Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 17 Jan 1867, p. 4

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. instrucl . Work while yon werk, - Play while you play, i That is the x i » 7 . All that you 35, hy Do with your might ; Things done by halves "Are neyer done right. CEN me Ne ES ee One thing ench time, And that done well, Is a very good rule, As mar tell. Moments are useless Teidud Sey 3 x So work while you wor! And play while you play. | DESOLATION OF AN ARGTIC' cr +r» LANDSCAPE. : ¥ * La a aR The following description of the desolation of an Aveti¢ landscape is | taken from Dr. Hayes' work, ** The Open Polar gon, 3 The! const presented the same features--great wall-sided cliffs rising atone "left, with = jagged ridge of _crushed ice at our right, forurthg'a White fridge, ag itiwere, to) the dark rocks. = We were, in truth, journeying along-a winding gorge or Talich Comet bf the 'Tand on one side ing the ice en tle other; for this ice fringe rose about fifty feet above our heads, und, except bere and there where a Cleft give us an outlook Inge the' 5a 'we ware as mpletely bemmed in as if ina Rls Corditleras. Occasion ully, however, a bay broke in upon the continuity of the lofty coust, and as we faced to the. westward 'along its southern margin, a-sloping ter raced valley opened before us, rising gently from' the sea to the base of the monutains, © which rose with [imposing grandeur, I was. never | more" impressed with the dreariness and desolation of an Arctic landscape. Although my situation on the summit of the Greenland mer de glace, in October of the last year, had ap- parently left nothing unsupplied to the imagination that was nceded to fill the picture of boundless sterility, yet here the variety of forine scemed to maguify the impression on the mind, and to 'givew wider play to the fancy; and as the eye wandered fron peak to peak uf the mountains, as they rose one above the other, and rested mpon the dark and frost degraded cliffs, and followed along the ige foot, and overlooked the sea, and saw in every object the silent forces of Nature moving ou through the gloom of winter and the sparkle of summer, now, as they had moved for countless 'ages, nnobserved but by the eye of God alone, 1 felt how puny indeed are all men's works and efforts; awd when I songht for some token of living (hing, some track of wild beast--a fox, or bear, or rein- decer--which had, elsewhicre, always crossed me in my journeyings, aud saw but two feeble men and our wastruggling dogs, iummemicd indeed as if the Almighty had frowned upon the hills and seas' je a Sas : BAD MANNERS AT TABLE. Nothing more thorcughly makes children at ease and happy than a knowledge of how to behave them- selves in company at table, &e., &c We think parents ave too apt to neg lect etiquette in their families, and do little by example to cultivate good maongrs. We would like every fumi- ly to treasure up the following points of etiquette, 1. Don't make odious noises, sucks and smacks with the mouth and lips when eating and" drinking. Keep yonr lips together when masticating. © 2. Dow's talk with your mouth full, fr A troubled mind is often relieved shelter from a shower umber¢lla shop, his ; Why isa discontented man liken watchful house dog? Hecanso the is a growlér. by re ntyining.a gles Tul demeanour. The manwho whe driven to 'dis. traction had to walk back. Why is_the letter A vsefal to a deaf womah'?.. Becunee 'it- mukes her hear. i Why is 'the letter D a great re- former 2 Becausep it makes mer 'mend. ; oo» ' Did itrain to-morrow? inquired a Dutchman' of a Frenchman. * Me guess it was, replied the, Frengh- man, : Tucidental remark.--Why is the profession of a dentist an anomalons onc? Becanse the more he 'stops' the faster bergets on. ' Good news, Belhoul," said a wag at Bokhara, * the-ealiph hag appointed you governor of all the apes and hogs in the 'kingdom; Prepare then to obey my commands' said Bélhoul. those who are, while Bose "wha are liandsome hate each other, Which lms thie best tindelof it ? : 'Rutber, said a litile fellow, after having apparently reflected intently on something, "+L: shar't send yow any of my wedding ¢ake when 1 get married! 'Why mot? 'wag the inquiry. 'DBeeanse," answered the young hopeful, 'you didu't send me any of yours. 'Dar air, said a sable" orator, ad- dressing his' brethren, 'two roads tro dis world. De one ac: h and narrow road dat lead pe dition, and de oder am a narrow and broad: road dat leads to. destenction. 'If dat am de case,' said a sable hearer, ' dis called individual takes to de: woods," \ A wife in Sanfrancisco lately pnt in a petition for divorce to the court, on the ground that hier husband was a" confounded.. fool." The judge who was an old bachelor, wouldnt admit the ploa becanse, if such u plea were to be 'held valid, 'every man would be liable fo the same imputa tion who gets married, A windy orator in the New York legislature, after a, lengthy: effort. stopped for a drink of = water, *] o orderd p Everybody stared wonder- ing what the point of. order was. "What is it? asked the Speaker. *I order for a windmill to go by water,' Marriionmarn, Ravmine.--A swain named Reuben Wise having married a damsel. named Marv Cheevis, the village poet célebrated the event in the following neat and witty verse : Atlength she seized the proffered pr ze-- A happy one, believe ug; 2 For matrimony made her Wise-- Before she was Miss Cheevis, VALUE oF A 'Newspirer,---De Toe- querville, 'in his work on America, gives this forcible sketch :--% A newspaper can prop the same thought into-a thousand minds at the same moment. A newspaper is an advisae who does not require to be sought, but who comes to you briefly every day of common wear, 'without dis- tracting your private affairs. News: papers, therefore, become nepessary in proportion as mén becomé" more equal and dndividoalst more. to be feared. To suppose that they only serve to protect frecdon would be, to diminish their importance; they maintain civilization." ! and don't spoil the best. weal by burrying as if at a railroad station, 3. When passing yonr plate for food, put your Knife and fork on it, and dou't hold either in your hand. 4, Dou't ladle your food into your mouthavith your kuife: this is simply disgusting. . z 5. Fleate don't scratch your head at tlie table, of congh over the tulle, or pick your, teeth. . . 6. Don't'use your fingers to assist your épdon in taking up pudding, &e. Never let fingers touch food. that is to be eaten with knife and fork or spoon. i; v 8 + 7. Donk make it a matter of con. science to Lip up your soup-plate, or to clean your plate of every particle onit. a 8. Don't help yourself to anything with your own kaifé and: fork of spoon, Take bread off a plate with your fingers; don't stick your fork into its Siin ta Ih Tue Boor ox tae Oruer Led, --The Torousy Christian Guardian has the following decided hit ;- "Ii apt pears certain that the United States authorities. havd captured Surrat; he is in'dahizer of being tried and exe- cuted," WWieriopd 'wa are (Hot fran. gressing our usual, limits; when we suggest they Ee tran shad ties ghould immediately apply, tosthe United Sdtd dudthoritics fora 'copy of the proceedings in the case,' cou- pled. with : a declaration that they could not but regard avith: displea sure the execution of the extreme penalty of the law in the case of the prisoner, inasmuch as thie crime is : 'emi fen (fy ITEidal IUGR 1 3 Govery Tol pi Ba Sn, 'ture every where, who, we hopej' will Help the Wins) gt news of 0, e je 3 a eT eld feist Hi PROSPECTUS OF " Montreal Witness," FOR 1867, Day WirNess.. .$3 per an, Montrea Wirsess ( emi-Weekly) $2 peranmim: WeekLy WirNess " Canavan MEesseNGE i A strictly io advance, and the papers stop unless subscription be renewed. On the Blst Desember; 1866, the Mox- TREAL WiTNEsS will "have completed fs} twenty-first year, a period Sufficient to ren- der its character and objects generally nown. The Witness is devoted to the best inter- ests of the people of Canada, témpotal and eternal. It fearlessly grapples with Oppres-, sion, Infidelity, latemperance, Sabbuth-| breaking, and public evils of eyvety kind, It is connected with no party or denomina- tion, and consequently has no support exept from the public, on syhom it. relies, Its various editions ate probably the cheapest papers on this Continent ; and, though the |! ciceulation they have obtained is large, we think it might be, and hope it will be, much, larger throughout the Provinces. To thin]! end we rely on the kind aid of the friends of |- evangelical religion'and wholesome litera-, us in the future, as many of t have done in the past. , eopgitniniok hERFR ORE 1 | 1 history ; the Unite re stil con- valsed with the struggle for justice and 'equal * Fights jTHe-may of Eutope 1s "inders | q ghts I going 'great thanges Ttaly' is claiming Rome, and Russia again.mennces Turkey ;-- in a word, the times are full of interest, and ves special attention to the careds bestoweds or 1 0 : . is devoted exclusively to MENT. -- 0 d the Mi nctester Guardian writes to the eff Ter of La " refuge to the Pope was originall madéhy Mr. Odo Russell, 'a thie stance of his kinsman, "the premier, Earl Russell. The French government, however, having inti- mated that if. & i from a Pro ) at ore carried gut it 0 'ing new subscribers is probable just after reproach t Catholic SH Lord Stanley, without wi w 8 sess publicly his ope that the Pope on wot adopt it. RE ¢ EE When you smile) do pr éxposo nce, -- 08 ce, tor \ Any © Minigter; ~ Post-iagter, or pec lpr vi i Bel lb any ellition, will be etititled OH grati For a miei, amounting to' eight dollar: 42h a copy of the WeexLy or oy 7 f the Stim vier why LL i and as the best season: year for obtain- | wv Sa harvest, we hope ere long to have man; ph Bata y x v and communi- aT Girls that are not shadsbme hate b g no tap : ¥ ders oq hy or f Log Fe K119% Ry tw 13 " a HEE -- Lig a You, 106g 1. 9, 1 2 W, Io Logg foo hy) lerpg rp ins. vise," said "Bloss, 'to a point of ¥ think, sir," said Bloss, "it is out of : Lie subscriber would say to his custom- ers, and the public generally, tirat he is still prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith work on the shortest notice. Horse Shoeing specially attended to. Carrigge maker WANTED. : HENRY JOHNSTON. Port Perry 8th Ang 1866. | = Pluns and | 1-tf, ON, Motiern Fmprovements. ric done, will do well to give theni a call. HARRISON MAW. &. SON. PERRY, N MAW & § 7 PORT E prepared to contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick, or Stone, and to finish them off in'the latest styles, 0 (7 fp = Contractors & Builders, "y quiring First Class: wo specifications made to order. "All the Most' Patiles re 5 ~ TONTUMS. 2 HARY HARRIS A : = Port Perry August 7th, 1866. Fok = fo ByABEG Io © V) AMT Hotta Haye FoR Tooir one Va "ps Caro Pilafog you ein be had, "Yr Haye you vacant places in your mouth | ipa a LF Port Persy, Nav. 21562868, 11 JOSEPH SL ate -DE« In Sawed Lumber; Sawed; Shing p +©an you masticate food withoy on mot HE LOIEON iA Lo 45* Charges reasonable. ences of Respectability J. D. COTTINGHAM, cations to be addressed 083-paid) to - JOHN DOUGALL & SON, Montreal ye w" THOMAS PAXTON & Go. | i Dy MBE RWER CHANTS AND DEALERS IN Lickets, ete, ete. ALSO PORT PERRY MILLS, BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE Vea 'With Improverients, in the following Townships, viz. | WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SOUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wild Land in Mara and Rama; also a number of Sa Zz Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, WITH AND. WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which wiil be sold on reasonable terms. iT. 1 PORT PERRY, August, 1866. & Co. 1-tf NEW ARRANGEMENTS ! NO COMPETITION! _Defying all Opposition! 8th Counce properly cared for, Port Perry, Aug. 10, 1865. REFERENOGCES. Mr. T. Mulcahy, 400 apple trees, 14th Concession Brock. Mr. on Reach; Mr. Henry Bickle, Brooklin ; Clinton Cook, Reach ; Mr Taylor Oriliia ; Mr, Trull & Me. Warden, Darlington, and Mr. Jas Ferguson, Cartwright. He again renewed my contracts with the Toronto Nurseries, I am prepared to = supply my patrons with the best article of FRUIT! AND ORNAMENTAL TREES" SURUBS, WINES, AND PLANTS! Ever offered for sale in this Province. NO FEEUMBUG! The Fororito Naesories have takon tha diplomas for display of Fruit Trees since the establishment of Provincial Exhibitions in this Provinces. represented the Toronto Nurseries in this and adjoining Qounties, and I am confident that when the selection is left to me the trees will give entire satisfaction. This is the fourth year I have Wm McGregor T will replace all trees that do not grow if planted according to my direeticas ant J. H. E. HOGG i { Wholesale and Retail Agent, Box 75, Port Perry. ) i 1. REVOLVERS, RIFL "| Muskets' and Carbines,, FN INVA 0 l I 3 DR;RADWAY'S PILLS, § nok Keg Li] HH 1 o sq 3X df > N > 3 F v etl i a AR. J 41 % od AE Eh oe Ld LIS li Mercury over discover They are composed HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, ; Hs grain of Phe extract proper- ofRadway's , Possess frome ourative power over disease than a fupusand of the crude and "inors materials that enter into all pills in use, These Pills are compounded of the proper. ties of the Roots, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Gums, &o. of which they are composed. 'One dgse will prove thelr suporiority to all other pills. They pue '9ourApe. ul paepue)g » 973 0) uonyd and moro soothing and healing Shan Senna, or Rhou~ Nitid SSVI) ISH Ll HVONYLS , 90 0 JWOD DN -- qoize » SH. 8 WILLIAMS, MA Shr 0 Nos 148, 138 & 148, YONGE 0G= Musical Instrume by applying at this:O Ee se at the Man a Mad i fy is. Dents' s Borelia , Ang. oth, 1866. © © "af | Port Perry ugust, 10th, 1866. TURER AND DEALER + . oo -Heading.and Flour Barrel A LARGE $TOCK ON HANDS: Face planing, Matching, Scroll Sawin, te, etc., done on the sharte notice. © JD Jad sjueo gg oa®s 'nue a . 0d Rerminglon & So MANUFACTURERS. OF. I {4a E States io For. the ; Popol ui "Blt 5, '4 $ 1 | Shot Gun Barr erials, sold"by Gun Dealers an the Trade generally: "7 / (i! [i of usebeaking and ~ Parties dest to 'avail 'them of the late improvements in Pistols, and guns perior Workmanship and form, will find ail roms, St ngun Folate culars 'Containing cuts' an erip= tion of our arms will be farnis| ee application, © 7 NLT ! E. REMINGTON, & SONS; Ilion; § 'Moore & NicrowLs, Agents. No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y. VARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PIS ARE THE DEST PURGATIVE ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE biLiay ' NO STRAINING. 5 * Be. * NO TENESMUS, ie pr NO PILES. 'a ew oc NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET, BUT A BRISK AND THOROQ EVACUATION FROM THE BO0' IS ALWAYS SECURED, Newly Dis Pri in Py gat re Bae pe Ba VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE- : PARED IN VACUO. * of the medicinal - a PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAL, | SOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, = INVIGORATE, And REGULATE THE SYSTEM." Their Great Combinations, > They are Aleut ales Lasative, Alterative, Stim- ulant, Coun AS EVACUANTS, The certain and thorough than the Drastic Pills oF Aloss, or Croton or Harlem oil, or Elatovm's barb, or Tamarinds, or Castor O1l, IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF Inflammation of tho Bowels or Stomach, Liver, Soca, Pancreas or Kidneys, Billous Cholie or Bilious 'over, Erysipelas or Congestive Fever, Small Pox, Measles, or Scarlet Fever, SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S REGU- LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA. RY CAUSE OF THESE FROM THE SYSTEM IN BIX HOURS. Ono dose of Dr. Radway's Pills will cleanse the intes- tinal canal, and parge from the bowels all offsading' and retained humors, as. thoroughly as lobelia or the best approved emetic wiil cleanse the stomach, with out producing Inflammation, irritation, weakness, STRAINING or other unpleasant symptoms. There aro no cther purgative pills in the world that will secur this desi- { deratum. F, BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL. BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL., BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL AS ALTERATIVES, ise o more powerful influence over the liver Bs on calomel, mercury, blue ill, hence their importance In cases of Liver Complais and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bilious at. Wy. ~ tacks, &c. In the f Fevers, cjther : Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other reducing Fevers, Lg ~ they are superior to quinine. = Their influence extends : over tho entire system, controlling, strengthening, and bracing up the relaxed and wasting energies, and regu. lating all the secretions to the natural performance of their duties, cleansing and Jurifying the blcod, and purging from the system all diseased deposits and ime pure humors. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO BIX BOXES WILL CURE Costiveness, |Jaundice, Rush of Blood Constipation, |Congst've Fe-| tothe Head, Congestion; ver, + + (Obstructions, Heart Disease, Sleepiness, '| Dropsy. Disease of Kid-|Gen'l Debility,|Acuty Erysipe- | re Bladder, Pines of B's jain iscase of Li- he, ( Lown's of Spir-|Bad Breath, Biliousness, its, . |Inflamation of. Typ Fever, a he Tniestings, Ship Fever, 8) ex; Malignant To-| Mogi tn hy Hoadach < Se - ® ¢ Fain Cough, Indigestion, ting, ug! Inflammation , . |Wor Palpitations, ! rrr of Bd Dreams, Scarlet Fever, | Urine, |Pleurisy. Bilivus Fever, I AM CURED. Sl Yon i to a partis peli fs amt i rT hav hg 0 | oe Sadar in: Cl ea Bia i thei ted 4 ir use. - WITH GUM. 02 © | + doatEn be lg ting, Moulding, | Hp REET Fane, Now vork, 1. BIGELOW, Agent.

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