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Port Perry Standard, 21 Nov 1867, p. 2

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HCO SAGA » " in Cottons, Prints, Cotton Yarns. -- Cy Dyestuffs. 4 Job of le Very et ' Es dentin Sor Coat piokos can oh JS But 0 per 1b. Eggs Great Bargains are being given. wd Osta and Pork nig, DA Z ) Men Xora o pod Pury Stndard _&¥D NORTH 'ONTARIO 'ADVERTISER. --------------: PORT PERRY, "NOV. 21,1867, BB AA AA RA Ar A ; Parliamentary Summary. |, Judging from the debate on the ii which was contitiued in the \Qommons till Thursday last, the Nove ns are determined to set orth their 'grievances as time and opportunity permits, for there has been un incessant 'ding dong," on that. subject, since the House opened. 'On Friday i in reply tothe questions of members | the: government suid: they . recognized - the importance of considering a measure for the. crea tien of a public stock, in which it should be legal to invest trust funds; that it was the intention tosubmit to Parliament, during the present ses. sion, a plan for 'the establishment of &governors Saving's Bauk ; that the Provikicial government Bad ) no power to establish a mint in the Dominion; that the importance of enlarging the St.) Imwrence and Welland ,Cangls, were fally recognized, but' did, not think the finances of the Dominion would justify such a measure at pre- sent; that a postal bill would be Seonght /befoge. the Hotise dealing with the question of reducing Ocesn Postage'; and 'that a bill 'would 'be introduced which would" include re- gulation of the value of foreign silver obitiags as part of the | Surrey of the, Douinion, -On the 18th, Mr. Savary phdeutsa [i wpatiia fru Nova Scotia,charging'|' Chief Justice of il lency. praying. that he willbe pleased 10. lay 'before this Hohse copies' of 88 doy Senibous addressed to His flency members of this House, ra the marks of royal favor whick Her Majesty bad beeu pleased to confer upon them, atid uf alti despachies on' the same subject to, or'from Her Majesty' principal Secretary, of State for the: colonies, Bir. J. A. Macdonald said it was not his intention to introduce this session a bill to establislya Court of Appeals for the Dominion, . In zefer- eno' to the government taking pos- session of the telegraph lines, John A. said the government were waiting to see what action the English Govern- ment were about to take on the Ou 'motion of Mr. Abbott, 'a com- mittee was appointed to inquire into the erations: of 'the Bankrupt and Inkolvency Laws. Sir Joba A, McDonald apmosnced the acceptance ofthe Finaaco Minis- tership by the Hon. John Rose, and moved that writs do issue for an election of a member to fill the vacan- cy by his acceptance of office. . The other office--the Secretaryship Tor the Province--has not been filled, and for the present it was intended to leave it vacant. With regard:to the effect ou the Government's finan: cial policy of Mr. Rosé's appointment to office, tle Premier said that the policy of 'the Government, which was framed on the 20d of July Yast, when Mr. Galt was' appointed Minister of Finanog; would' still bo' a8 passed. for a 'return the amonut remaining unex. es in both Houses have been fixed at $3,000. a | Moeting of i NL ; In accordance resolution passed at the last' meeting of the Provincial Boar of. Agriculture, over fifty delegates, 'representing Agricultural Socistieasm Horticultural 1 Societies, and ~ Tustitutes, | met in' the' Music I, Toronto, on Tye day and Wi 3 the 12th | and 13th inst, for t purpose of con. sidering the advisali wof framing anew Agricultural At Yor the Pro- vince of Ontario. to dP Wheler, Bags President of the Agricultural KsSociation, prési- ded; and Messrs wc. * Phompson and W. Edwards, afies of the 'Associations doted of tetaries to the meeting. a A The discussion; on or points, was 1ather lengthy, and somewhat interesting, "but' wb ave' unable 'to make room for any portion of "it. Below' we give tiie sam. and sub: tr changes propased ¥') i Eg The two and a half p per ent now deducted by Governmetit from the gras | to Pownship god, County So- ciéties for promoting Hg¥icultaral Tu. struction and informatin, is:recom- mended to be struck out gud gen to the Societtes. ' Ht In reference to the ,mpner, of elect. ing the Provincial Boatd, At was, de cided 10 recommend thatthe Province be divided into twelve: districts; and the Societies in each dinfby 'to élee't a member, In future the aodoints of the As- sociation are to be audited by; audi. tors appointed at the agqual meeting. Afterwards their report is to be print ed and 'forwarded tg fdich Goupsy Soiéty. 7 Hereafter County, Socities are to bold their-aphus meetidgs betweca the kth and 21st of January jund both Fownship add Cottty | 'Sdoietiba must appoint auditors. Heretofore; the Statate did. not pra: vide for lig 'vacanciga occasioned 'by! death. Tlie amendaieny 'adopted, provides that te Board shall fill spel Viichn6y by, appointing a person to hold Slice pil 1h the, Rests Apak mee 17K Tofig scupiion took place upon the question of doings jeway. with Township. Sooitties., It was finally decided that instead of three filths of the! Government grant bel appru- priatéd" fo Township Sociéties, one. half be thus distributed. i in, future ; but no Township, y is to. get a grant unless they have 75 members subscribing $l'each,' ©" The clause in thé 'old dt give $1000 to each of the Counties of Prince Edward, Welland, Haldimand, Grey, Halton, Kent, Cgfleton; Essex, Lambton, Lincoln, Norfolk, Peel and Perth, was exptinged. 'Hereafter they receive the same as other electoral districts. An amendment was Falso. "carried providing for the appainfment of a Police Force for Exhjbition occasions --investing parties apppinted by the Board with full powers of policemen. The following committee was then appointed to draft a Bill, based on the old law 'and the amendments ad- ded by'the meeting, and to hand the 'same to the Secretary of lie Board of Agriculture for presentation to Parliament, vig :--~Messra, Dennison, 'Rykert, Wheler, Stowe,=Phompson, Buckland, Thanks were thes voted to the Chairmau; [a Seas wi; and thie meeting adjouined. Tt is'oor ptafal Ee death, by drowning, | af "i named George, Buntin, a resident of this place, which occurred 8x: Tgesday, the 19th inst: The particulaFs of the occurrence are as follows +0 'the morning in question be started off, skating on the lake hier, without the G vr Fw | knowledge and consent of Lis parents, for the parpose of catching - ducks. This he succeded in doiug, 'and : had 'he 2 i "twenty !shore, when the ice. hima 'fo the watet 3 'endeavoring to res : sineas, Lik he futherance of foe 0 object. , it: : Cowan, Ye, Costly," And Prof, 'Ted.on the 30th June, 1867, in the form- | |e Tho bri : the: night, brig the Saodlighh, Siren ; fered ithe di i ? 18} i oar wih io were elected of mening year. :-- Fn anchesis r. First Tie Pri Sines Port Perry. 4 Secor Fide Prisiiefi Grd] ) Ducgoons Ix --Dr, Bascom, Uxbridge ; and Dr, illespie, Br Brook. Chaplains--Revs. G. Jamieson, Borelia ; R. McArthur, Brock ; and J. Douglas, Uxbridge. \ Stewards--R. Spears, VOsbridge'; ; | D, Christie, Utica ; J. Swan, Borelia; Johp McDonald, Prince Albert ; and. D. Carmichael, Brock. 'The abuiversary i is be celebrated at Prince Albert, on thie 201th, by a supper, to be sopplied by J. Mog- gridge, of the Anglo-American Hotel - Er ----------r-- Shooting Match. A Pigeon Shooting Match'came off near the Commercial Hotel, Uxbridge, on Tuesday, 19th inst. Three prizes were offered, viz :--§5, $2, and $1.25, The birds 'were shot at' from a spring trap; "21 yards ise, 80 yards bonndary, and on the dead shot prin- ciple. Here in the score ; John Tweedie B. Plank.. J. Timpson 'Wm. Fralick A. Turner, D, M. Card... or J. Bascom, uvess %%35.0 1.00 01 0 02 Messrs. Tweedie and Shaw being a tie, shot off for the firsi prize, when Shaw missed his third bird and Tweedie wom is It was about dark when Shaw shot at bis Jast bird, otherwise the result might have been different. ~ At the close all hands refreshed themselves with good supper served up atthe Comercial. A matéh' is expected to come off in Port Perry shortly. | OOO OOO a 4 pe "The carpenters' and black- smiths' "shop, belonging the , Great Western Railway, at Hamilton, was destroyed by fire}'on the wight of of the 19th iustant, ; Manchester Drug, Stare.--Messrs., 3 mn. &B . Bache, in 'addition; to their store here, have opened. a branch in Map: cheater, where we hope they may snc- ceed in establishing a profitable | bu- See adv, | 4 ITTY 3 o Campbell Testunonial.--- We arere: those § who arriamed § Changed PE Orillia Eup tor, heretofore ithe properiy of CB. Robiusen; Bsq, of the Canadian Post, Lindsay, has been purchased by Mt. P. Murray, the late "manager. Mr. Murray hasshown considerable 'tact and ability 1n the past, and we wish him abundant success in the future. Whe Baptist Church, Port Perry, --The Rev. Jos. King's numerous friends, with us, will, no doubt, be glad to know that he has so far recovered from his recent mishap as to be able to resume his pastoral duties. Next Lord's day servico may be expected, in the evening, at the usual hour. Rather Dubious --To mse a common expression, it may be said, some one in North Ontario has been ¢* playing pranks" upon our 'confrere, the Whit by Chronicle, as the notice of a * mar- riage" was inserted in its columns last week, which "Wever" took . place. And the adtount, tdo, of the way in which the late Mr. Hamilton met with his death, is as far from being correct as it possibly can be:. . Perhaps it would be well to remember the source from: whenoe these particulars came. Trade of Canada.-- The Montreal Ga- zelte, says;-- We have reasons 1o be- lieve that the amount of customs duty collected during the fiscal year end- er' Province of Canada, amousted to '$7,023, 337, a$ compared with$7, 330, 274 during the samo period last year. We also understand that the' total walue of thé imports amount to $59,- 648,987 in '1867, as against $53,802, '319 in the fiscal year ended 80ih June 1866. The value of the Free Goods impbred i in 1865-6 , amounted to $20, Neteors.--G. T. Kingston, os Di rector of the Toronto Magnetic Ob- account of the number 'of shooti stars seen 'at that place on' the 13th 'and 1% "inst, during which time, the County' and Torrsiipg {already 521, 43, aad ia 1866-7 to $28,292,- 938, ; servatory furnishes the Globe with an | }| thogh, the sky was partially over. li Miputes of That socting read le confitmed." al Seng Mortage the: Mas penis 8 3 in fayor of. John wath YO doe shisth ed by dogs kin ing 8! fr fame, Mr. Major moved, That the ra aver be sathotiged ¢ p dit the idctor, Wm. Rail, with the nr o taxes ubsumaliusiivnions ol for the current year.--Carried.. Mr. Minvo'mdved, That thie Clerk | grant big order. on the Treasurer, in $14.84, the same being: overdrawn: ind 1866.--Carfied. : 'Mr. Mateo woved; That $15 be granted from this Counil | to repair lot. No. 1, near Alex, Hazpes', 8.-- Carried: Mr. Major moved) This the Clerk | grant hid order on {be Treasurer, ing favor of Mr, Stews for, the sum of $10, providing he moves his fences off the road allowance across his farm to the proper width' between the fences, "Carried, J. B. Campbell moved, That, $40 be granted to assist the line (between 18 &:19, in the 4th con, as ths parties interested have alieady expénded a large sum, und that John Blgth be 'a Gommissioner to oxpend thé' same, aud the Treasurer is: here "anthor- ized to pay the orderof u 'same: he Carried. Mr. Munro moved, tate sum of $40 be appropriated on the side line bet een lots 8 and 7, in the I4th con. and that Quin Reynulds be 4 Tie a Commissioner to expend, the same. 2 Sarried, Mr. Major presented a peiion "from Joh Jessop aud 80 othe questing that a portion of the bo avon roud, on'lot 18 in" 1st con., be closed as a public hi hway. On 'motion oi "Mr." Majo Pet I Jaw was introduced and' adeed up that' portion' of the Notigin Road passing' through Tot 18, 'iu the Ist cbni' of this Township. $i On' motivn of Mr. Gamphiite by law! wits introduced and. passed t stop and tlose op a road i the 8rd éon., on Lot 24, abd a portion: of the Mist Road. i 4 Mr. Cimpbell 'move T. d, eo ris Be ducted ais | b being the - amount which web ellargod against thd persorial pr: "of said TiC. Fovmin's'store Fai appears. lmve been re veto; an0- ther County Carried. lie vl 0 ME Camphill" Clerk notify the Conan 1 of Ugbiido a the expended a; op amount of money on, sai 8 this mupicipality, desires the corpora tion of Usbridge to grant much ass, sigtanco as will be sutisfuctory with: cut any further trouble.--Curried. Mr. Campbell brought up the matter of the new road at. Chalk Lake, and stated, the x i arrived at, . Mr. Campbell moved, 'That the Clerk make ont a deed tg, Jas. Pile of that portion of the ad Con. lying west of Chalk Lake ; and also - pre- pare a deed to be executed by the suid Pile to this Council of the road as shown on the plan mide by M-, Yaroold, through part of lot 1, in the 20d con, and get the same register- ed as soon as thev are properly exe- cuted, so that Mr. Pile will have no expense in the matter ; and the Treasurer is hereby authorized. to pay the Clerk the sum of $50 for the purposes set forth in this resolution. --Cairied. Mr. Campbell moved, That the Reeve sign a deed conveying to Jas. Pile that portion of the 2nd con,, ly- ing west of Chalk Lake, and the Clerk affix the Qorporate seal thereto; --Carried. On motion of Mr. Campbell, a. By- law was wtroduced aud passed, to establish a road through pirt of lst No. 1, in the 20d con., and to close part of the road allowance in the same. Mr. Campbell moved that this Council agrees with Jas. Pile, that|Ge when he clears and fences that portion | M of lot No. 1, in the .2nd con, now owned by him, the corporation will have a bridge erected over the 'ra- vine which runs to the jake. Ca.. ried, Mr. Campbell moved, That ihe Sllsatef Stedit Jas, Chasie with $1086, the sum havin 0 sharg by mistake, ~ Carried, £3 #4 Ap acovtnt for pa A Baird and Parsons, amounting to 28. 12 was ordered to be paid." Nr, Campbell [Fenstited the pe tion of po Shaley, an indigent eb son, asking assistance. . Mr. Campbell moved, That Mr Bryant receive from the Treasurer the sum of $10, to assist B + Shaley | to clothing\for the. wiuter,, "Curried. the Committee ted to examine Lhe possibility of opening the 10th con, line east of the ( as the above at an expense |! SE Curried. - of S10, and A i Ese, favor of Jas. Graham, Baq:, for{w. a bridge on thie 8th con., . opposite i o rin Mahe at | remove the house 'and fence off the | P! i jprises. Mr. Boyd, of New i ddiniie for the fyeys hidviog been all engaged Ain the |p Mr. Munro presented the report of, on es | : and appropriate funds rag of pved that reah zeceive the ay, for eve endaosets Goal and > x: ings "this m of two dollais Con ad On ov of Fi Major > w | meg. | wes introduced: avd, passed ; appole ing polling places and PRetarsing Of in in the sgveral a the follow, ivy No. Fos Schaol House, 8. Bilger: Div. No, %. Englist's old. Tana iad ai psom; J. Allan, Div, No. 8, perauce Hall at Greenbank Holmes. . 0. 4, Mac store at Borelia; H. Buroha Is 'No. 5, Pablic Hall at Pringe 4 Alb E. Yarnold. "Oo motion of Mr. Campbell 'he Treasurer wus authorized to pay the Clerk's tage account--$17; and that of D. Christie, for attending the Town Hall--$13. Mr. Majoi woved that Mr. Yarriold be aurhiorized to survey that portion of the Western Brock Road, com- mencing at the Town line of Scott, lopposite the 12th Con., and runnin, to the Town line between Reach an Brock, 'at Victoria Cornérs, and te |® pldce 'stone monuments at each an: gle.~Catried, E Mundy's scodunt for Peng Co $9. 85--was ordered to bé p Mr. Major moved that the 8 ont 'of W. E, Yaipold, moaning to #121 for surveying, be 'paid. Mr. Campbell' asked for' explana- |S tions.' After they were given, Mr. Major withdrew his motion, and-- r. Campbell moved that so soon as the Clerk oan obtain, from 'the Com, of Crown Lands, uny informa' tion afieming that the survey and planting of stone monuments, made by W. E, Yarnold, P. L. S., on the boundary line is accepted and is 'cor- rect, then the Clerk is hereby autho# ized to grant his order on the Treas~ urer in favor of said Yarnold for the smonnt of his account.--Oarried. Mr. Major. moved, That an account eof W. E Yarnold, amounting to $11 be paid, dnd the Clerk grant his order on the Treasurer for the same. --UCarried. Mr. Campbell moved, That the Clerk grant an order.on the Tredsur- er_in favor of John Wolfenden for the sam of $40, aud charge the same! to Mr. Yaruold's account, Mr. Yarpoly sssenting thereto.--Carrigd, | Mr. Major moved for leav. tridtiice' 'a By-law to repeal' sd No. 427, beibig 4 By-law to close and stop & 'eertsin-portion' bf the road allowance between lots 'Nos: 12 und 18, in 10a of the 4th cun., to /~est 9, 8ame in, certain, parties and to. open as a public highwuy {oy Ne. 1, ou, the plan. of the Village of Manchester. After discussion, the motion; was. i I| withdrawn. . t od, "That the, M the arrangements 'nade | Corporation and 1 oh, a fed ~ Carried: i " aod Eni Mr. Major moved; That 'the 'Path= taster, Win. Steel, ba instructed to road "in 'front 'of Gordon's' store, Manchester. Carried. | Mr, Campbell moved, That ra thanks of the Board be granted t vé Tor his impartial conduct in the chair.--Curried, The 'Reeve acknowledged it with thanks. Mr. Major moved, That the Reeve receive the sum of $20 for extra ser- vices.--Carried. Council adjourned. The Narrow Gauge Rail- ways. Under the above heading we find, in the Globe of the 1Sth inst., the fol lowing report of a meeting held in Toronto, on the Saturday previous. It will, doubtless, prove teresting to many of our readers :-- A meeting of the provisional direc- tors of the Toronto, Gray and Broce Railway, and the Toronto and Nip- issing Railway, was held in the office of Gooderham & Worts, on Saturday afternoon, Mr. H: SiHowland inthe chair. Among those present were Messrs. lace, Elliot, J. G.. ad. C Ww. Gooderham, seu, P. Howlan Qhidlioim, John Leys, j tog rae e Laidlaw, Thos. Gordon, A. R. Motor, Turner, Fitch, , Chaffey, and A.M Smith. Vr. Boyd, Gov- ernment Eogineer of New Brunswick, was also present. This meeting was called to take prompt steps for the prelimina: wey of the pr - lives, 5 other matters neidental to the pro- cts. A very hearty, unanimous] ire prevailed among those assem: , to do all'that was possible, as speedily as might to forward | these two important railway enter-- Brans- inted engineér-in- 'chief of both roads, and the jatad Te- wick, was & axemen (whoareto be hired, we on- vemeut of the same. ; Sr fr one our, t. J { Er oy ha 'of merchants, pro- 1d g of the the con- adhe convened by circular, and be beld in the Musi¢ Hall, or St. Lawrence Hall, on Saturday next. "The Avertorn it may be added, new and more suita- ble oy a1 the ng: ie | Charles Fox, the shi 'engineer, &'gettieman in Toronte, ov! scheme, on the subjeet of 'cheap rail- ways, will 'be read with interest : V : a, ot 8, 1867. e are happy to be able to. re most favorably of the workii sole | light railways, constructed Government of Queensland. ye six miles of these railways are now at work, including the main range incline, 'which fa a 8 very heavy piece |ofengitiecring. by will oad a des tion of it railways that he se gig is To usses through a very thinly bed 3 Sjunizy, and Job, the re- PO mi iately npon-t of the 76 miles exceeded' £1, or 'week, The curves are exosndingly sharp, 350 ft. radins, and the gradk ents from lin : upwards, ) light engines, which we have. Sout out, and which only weigh 16 tons, are found to.stirmount the main range incline of 16 miles with ease, 'at a rate of about' 12 miles per hour, ph ing with them a train weighing 'tons net, 3. ¢., exclusive'of the i Bl of the cara, On the femaining por- tiop of the line the gradients do mot exceed 1 in 100.. These engines travel very comfortably at the rate 0f.20 to 80 miles an hour. We continue » Jaye jhe ost fa vorable réports of 1 8, worki owr ig light railwdy in 'India, Eh ow more thas suswered all the expecta~ Sons so far as, Sugibeeriug "details conéetned; y Sa Tie rans through. a district which is: ex| at certain periods to a very heavy influz of passenger traffic, which, al- though amounting to many thonssods per day, wo haye never had 'the sfigttest accident. This is the line which cost, enolo- sive of rolling stock, & little over £3, . 000 per mile, General Faille: Se TT 'The Great Tornado, ',' PARTICULARS OF THE DISASTROUS o_-- CANE AT oY. THOMAS, =~' «i Tod That ton § The { October, To Sw alg isl visited. a hurricane terrific effects vertainly' dt precedented within 'the' mediory of any living man. © The' 'storm 'Tasted about four: hours, and to grow out of a stiff northwest 'wind' which changed round to the' east' at about 11 o'oluck in the morning, from which 'time: for! four mortal 'hours lasted a scene which it would be'vain to attempt to describe.' Several dis- tricts: in: the /town St. Thomas were «totally destroyed : the storm 'raged with such violence that large trees were 'torn up by" their + roots and swept away; houses were lifted bodily from their foundations and dashed to pieces against the earth; huge ships and steamers were barled together, the frames insiantly breaking into fragments and sinking: some fifty or sixty vessels of all ei were either: punk, or dismasted and driven ashore; In many cases the entire orew of a 'vessel went down together. « Thousands of residents of the island are wandering abedt home- less and penniless, besides the large numbers who instantly perished; the amount: of suffering, confusion snd excitement beggurs ' description. There is no attempt at trade or tras- sacting any kind of business--e: one ié paralysed 'with terror at the awful phenomenon, or mosninj Soir own . afflictions or those of friends and relations. On the -- ing of the eventful 'day, the old steanier Conway was put t0 ses, but |°f there being indications of a heav wind, the passengers prevailed upon the captain to transfer them to the in pve and excellent ' steamer own, the samp company, veaRels" Whett Dut tb. son, nod i wie aii within sight of land when cyclone came on. dashed 'upon Peter's wd, boiler burst, and all ex ot fifteen wouls' perish while the condemned Eo proceeded , upon tho shores of which 'she 'was thrown, but all on board' were saved. Harbor-master "St. homas | derstand: a8 the survey, proceeds), ua rks th a ae - Haida ed "with the proposed 'Niplasing [4 | reasons for: oslling: Paslisimens ~to-- ' gether earlior date than usapl. as far as Tortolas Islands, | hal, ale » reason for : Sore hea of Piet daring! the present month the desire of Min- +h isters to "consult the Legislatore in tures which a tra the e. an to a2 i ied Tn the in the tar aT vite he's pl Tre ry LEE the fr tions lefi-where the Refortn meaen thi A century ago,' al a to the change "\ntroduced: In in| En and eA the Oharoh tion still left. to 'enormously' large non-conforming The | population; snd the land iv] still exiating over more than half the | hod island as they were when the: feudal syste was the rale and the guide for Europe generally.' All this is 0 raseing on the thoughts of the lead- 'members of the Berb by Ministery: Second--Therd 'are 'the' felations existing between Great Britsinand the United States--which, althongh's matter involving the nicest diplo- matic handling rather Shei discussion, may yet 'bia iew in Parliament, before 'and 'satisfuctory settlement claims to: be settled, Parliament will have to vote the he supplies: and, Lord Stanley had sufficient eg in the Luxemburg difficnlty to tes him the lesson that he must not t too 'much to the indul, liament, i in entering gn ¥ Yehiion with Foreign 8 BAN, ob orm egiaaline bee at| be reached. It there'are hédvy money | a FEE remained ubbutied Solis "hy New York, Noro ite late So was more the two dersibloy jon ph He a ting: the oo st iar for = et of affairs of European States, These seem to: us: to be. sufficient' ---- 3 tion' from be mE ni we may look fer er J Paris, Nov, y 'the of the: ¥'rench troops from Rome Hue Holy Ee Jeseived thie | staff' sin & at the audience i Vaticas, dnd address ed them io the most feeling manner. ing the soldiers of France sround-hiny goo mere, but nevér had hishappi- | fleay bign vo groat af ft was now; becanse of the recent peril to which te had been exposed, He returned thanks to thie officers, to France, and to the Emperor Napoleon, for the de- liverance of the Holy See.- He was filied with grief to sec that Italy had sent out 'as .a van-goard against orde of anarchists, upon, were. : inscribed pine and devastation, - 'While the valor of the Poutifigial troops had successfully defe the soil of the church, the army of Fratiee had come 4 crown Ye Sen ig The 'ope conclu Fy say opt that in the midst ofbis able, lie had the con<" "solation of on sincere expres-. sions of Catholid sympathy from all parts of 'the world. His" Holiness {then ' terminated the Interview 'by giving his apostolic blessin, Li thi army, the the people, and the ran ng Nov. 14. ~The metestic shower on the 18th aad morning of the 14th, was very brilliant, Many thonsands were. visible, vot. only: in this city, bat th aghen 1 ance. ne or to place. E26 Moga] raph [i at Britain © under g e dire ot the Post Offic > De- Nov. 11. ~The. on of the aT corps: in Italy 'are; making, winfer prepariitions to go into: wibter- quarters Oivita Vecchia, / when brought up = {itence, made oS pesthends w. Jo d ond D they: rei SE Ed _-- h very, seni (ategintion a) Btn for He expressed "his happiness at hav--|. i ra< [Which turn ont 100,000 feet of lum! Pn of I nd i Every rs jus. on animals, pon Dl Row York, as 19 Tere SD the, bn nen the. 1 ai inst., 'termination. without yin general Government, -Alk: kidvapping. was being pn prominent and whet gM ( t threntened to make the secrecy: a8 to 'were Jian these ransoms' igilance committees, howeve organized to pa a Stop to' ho ceedings around the capi RE In the village of Hull, onthe Otte ' wa river, Mr. E, B. Eddy Jas mili Ls ye day; 18,000 metehes per min ne 500 pails, and 500 tubs in 24 hi Mn Wea; Tn of the romain id Ta the present Fali er) (Snltercua may seen (some spots in hy ok handled prec locality, -- Quebec : Neary A Famu Misra --A = minent citizen of Chatham, -- ey tion® of | = ames, suppein be a quantity oF ir sée late, oh | dition says was: ing the. 'war (of! 1819" The foo! another parton, | mistake: 10, id Serious A ket Era roe Saturday last, rors Station, on his. 1 suing the, p with | astive race of aur county

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