Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 5 Sep 1867, p. 3

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i -------------- Gy Bit iT file oo 2@ 900 | 60 @ 1 56 88.@° 087 L40@ 045 0 0 5 65 Ww @ 1 16 @ 020 20 @ 025 r i . 1000 @ 12 00 . TORONTO MARKETS. - ah wh Toronto, Bept 4, 1867. ng Wheat bush,... 135 @ $1 40 : t sh 170 @ 180 AA Lhe hs ' Barley & bush. 055@ 080 ~ Oats " . 080 @ 052 Poass iH . 055@ 056 3 Buel @ out. 000 @ 000 _ Butter@Mb............. 011 @ 014 PORT PERRY AND MANCHESTER bl _ 'MARKETS. No Sept. 4, 1861. .<®all Wheat............. 140 a 1.50 Spring Wheat. . 'WHITBY MARKETS. 'Whitby Sept. 4, 1867. 3 Flour 4 brl............. 800 /@ $8 26 "Fall Wheat & bush 140 @ 1 56 i Spring Wheat & bush. 130 @ 135 ® Barley bush... 050 @ 0 55 30 "Pease AAT 0565 @ 060 4 Oats ao! 030 @ 035 . Potatoes 028 0 30 3 Butter § Ib «0123 013 Ben Iubetisements, No.1 on the Corner 1S THE PLACE TO GET Dow's Celebrated Ale on Draught! - Bass's Ale, BLOD'S PORTER, Finest American Cheese, &c., &c., &ec. . SSgPort Perry, Aug. 27, 1861. 3-tf JI® hereby given, that the Council of the Corporation of the 'Township of Reach at a meeting to be held in the | : TOWN HALL, MANCHESTER, On the 1st day of October, mow next, propose to pass a By-Law to top up and close as a public highway, a Bekmens Lots Nov. 13 and 15; he roe of ots and 13, in ) Soma a 1 aud Township } n Ig al the 4th Bast 2 ter. . . 3 JOHN CHRISTIE, ak HH Township Clerk, Reach; 28th August, 18 35 67. To the Independent Electors ,of the North Riding of - Ontario. ! "GENTLEMEN :-- 'In soliciting your support at the coming Election to represent you in the Canadian House of Commons, I deem it proper to state my views upon some of the matters which may occupy the attention of that 'House. As regards the important subject * of Immigration, Ishould, if electéd, desire to see all practical means adopted to render Canada a desirable home to the emigrant, believing that the prosperity of the Domin- ion depends much upon an increase of its population, and the consequent occupancy and clearing of its at present unproductive territory. 3 1 should advocate strict economy as es- sential in the management of the affairs of e New Dominion, and although desirous of seeing all necessary Dominional improve- ments entered upon with as little delay as possible, yet the Revenue and resources, of the country should be well ascertained be- fore undertaking any large or expensive works, = oe A Reciprocity Treaty with the United Statos, based upon equitable terms, would, { believe, prove advantageous to both coun- "tries entering into it, and generally I " should advocate as much freedom in trade between Canada and other coun- 'tries as-practicable, persuaded that an in- "greased consumption would in many cases make up to the Revenue any end of the'four Pro- | cos and the ulfimate addition of the * Western Territory as the foundation of a * most important Dominion, capable of sup- | porting a very large population, and the party Government I have always re- | 'garded as best caloulsted to carry on the affairs of the country, under all ordinary oir- gumstances, in the most satisfactory and * eegnomical manner ; yet I shall not, ifelect. ed, feel disposed to offer any factious orpe- 0 the present Ministry, 'but judge o oss from les- | Servant, LL THOMPSON. ey od BY-LAW NO. ------ » To Establish certain Roads on Lots No's. 25 and 26, in the Second Concession of the Township of Uxbridge. T= COUNCIL of the Corpération of the Township of Uxbridge enacts as follows : 1st--That a Road across the North West pase of Lot No. 26 in the 2nd Concession of xbridge, and described as follows, that is to say :--Commencing on the Easterly limit of the said Lot No. 25, at the distance of 76 links on a cdurse N. 16° W. from the Centre thereof, and running thence 8. 74° W. 7 chains and 88 links: thence N. 42° 30' W. 7 chaing and 13 links : thence N, 79°15' W. 6 chains and 44 links more or less to the allowance for road between Lots Nos. 26 and 26 : the said Road to be 75 links wide and the above described line to be the Nor- therly and' Easterly limits thereof be, and the same is hereby established as a Public Road or Highway. 2nd,--That a Road on the South Easterly part of the West half of Lot No. 26, in the "nd Qoncession of the Township of Uxbridge, and described as follows, that is to say :-- Commencing on the Southerly limit of the said Lot No. 26, at the distance of 37} links on a course 8. 74° W. from the Centre of the said Concession and running thence N, 16° 501 W. 1 chain and 89 links ; thence 8. 81° W, 0! chains and 2 links ; thence S. 65° W. 6 chains and 35 links ; thence 8. 56° W. 7 chains and 86 links ; thence 8. 14° W, 3 0 chains and 25 links ; thence N. 25° W. 5 chains and 18 links ; thence 8. 37° W. 5 chains and 24 )inks ; thence § 13° E. 1 chain and 35 links more or less to the allow- ance for road between Lots 25 and 26. * The road to be 75 links wide and the above describod line tobe the centre thereof, be, and the same is hereby established as a Pub. lic Road or Highway. . 3rd--Thata road on the Western part of the said Lot No. 26, in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Uxbridge, and described as follows, that is to say : Uommencing on the Westerly limit of the said Lot No. 26 at the distance of 67 links from the North- West angle thereof, and running thence 8. 50° E. 3 chains and fitty links; thence 8. 2° 30' E. 17 chains more or less to the al- lowance for road between Lots No. 25 and 26; to said road to be 75 links wide and the above described line to be the centre there- of, be, and the same is hereby established as a Public Road or Highway. NOTICE. pus above is a true copy of a proposed By-Law which was read a first and second time, $ the 27th day of August, 186%, and whick will be passed at the next meeting of the Council to be held at Armi- tage's Hotel, near Goodwood, on Monday, 30th-day of September, next, after the publication of the said By-Law for one month in the Port Perry Standard Newspaper. » ROBERT SPRARS, Township Clerk. Uxbridge, August 28th, 1867. 4td NOTICE County of Ontatio, 3 IY hereby given, To Wit : that the Court of Genetal Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Oounty Court, in and for the County of Ontario, will be holden at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on Tuesday, September 10, 1867, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Justices'of the Peace, Coroners, Consta- bles, and all others concerned, will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. NELSON G, REYNOLDS, a Sheriff, 0. 0. Per R. H.-Tomunson. = the Legislature 0 ion Juerent, oe other Parlia- ction, foran Act to In- Port Perry and Whitby Rail- 'way Company, and to empower the said Company to construct a Railway from some t on Lake Scugog, ator near Port 'erry, to some point on Lake Ontario, be- ext sess! d | tween the Eastern limits of the Township of East Whitby and the Western limits of the Township of West Whitby ; and for the enabling the said Company to construct or purchase and own a Harbor on Lake Onta- rio, between the points named ; and for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Scugog River. > : . Whitby, 19th August, 1867. 2. And if it does not suit the money will bé refanded. In ordering please state depth of JAMES BOWMAN, y BogzLiA. August 15, 1867. COR Wonderful! Wonderful ! 4 3 WONDERFUL 1! 4 big is what I wish every one to know: that all persons afflicted with decayed Teeth, or stumps of Teeth, which nas the mouth, disease the body and luce offensive breath, can now have them EXTRACTED IR EE FROM PAIN !! ANY OTHER INCONVENIRNOB WHATEVER! By a new and well tried process--the appli- cation of Spray upon the Gums, not doubt this! It hag been used by eminent Dentiswd in Europe for some time, and is now extensively practiced in Ameria for t a well or cistern. Teeth nathing short of a blessing to humanity. All fental operations Boman tifically, with skill that only a lang practice can ensure; 3 The Instrument which I have, is & much improved one from the original applier. X3* Oharges moderate, and Orrion Hours from 8, A. M., to 5, P.M. Ey 3 y aranteed. J. D. COTTINGHAM, Borelia. * Rorelia Jan. 8 1867, ~ Cau rte Abe eto omer ire | GENTLEMEN :-- J. 1. C., is prepared to Extract Teeth by.| this 2s and -wonderful process which. is. To the Independent Electors of the North Riding of the County of Ontario, .. Having been requested by a Convention of the Reformers of this Riding to allow myself t0 be put in nonfination for the Legislative Assembly of Ontario at the coming election, I. beg to announce that shall, in accordance with the wishes of my friends thus expressed, offer myself as a Candidate for your suffrages, In politics I am, and always have been, ¥| Reformer ; but, as we are now entering up- on a new era in the history of our country, I trust that former party bitterness may be laid aside, and that true and loyal men will unite their influence to secure the election of such Representatives as will best promote the successful working of our new Constituy, tion, I cordially approve of the Act of Confed- eration, and consider the establishment of the separgte Legislatures one of its best pro- visions, as each Province thus secuies the control of its own local affairs--a change which past experience proves to be very de- sirable, \ Should you honor me with your confidence [shall do my utmost to promote the efficient and economical administration of the affairs of the Province of Ontario, by favoring the employment of a sufficient number of assist- ants; at a fair remuneration for services rendered, and by discountenancing any un- necessary multiplication of offices. Though opposed to the principle of Copli- tions ; yet, in view of the peculiar situation of public affairs, Iam prepared to give the present Goverment a fair opportunity to announce its policy, by which, alone, I will judge of its claims to support. All measures really adapted to promote the public weal will receive my approval, without reference to their source; while those of a contrary character, I shall on the same principle condemn, from the convie- tion that the future welfare of our Province will be thereby best promoted, I shall, if elected, advocate the develop ment of the vast mineral resources of the Province ; and the g of immi- gration, by free grants of Crown lands to bona fide settlers in the new Townships. The passage of a well considered Home- stead Law, permitting any person to apply money honestly his own to the purchase of a limited amount of property, which, for the benefit of his family shall be exempt from claims of future creditors, I shall also en- deavor to obtain. I shall give my earnest attention to all matters directly affecting the i of this Riding, and will act upon the princi- ple of justice to all--partiality to none. Respectfully soliciting your votes and in- fluence in the coming contest, Ihave the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your Obed't Servant, T. PAXTON. Reach, August 9, 1867. Observer, Chronicle and Lindsay Post will please give two insertions. An Invitation to Visit Scugog House, PORT PERRY. HE PUBLIC (especially the LADIES,) are cordially invited to in- gpect the beautiful and extensive assortment Ra 0 KID AND PRUNELLA Of the LATEST style and most approved make. Gentlemen's Boots .and Shoes, in Kid, Prunella, Canvass and Leather--also English Boots--Misses, Boys' and Childrens' in. almost endless variety of make and , Binding. A few pairs of ¥3~ Ladies English Boots in Glove Kid. ry An early inspection of the above is solicited. HENRY CHARLES. Port Perry July 2nd, 1867. a Freeman's Authelminfic Worm ! Powders. This new Medicine 8 Iling Worms from the human system--it J or a purely' vegotabl origin there: fore no fear may be entertained of being sa- livated or producing any deleterions e on the constitution. It is mild in its action and perfectly safe and sure. It does not. create any nausea or sickening sensation leasant that any child will eagerly, take k and it has a dendly effect on ail Worms that inhabit the intestinal canal--suth as the Teonia or Tape Worm, Lumbricus or. long round Worm, and Ascaris Vermicular- is or Pin Worm. ' "Freeman's Canadian 1 PILLS. These Pills are composed of six concen trated vegetable substances and are 80 portioned as to answerall the effects Anti-Bilious medicine as well as a possugses a superiority | over all other Medicines of the kind for ex- | when introduced into the stomach. It sel Anti-Billious | sure purgative, - In its: operation on the bowels it is effectual, and produces a fects | HAW & : forDON ARE STILL RECEIVING shiz NEW : SPRING GOODN! CALL AND SEE THEM. April 10th, 1867, we 35 ' Oroup, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- ness and Incipient Consumption, for which you have a safe and sure remedy. 3 Price 25c. If not satisfied will be refunded. J. H. BACHE, Agent. Port Perry, July, 1867. 49-6m Montreal Ocean Steamship ~ COMPANY <A . . y Canadian Line TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND GLASGOW, PASSENGERS going to England, Scotland, ar Ireland, can have Tickets, Plans of Berths,and all necessary informa- tion from GEO. YULE, Jr. Agent, Whitby. £743 2 June, 6th, 1866. Farms For Sale ! HE Subscriber offers for sale the follow- ing valuable Lands: the 8th Concession of Whitby, containing 283 acres. 2nd.--Part of Lot No. 27, in the 9th Con- cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres. 3rd.--Part of Lot No. 11, in the 12th GC ion of Reach, ining 148 acres. 4th.--South half of Lot No. 4, in the 9th concession of Scugog, containing 100. 5th.--Part of 'Lot No. 5, in the 11 con- cession of Scugog, <ontaining 85 acres. 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 13th concession of Scugog, containing 50 acres. improved, and can be had cheap, upon easy 2.| terms of payment. Algo a large number of Village Lots in the village of Port Perry. Also a number of Town Lots in'the town of Lindsay. fgasonahle rates of interest on farm secu- rity. For further particulars apply (prepaid) to T. PAXTON & Co." © W. M. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Port Perry. Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1866. Te or without griping. They p , clean and invigorate every portion of the h system. \ if Try Freeman's rant For diseases of the Lungs or Throat, a8 Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, | your money | 1st.--Part of Lots No. 21, 22, and 23, in| All the above are first class farms, well |* Also any amount of money to loan at | $17,000 NEW GOODS, Comprised of British, French and American DRY GOODS, Canadian Tweeds, of the latest variety of Style and Texture, GROCERIES!! Shelf Hardware, Hoop and Bar Iron, STOVES AND TINWARE, Crockery, Classware, Window Glass, Nails, Putty, Paint, Oils, LAMPS, COAL OIL, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Paper Hangings, (School Books, Stationery, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Water-lime, &c., &c. A large stock of Ready-made CLOTHING ! on hand and made up to order if required. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and size for Ladies, Gentle- men and Children, purchased from the best manufacturing houses in the Dominion of Canada. Ladies and Gent's HATS AND CAPS, Bonnets, Mauntles, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, &ec., in Great Variety always on hand. - I would say that my stock is the largest and most complete in the County, embracing almost everything for sale in Town or City. Fresh Goods, Are arriving almost daily, to keep my' assortment complete, that nothing may be wanting on my part to serve patrons with everything required of ghe latest styles and most select variety of Goods to be found in any Market at the LOWEST PRICES. Any particular article not instock will be order ed to supply customers. Muley Gang and Circular Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting furnished to order at Manufacturer's prices, All kinds of FARM PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. TED--Any quantity of Butter, Eggs, Tallow, Lard, Hams, Bacon, Potatoes, &c., &c. Port Perry is the larg- est marketin North Ontario for these things, always commanding the highest price to gupply the large number of men in the Mills and Factories of this place, as well as M[HE SUBSCRIBER, ip return -L his sincere thanks to his numerous customers and friends for past favors, wishes to inform the and surrounding Townships, that fie is still) prepared to execute all orders entrusted to his care with neatness and despatoh. CHBEAF FOR CASE THO'S. BULLEN, Mary Street. Port Perry, May 2, 1867. . 88, STRAYED. $5 REWARD. 'PHERD Strayed from the Premiscs of the subscriber in Port Perry, on the 14th inst, A GREY MARE. She is rup- tured on the nigh flank, and the nigh shoulder is quite stiff, Any one returring the same to the owner, or giving such infotmaiion as may lead to her recovery, will receive this reward. GEO. ROBINSON. Port Perry, July 30, 1867. 51-tf NOTICE County of Dario] 8 hereby given, To Wit : that the Court of Assize, Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and Jensral Gaol Delivery, will be holden in and or the County of Ontario, in the Court House in the Town-of Whitby, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1867, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Coroners, Justices of 'the Peace, and all others concerned will take notice and go- vern themselves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. 0. Per R. H ToMLINSON. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, August 15, 1867. 2 J. L. WATKIS Surgeon-Dentist. OFFIOE:--ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY. WILL BE AT : 'MANCHESTER, on the 19th, PORT PERRY, on the 20th, And CANNINGTON, 21st OF HVHRY MONTE, HERE Persons requiriug his services 'in any branch of 'the profession will bo attended to. -- * August 15, 1867. 9 3 1tf, NEW TAILOR SHOP!! AN PORT PERRY. " = t --( -- 3 PERKINS would inform the inhab- D eo itants of Port Perry and surroundin, Country that he has opened a new e | Tailoring Establishment nthe above-named town, where Be is pre- pared to r MANUFACTURE GARMENTS) Substantially and Tastefully = On the shortest possitle notice ang in the 2 latest His prices are very reasonable, and to those who favor him with their work every Taf td 3 ' SHOP--aver Shaw and Gordon's store, Queen Street. i "Port Perry, Aug: 28, 1866, Bely. ! | above Company, as the rates are VERY Low NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. [alty Inhabitants of Reach !| their families. 500 Butfer Tubs fur Saleor will be given out to costomers to fill. 10,000 Feet of Square Timber for Sale, of all®Lengths, from 18 to 60 feet, and from 8 to 12 inches square. The Subscriber has also a large stock of SAWED LUMBER on hand, and is pre- pared to furnish any kind of Lumber, sawed out to order, from 12 to 26 feet long.-- Parties wanting long lumber had better bear this in mind. Also, for sale, any quantity of Sawed Shingles, Flour Barrel Staves and Sawed Heading. 3 TWO GOOD POTASH KETTLES 8 cwt each, and three Coolers for Sale. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, 22nd April, 1867. 37 Farms for Sale. NE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES, being part of Lot No. 20, in the 9th concession of the Towuship of Oartwright, 78 acres cleared and under a fair state of cultivation, with ordinery out'buldings. The land is only 1} miles from Caesarea, from whence there is a good graveled road to Bownanville. There ss also a good school within a quarter of a mile of the Lot. Title indisputable. TERMS :--§600 down, and balance spread over aterm of six or eight years. ALSO: The North half of Lot 21, in the 9th Con: Cartwright, with Log House and twenty-five Acres cleared. Terns :--$400 down and balance spread over a tarm of tenyears, if required. Apply to JOSEPH BIGELOW, Port Perry, April 2, 18685, 37 2,000 Cedar Posts for Sale. Pre $5 PER HUNDRED. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, 22 April; 1867, 3% VICTORIA Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY. HE aim of the Directors of this Company T is, by careful and economical manage- ment, to offer insureres perfect security and low rates of premium. RATE OF INSURANCE FOR THREE YEARS : Brick or Stone for $1,000,..........$10 Wood and Out-buildings for $1,000... 15 FARMERS 'will find it to their interest to insure in the and security perfect: W. L. BOOKER, _ Secretary and Treas, . Hamilton; W.M. COCHRANE, " Agent for North Ontario. * Port Perry. . April 18th, 1867. : 36stf THE ONTARIO FARMER'S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Pus Company is now fully organized, and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, Country | Behoot ouses and Churches. Those Wwish- g to Insure, and thereby support a Home Insurance Somany, bavy now an opportu- of doing se, either by spplying at the d Office, or to any of the Local Agents of fre Company. Our Rates will be found as ow as those of iy responsible Mutual In- surance Company in Oanads. Hzan Orrion :--The old Registry Office; Brock Street, i FAIRBANKS, § I RUTHERFORD, HOGG, &CO., Largest in the World ! THE FOUNTAIN HEAD! RUTHERFORD, HOGG, &CO, DEALERS WITH THE Mount Hope Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y. ELWANGER AND BARRY, PROPRIETORS. HE same circnmstances which renders the establishment of ELLwANGER "1 & Barry's the GREATEST NURSERY IN THE WORLD, renders it incidentally one of the largest commercial enterprises in America.or Europe. As its shipments of its OWN PRODUCTIONS by Ocean, River, Cunal and Railway, to all parts of Europe, as well-as the United States, and the British American Providces, and the Correspondence and other business connections therewith, ARE UNEQUALLED in few Commercial Establishments of the OLD WORLD OR THE NEW. Li These' Nurseries are the most extensive and complete in the United States, COVERING OVER FIVE HUNDRED ACRFS OF LAND, in addition to xtensive GREEN HOUSES, GRAPERIES, §c., embracing the cultivation of all de- §irable hardy Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Evergreens, &c., ns well as Exotic Plants. Independence for Ever. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS | Are now soliciting orders in this and adjoining Counties, and will supply their patrons with the most desirable article of all kinds of FRUIT TREES best adapted for Planting in this and every locality in which they Hay take orders. Havin, 4 GOOD PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE BUSINESS, will select for our | patrana the best variety of Fruit Trees. "All Orders addressed to the Subscriber will he punctually attended to. By J. H. E. HOGG, 4-tf Box 75, Port Perry P. O. © September 2nd, 1867, SPECIAL NOTICE. "THE LAST CALL. The Subscriber would beg to inform all parties indebted to him either by note over be paid immediately, otherwise they will be placed in Court for collection. : : J. H. B. HOGG, due, book account or otherwise, that all must $3 Be 5 CO CER Wholesale and Wai * ---- Qe Or ; AVING succeeded J, I. E. Hogg, as Agent for the above Ni the Subscriber is now desirous of goliciting orders in this and adjoin- ing Counties for the sale of Ch : Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, ce. in every department ; and with their orders will Have Satisfaction Guaranteed to Them, ar Al Orders and Communications addrested to the Subscriber wil} receive the prompest attention. ll pasties favoring me or my authorized Agents C. C. KELLETT, Port Perry, July, 1867. Box 97, Port Perry; (49-3m) RI: CG ' AT THE SCUG OG HOUNE, PORT PHRRTY, )\ 'voi asorment of GENTLEMANS HATS AND. COLLARS, CARPET BAGS, &C, ALSO Fresh Groceries, Spirits & Fresh Hops, Pure Wines for Medicinal Use, Superior Brandies and Old Tom in Bottles and Cases, Daily expected, a General Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES! HENRY CHARLES, JUST Port Perry, June 18th; 1867. BOOTS and SHOES. HE Subscriber is desirous of informing ,his friends and the public that he has received a well assorted stock of LADIES GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR! Consisting of Calf, Kidd and Prunella Gaiters and' Heavy Wear of all kinds, which will be found EQUAL IN STYLE & QUALITY !! TO ANY IN THE MARKET, pa A Lot of No. 1 Spanish Sole for Sale, Cheap for Cash. 58 Repairing Promptly Attended to. Terms Moderate. Produce taken in Exchange, The Highest Price in Cash for Hides, Calf & Sheep Skins. H. FOY. 41 Port Perry, May 22, 1867. -Af TEE IN EW PICTURE GALLERY AT PORT PERRY IS INOW OPEN WHERE YOU CAN GET The Latest Styles of Pictures. TAKEN ON THE MOST IMPROVED SYSTEM ! ° Photographs Painted in Oil, Water Colors, . &ec., &, ¥3= Small Likenesses Copied and Enlarged to any size. gg Remember the Place,---Nearly opposite the Royal Canadian Bank. Specimens to be seen at the MEDICAL HALL. J. H. BACHE. Port Perry, April 25th, 1867. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH ONTARIO. We wish to inform you that our Spring Stock is now complete, and you will find it to your advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere and price our list of New Gaods annexed : Silk Goods, Hardware, Doeskins, Sugars, Tweeds, Coffee, Flannels, Rice, Shirting, Currants, - &e., &c., at MARSH & TROUNCE'S. Port Perry, May 2nd, 1867. 'AN AWFUL TUMBLE !! Coods Very Much Lower in Price. THE SUBSCRIBER has just returned from Montreal, where he has purchased one of the Largest . Stocks of Goods ! ever brought to this Market. And as all goods are now some fifteen per cent lower than they wat one month ago he feels satisfied he can offer. bargair given in this line for five years past. All kinds of - 'GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & cars, > : Straw Goods and : "READY-MADE CLOTHIN Very Low, Lip nk geen : . : J. NA. i) Sans Whitby, July 10th, 1367, q Port Perry, July 10, 1867, Box 75, Part Perry, C. W. Port Perry, May 8th, 1887, The Stock in these extensive and favorably known Nurseries is complete -

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