No. 1 Souv 3 diaiiiad pera REMO" |. 'Hepinstall, 5 cousidein le quackery, and sent frec. of morbid seccre- i and Fons og nothing for Liver Com- . Kidneys and | SETHW. Tou: 4 so S00, rn, d > () a -- Watchmaker & Joweler ; LATE OF BROOKLIN, Would respectfully beg leave to 0 ammomce to his numerous customers and the public generally, that be bas REMOVED his place of business to OSHAWA, where in the future he will be foun most happy to supply thelr wants with anytbingin the way of Fine Gold and Silver Watches. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS ! / Having now in Stock a large assortment of beautiful Goods to select-from; which will be gold at the lowest remunerative prices, and warranted. (= Please remember the place,-- WILSON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. EAST; OSHAWA. Osawa, March 5, 1873, PORT PERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! THE VERY BEST DESCRIPTION OF wo . " Duggies, Wagons, &c., &c. Nothing but the best Material used with First Class Workmanship, Latest Styles and Best Finish, and prices as low as such work can be sold. Thanking my numerous customers and the public generally for their liberal and rapidly increasing patronage, | would only add that by still further increased facilities for business, I shall in the future be able to exccute all orders still more promptly. Port Perry Carriacr FacToRy, April 16, 1873, G. U. WHITE. Eire and Conflugration SUNDERLAND. Notwithstanding the late disastrous fire, which left much of our fair village in ruins, the Subscriber, J. W. PARRISH, [Tas again re-opened his Hardware and Tin Shop in the Village of Sunderland, better prepured than ever to supply the very large and increasing demand tor such marchandize. I have on hand STOVES of grelyvasiy and sty le, in " Parlor,Coall® | and Cooking Tinware--an endless Stock, cheaper than ever. ing done in good style of workmanship. «(<= Produce taken in exchange for Gpods. ' REMEMBER the Sunderland [Hardware and Tin Shop, is the cheape st place for such Goods anywhere to be found east of Toronto - Buxnernann, Feb. 18, 1813, very manner of Eavetrough- J. W. PARRISH. PUMPS! PUMPS?! You can get the bios! and heat Pump in the Province CATENT PUNP FACTORY I BORELIA, --> - See the Prices. FORCE PUMP- A complete Pomp and Fire Engine with Hose aud Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cls per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per fool. Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 ots per foot. Cystern Punps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump at iS Loually Low Rates. Muving had long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Carada and the Uni'ed States, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisty all that will favor him with a call. All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. BorELIa. JOHNSTON'S If IkING REAPER, We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S, SINGLE *SELRARING REAPER, The "King of Reapers." The universal success of this' Machine; both J in' closely cditesied trials anid in the bands cf the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self Rakin AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT ProviNciaL Exmui- BITION HELD AT To RONTO, 1870. - sticeess and less failure, thad any Reaper heretofore offered to the" public. Cayuga Junior Mower, in Toronto, 1870, incompetition. With all ihe leading' Machives manufactured in the Province ; and with our.recent improvements, we unhesitatingly: challenge inyestiga- tion and comparison with competing Machines; we are satisfied that such investiga tion will convince every unpre judiced 'mind, that 'we offer the best Mower to the | Famer for In) built in (he dominion. or Send for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. . éaping Machine. it bas" more gooil poitits'and less defects, and bas met with more | We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition) held | Lute pr rE! Cs a SHOP In the Store recently obcupied by H.T. Flynn Opposite his late Shop P troyed by fire; dnd would solicit a Goi Dostroye of Heir patronage. a r di 1 have a large quantity of BOOTS& SHOES Own Manufacture; CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Please give us a call before purchasing else- where. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1872, Fe 0 WITH. THE STREAM! T= anlomned mas would thank his numerous customers for the generous and liberal patronage bestowed vpon hind in the past ; and would beg to inform theni and the public generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN PORT PERRY, And that in futore his busizess will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. He hopes by this arrangement and the in- creased business facilities which he has thus secired to be able more fully 10 meet the wants of the rapidly itficreasing popula- tion of this highly piusperous section o country. HISCOCKS, CHAS. Baker & Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits, Toys, &c.. Wedding Cakes made to order. TEA MERTINGS, §c., furnished-on" liberal terms. SHOPS -- Prince Albert and Port Perry. CHAS. HISCOCKS Prince Albert end Port Perry, } November 27, 1872. TO THE INHABITANTS Northern Reach A THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes; | Hardware, Stationery, Patent cil &e., IS AT THE GEO. FLINT. Greenbank July 20, 1871. 29 Daily Line to Rochester} THE NEW LAKE STEAMER N o RS B MAN: Leaves Cobourg every morning at 7;30, and' Port Hope at 9 o'clock for Rochester, connect- ing there with New. York Central and Erie Railways forall points East, West, and South." Returning, Leaves Charlotte (port of Rony, at 9 p. m,, except Saturdays when she leave at 2 p. m. for Brighton, est and most. expe: bany, New York, &ec. For further information, apply to' R. CRAWFORD, Pont or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, itious route to Boston, Al- etter TAILORING IN sku 15 DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING: ESTABLISHMENT: OVER Hoss' STORE, PORT PERRY. J J AMES Squ i Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1872. : WM. SPENCE, | Contractor & Builder BRE LAYING, S10 STONEWORK, TERING, &c., &c., in all | ments, executed in the best style. Utica, July 15th 1373: RICHARD WARRINER. ~~ PROCLAMATION | . Tinware, vo BE Grunvsank Soni daily. Dealers in Stock kc., will find this the cheap" Hopr; © By i Ft i og 7 7 : ( ? |

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