Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 31 Jan 1867, p. 3

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\3 minister 'arrived there on the 1 oth 8 bos ved sacked several stores and left , for Puebla. The Times' Washington telegram of that a letter 'was received in hat city yesterday. from a broker in "New Y York x hos name and 'address "oan be farnished, 'and who is vouched . for as reliable, charging that t the gum | . of $50,000 was subscribed in that city to induce the offering of im- 'peacliment resolutions in the House, The Jetter refers to one broker who "subscribed $5,000, It does not ap- . pear, however, that any money was ever paid. The Tribune's telegram says that the reports that the judiciary com mittee are taking impeachment testi- mony are without foundation, They are awaiting the movement: of Gen. Asbley, who is ie he arranging the date 9pOR whi the committee will proceed Albany, You, Haine, Joel Lind- say, who has been on bail at Albion, 'Orleans County, for whipping his child to death, baa been found guilty of: panslagghter in the second de- reo, and sentenced fo imprisonment Fear years ahd six months. New York, Jan, 28.--It appears that Head-Centre Stephens. has not yet sailed for Europe. New York, Jan. 29.--~The Herald's Mexican advices by way of New Or- ¢ leans, dated 24th inst, states thay a French newspaper in Jthe city" of Mexico.says the Mexican authoritics 'at Mazatlan had 'executed Mr. 'Car man, the United States Consul at this place, upon which the U. 8. guu- boat lying near at hand had bom- barded the town, for eight hours. The, Herald's correspondence from the ffincipal cities in the South indi- 'cates. a general reaction, politically, among the Sonthern people. One of the means in use among' the Vir- ginians to alleviate suffering among the widows und orphans, is a huge lottery or gift enterprise. Among the gifts which it is proposed to give away is the residence of Jeff. Davis, in Richmond, now in possession of the Goyernment. ---- | * The Journal of St. Hyacinthe of the 28th says :--* Yesterday morning about nine o'clock, the cars: on the Graod Trunk railroad: took: fire be- "Wveen Windsor and Richmond.~ The mail car was consumed and four per- sons were injured. The registered letters were saved; but it is believed that the newspapers were destroyed, The fire caught from two stoves which were in the car." MARRIED. * that Maximiliai's" war [- PEREMPTORY | Sale of Lands. Tred ned Lands sre now d willbe be sbaoluiely sold, and proclaimed h at, 3 PLAN K'S-HOTEL, THE REVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER! TOWNSHIP OF REACH, On Saturday, Feb.9, 1867, «AT FIVE, on viz: LOT 1.--The North half of Lot No 5, inthe 5th Concession™of Reach, excepting the ee 32 acres of the same North half. SHADOWS FOR THE MIELION !!}| | MRENZIES OPPOSITE RiRSTENS B HOTEL. SIGN--RED FLAG. Picturés of all kinds, and all sizes, taken in all kinds of weather. Best Photographs, two dollars per dozen. Ambrotypes, from 25 'to 40¢ each. Per- | rotypes, 25¢ each. 'H. McKENZIE. Artist, 24 Printer Wanted. Arr AT THIS OFFICE. Constant Employment will be given a good hand and Liberal wages. Port Perry, Dec. 18; 1867. Port Perry, Jan. 24, 1867. llent farm with first-rate build- \ih fren LOT II --The North half of the South half of Lot No. 3, in the 4th Concession of Reach. LOT IIT.--The West half of the North half of Lot No. 3, in the 4th Con. of Reach. These two parcels will be sold together ot separately. LOT IV.--The West half of Lot No. 37, in the 7th Concession of Uxbridge. About 75 acres are cleared, with first-class buildings. - CONDITIONS OF'SALE :--One half Cash, on Titles bein, comp jleted. Ten per cent tobe deposited at the time of sale. The remaining half to be segured 'by Mort- gage. Proposals for purchasing wifl be received by the subscriber up and until the day of declaration of sale, and from whom every particular may be learned; The above Lands Must be Sold, on * the day mentioned Without Reserve ! The fibscriber also ahtiouttied 5" that he has various sums of from 200 to 1500 dollars, belonging to private parties in this County, ready to be advanced on good security, in Loans at very reasonable rates. Applications, either for purchase or Loans, to be made to WILLIAM POWSON, COonveyancer, Manchester, Reach. Manchester; Jan. 26, 1861. 25 NOTICE! WILL offer for sale at my residence, Lot No. 19 in the 8th Concession of Reach, on Monday, Feb. 4th, 1867, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, One Mare and Colt !! unless the owner claims and proves porperty and pays charges, previous to that date, JEREMIAH ORSER, Pound-Keeper. 23 3w Reach, Jan. 15, 1867, NOTICE. County of Ontario} TS HEREBY GIVEN At the residence of the bride's father, Lo- wan ol S that. the Court of gan Brae, Greenwood, on T! 24th | g 1 Quarter Sessions of the Peace and inst, by the Rev. J. Reid, "assisted the Rey, T. Stobbs, John, you! ngest son of John Lawton, Esq., of Inglewood Farm, Picker- ing, to Margaret, second daughter of Lieut. Col. F. Greene. No cards. DIED. At the residence of her father, Nicholas Mark, Esq., Reach, Mrs. Maria Ingram, aged 28 years. She was much respected, and leaves a sorrowful husband and three small children to mourn their loss. \ PORT PERRY AND MANCHESTER BEL MARKETS. A $1.5¢ a 180c 'Wing Wheat 1.30 a 1.40 Barley....... 40c a 45 Pease. 55c a 60c Oats...... 26¢ a 30 Butter 4 b.... 015 a 15¢ Wood & cord.. S125 @ 150 | - Pork per 100..,...v4000 436 a 480 WHITBY MARKETS. . Whitby Jan. 30, 1867. $ 1700 @ if 00 1 85 160 @ Spring Wheat 4 bush 130 @ 1 43 Barley & bush aixe's 045 @ 0 50 Pease 068 @ 0 72 Oats a 027 @ 0 30 Potatoes Li 028 @ 030 Beef § cwt..... 000 @ 000 Butter Bh... .. 017Tm@ 018 Pork ewt............. 450 @ 4 80 TORONTO MARKETS. _ Toronto, Jan. 30, 1867. Spring Wheat 4 bush.... $1.39 @ $1 43 Fall Wheat & bush 182 @ 000 Flour & brl. 670 @ 8 60 Barley 4 bush 0B80@ 055 ats 4 029 @ 0 31 Pease 0 @ 072 Beef § owt 000 @ 000 Butter I Bb L01l.@. 0 14 Porkper 100... 0. cues 450 @ 500 : MONTREAL MARKETS. 3 Montreal, Jan. 23, 1867. 730 @ 141 160 @ 1566 90 @ 0 91 30 032 400 @ 625 700 @ 7 10 14 00 7$20 00 010 @ 012 016 @ 020 0320 @ 035 1000 @ 12 00 County Court, in and for the County of Ontario, will be holden at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on TUESDAY, MAR., 12, 1867, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which Into the premises of the subscriber, on Lot 16, in the 6th Coun. of . Reach, a two year old Heifer. Any parties proving Property and paying charges, can take her way. O. MARSH. Port Perry, Dec.27, 1846. 20 4t PORT PERRY BAKERY. ue Subscriber v wishes to inform the' public that he has now located in Port Perry, and that he has on hand in addition to his usual stock of CONFECTIONARIES, A large assortment of TOYS, Christmas Presents ! &c., &e. The Subscriber also wishes thus to thank the 'public 'generally for past favors; and, by furnishing a good article at a reasonable price, hopes to merit 'a continuance of the ig GEORGE HENLEY. Port Perry, Dec 18, 1866. 193m 2 Bc. = 3 Eg =] wi Br & xet a hE? = 7] her Ros SEE ESE a3 rk ~ ® DRY GOODS, New Year, which will be Di Port Perry, Dec. 17, 1866. Fresh Arrivals of Seasonable Suitable for the Festival season of CHRISTMAS and 1 fst CHARLES is now receiving additions to his stock of all Justices of the Peace, C , Con- stables, and all others concerned, will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS. Sheriff C. 0. Per R. H. TourINsoN. Sheriff's Office, 'Whitby, Jan. 22, 1867. Don't Buy! Don't Buy! 24 Don't Buy What ? Dor BUY that little nonsensical $15 Machine. You will always be in trouble. But the best way is, when you have Fifteen Dollars to invest in a machine, to pat a little more with it and get a good one; and The place to get the best Machines, Is on Brock Street,at 8. P. GREEN'S, Highest Prize Oanadian Machines, Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S. New Improved Belleville Machines, Are for sale at 8: P. GREE Grover & Baker' A best. kd Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S, Genuine Singer's big Machines, Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S. 'Wanzer's No. 2 Machines, Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S, Finally, all good Machines, Can be had at 8, P. GREEN'S. Time given for payment on Machines, If they are bought at 8. P. GREEN'S. Writfen with all Machines, ett. cation m the Gums. Do not List odours Dentists in E E ins Seca 'eed by Smineut Jan. 8th, Fa61, not. previo YE oe fon ib CCTM LR Ce wer Simon, | or Jacol ; pre; to Extract Teeth b Davis Miss M. La Chappelle 7. ER Pi wendeol, Shots on , | Sgreon Wane a 4 nothing short ofa blessing to humanity. Pound Miss J. White Mrs. F. : i ad De aidrations pe armed selon Kellett John, White , 2 ; 5, phat 9 along Practice . | MoVaigh P McKinley M. SAR SUSHI. i= 30% [MoVaigu b. Morden The Instrument which I hive, is a much ed Orser Samuel Orser Miss J. improved one'from the original applier. Pearce Miss G, * Powers Chas. Bay Teeth Filled,' Scaled and Regulated. ; VOrtOn, .» vrs evs © Bth, " ¥ dtheins fo som "7. BURNHAM, That re bought at 8. P. GREEN'S. Remember this place of such renown, "Tis on Brock Street, in Wihtby Town. Whitby, Jan. 15, 1867. 28 6m '| OmvrueNt and PineMixrore has never | PiuLsare warranted to failed to cure coughs "| nate cases of this dis. _ | Uxbridge, Aug. 22, 1866. The Sanative Hall, MAatN STREET, UXBRIDGE. J. LL. Margach, Chemist and Druggist, Dealer in first-class English DRUGS and CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDIOINES, D¥¥ STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, TUBB-PAINTS PAINT BRUSHES, etc., eto. BOOKS & STATIONERY, Slates, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Per- fumery, Combs, Hair Brushes Toilet and Fancy articles. MAmaGAou's Pig Maraacw's Coven care the most obsti-land colds. It eases Asthma and prevents tressing ma lad y.-- consumption. Price Ointment, 50cts. per|25c. per Bottle. pot ; pills 25¢. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES constantly on hand. Family Receipts and Physician's prescriptions carefully prepared on the shortest notice. MARGACKS ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constantly increasing in public favor, Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest remunerative price. There have been added from time to time such articles as are Severally required in the trade, and the Stock will be found as varied as the demand,' IF Terms invariably Cash, atf. Wonderful! Wonderful ! SL WONDERFUL LL T= is what I wish every one to know: that all persons afflicted with PHOTOGRAPE BOON, | The Double cab a I a RS " © MAOHIN Such as Sash, saving time a ah Port Perry, ism. % i Fries Boilers, Grist & Saw Mil! iY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND IRON, Der; Blind and Chair, Stave and Shingle 855 } Machinery, of the Latest Improvements; Woo er. WMI111 Machinery, ie tbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides: : . Every Description of IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &0.| MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. ning a Foundry i in this neighborhood, thereb transportation, is a saving of itself which, the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mutual. Immediate Orders Respectfully Solicited. , CHARGES REASONABLE, A.M. GIBSON. 4 2 or HAW & SORDO Ld ag ee Jiist What is Wanted ! © AND MUST BE HAD! IN are still receiving e Winter trade in order p their stm complete. Tiigog Pot Perry will find it as gooda t to sell in, and Shaw & Gordon'sas good to buy in, as any other place in the v a me Souk of Ontario, Call. and be omy + Pat Perry, Dee. B 1866, Persons mir WINTER BOOTS & SHOES, a HE Sub wishes to inti Of all Sizes and Descriptions, 4 Port Perry, Dec. 12, 186, te to the public that in addition to his-usual stock he has now on hand an excellent Assortment of Montreal Over-Shoes, Skating Boots, And Moccasins! which he is prepared to Dispose of AT AS REASONABLE RATES AS THE MARKET WILL AFFORD. Order-Work Executed with Neatness and Despatch, from the Finest Kid to coarsest Stoga. 2 NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made at the next session of the Provincial Parli for a Charter to construct a Railway' from some point on Lake Ontario, between the Western limits of the Townships of West Whitby, and the Eastern limit of the Town= ship of East Whitby to Bort Perry, on n Lake Scugog. October, 17, 1866. 11 3m Oshawa Vindicator, and Whitby Chronicle copy till forbid. TOWN & PARK LOTS FOR SALE in PortPerry. Village Lot 1,--~Corner, Water, and Queen Streets. " 11 « J "North Queen Street. "" 4 16 22 ie 3 § South North Street. " 44 " 0 North North Street. North Mary Street. " 2 } South Mary Street. "w 89 " "" 20 North Casimir Street. ugg i 107 «108 } South Casimir Street. For price and terms apply pre-paid to + HAM PERRY. ~ 'Whitby. Whitby, August 21, 1866. lin. Farms For Sale ! HE Subscriber offers fo for sale the follow- Lands : Teeth, or ps of Teeth, which canker the mouth, disease the body and produce offensive breath, can now have them . EXTRACTED FREE FROM PAIN!!|; OR ANY OTHER INCONVENIENCE WHATEVER! Bya ew Se well tried Drossss ~the appli- ing valuabl 1st.--Part of Lots No 21, 22, and 28, in the 8th Concession of Whitby, NEW TAILOR SHOP!! 283 acres. 2nd.--Part of Lot No. 27, in the 9th Con-| cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres. 3rd. --Part of Lot No. 11, in he 13th; of Reach, 8 acres. 4th.--South half of Lot No. 9th) concession al ot Yorn 5th.--Part of Lot No. 5,in the 11 con- cession of Scugog, containing 85 acres. 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, Jucitle 13th of 8 50 acres. Paxton & 0o., T. "Parker Mr, Pound Mrs. A, M. Quigley Miss M, Persons calling for the above will please ask for advertis Jeter, v Judge, C. 0. ° Whitby, Jan. 22, 1867. 25 td g GORDON, Postmaster, ] 33" Oharges Bodenate, and satisfaction guaran Orion 'Hobas from 8, '4, M., to 5 P.M. : J. D. COTTINGHAM, Borelia. All the above are first class well improved, and can be had Sue 0 upoh easy, terms of nt, Also & large number of Village Lots in| the village of Port Perry. Also a number of Town Lots in the town of Lindsay. "Also any amdunt of money to loan ai | rity. For further partionlars apply (prepaid) to) © T.PAXTON & Co. or W.M COCHRANE, 2 Solicitor, Port Perry. reasonable rates of interest on farm oi Borelia, Jan. 8, 1867, 22 tf Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1866. = 18-f » © ga 3 a as 4 3 E \ 8s 8 *9981 '9 "3ny 'Lua q30g ni '39140724038 'spavogapry 'spfog 'saSunoT 'ssrqer, 'spesjspeg 'sneaang 40 SALSISNOD NDOLS AN PONIIAV.LHHANA 0 ysep 105 deayy pos oq [fia pus 'sasodind 0138 10 GOING) 10] IIMS "WTS SY} JO SOUYNUIIUOD ¥ §3101[08 IIQLI0SqNS ogy 'sawaf wamouru 358d oq Sump o8vuoa1wd 313g) 10§ S10W03SNO SNOIOWNN BI 07 EJUBY Suuanjex 'sareqyp omy ypm suo puv 'sdojs xis yp; Juo--sunS10 omy puv 'sunning woospag Jo $398 (043aas pup 'savy yoog 'SIAVA "MT *8978J O[qUUOSB3I 38 08180 'puUSY uO sLBA[® SUO) . *9O10U 3503I0YS OF) UO PUO( | SWIOOY-0aBAL ALIDJ IO OY, 'serper) Scabies or Itch. HAT most infectious and disagreeable disease cured in in a few hours, by the use of the GOLDEN WASH. sar For Sale at the Medical Hall, J: H. BACHE, Port Perry. Port Perry Nov. 1, 1805. 12'tf IN PORT PERRY. rrr (ee PERKINS would inform the inhab- D. itants of Port Perry and surrounding Country that he has opened a new Tailoring Establishment nthe above-named town, where he is pre- pared to 5 MANUFACTURE GARMENTS Substantially and Tastefully On the shortest possible notice and in the latest NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. sem His prices are very reasonable, and to those who favor him with their work every satisfaction is guaranteed. SHOP---over Shaw and Gordon's store, Queen Street. i fae d TI TOUR, G00 To TE Who. has Just Received a Large. 'Assortment of: Istaple & Fancy G0 AND WILL SELL : 6 aT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. : ' His Assortment of = BOOTS ana SHOES : i 0! J GROCERIES AND READY. MADE Cr o THING 1? IS VERY COMPLETE! _ for $1. Heavy Cotton for 15¢., and everything in proportion." Examine and be convinced. Port Perry, Deo. 12th, 1866. « i 18-18 - NEW FALL IMPORTATIONS CITY CASH STORE, UXBRIDGE VILLAGE: CONSISTING OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN MANTLES BONNETS! MILLINERY, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, wv: GLOVES, . 4. HOSIERY, v BUCKLES, OMBS, GENTS CLOTHING!" Cood Tweed Suits from $12. OVERCOATS IN THE LATEST STYLES. BOOTS AND SHOES, Good and Cheap in Great Variety, . GROCERIES ! GOOD 1EAS from 2s. 6d. upwards, 15lbs Currants for $1; 12lbs Sugar for $1, Dyes, Co ckery, Hrdwre, Stationery, &o.,; In Great Variety. The above goods have been just purchased in the very best markets for Cash, and will be sold at small remunerating profits to those who may favor us with a call, wr Note the Address W. CROFT, & Co. Opposite Finglr's Hotel, Brock street, Uxbridge Village. Hotel Keepers and Pedlars supplied on Liberal' Terms. Uxbridge, Cct., 9th, Jost 9 THE WORLD F FOR SALE. LO 5, AT MARSH & TROUNCE'S, TO EYCHANGE FARM PRODUCE FOR Good Teas, Dress Goods, Sugars, 11 1bs. for $1,| Fancy Flannels, Spices, Tweeds, Crockery, Doeskins, » Hardware, Cotton Yarn, &c. ALSO A VARIED ASSORTMENT OF LADIES WINTER CAPS!! As Cheap as the Montreal Market can afford. or Cash Pald F'or Wheat. "& Port Perry, Nov., 1866. 1-f JOSEPH BIGELOW H*® ox : Dry Goods, HAND a very large Stock of Goods. of almost an endless variety, and of superior quality, and very cheap, consisting of Boots and Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Ladies' Dress Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Ladies' Trimmings, Crockary, Ribbons, and Parasols, etc. | Brown Earthenware, etc., Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, and || Dye-stuffs, : Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicines Room Paper & Stationery, School Books, and A Splendid Stock of Groceries At very low prices; a fair article of Tea at 45 cents per pound, good bright Sugar 11 pounds for one Dollar, and other things in proportion. Be a A LARGE STOCK OF FLAT, SQUARE, & ROUND IRON! To dai omen! blacksmith Work i is on the way from Montreal, and will be in stock by the 15th instant, which WILL, BE SOLD CEEAP! Blacksmiths purchasing $3) worth, or apwarls, at one time, for ash, will only be charged Freight and o small C prices. My Stock is always kept well pri ag goods are arriving almost daily ta keep the Stock complete in D) Hd All the Latest Styles of Goods, And at prices that defy Competition. Do not come to Sows without calling for good gi CENTRAL HOUSE Mantles, ete. Grey Cotton Shirtings, Striped Shirtings, Fancy and Plain Flannels, Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1866. 3-1y. Port Perry, August 10] 1866. 1:8 re ee ch oral ecm retain Smt COAL OIL, 37}c. GOOD TEA, 50c. 13 & 141bs. SUGAR 4

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