¥ dren are more hurt by jindis-. criminate, thoughtless fanlt-finding, » than by any other one thing. Often pg « child has all the sensitivencss and all the Sudcapt ibility of a grown per- son, added to the faults of childhood. | Nothing about him is right yet; he is immatare and faulty at all poin and everybody feels at perfect liberty oo Fault P Children are 2 to criticise him from right to left, "above and below, till he takes refuge in callous hardness, or irritable mo- Toseness. A Lright noisy boy rushes in from school eager to tell his mother some- thing he has on his heart, and Nam- ber One cries out--* Oh, you've left ' door open! I do wish you wouldn't always leave the door open! And do ook at the mud on your shoes I How many times must 1 tell 'you to wipe your feet? 'Now, there, you have thrown your cap on the sofa again. When will you learn to hang it up? Don't put your slate there ; that isw't the place for it" ¢ How dirty your hands arc | What have you been doing # * Don't sit on that chair ; you'll break the springs, bouncin'.' ' Mercy | how your hair looks | Do go up stairs and comb it! 'There! if you haven't torn the braid off your coat | Dear me, what a boy I' 'Don't speak 80" loud; your voice goes through my head" ' I want to know, Jean, if it was you that broke up that barrel that T have been saving for brown flour 2! '1 believe it was you Jean, that hacked the side of my razor. ' Jeaw's been writing at my desk, and blotted three sheets of ny best paper." Now, the question is--if any of grown people of the family had to ran the gauntlet of a string of criti- cisms on themselves, equally tue as those that salute the unlucky Jean, §| gave the answer-- When yon propose Za ry pe y 2 A distin, ; ighed ilosopher holds Ge Tr that mankind ed PO] divided into 3 © two great clasess those who are ' wise, and those who are otherwise. HORSE BILLS ! At a medical examination a young : AT THE ; Senin) Sof a Ructor's diploma was i 'asked-- When does mortification on- AN sme? Think of the amazement his ST. DARD OFFICE! questioner must have felt when he April, 24th 1867, 3. to a lovely girl and are refuged. P, : J 4 1.eeming ons. Wilson, the celebrated vocalist, " gton & S ® wi3 Upset ile day in his carriage, MANUFACTURERS OF ? near to Edinburg. A Scotcli paper, Fr after recording tho accident, - ndds-- RFVOLVERS RIFLES. We are happy to state that he was Muskets and Carbines, able to appear the following evening Re nile any Servi. Aso i oc! e. evolvers, epeating in'threa pieces t Bifles, Rifle and Shot Gua ara and A daily newspaper man who has! Gun "Materials, cold by Gun Dealers and just got out of the traces, says he is | the Trade generally. : 3 : . In these days of Housebreaking and Rob- becoming quite well acquainted with bery, every House, Store, Bank, and Office his 'family. He discovered to his should have one of surprise that his daughter can pla se on the piano. ile never had AR " Reemington's Revolvers, discover the fact before. : Parties desirous to avail themselves of Psi | the late improvements in Pistols, and su- Dousrrun Asour 118 ErFrcacy,--A perior workmanship and form, will find all woman being enjoined to try the ef- | combined in the new Reemington Revolver. fect of kindness "upon her husband, | Circulars containing cuts and descrip- and being told that it would hea | tion of our arms will be furnished upon coals of fire upon his head, replied | *PPlication. . that she had tried the effect of * bil. E. oon Vina Hos, ¥1. ing water, and it didn't do a it of 1 No ue Cour OL Bea 7 tland St. N.Y. good. "She was rather doubtful of the . efficacy of coals, wh My opponent, Mr, Spear, persists| 807. PROSPECTUS I RY; tat he .is entitled to the oF . oor, said a Yankee parliamentar fe 2 4}? orator. Whether this it 0 or: not, 1 THE GLOBE shall not inquire. All T have to say NEWSPAPER. is that whether he is entitled to the| mae year 1867 will probably be floor or not, he'll get floored if he ju- | the most eventful year in the history ay of the British North American Provinces. forpsime again, Here the gentle. | There is every reason to believe that im- man pulled up his sleeves and took mediately after the assembling of the Im- 1867 the | his necktie off. | perial Parliament in London, on or about 'Mary. d { the 1st of February next, an Act will be . Mary, do you remember the text passed giving effect to the petitions of the this morning ¢ No papa, I never | Legislative bodies of Canada, Nova Scotia, can remember the text, I've euch a! New Brunswick and Newfoundland, and would they be any better natured about it than he is? No, but they are grown up people ; they have bad memory.' ' Mary," said hep | "niting all the British North American other "did. you notice Mar | provinces under one Government and Brow: 2 Oh. v Wii AY | Legislature. On fhe passage of that Act; n 1, YOR, ut a fright |, Governor-General or Viceroy will be ap- rights that others are bound to re- spect. Everybody cannot tell them «xactly what he thinks about every- thing they do. If every one did, would there not be terrible revela-- tions I--Mrs. Stowe. Let Every Man Read This. An exchange says wo have proba- bly all met with instances in whic aavord beedlessly spoken against the reputation of a female, lias been magnified by malicious minds until the cloud has become dark enough to overshadow her whole existence. "To those who are accustomed, not necessarily from bad motives, but from thoughtlessness to speak light of females, we reccommend these hints as worthy of consideration ;---- Never use a lady's name in an im- groper place, or at an improper time, or in mixed company. Never make assertions about her that you think are untrue, or allusions that she avould blush to hear. Many a good and worthy woman's character has been forever ruined and her heart broken by a lie, manufyctured by a willain, and repeated ow it should aot have been, and in the presence of those whose little judgment could not deter them from circulating the foul and fiendish report. Respect #hie name of a woman, for your mo- - ther and sisters arc women, and as you would not have their namo tar- vished, and their lives embittered by slanderous biting tongues, heed the ill your own words may bring upon the mother, the sister, or the wife of some poor fellow creature, porn T ul Srm-- BovtHERN Winows AnD ORPHANS. "The Tennesce, Georgia, and Missis- #ippi people are pressing a scheme for providing means of maintaining and «caring for the widows .and children -of deceased rebel soldiers. The pro. position is to dispose of large tracts of land in small lots in the Northern #nd European markets, and appro- priate ten per cent of the proceeds of hese sales for the suppert of an asy- lumn which shall be open to all sol- diers' widows and orphans. who are unable to support themselves. The business men of Memphis have sub scribed $1,000,000 in aid of the enter. prise,and Gens. Longstreet and Hood Aare doing all they can to further. the grojeet. The need among these classes of the population is very great, and the Southern people will gyn: doubtedly do all in their power to as sist them. The condition of those widowed and orphaned by the war She had on ler lust year's bonnet, | pointed by the Queen to preside over the done up, a pea green silk, a Llack United Provinces; and writs will at once lace mantilla, brown gaiters, and imi- | be Jsesd or ih elostion of Retpescniatives i : 0 the Federal and Local Legislatures. - In Stion Soutien collar, a lava bracelet | April next, it is therefore probable that the cr old ear-drops, and such a fan people of Upper Capada will be called upon oh, my ! _ Well, my dear, your | to clect eighty-two, representatives to the memory is improving.' ° Local Legislatures of Upper' Canada. It | would be difficult to over-rato the influence Huw 10 PiEserve RENSEDS.- -Some | that these elections may exercise on the of our rural lady readers may be | future well-being of the Province. - The benefitted by learning the mode of | Local Government and Legislature of Up- saving rennets. Mr, Collins tells us | per Canada, to be established in Toronto, i «| will have the control of all Crown Lands the proper way is to keep the calf Timber and Minerals within the Province-- {away from its dam for 14 or 20 hours | of all local Publie Works--of Education-- i before killing it, as then the rennet | of the promotion of Agriculture--and over | will be empty and necdsno washing, | 211 personal rights and rights of property. | water always injuring its quality, The cighty-two men first elected, will be | The curd should be thrown away, as tion the machinery necessary for the ad- | it is of no value, and after a thorough | ministration of these and many other impor- | HS salting the rennet should Le Lung | tant public interests; and in their hands | § up to dry. = Thus treated they will | may rest the decision whether the future | § command a much better price" than | Bovernment of our Province shall be as it I deal PE has been for years past, or shall be organ- when dealt with in the usual Way. | ized so as to secure efficiency and economy > throughout the public service, and the pros A country clergyman, who. had a Phin) of the Bdnstint ame of te speculative turn, greatly shocked | country: ; some of his good people by getting | The Federal Government and Legislature twelve per cent for his money, The | will also be largely affected by the charac- deacons waited upon him, and mildly | ter%of the eighty-two Representatives sent : Commons: Whether the long reign of lay- this all ? asked the clergyman when | ish expenditure and ill considered legisla- they had finished ¢ Be assured 1] tion is to be continued, or a better state of will never take twelve per centagain, | things to be inaugurated, will much depend The deacons were delighted s» but as | on the choice of Representatives made by the they were departing the complaisant slesiors of Upper Canada at the coming clergyman said to them: ¢ Brethren, butlet me again 053466 you that 1} ihe public mind to an earnest and candid will never after this take twelve per! consideration of the numerous 'important cent. ForI can Just as easily get | questions shortly coming up for decision, eighteen. and obtaining from the Legislatures about, oi to be elected a judicious settlement of them, the publisher of Tre GLopr is now pexfeeting arrangements which will seeure inereased ° ° oo! efficiency iin every department of the paper. | The Editorial staff is being strengthened, GO TO and a large corps of short-hand reporters is now being formed for reporting daily, ina style surpassing that heretofore attained; THE MEDICAL HALL the proceedings of the Federal and Local ' Legislatures. Arrangements have been IE you want good cheap Coal Oil, only | made for securing every night the European 20¢ per gallon, news and priees current of the same day by the Atlantic Cable, and a special commis- sioner for Tar Gore will attend the coming NO V ELS & STATIONERY. | session of the Imperial Parliament, and watch the debates on the Confederation Bill A Good asacrtment at the In the general conduct of the paper fresh efforts will be made in the coming year to MEDICAL HALL. secure that prominence among t'1a orn RE i | of the Province which Te Gros: has here- PHOTOGRAPH A I BUMS, tofore maintained. The telegraph wires * | will be still more largely availed of than in ¢ the past; and noexpense will be spared in A SPuEy DID assortment at the the employment of able correspondents at importgnt points, and in despatching Re- MEDICAL HALL. portets'to i whenever their ser- at the South is very different from that of those at the North who have thus suffered for no Sanitary Fairs, - State aid aets, and Government pen sions, have been applied for the bene. fit of those who fought for the disrup- dion of the Federal Union. i ------_-- How Nauss Caance--A Scotch man named Feyerson settled among some Germans in the western part of the State of Now York. They £1anslatod his namo by the sound in- to the German Feurstcin. On his re- turn to an English neighborhond, his new aequaintances discovered that dhe word -Feurstein in German means Flint in English. They translated his name, and the family name be- came Flint. Ono of the grandsons settled on the Arcadian const of the Mississippi, and with the common family; his name of Flint became translated by the French into Pierre- a-Fasil. His son went North, and the last - transformation was a re. sranslation, and Piorre-n-FPusif, his #0, became Peter Gan, : ] Under a recent English decision a father is bound to support his son's « wife in case he absconds. Ad alarm. mg panic has resulted among the aristocracy, among whom there are a . number of scapegrace sons with wives . and children." Phe question is als Whether a pather1ulaw ot be compelled to s ; ghter's Bako 9, suppasy £5 oo] who is notorious for Was one day asked why When * it sition, Give thema trial. Only 25 cents | [OF the Weekly edition, both payuble strictly per Paekage. For sale at the all disorders of the Stomach ee 'Bowels. ' removing all Obstruction, Headache, De- "4 do not know," pression of Spirits, Blotehe 5 . ¢ tried various | sellowness of the skin, and give a healthy, | pry COPIES, one year, for. , ,.$65 00 getting fatter, but with] juvenile bloom to the complexion. Only 25c Have au triad vio [Per bok ab iin. oe resemble a dis- Please Rem the Pla who gets up the Club, nt ease Rememberthe Plase!| p the Club, © ~~ ET. 2 Frahm d;-Opposits therHouse | _ Eagh Ae mae essed Sepasately, snd | ont Yow or Bosreancr Luoen, 1 Perry.) oon: Qupes Buseet, Pos ; Inc, asp 2,000 Feer or Bisce os . Post Perry, March 2(st, 1867, 23] Toronto, 186%, -- . vices may be required. A special commis- Horse and Cattle Medicines, enor os Tan Guons will attend "the Baris A GOOD SUPPLY always on hand. A being made 7 tn nla p£A- Superior Condition Powder--being one ly than heretofore the proceedings of the of the very best in use. Call and get 'a Law and Chamsery Courts ard trinls at package at the MEDICAL Nisi Prius4broughout the Province. CAL TALL. On the 7th of December, the republication T Tare | was commenced of Miss Braddon's Admira. COUGH BATSAM ble New Tale "BIRDS OF PREY," and . will be eontinued from week to week 'as it | HE best medicine ever introduced. PPS in, England. Other interesting | TE = Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c,, | Tales will 'also be published .during the arc immediately relieved. - The immense | Jeo: demand enables the proprietor to reduce the In the mechanical execution of the jour- price--Only 25 Cents per Bottle. None | nal very great improvements are shortly genuine unless signed J, II, Bacus, For contemplated. From the commencement of Sale at the the year, the paper used on the Daily, as MEDICAL HALL. well as the Weekly edition, will be of very superior quality to that heretofore nsed-- y . end in the course of the eomring Spring the Infant Ss Preservative, paper will be printed from a new and beau- tiful fount of type, from the celebrated Tus isa safe and efficient remedy for foundry of Miller & Richards, Edinburg. the disorders of children consequent on | For some months past, the largely increased Teething. No mother should be without it, | circulation of Tue Grose has more than as itis the only medicine required for child- | ¢qualled the capacily of the presses, and ren. It has never failed in a single instance | rendered it difficult "to publish the news to effect a cure when timely administered. | COling jn by telegraph and otherwise up to In Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic and Pains in | ® late hour after midnight, and work off the tbe Bowels, it is without an equal, and is | Recessary number of copies in time for the the most effectual soother of pain as yet | morning mails. To meet this difficulty, and presented to the public. None genuine un- | enable all the readers of the paper to be less signed J. H. Bacue. Only 25 Cents | Supplied at an early hour of the morning, per bottle. For sale at the new Lightning Presses, Sapably of working MEDICAL HALL off ten thousand impressions pér hour, are 48. | about to be added to the establishment, and re will place the office in a position of efficien cy WORM POWDERS, Susipscses by any printing office on this - | contine ¥ is the best and safest worm SL edisine THE TERMS It drives out the worms oroughly x » - Without pain. They are supetior to any ZF eossition wil foyiai ay hezetofores Worm Lozenge ; and none but tho very edition, nnd TWO DOLLANS the Daily best ingredients are used in their compo- A per annum in advance. No paper sent out of the office until the MEDICAL HALL. | Xo paper se * mins 'a: Clubs for the 'Weekly Globe. Anti-Billious Pills. The Club rates for the coming year will : -- id be as follows : J : excellent Family Medicine, and is the « > st effective remedy for Indigestion, | SIX COPIES, one year. ......$10 00 Billious and Liver Coi L,1 TEN. : do + do 7 15 00 : of Appetite, Drow: 3, Spasms, and | TWENTY do ...,..4"30 00 1 traly excellent, For Females the Pilly are traly cxcellen toy te or Weekly (ions 5, Pimples aud | Twenty. + Bi and a sapy of The Dally Slobs to the io Sym 5% X person who gets up ti lub of Fifty. .. MEDICAL HALL be 1s9p Hs Clow vi BIT EIGHTY COPIES, one year, for. §160. 00 IT and a copy of The Baily to iSan % resliide Sls nn GEORGE BROWN, J, H. BACHE. : Publisher and Proprietor. ® charged with the duty of placing in opera- | j protested against the practice. © Is| by Upper Canada to the Federal House jof ' Fully alive to the importance of aronsing f HARRISON MAW & SON Aud an extra copy of The Weekly Globe | furnished when required; Coffins of al sizes kept constantly on hand. 2 CHARGES MODERATE !! ng Jnok fog » q ¥ H) JB IVAN INVA 0X AI 0 I k L [IOS he subscriber would say to lifs eustom- erg, and the publie generally, that he is still prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith work on the shortest notice, Horse Shoeing Specially attended to. ¥3~ Axes, and Edge Tools, jumped and tempered. Mill-Picks sharpened, &c. All work warranted. { HENRY JOHNSTON. Port Perry,8th Aug 1866. 1y | 2s Builders, test styles, with All the Most Modern Improvements. RY, ildings- of all kinds, whether Wood , Will do well to give them a call, Plang and HARRISON MAW & SON. P in put up Build: the la PORT , and to finish them off Contractors Brick, or Stone, dl « prepuelg,, oy) 0) uonyd PORT PERRY M THOMAS PAXTON & Co. D DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LA 1, npER MERCHANTS AN ¢ SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in the following Townships, viz, HT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS d Rama ; also a number of WHITBY; CARTWRIG of Wild Land in Mara an Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms, T. PAXTON, & Co. NEW ARRANGEMENTS ! NOC COMPETITION! Defying all Opposition ! 1 AVING again renewed my contracts with. the Toronto Nu supply my patrons with the best article FRUIT AND -ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, AND PLANTS! Ever offered for sale in this Province. NO FRE UOMBITTG-! The Toronto Nurseries have taken the diplomas for dis establishment of Provincial Exhibitions in this Province. represented the Toronto Nurseries in that whes the selection is left to me the rseries, I am prepared to play of Fruit Trees gince the This is the fourth year I have this and adjoining Counties, and I am confident e trees will give entire satisfaction, REFERENCES. Mr. T. Mulcahy, 400 apple trees, 14th Concession Brock; Mr. if 9th Concession Reach; Mr. Henry Bickle, Brooklin; Clinton Cook, Re: Oriliia ; Mr. Trull & Mr. Warden, Darlington, and Mr. Jas. Ferguson, I will replace all trees that do not grow if planted according to my directlens anc properly cared for, J. H. E. HOGG Wholesale and Retail Agent, Box 15, Port Perry. Port Perry, Aug. 10, 1865. RE prepared to contract for and Parties requiring First Class work done Port Perry August Tth, 1866. specifications made to order. GOOD NEWS! FER NARCOTIC SPRAY SR 7 Applied to the Gums, Producing Local Anesthesia, For Extracting Teeth Withont Tain, as luvented by Dr. Richardson of London, England, AT C. D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, BROCK STREET, UXBRIDGE! All Operations Warranted to give Satisfac- tion or no Charge, and at Prices which Defy Competition, Reverexces :--Rev, Dr. Shortt andl. P. Griggs, M.D., Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne and Dr, Carson, Whithy ; Jos. Gould, Esq,, and J. Bolster, M.B., Uxbridge. : 10 CORDS OF 'FIELD STONE. Wmutre Jed sjues (Og oAes pure 'eouvApR u ' 0 CHVONTLS, 0 0 SHO) ONLINTH SSYT)-J.SHId HARMONIUMS. 'SNOHAOTAN ~~ «8S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTUR Nos. 143, 135 & 147, YONGE Sr., TORONTO, Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1508. - 104 | 0G= Musical Instruments of All Kinds --_------ . ° . A . . i Can be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price as Wanted Immediately at the Manufactory. Orders res pectfully solicited. Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1866. » JOHN SHAW, Port Perry, 23rd April, 1867. 37 JOHN NOTT, Cabinet Maker, House, Sign, and Carriage Painter | PAPER HANGER, &C., UNDERTARKING attended to promptly. A first class Hearse, Marre 8) Square. Borelia, May 8th 1866, 39 JOSEPH BIGELOW, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER mber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Barrel Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! Also Proprieror of "Port Perry Sash and Door Factory. Face planing, Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning. ete, etc,, done on the she test notice Port Perry ugast, 10th, 1866. J Land for Sale| OR EXCHANGE. PROVED LAND in the In Sawed Lu ing, piles and tenesm: Pan pila por imperfect cure by their nse. COATED WITH GUM. NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made at the next session of the Proviacial Parliament for a Charter to construct a Railway from Ontario, between the e Townships of West , and the Eastern limit of the Town- y to Port Perry, on Lake pills. . flayo secured a vi evacuation, in severe of Inflarhma the Bowols, Pugryeis, &o., after 80 Western limits of the C. Ww. perty in exchanged Apply atthe Port Perry, by Druggists, Medicino inery or Town pro- Pe B.--Every $i. ore nt 0 The 'Sanative Hall, Main STREE T, UXBRIDGE. 17. LL. MARGACH, ~ Chemist and Druggizhg# Dealer in first-class English DRUGS and OHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYB STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, TUBB-PAINTS PAINT BRUSHES, etc., ete. BOOKS & STATIONERY, Slates, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Per- famery, Combs, Hair Brushes Toilet anc Fancy articles. . " Maraacn's Pie Marcaca's Coven' Omvruent and Pre Mixtons has never Piutsare warranted to/failed to cure coughs cure the most obsti-land colds. It eases nate cases of this dis-(Asthmaand prevents tressing malady. --| consumption. Price Ointment, 50cts. ~per|25c. per Bottle, pot ; pills 25e¢. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES constantly on hand. Family Receipts and Physician's prescriptions carefully prepared on the shortest notice. MARGACH'S ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constantly increasing in public favor, Sences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest remunerative price. There have been added from time to time such eticles gs are generally required in the trade, and tHe Stock will be found as varied as the demand, IF" Terms invariably Cash, Uxbridge, Aug. 22, 1366. fir DR RADWAY'S PILLS, ¢ YARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. § 'ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS, ARR THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS, NO STRAINING. or r NO GRIPING.' ro NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET. BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BOWELS IS ALWAYS SECURED. " Newly Discovered Principles in Purgatives dil Dr. Radway's Pills are the best Purgative Pills in the world, and the only Vegotable Substituto for Calomel or Mercury ever discovered. They are composed of VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE- 3 PARED IN VACUO. Ono grain of tho extras of thé modicinal proper- ties ofRadway's Pills, possess a greater curative power over diseaso than a thousand of the crude and inert materials that enter into all other pills In uso. Theso Pills are compounded of the active medicinal proper- ties of the Roots, Horbs, Plants, Flowers, Gums, &o. of which they are composed. Ono dose will prove their superiority to all other pills. They PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAL, BOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, INVIGORATE, And REGULATE THE SYSTEM." Their Great Combinations. They are Aperient, Tonle, Laxative, Alterative, Stim ulant, Counter Irritadt, hb 3 AS EVACUANTS, Aro moro certain and gh than tho ri So hin and in 0 em i in| barb, or Tamarind, or Castor Ol, 700 Rey: IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF Inflammation of the Bowels er Stomach, Liver, Splcen, or Kidneys, Bilious Cholic or Bilious Fever, Erysipelas or Congestive Fever, Small Pox, Measles, or Scarlet Fever, SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S REGU- LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA. : RY CAUSE OF THESE FRON HE sysTizll » SIX HOURS, One dose of Dr. Radway's Pills will cleanso the intes- tinal canal, and purge from the bowels all offending and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or tho best approved emetic will cleanse tho stomach, with. out producing inflammation, irritation, weakness, BTRAINING, or other unpleasant symptoms. There are no othor Durgative pills in the world that will securo this desi- loratum. BETTER THAN CALOMFL OR BLUE PILL. BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL. BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL AS ALTERATIVES, Rr exercise A more powerful influence over tha liver nd fi ts secretions than calomel, mercury, blue pill, | hence their importance In cases of Liver Complaints | and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Billous at. tacks, Headache, &c. In the treatment of Fevers, elthor Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other reducing Fevers, they are superior to quinine. Their influenco extends over the entire system, controlling, strengthening, and bracing up the relaxed and wasting energies, and regu- lating all the secretions to tho natural performance of their duties, cleansing and purifying tho blcod, and purgibg from tho system all diseased deposits and im- pure humors. . DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO BIX BOXES WILL CURB Costiveness, [Jaundice, Rush of Blood Constipation, (Congst've Fe-| tothe Head, Congestion, ver, Obstructions, Heart Disease, [Sleepiness Dropsy, Disease of Kid-|Gen'] Debility, | Acute Erysipo- ney & Bladder,| Dimness of §'t y of Li-|Fits, Headache, ¢ ver, Lown'sof Spir-|Bad Breath, RE Biliousness, its, Inflamation of hus Fever, (Quinsey, the Intestines, Ship Fever, spepsin, |Apoplexy, Malignant Fe- y largement ver, Melancholy, | of the Spleen, Loss of Appe-|Hysterics, Seurvy, | tite, Amenorrhea, Whooping y Indigestion, |Fainting, Cough, Inflammation, | Dizziness, ~~ |Worms, Palpitations, [Retention of [Bad Dreams, Scarlet Fever, | Urine, Pleurisy. Bilious Fever, 1 I AM CURED. #1 havo taken six doses of Radway's Pills, of threo lls cach, in six days ; they cured mo of Constipation, indigestion, and Dyspepsia. I have taken Be--th's, A----r¢', and many other pls for years, and could + only obtain tomporary. rolief. If I stopped the uso of these pills for a weok my oll complaint would appear. Six doses of Ragwarss Pills cured me. SiEPHEN BENNETT," U. 8. C. 8. "1 havo suffered with Dyspepsia and Liver Cm: plaint for seven years--havo used all torts of pills-- o would give mo temporary comfort, but was com- th pelled to take them all the time. I havo used one box of Dr. Radway's Pills ; Tam cured. I havo not taken & particle of medicine in six months, ©. M. CHILDS, Roxbury, Mass, * PILES, STRAINING AND TENESMUR, FULS, STRAINING AND TENESMUS, Aro tho results of Inflammation or irritation.of tho me tous membrano of, tho bowels, induced by drastm pills, Instead of being dissolved im) By tio ohie arg carried to tho lowgr bowels, and in- taltio ~~ duce a peristaitio movement or eyacuation by their Irritation cr Rees the ini. ram, Wrénching roquent false c: who take these fer oud, that patienis W300 would.avoid these annoyances, whenovor a purgative medicine is required, take a dose of v RADWAY'S' JULATING PILLS. THEY WILL PURGE THOROUGHLY AND ® LEAVE THE BOWZLS REGULAR. Torsons afflicted with PILES, may roly on a posilive COATED WITH GUM. aEp COATED WITH GUM. Dr, Radway's Pills aro elegantly Coated with (fam. arc (réo from taste or smell, can be taken at all {ims and.on all occasions. * No dangor will result from onlds if exposed to wet or damp woather after taking est SIX OF RADWAY'S PILLS Croton 'm Ol, means cor pletoly oy no oetions Pills will remove all secure a. Jussage. rections for 3 box. , 25 cents, Sola pe me, Bl Fs oe Sus it has been turnished with JSresh and new mado As each box is enclosed with & Steel Engraved Label, take none others, om RADWAY & CO. 87 Maiden Lanb, New Tork. , and Whitby Chronicle | Port Perry, March 28th, 1867, i JOSEPH BIGELOW Agent,