Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 13 Jun 1867, p. 3

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"ceived on the 18th ult. Tue WarsrLeer Traceoy.--Minno ' Graybiel, the chief actor in the recent Wainfleet tragedy, died on the 81st ult. fle was to have been removed to the Welland gaol on the 57th ult. His death resulted from eating a quantity of indigestible food, and om the effects of the wound he re- The particu. lars of the terrible affair in which Greybiel was wounded, aro already | . pretty well known; but we may ex- plain briefly that, on the evening of the 18th ult, Giaybicl shot his bro- ther-in-law, John Wallace, through the body, and then went in pursuit of Samuel Grey biel, whose life deceased | Bu had also threatened to take, as well as the lives of his father and mother; | 9! but, when Minno was nearing the house, Samuel fired on him and the shot took cffect in Lis right side, Minno thereupon fled, but soon fell, probably from the loss of blood. On being visited by members of his family, he said it was well his Lroth- er had stayed his bloudy carcer. He remained at a private house (Kin naird's) till the doctor pronounced |0 him out of danger, and preparations for his removal to the® County Gaol were commenced. The day before he was to have been taken away, he ate freely of indigestible food, was taken seriously ill again, and soon died.-- Globe. . A FirreeNy Years' Law-suir.-- The Korrest case is brought once more before the a decision just made in the United States Dis- trict Court. The alimony awarded Mis. Forrest when the divorce was | 5 granted was $4,000 a year. The case remained in the Court of Appeals ill 1860, and the amount due had then reached $35,000. His sureties were then sued for the amount, which had by that time risen to $45,000. An attempt was then made to get the suit before the United States Courts, on the ground that the Pasuies different Stites ; ut, as the main point was to avoid paying the money, application was made for an injunctior. It is thisap plication that has just been refused, and Mr. Forrest will have to fork over nearly $50,000, unless the law- yers can invent some new mode of delay. . TraDE With NEWFOUNDLAND.--The St. John's (Newfoundland) Telegraph says :--*" Trade is opening between Canada and Newfoundland. Cana- da flour up to this date has been un- known in the Island Colony, the market being supplied exclusively from thie United States. This sum- mer will witness a revolution. The | Nel Adbetisements. At Port Perry, on the10th inst., by tne Rev, J. King, Mr. John Smith to Miss Janet] Gillis, both of the Township of Brock, TE DI, At her residence, in the Township of Uzbridge, on the 3rd inst., CataerinE, wife of Richard T. Willey, aged 79 years. Toronto Papers please copy. PORT PERRY AND MANCHESTER MARKETS. \ Tall Wheat.....,....... 1.85 a 200 « LT a 1.88 40c a 44 56c a 60c i 35¢c a 50 Butter @ Bb... 0156 a - 15¢ Wood 4 cord. 125 @ 1 50 Pork per 100...... 460 a 600 Eggs per doz. yeuvvsiinns.. 10 @ 10 TORONTO MARKETS. 'Toronto, June. 12, 1867. Spring Wheat & bush.... 160 @ $1 65 Fall Wheat § bus 17 @ 180 Flour & brl.. 870 @ 9 00 Barley 4 bush 050 @ 055 ats e 043 @ 0 45 Pease ® iy 065@ 0175 Beef & cwt.....,. 000@ 000 Butter & i... v 011@ 014 Pork per 100.......0 444% 500m 550 MONTREAL MARKETS. + Montreal, June, 12, 1867. L900 @ 945 160@ 165 B@ 05 40 @ 042 00 @. 6 57 ars ou . 19 00, $19 26 016 @ 020 020 @ 0 25 10 00 @ 12 00 WHITBY MARKETS. Whitby June 12th, 1867. Flour @ brl.........oove 900 @ $10 25 Fal! Wheat & bush. . @ Spring-Wheat & bush..." Barley bush Pease id Oats " Potatoes Beef & ewt.. Butter i. . Pork & ewt. Flour & b:l. Wheat § br rococo m" IS2883538 3933999 laachard, Henry McLaren, Wm. . Colton, John Phillippo, Mrs. Elisha Oroil, J. D. Post, Mrs, E. '| Cameron, C. P, Roy, John Christie, Peter Rose, Daniel List of Letters Remaining jn the Port Perry Post-Office June 1st," 1867, not previously advertised. Rain) William Millar, John Smith, John Thompson, Joseph Tallman, Nelson, Town, Robert. Pov B. Hill, Henry Harrison, John |, Henderson, Wm. Hurd, Philander Persons calling for the above will please ask for advertised letters.- ? H. GORDON, Postmaster. mm : WINES. Jost received, a fresh supply of Pure Wines for medicinal purposes at THE MEDICAL HALL, Nearly opposite the Royal Canadian Bank. J. H. BACHE. Port Perry May 29, 1866. 42 NOVELS & STATIONERY. A Good assortment at the MEDICAL HALL. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A SPLENDID assortment at the MEDICAL HALL. Horse and Cattle Medicines. A GOOD SUPPLY always on hand. A, Superior Condition Powder--being one of the very best in use. Call and get a package at the MEDICAL HALL. COUGH BALSAM. diel introd Montreal Ocean Steamship| Company. TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND GLASGOW. ASSENGERS going to England, + Scotland, or Ireland, can have Tickets, Plans of Berths, and all necessary informa- tion from : GEO. YULE, Js. Agent, Whitby. June, 6th, 1866. . 43 I. BRIDGMAN, M.D., Physician, Surgeon, &o., PORT PERRY, 0. W: Farms For Sale ! HE Subscriber offers for salg the follow- ing valuable Lands: 1st.--Part of Lots No 21, 22, and 23, in the 8th Concession of Whitby, containing. 283 acres. cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres, 3rd.--Part of Lot No. 11;in' the Ih 4th.--South half of Lot No. 4, in the 9th concession of Scugog, containing 100. 5th.--Part of Lot No.5, in the 11 con- cession of Sougog, containing' 85 acres. concession of Scugog, containing 50 acres. All the above are first class farms, well improved, and can be had cheap, upon easy terms of payment, : : 'Also a large number of Village Lots in the village of Port Perry. Also a number of Town Lots in the town of Lindsay. rates of i t on farm secu- a THE best ever | Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., | aic immediately relieved. The immense 1 Lai | | County Council. |TJYHE JUNE SESSION of the County | Council, of the County of Ontario, will | Infant's rese rvative. o Hon. Ambrose Shea, an influential jus Lisl at the . a, al | i St. Jolw's merchant and leader of COUITt EXOWULSE {he Government, visited Montreal a IN THE d enables *' e proprietor to reduce the | price--Only 25 Cents per Botile. None | genuine unless signed J. F, Bacus. For | Sale at tie | MEDICAL HALL. ! pus is a safe and efficient remedy for } the di orders of children consequent on | Teething. No motker shou d be without it, | as it is the only medicine required for ch'ld- ren. [thas never failed in a single instance to effect a care when 'imely ddministered. In Diarrhwa, Dysentery, Colic and Pains in the Bowels, it is without an equal, and is = few wecks ago, and purchased 8,000 barrels, making a saving of several thousand dollars by the operation, -- This quantity will be forwarded «ia the Riverand Gulf of St. Law- rence. The probability is that no more flour will be bought in the States, especially with a line of steamers running between Canadian and Newfoundland ports. This de~ sideratum is being supplied. AccipENT--A very painful acci- dent happened in Galt on the 4th, whereby a young man numed Ld- ward Crossin, émployed in Mr, Bar- Leur's cabivet shop, had his Jeft hand badly lacorated by. coming in con- tact with a circular saw. Crossin had been working at the saw during the afternoon, and was reaching over it clearing off the frame, when one of * the other employces in the, factory spoke to him. Looking up as he re- plied, young Crosin drew his hand back, when it came in contact with "Si the saw, catting from the joint of the N TB 7" At Springfield, Friday night, two wrist downwards in a dreadful man- ner. Dr. Deans was soon in attend- dance and dressed the wounds; but at present it is impossible to speak as to what may be the ultimate re- «sult of the injuries inflicted. -- Galt Reporter. Disn-Waspine MacHINE.--A dis- «cussion took place at a late meeting of the. American Institute Farmers' Club, N. Y., on the ill effects arising {from wrshing dishes, the occasion being the exhibition of a dish-wash- ing machine of the size of a large tub «containing a wire rack on which the dishes are placed; it is a device simi- Jar to a revolving fan; it is claimed it will wash four dozen plates, or two or three dozen milk pans in ten mi- nutes, and require no wiping, and mever breaking any.--The cost of those of galvanized won is $15; of wood, $8. It is on castors, and the dishes are run from one room to another: Everybody was interested in this novel contrivance, the ladies 10 particular, Axorner Deatn Fro Kerosene -- young ladies, Miss Eliza Taylor and Miss Ida Thompson, had retired to their room for the night, and had nearly finished disrobing, when a kerosene lamp on a table ncar them exploded, with a loud report, scatter- ing the burning oil over Miss Taylor, and burning ler in a most shocking manner. Miss Thompson escaped with several severe burns that are not likely to prove serious, but was wade ill by inhaling the smoke. Miss Taylor lived till the next morn-- ing, when she died. wet ExtRAORDINARY FEAT OF STEAMBOAT- '1¥6.--Ouar lumber merehants will be surprised to learn that Captain Blon- din, of steamer Calunet, towed two bands of square timber down Poc- uettes rapids on the 25th inst., dur- he a stermy wind, which prevented the running of timber by the usual means. [tis not necessary to say that the like has never before been should have attempted, aad wo i ' thought it impossible. -- Aylmer Times. Previn oN THE Frum TREES.--A mew parasite has made its appear-- ance this spring on the capple-trec. buds, which thé microscope reveals in countless numbers, as a beetle- shaped, exceedingly lively ineoct, preying voraciously on the tender foliage just bursting forth, which also exhibits the marks of its rava ges. A fine instrument exhibits this new danger that threateas the fruit in a maguitude trying ypon weak erves, 4 An extraordinary piece of news is current in Paris to the effect that - a high military officer is under atrest, pccused of treasonable practices, and in particular of having betrayed to Prussia the French plan of a cam- | paign in case of § war, TOWN OF WHITBY, On Tuesday, 18th June, 1867. At the hour of 2 o'clock, P. M. H. J, MACDONALD, County Clerk. | Co. Council Chamber, | Whitby, June ith, 1867. bis Subscriber is desirous of informing the public that he has purchased the above premises, which he has renovated tention can a be found. Good stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive Ostlers. : R. A. MURTA, Greenbank, June 12, 1867. 44-1y WANTED. Two Good House Painters! Apply immediately to JOHN NOTT. 43 Borelia, June 4, 1867. BLIC NOTICE. To the Reeve and Members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Reach: We, your Petitioners, Houscholders and Freeholders, ol the Township of Reach, in the Villa_e of Por: Perry, residing on Lots numbers eighteen and nineteen, in the sixth Concession of the Township of Reach, ask you to levy a local assessment on lots num- ber eighteen and nineteen in the sixth Con- cession o" the Township of Reach, sufficient to raise the sum of Two Hundred Dollars to be levied and collected from the real and personal property of the above- mentioned Lots, in addition to all other assessments for the year 1867, and that you will appoint commissioners for expend- ing the said sum (80 tévied) on the streets of said Village, Thos Paxton Robert Baker J W Allison C Marsh Joseph Bigelow E Mandy Thomas Brown Daniel Ireland W_M Cochrane W H Shipman J J Shaw Charles Paxton Benj'm Bache Thomas Platten J H Bache Henry Foy H 8 Johnson Shaw & Gordon John Matthews Thomas Bullen John J Shaw "Jacob Roberts James Tunstall O McKenzie Joha Phillippa Francis Shapel William Luke Frederic Scurra Robert Burton 'Wm 8 Sexton. H Burnham : John Lavery: Geo Robinson O E Abbott David Currin William Stonez Ascott Hern Wm Douglas Charles Kellet Johd Smith John Thompson Thos Hardill William Lince Perey Brown 'Daniel Corbman Benjamin Martia WJ Trounce Ass Labear NE Briggs Elisha Phillippo Duncan McKercher George Drinkwater Neil Sinclair ~~ Peers William Paxton Wm Littleproud George Collins Isaac Quackenbush T J Morden ert Maw Heary Charles ° A M Gibson Alfred Eley James Bowers Alex Meredith David Gibson. "PAKE NOTICE that the above Rate-payers of. Lots numbers eighteen and aineteen in the sixth concession of the Township of Reach, in the County of Onta- rio, willLapply to the' municipal Couneil of the Township of Reach, at the expiration of four weeks frog the date hereof, for a By- law levying a local rate of two hundred dollars for th cial improvements men- tioned in the above Petition, Beach 15th April 1867. 42 TO LET. A Helou Shop, Log House, and a balf-acre of Lagd to Let, op the corner of Lot No. 10 fg the 12th Con. Mari within five miles from Oakwood, six from Woodville, six from Canunisgton and seven from Manilla, all of which may be rented cheap. For further particulars apply to ALEX; MoKINNON, n the Premises. $1-3v 0 Port Perry, May 21, 1867, 44 COTTAGE HOTEL; GREENBANK. | thioughout, First Stig lihgnors ud Olgas; and the best as Im nw) ulate. Ea the most efiectual soother of pain as yet presented to the public. None genuine un- less signed J. II.-Bacue. Only 25 Cents per bottle. For sale at the MEDICAL HALL. WORM OWDERS. T is the best and safest worm nredicine At drives on. the worms thoroughly | without pain. 'Tuey se superior to any Worm Lozenge ; and none but the very best ingredients ave used in their compo- sition, Give ma trial. Only 25 cents per Package. For sale at the MEDICAL HALL. Anti-Billious - Pills. : N excellent Family Medicine, and is the _most effective remedy for 'ndigestion, Billious and Liver Complaints, ('iddiness, rity. For further particulars apply (prepaid) to T. PAXTON & Co. W. M. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Port Perry. Port Petty, Aug, 20, 1866. of , TAILORING EMPORIUM! HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning -L his sincere thanks to his numerous customers and friends for past favors, wishes to inform the Inhabitants of Reach ! and surrounding Townships, that ha is still prepared to execute all orders entrusted to his care with neatness and despatch, CHBEAX FOR CASE. TI10'S. BULLEN, Mary Street. 38. ar Port Perry, May 2, 1867. PORT PERRY Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness; «81.25, and | all disorders of ('ec Stomach and Bowels. | For Females the P 'Is are tru'y excellent, removing all Obsiruction, Headache, De- pression of 8-irits, Blotches, Pimples and | sallowness of the skin, and give a healiliy, juvenile b oom to the complexion. Only 25¢ per box, at the | i MEDICAL HALL | Pleas Rememberthe Plaze ! | EDICAL ITALL--Opposite the " House | of All Nations," Queen Street, Port| Perry. | J. H. BACHE. | Post Perry, March 21st, 1867. 22 | TOWN & PARK LOTS inPort Perry. Village Lot 1,--~Corner, Water, and Queen Streets. "" 11 i I | North Queen Street. o 16 } " - 22 " 24 ; South North Street, " 30 u 41 North North Street. " 70 North Mary Street. on } South Mary Street. " 89 . 90 North Casimir Street. " 94 y as } South Casimir Street. For price and terms apply pre-paid to " J. HAM PERRY. Wonderful !* Wonderful ! WONDERFUL! HIS is what I wish every one to know: that all persons afflicted with decayed Teeth, oz stumps of Teeth, which eanker the mouth, disease te body and produce offensive breath, can now ave ihem "EXTRACTED FREE FROM PAIN!! OR ANY OTHER INCONVENIENCE WHATEVER! . By a new and well tried process--the appli- cation of Spray upon the Gums, Do not doubt this! It has been used by eminent Dentists in Europe ior some (ime, and is now extensively practiced in America for Teeth extracting. J.D. C., is prepared to Extract Teeth by this new and wonderful process which is nothing short ofa blessing to hraanity. "All Dental operations performed scien- tifically, with skill thet only a Jong practice can ensure, 'W, L. BOOKER Whitby. Secretary and Treas. Whitby, August 21, 1866. Xin, I* Hamilton. WW. M. COCHRANE, 2 Agent for North Ontario; ' Port Perry. Woollen Factory. MIE SUBSCRIBER, in returning I thanks to his numerous customers for their favors during the past two years, wishes to inform them and the public that he is Now Prepared to Execute all Work entrusted to him, on the shortest possible notice and in THE BEST STYLE! As a recommendation for honest dealing and good workmanship, be would state this fact that in 1865 he carced only 8,000 1bs of woul, and in 18 6 over 14,000 lbs. He hopes by strict attention'to business to merit an additional increase in 1867. Prices :--For Carding, per 1b--5 cents, if paid before the 1st January, 1868; if not 80 paid, 6 cents will be charged, On all other accounts not paid before that date 10 per cent will be charged. . For Fulling und pressing 10 cents per yard, and fulling and Dressing 12} cents per yard. Shawls, Capes, Dresses, &c., Colored and Presced on moderate terms. C. T. YOUNG. Port Perry, April 23, 1867. 36-3m VICTORIA Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY. ue aim of the Directors of this Company is. by careful and economical manage- ment, to oer insureres perfect security and low rates of premium. RATE OF INSURANCE FOR THREE YEARS : Brick or Stone for $1,000...,,..... $10 Wcod and Qut-buildings for $1,000... 15 FARMERS will find it to their interest to insure in the above Company, ns the rates are very 10y and security perfect. : + April 18th, 1867. 36-1f Farms for Sale. NE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES, | being part of Lot No. 20, 'n the 9th concession of the Powuship of C rtwright, 78 acres cleared and under a fair state of cultivation,with ordinery out buldings. The land is only 1§ miles from Cresarea, from wheneo there 's a good graveled road to Bowaanvile. There 8 also a good school within a quarter of a mile of the Lot. Title indisputable, , 5 ¥ : TERMS :--%60¢ down, and balanee spread over a term of six or eight years, . - The North half of Lot 21, im the oth Con. Cartwright, with Log House and twenty-five Acres cleared. a s :--$400 down and balance spread over' term of ten years, ity Apply to , _ JOSEPH-BIGELOW, 3 Chegrges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. : * Orrion Hours from 8, A.M, to 5, P.M, "J.D. COTTINGHAM, Borelia. Borelia Jan. § 1867, wu une ptusant witch | ide 12a mush Port Poe, Apel 3, 1665. an 0a Telh Ile, Sealed and Regulnted.| 9 3()) Coda Posts for Sal . re $5 PER HUNDRED: " . JOSEPH BIGELOW, Canadian Line = 2nd.--Part of Lot No. 27, inthe 9th Cone bsp Obncession of Reach, containing "148 acres. |: @th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 18th| ° Also any amount of money to Toon in BE COHAW & g( -. (NorpoN ARE STILL RECEIVING THEIR NEW - SPRING GOODS! CALL AND SEE THEM, "April 10th, 1867, 35 $17,000 WORTH OF ~NEW GOODS « Comprised of British, Erefich,and Amegican DRY GOODS, Canadian Tweeds, of the latest variety of Style and Texture, wi ¢ GROCERIES! Shelf Hardware, Hoop and Bar Iron, STOVES AND TINWARE, Croekery, Classware, Window Glass, Nails, Putty, Paint, Oils, LAMPS, GOAL OIL, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Paper Hangings, School Books, Stationery, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Water-lime, &c., &e. A large stock of Ready-made CLOTHING ! on hand and made up to order if required. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and size for Ladies, Gentle- men and Children, purchased from the best manufacturing houses in the Dominion of a Canada. Ladies and Gent's ; HATS AND CAPS, Bonnets, Mantles, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Rikbons, &c., in Great Variety always on hand. [would say that my stock is the largest and most complete in the County, embracing almost everything for sale in Town or City, LW Midsent o, EF] Fresh Goods, Are arriving almost daily, to keep my assortment complete, that nothing may ba wanting on my part to serve patrons with everything required of the latest styles and most select variety of Goods to be found in any Market at the LOWEST PRICES. Any particulaparticle not in stock will be order- ed to supply customers. Muley Gang and Circular Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting furnished to ' order at Manufacturer's prices, 3 All kinds of FARM PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. WANTED--Auy quantity of Butter, Eggs, Tallow, Lard, ams, Bacon, * Potatoes, &c., &e. Port Perry is the larg- est market in North Ontario for these things, always commanding tbe highest price to supply the large number of men in the Mills and Factories of this place, as well as their families ea 600 Butter Tubs for Sule or will be given out to castomers to fill. 10,000 Feet of Square Timber for Sale, of all®Lengths, from 18 to 60 fect, and from 8 to 12 inches square. ' The Subscriber has also a large stock of SAWED LUMBER on hand, and is pre- pared to furnish any kind of Lumber, sawed out to order, from 12 to 26 feet long.-- Parties wanting loug lumber had. better bear this in mind. Also, for sale, any quantity of Sawed Shingles, Flour Barrel Staves and Baived Heading. . y3= TWO GOOD POTASH KETTLES 8 cwt each, and three Coolers for Sale. JOSEPHBIGELOW Port Perry, 22nd April, 1867. 37 Don't Buy! Don't Buy! ( J. LIL. Margach NOW OFFERS TO THE PUBL'C THE FOLOWING MEDICINES, Margach's Cough Mixture, MARGACH'S CONDITION POWDERS, FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. MARGACII'S PILE OINTMENT AND Pile Pills, 75c. {| MARGACI'S ITCH CURE-50 CENTS. MABGACES ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS, THE CELEBRATED DRIFFIELD OIL, For Horses : Prepared from the Original Regipe, by J. L. Mangacu. Nr The place to get the best Machines, Is on Brock Street,at S. P. GREEN'S, ALSO, | Highest Prize Canadian Machines, i ON'F BUY that little noasensical $15 Machine. You will always be in trouble. But the best way is, when you have Fifteen Dollars to invest in 8 machine, to put a little more with it and get a good one; and ESSE NCE 9 f Are for sale at 8B. P. GREEN'S, OF 4 SUPERIOR QUALITY PUT UP | New Improved Belleville Machines, Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S. IN A NEAT STYLE. | Grover & Baker's best Machines, A Liberal Discount to the Trade. Are for sale at S. P. GREEN'S. J. L. MARGACH, Genuine Singer's big Machines, Are for sale at S. P. GREEN'S. Bay UXBRIDGE. Feb. 20,1807, © 28 NEW TAILOR SHOP !! Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S, Can be had at 8. P. GREEN'S, IN PORT PERRY. Time given for payment on Machines, If they are bought at 8. P. GREEN'S. Writien warrants v.* h all Machines, That aie bought ai S. P. GREEN'S. Remember this place of such renown, 'Tis on Broe' Street, in Wibtby Town. PERKINS would inform the inhab- Whitby, Jan. 15, 1867. 0 D. itantg of Port Perry snd 4 Country that he bas opened a new I Tailoring Establishment nthe bove-named town, where he is pre- : pared to ! MANUFACTURE GARMENTS Substantially and Tustefully Fiaally, all good Machines, ---- Ne) fnond DIVISIONCO URTS FOR THE T ysible notice and in the ; OF as SHETieok possi » County of Ontario. NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. | No. 1, Whitby, ...,,. .....June 1st, 186 i = pep « 9 Pickering, vee. 2nd, # " " «His prices are very reasonable, and to " "" 3, Pringe Albert, + oJuly 28th, 4, Uxbridge,,....,..... © 200h, those who favor hfm with their work every | 5, Canpington, 1st, © tiop is guaranteed, "6, Beaverton 20d, atisuction an ; PRR TH Pa vy te Bi, 4 SHOP--over Shaw and Gordon's store, 7. BURNHAM, Queen Street. Judge, C. 0, Fy Port Perry, 22nd April, 1867, 3% Port Perry, Ang. 28, 1866. Whitby) May 27, {se7. _ --. : § Ca : es iyi pus Subscriber Js desirons of informing his friends and the public that hg has . received a well assorted stock of Eat Yr. LADIES GENTS AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR! Consisting of Calf, Kidd and Prunella Gaiters and Heavy Wear of all kinds, which will be found 3 fe EQUAL IN STYLE & QUALIFY !! TO ANY IN THE MARKET. : sar A Lot of No. 1 Spanish Sole for Sale, Cheap for Cash. <g8 Repairing Promptly Attended to. Terms Moderate. Produce taken in Exchange. The Highest Price in Cash for Hides; Calf & Sheep Skins. H. FOY. Port Perry, May 22, 1867. qa. < THE NEW PICTURE GALLERY WHERE YOU CAN GET The Latest Styles of Pictures. TAKEN ON THE MOST IMPROVED SYSTEM ! 4 Photographs Painted in Oil, Water Colors, &e., &e. ? #3" Small Likenesses Copied and Enlarged to any size. gy Remember the Place,---Nearly! opposite the Royal Canadian Bank, Specimens to be seen at the MEDICAL HALL. J. H. BACHE. ge - . x GE Port Perry, April 25th, 1867. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH ONTARIO. We wish to inform you that our Spring Stock is now complete, and you will find it to your advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere and price our list of New Goods annexed : : Silk Groods, Doeskins, Tweeds, Flannels, Shirting, &e., &c., at MARSH & TROUNCE'S Port Perry, May 8nd, 1867. > AN AWFUL TUMBLE !! Coods Very Much Lower in Price THE SUBSCRIBER has just returned from Montreal, where he has purchased one of the Largest Stocks of Goods ! ever brought to this Market. And as all COIL ITON goods are now some fifteen per cent lower than they were one month ago he feels satisfied he can offer bargains not given in this line for five years past. All kinds of GROCERIES, BOOTS §& SHOES, HATS § CAPS, Straw Goods and READY-MADE CLOTHING, &C., Very Low. i ¢ J. W. ALILISON. Hardware, Sugars, Coffee, Rice, Currants, Port Perry, May 8th, 1867. 39 PORT PERRY FOUNDRY. Tue above New'and First-Class Foundry is now Open for the Manufacture of Steam Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw Mh MACHINERY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WQOD AND IRON, Such as Bash, Door, Blind and Chair, Staye and Shingle Machinery, of the Latest mprqvements.. Woollen Mill Machinery, The Double Turbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides AGRICULTURAL INPLEMERTS, STOVES, 4, OHARGES REASONABLE, The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhood, thereby saving time and transportation, is a saving of itself which the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mutual. Immediate Orders Respectfully Solicited. A. M. GIBSON. i Port Perry, Dec. 19th, 1866, * SCUGOG HOUNE, PORT PERRY, . | Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines & Spirits, At Reasonable Rates. HENRY CHARLES, 87 Port Perry, April 23rd 1867. The Port Perry Ware-Rooms! NY ruiing Ske to 8s wags utvaesafonShgiogecauage dui the pup . MY STOCK CONSISTS OF S : Bedsteads, Tables, Cradles, Bureaus, = Sideboards, Secretaries, Book Cases and seperal Sets of Bedroom Furniture, and two Organs--one with six stops, and ane with two. HT They will answer for Church or Parlor purposes; and will be sold Cheap for Cash or approved ergdits, UNDERTAKING Done on the shortest notice. Coffips slways on band. Hearse at reasonable rate Port Perry, Ang. 15th, 1866 5 WwW. DAVIS,

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