Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 17 Jan 1867, p. 3

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BUT TOUR G00DS FROM J. W, ALLISON !! 1867. PROSPECTUS 186%: i GoSFVSPORT PERRY FOUNDRY. VICI -F © op > . % 3 ! $130 160 "THE GLOBE?" SARGOTIC SPRAY mR 'Who has Just Received a Large Assortment of ee "450 © NEWSPAPER. Applied to the 58s : A -- % Le 4 " >" - 60c. "pus year 1867 will probably be | gums, Producing Local Aumsthesia, For pee shiave New aad First-Class Foundry is now Open for the Manufacture Staple & Fancy Dry-Goods! *397 eer te 250 00 the most eventful year in the history | Extracting Teeth Wit op leak nL . 2 z ; i pila di eh devin Feet | Pall bh idea | Steam Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw Mill AND WILL SELL : 020 @ 0 25| mediately afier the assembling of the Tm- | om, Snglana, MACHINERY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND IRON, AT CREATLY REDUCED PRICES. i 880 01 per " h x $ . : : . WHITBY rakes ae rt af ecaats to aa. os wii bo | AT C. D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, Such as Sash, Door, Blind and Chair, Stave and Shingle = ' 'Whitby Jan. 16, 1867. ] Legislative bodies of Canada, Nova Scotia, passed giving effect to the petitions of the BROCK STREET, "Machinery, of the Latest Improvements; 'is Assortment of Flour brl. $ 100 33.00] Now Brunswick aod Newfoundland, and TXBRIDGE! Woollen Mill Machinery, - BOOTS anda SHOES ! 1mm 10 proviness under "ono Government. tod it Operations Warranted to give Sutisfuc- | The Double Turbine Water Wheel, of all sizes; Besides GROCERIES AND 0 islature. 1 AS: of that Act, ) 8 u : . A 2 06) @ 0 0 a Governor-General of Viceroy will be ap. Defy Competition. a : : READY MADE CLOTHING!!! p 4 021 @ 0 30 pointed by the Queen to: preside over the | Rereamwces:--Rev. Dr. Shortt and H. Py AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES &0 le + 028 @ 030 United Provinces; and writs will at once | Griggs, M.D, Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne U z / Y ot Is YERY COMPLETE I 37 00 @ "2.00 bo tn omen wad pon Lomperonea se | and D Bore uithY.; Jo. Guuld, Esq, MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. CHARGES REASONABLE. ' ) tl an atures. In % ter, M.B., A : » . v . 4s 017 @ 0 18] Soril next It is therefore prapable that the * Usbridge, Nov. 23, eo 16t¢ | The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhood, thereby | COAL OIL, 37fc: GOOD TEA, 50c. 13 & 141bs. SUGAR 4 SE 3925 | vewsie st Unrer Canadas BilFheAuled upon ing ti dt rtation, is a saving of itself whic ag ; Eggs &. dozen, ........., 010 @ 0 12]to elect eighty-two representatives to the : saving time and transports y g : for 81. Heavy Cotton for 15¢c., and everything in pe . TORONTO MARKETS. Local Legislatures of Upper Cada. It STRAYED the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mutual. Sortion mine and be'eonviced x "\ Toronto, Jan. 16, 1867. ould be diffult va oversinie thy J A th Into the premi-es of the subscriber, on 3 Respectfully Solicited. proportion. Exa . } things to be inaugurated, will Jus) depend on the choice of Representatives made by the electors of Upper Canada at the coming Lot 16, in the 6th Con. of Reach, a two GEORGE HENLEY. Immediate Or: - GENTS CLOTHING! bd dlestion. Port Percy, Des 15,1866, 193m Cood Tweed Suits from $12. po Jolly alive tothe importance of aivusing T OVERCOATS IN THE LATEST STYLES. ¥ = A the public mind to an earnest and candi w * . i i : ' ideration of th importa . BOOTS AND SHOES, Good and Cheap in Great Variety. ALED TENDERS, addressed 10 the | questions shorily coming up. for decioimn. 2 2 » Good and Cheap ty chairman on printing will be received at this office up to the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, on TUESDAY, JAN. 22nd inst. For printing the Journals, &c., of the County Council of Ontario for the year 1867. No Tender received unless upon the form adopted by the Council. Form of Tender can be had upon appli- cation to the Clerk of the Council, H.J. MAODONELL, County Clerk's Office, 0.0. 'Whitby, Jan. 14, 1867. | session of the Imperial Parliament, and 4 THE COUNCIL COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Will meet, in compliance with the provisions of the New Municipal Act, on Tuesday, the 22nd inst. At the hour of Two o'clock, p. m., at the Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S. New Improved Belleville Machines, Are for sale at S. P, GREEN'S. Grover & Haker's best Machines, and obtaining from the Legislatures about to be elected a judicious settlement of them, the publisher of Tae Grose is now perfecting arrangements 'which will secure increased efficiency in every department of the paper. The Editorial staff is being strengthened, and a large corps of short-hand reporters is now being formed for reporting daily, in a style surpassing that heretofore attained, the proceedings of the Federal and Local Legislatures. ~ Arrangements have been made for securing every night ths European news and prices current of the same day by the Atlantic Cable, and a special commis- sioner for Tar Grose will attend the coming watch the debates on the Confederation Bill. In the general conduct of the paper fresh efforts will be made in the coming year to secure that prominence among the journals of the Province which Tue Grose Las here- tofore maintained. The telegraph wires will be still more largely availed of than in the past; and no expen:e will be spared in the employment of able correspondents at. important points, aud in despaiching Re- porters to distant places whenever tifeir ser- vices may be required. A special commis- sioner for Tue Grose will attend the Paris Exhibition next spring. Arrangements are being made for reporting more systematical- ly than heretofore the proceedings of the Law and 'Chancery Cours ard trials at Nisi Prius throughout the Province, in advance. No paper sent out of the office until the money is paid, * Goods. WINES & SPIRITS, Suitable for the Festival season of CHRISTMAS and \ Fresh Arrivals of Seasonable DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, New Year, which will be Disposed of at Reasonable Prices. HE CHARLES is now receiving additions to his stock of Port Perry, Dec. 17, 1866. Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. AT AS REASONABLE RATES AS WINTER BOOTS & SHOES. HE Subscriber wishes to intimate to the public that in addition to his usual stock he has now on hand an excellent Assortment of i Montreal Over-Shoes, Skating Boots, And Moccasins! Of all Sizes and Descriptions, which he is prepared to Dispose of 5 THE MARKET WILL AFFORD. Order-Work Executed with Neatness and Despatch, from the Finest Kid to coarsest Stoga. - H. FOY. Port Perry, Dec. 12, 1866. 18-tf \ " 89 " 4 | North Casimir Street. 4 . Scabies or Itch. GROCERIES! : GOOD TEAS Jrom 2s. 6d., upwards. 15lbs Currants for $1; 12lbs Sugar for $1. Dyes, Crockery, Hardware, [Stationery, &o., In Great Variety. The above goods have been just purchased in the very best markets for Cash, and will be sold at small remunerating profits to those who may favor us with a call. : 1 Note the Address: W. CROFT, & Co. Opposite Finch's Hotel, Brock street, Uxbridge Village. Hotel Keepers and Pedlars supplied on Liberal Terms. ? "Uxbridge, Cet., 9th, 1866. Se THE WORLD H* ON HAND a very large Stock of Goods of almost an endless variety, aad of superior quality, and very cheap, consisting of . FOR SALE. Spring Wheat & bush.... $1 45 @ $1 47 future well-being of the Province. The year old Heifer. Any parties proving + A.M. GIBSON . Port Petry, Dec. 12th, 1866. 18-41 ¥ Fall Wheat bush..... 160 @ 1 67|Loecal Soversigent and Legislature of Up- property and paying charges, can take her Flour & brl. - 6:85 @ "6 90| per Canada, t be established in Toronto, away. " 'Port Perry, Dec. 19th, 1866. x 19 a Bader Sutil ons 300 @ 3.80] ot bees sont oF SS own Tenis 0. wrmsn. 2 a) ce-- gh" B18 880 Larh hl Put hora Boon | _PorePemy, Deen mn mod NEW FALL IMPORTATIONS Beef ¥ owt... vi 9 9 a 4 te i zoe on at Agtisulinre and id AT THE Butter @. 1b. «2 ReS0Y personal r and rights of property. sg 3 wasp sasessei= 500 @ 5 30] The eighty-two men first elected, will be i 7 ' Boripst 100. «42 tees 016 @ 0 20 shard ith te duty offiacing in Spers- PORT PERRY BAKERY. C I | Y C A SH S | O R E, We " fu, a on the mac! nery necessary for the ad- HE S bs iber wishes to inform \ v 7 ' MONTREAL MARKETS, "| ministration of these and many other impor- NOSCY der. as a 4 Public Tnterese; and Ta" tele hand | po, Soe PUBLc (bat it bas now located a / UXBRIDGE VILLAGE. Flour @brl.....covvens 1 '| may rest the decision whether ti ature addition to his usual stock of . . > 'Wheat & bush . 14T@ 1 50| government of our Province shall be as it : 3 Peasy bath. 20 081 | has bee foe year pat ox shal bo orgen: | CON FECTIONARIES, Just What is Wanted ! CONSISTING OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN . . bh... : » t re efficiency and econ a: ; tne sn througion th public service, and the pro A large assortment of . AND MUST BE HADI! MANTLES BONNETS Pearls... cans ~' " 1 | motion of the industrial interedts of the T Oo YY AW & GORDON still receivi ; > Pork pet brl.......... 1400 $20 00 gountry. y . Ss 2 FAVS for the Winter trade in or MILLINERY, SHAWLS, The Federal Government and Legislature Christmas Presents ! to keep their stock complete, Persons DRESS Gt )ODS, RIBBONS; : Wi will also be largely affected by the charac- 3 visiting Port Perry will find it as good a FLOWERS FEATHERS, Hei Avbetisements. ter of the cighty-two Representatives sent &e,, &c: Fart all fo: and Shaw & Gordoms as B . 7 --_-- ee | by Upper Canada tothe Federal House of | The Subscriber also wishes thus to thank good to buy In a8 any Stier Place fn gh . GLOVES, QP HOSIERY, ommons. ether the long reign of lav- | the public generally for past favors; and, : County -of Ontari . OR... X BUCKLES 3 ~ COMBS, ish expenditure and. iil considered legisla | by for artidléas a reasonable. ined. * » > - TENDERS PRINTING. tion'fs to be continued; or a better soe of | na merit a continuance of the y Por Perry, Dec. 19, 1866. 19 ( PF & fd Court House, in " Towa Y Whi On the 7th of December, the republication | N Oo T 1 Cc E . d g 3 a3 8 52 or Ea J. MA A ' was commenced of Miss Braddon's Admira- > i t| = as Bg ju C AIX. A TT 0.0. |ble New Tale "BIRDS OF PREY," and | The Sanative Hall, PELICATION will Bo wadf at 1he next vB 8, & 8 2g a Whitby, Jan. 9, 1867. _ 23 | will be continued from week to week as it : for a Charter to construct a Railway from| 5 5 8% 32 22 r T ' -------- appears in England. Other interesting M.4(N STREET, UXBRIDGE. some point on Lake Ontario, between the| © © 8 --D 28 MARS H & T ROU N CE S, Ply ' Tales will also be publislied during the Smo + ii f West] > = FE go B Don't Buy! Don't Buy !{ac JT. La. MAT EACK, | ith: and the Eastern Imitof the Towne] & 5 § 55, 45 © TO EXCHANGE FARM PRODUCE FOR ih Tn the mechanical execution of the jour- Ch " t d D . t ship of East Whitby to Port Perry, on Lake] o, & Sod, u g 2 fom' NE nal very great improvements are shortly i Scugog. rT sR - z h gontemplated. From the commencement of ernstanc. Jmggist, ee, 19, 1008, nw 22 2558 2. RA | Good Teas, Dress Goods, the year, the paper used on the Daily, as | Dealer in first-cl English DRUGS and ori ; aR 3 EF] ell ws he Weekly dition, will be of ery | onmaeas, Fares NEbiGises, ove svcrms | , OW0awa Vindicator, ad Whithy Chroniclel © § 7 2 gi8 ig Sugars, 11 Ibs. for $1,| Fancy Flannels superior quality to that heretofore used-- | pyiyrs, orcs, puTry, vanxisues, Tuss-parnrs | COPY till forbid. x gE and gs ~ > ' . ? t Y Sy and in the course of the comiog Spring the | p, xr BRUSHES, etc. etc. ! RR: a a pak ain Qe So eo SP g Qt y mm paper will be printed from a new and beau- x 4 TOWN & PARK LOTS B 0 ill 5 ya «) Spices, 1 weeds, ey Z tiful fount of type, from the celebrated BOOKS & STATIONERY. gk ¥Es 3 53 me oO % foundry of Miller & Richards, Edinburg. ' » ay = [3 HJ 8 a | Crockery Doeskins For some months past, the largely increased ; FOR SALB 7 5.33 © " sg ' 4 » circulation of THe Grose has more than Slates, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Per- a = TE So gS ga - H od C tt Y & equalled the capacity of the presses, and f t h a i P t P = oS ES ew & 28 ar ware, otton arn, LCe rendered it difficult to publish the news Foo Combs, Hair Brushes Toilet an n or err y . 8 b i :Te & 5a «* coming in by telegraph and otherwise up to | Fa0cy articles. ¢ r 5 FOB 8 * ALSO A VARIED ASSORTMENT OF Bd a late hour after midnight, and work off the or ARGAC Harn i Muscaows Coven Village Lot 1,--Corner, Water, and Queen E A s 53 2.28 - . £ necessary nun.ber of copies in time for the INTMENT an 1LeMixTeRE has never = ° ' os Seba X tow | morning mails. To - this difficulty, and | Piuusare warranted to failed to cure coughs " 1 Rregts, aH - 2 ia 23 = LADIE S W IN THER CAPS ! ! 15 data = enable all the readers of the paper to be | cure the most obsti-and colds. It eases « 14 o iz = 8. zs , J supplied at an early hour of the morning, | nate cases of this dis-(Asthma and prevents " 15 { North Queen Street. -g Q ss =: ® As Cheap as the Montreal Market can afford. Don t Buy What ? new Lightning Presses, capabie of working Sasslug mal aay RoAsump om, Price " 16 J a s 83 . £ g 1 x off ten tho d i ssi er | ar intment, cts. per|25c¢. per Bottle. 8 R&R s - ON'T BUY that little nonsensical $15 hort od Ts ohare a pot ; pills 25¢. u 22 = 8 B® Eps 2 = wr Cash Pald For Wheat. = 5 ae You will Slyasy be in | will place the office in a position of efficiency ' HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES u 24 3 South North Street. 2 g ge bi} >) Port Perry, Nov., 1866. 1-tf have Fiften Dollars t avest 15 a machine, | Coeur eased "2 403 Printing ofice on' ths constantly on band. Family Receipts and Bo St 2:2 £3 Sih i " Physician's prescriptions carefully prepared " 44 North North Street. > 5 - an 5) to put a little more with it and get a good THE TERMS 2 8 ig = one; and feibsain 3 = . on the shortest notice. " 70 © North Mary Street. < g papat a = = ¥ : of subscription will remain as heretofore: a fie Boers Gv, |S DOLE tin Br le uly | MARGACHS ANTEBLLIODS PLS 3 23 sours. [#3 £18 £8 (JOSEPH BIGELOW iii : diti A yas I Highest Prize Canadian Machines, for he Wouris, oN Rw S00 13 riots Are constantly increasing in public favor. 8 8 - "i S--- Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Every article sold warranted to be of the . : 5 3. . % » Are for sale at S. P. GREEN'S, Clubs for the Weekly Globe. | pest quality and at the lowest remmmerative u 107} south Casimir Street. HAT most infectious and disagreeable | pop gy Made Clothing, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, i : 108 disease cured in in a few hours, by the y vy » Genuine Singer's.big Machines, bo an polo fates for the coming year will | prics. There have beén added from time to ase of the GOLDEN WASH. Ladies' Dress Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils 5 Are for sale at S. P. GREEN'S. e as follows : time sch articles ns are generally required | For price and terms a; ly pre-paid to 4 Ty . Y 1 x 5 » Sy v Pi PP Pa 1 Hall k Waaser's No. 2 Machines, SIX COI'IES, one year in the trade, and the Stock will be found as J. HAN PERRY. 8a For Sale at the Medical Hall, Lad ies Trimmings, Croc ary, Ww Are for sale at 8 P. GREEN'S, LTE, md red ue ve feats ah : Whithy. ¥ B pach Ribbons, and Parasols, etc. || Brown Earthenware, etc., 4 el bo ad at § Pr aRERNS And an extra copy of The Weekly Globe | Uxbridge, Aug. 2, 1866. 2tf. | Whitby, August 21,1866. | lin. | Port Perry! Nov. 1, 1866. 124 Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, and || Dye-stuffs, } 1 ty * to the person who gets up the Club of rn Mantles, ete. Patent Medicines Time given for payment on Machives, | Tienty! en : Q or | JANES SIE Suindig Ho ar or Medici they are bought at 8. P. REEN'S. . "11 F F + 8 | rey Lotto! 11 8, orse an Aaltie Medicines Written warrants with all Machines, RE or IES, ote y Dei Globe ts , Wonderful ! Wonderful ! arms or e d © : NEW TAILOR SHOP 1! Striped Shirtings, Room Paper & Stationery That are bought at 8. P. GREEN'S. "person who gets up the Club of Fifty. WONDERFUL! { ------ ya F d Plain Fl 1 i : w3 Remember this place of such renown, | EIGHTY COPIES. wor sexy: HIS is. what | wish know: { FTHE Su ffors for sale the follow- : ancy anc *lain Ylannels, || School Books, and , one yedr, for..$100 00 T - what I wish every one to know: E Subscriber offers for sale follow. "Tis on Brock Street, in Wibtby Towa. "and a copy of The Daily to the" person a Li pergons Jioted ith decayed valuable Lands : } IN PORT PERRY A S 1 - did S k f G > . ' \ Whitby; Jan. 15, 1867. - 23 6m who gets up the Club. eeth, or stumps of Teeth, which canker | 15¢ "pary of LotgNo 31 and 23, in ------ -- v ce ' 3 pS Each paper Is addressed separately, and Se Heatly disease the Body aid Droduce the 8th Concession of Whil ys containing P en 1 A toc 0 xo Iles . § may be sent to any Post Office. gFengire Diath can now lave them %53acres. cont Ds I Sone TE oa ao tau At low pri fair article of Tea at 45 cents d, good bright Su eo . 3 oa] . 27, inthe o itants of Por very low prices; a fair cle of Tea at 45 cents per pound, g t . Pub OBOE BROWN, FREE T RON Ky 1K ! ' 25d p= gb 5 83th Con Country that he has opened a new 1 pounds for one Dollar, and other things in proportion. olf Toronto, Nov. 12, 1866. 23 E FR Al 3rd.--Part of Lot No. 11jin the 13th . . . . She henge Ses ats A » NO. 10,1003 < a. | Ocncession of Reach, containitg 148 acres. Tailoring Establishment A LARGE stock or = NOTICE Te as WHATEVER! | 4th --South half of Lot Jo 4 nthe oth ; . ¢ & J ". Lou 0 - By a new aud well tried process --the appli- concession of Scugog, containing 100. ed town, where he is 1 . or ers WILL offer for sale at y chon af Spray ape aaed by om oul aera oF Yiop fs. 5, 10ithei 1: ouu, i ie i LAT, SQUARE, ROUND IRON! ; / Wm hd rd aA ) oul s n used ni ni acres, \ ~~ Remainidg in 'the Port Perty' t-Office I ee oe Sues ny zesi dense, f doubt isl ina born aes ine i Sala ¢ ' Seagva; soni ; 8 BS sere. i To suit general blacksmith work, is ont vi fy ou Noeen, and will bg in stock by ; Jan. 8th, 1867; Hot previousl; aramid ised. * | Reach, on Monday, Feb. 4th, 1867, at | now rely practiced in America for ran atainiag 50 acres. | MANUFACTURE GARMENTS! \ iat: Hoa Jaro Boa of 1 wiv, egy: 2 PL veil 1 Eaten All the shore are rt last arms wl ity od Tatty | OV ITLTs BE SOLD CHEAP! wers Simon, ni cob, 4 ~ .D. to Ex ' Davis Miss}. "La Chappelle F. One Mare and Colt PY 1 his new "and vo derful. proces which Ipeeed, Sud aah be bid o ait oad tics andl} Blacksmiths purchasing $50 worth, or upwards, at one time, for Cash, will only be Gercow Wm. 'Thora N. utiless the owner claims and pro: nothing short of a blessing to h > Also's a number of Village Lots On the shortest Posgiisn os and in the Freight and » small Commission on Montreal wholesale prices. Ellie Mist ¥; Junsol }jss E. and pays charges, previous to {wy All Dental operations performed scien- | io he Port Perey. : n tes wy Stock is always kept well assorted as goods are arriving almost dally to keep » Kellett John, White Miss, 2 . JEREMIA] id Heally, ih skill that only» long practice : Also a number of Town Lot/in the town| Nz YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. the Stock complete in : : $m ep te. Reach, Jan. 15,1867, 1s S330" | The Instrament which 1 hare, is a much | °C S10 tiet saoted to Toa at TE All the Latest Styles of Coods. nok Orser- Mise ds : ': x imp! one feom the original applier. 20 rT dkioea te ao His prices are very reasonable, and to * A \ 4 y «Pearce Miss G. Powers Chas. A a. RE rei oa Teth Filled, Sciled and Reguliled, Hty.: oh 3 . | those wha favor him with their work every | And at prices that defy Competition. Do not come to Town without calling for good he Pasion Go, . De : Printer Wanted. K3~ Charges moderate, and satisfaction | For further particulars apply [prepaid) to] satisfaction io h Bargains at the ; : 'oun - A. X 5 aranteed. wa * $ 3 yn x . PPLY AT THIS OFFICE: ~Constant | 8" : _ T. PAXTON & Ca. , N R Al 3 Torus _ Jor lis ubere 73 Yous A Employment will be giveragood hand | Or#ics Hous from 8, A.M. to 5, P. M. or W.M. COCHRANE, SHOPu-aver. Siw: and: Gordos's: stave; CE] T HOUSE. a3 yest H. GORDON; and Liberal wages. = SD. COTTINGHAM, Borelin. _ Solicitor, Perry. | Queen Street. : Porc Aint '10. tees An i) rn ¥ tor, or! . 18, v.'% y ve 8 ' ny, 40) J . ' oS * : Postmas X Port Perry, Deo. 18, 1867 Borelia, Jan. 8, 1867. 21f Port Perty, Aug. 20, 1866 3-tf. Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1866 3-1y. : ort Perry, August 10, y ) +

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