Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 21 Nov 1867, p. 4

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Sit 9482 o[quuosval 3) 9savo) Ries per por- di securi- Er oat paid to M. Ver- Hot And the ion ond the that father a were je Mitey W man, lb hyn So corte ad a soy i af briny holo of ths securities of bis wets] bio ing they we ematic est of Y os: Ie ERATE rupt, his cleck- wa nm of) 'wealthi |i a joy and and pleasure that would, have and took the securities 1dto th, 3 confidence in him that] tention can always be fo Yo'chdure ugaid what "7 Catioved yards ind bids Bogs Q Q nhs 1 str 11 TAT THE, ye py 10 SET )G__BOUSE," i -[HENRY CHARLES. .. Jang, 20. 146%." : " CEA Wa HE Subscriber'is desirous of informing, the, publicdbat he' has "purchased the she | Ft Fie Ne en n.its colbmus : crag vi on ir Cig, a .. Good, stabling, | tive Ostlers. gay Frm erldl a RA made notes of the whole fue corer Renata os waifed Jong, {+ antiot tell how Jog +; Kidd . of ¢ sound of a hid ni J Reunite voice hiewss ine: TH ARI cpm. bring want. Give RE to the porter. Lhe then, as the door opened, I stood face tofase with- my foe, and iid he expected laren derknasy ant death oe found light and life. He be 4 me iE in my k, time with the lock oe schemes Cr Aiiaked There longing eres may a never more Debate] ES. These Le TT To = sad 1 sever fmpry may press But day and wight never cease to biesg | yy, HER they prize no earthly thing above w 1 A 1 do not even hope again 4o meet Thee, YR od ou greet | : Low Ja 5 deat oni 1 pl down, before SET Al oh to a Thee know I still adore Thee, = may Bless al confide |) TF 1 73 ree} Ca ahticns 5 : bod #n"%o kneel before Love Kicteo sy Davis' Pam-Ki Just ising Sear," of the 80th lt oy an at bed upon the | re alleged do Hoes Rll by Davis' Po J the 24th Lid near Str. a G6ti¥ car on 'the 'Grind "Trunk, Lucifer, | ' Exe vo INES. Jos feoeived, a fresh supply of Pure for por medio cinal poses a at YHE MEDIOAL HALL, THE opposite the Royal Canadian Bank. [ 3:H. BACHE. Good assortment at the EEF C2 EpaL TALL. HreToc RARE ~AuBimd, | wl ATR assortment at the Ly . MEDICAL HALL s on hand. A der--being one iy boat du 4se, © Call and get a a MEAL HALL, {li bess: medicine: ever introduced: Coughs, Colds, Astina, Bronchitis, &c., are immediately relieved. The immense {ioe nty 28, Bet pe" Bets" Some brated Lo doe i Frmariv mmedy. for erie Say uent on Ir 8 rod hout it, Th d x ehild. En rah stance to effect a cure hy timely administered. Th Didsthea, Dysentery, Colic-and Pains in the Bowels, it is without an equal, and is nay be theres soqther 3 a2 IE -- ted publ ge r it. # 1 RE A eed Ta g they, too, love, per bo 4 MEDICAL, HALL. WORM POWDERS. Tie the It drive roa pr qafest worm medicing out" the worms thoroughly Ded on pendon. should Jithont pain r They are superior to any Worm Liozesge ; and none but the 'very best Tgredionts. are used in their compo. sition, Give thems "trial. id 25 cents per Package. For sale at She ME Ax excellent Family Medicine, and is the most effective remedy for Judi aon, Billions and Liver Com Taint, G Loas of Appetite, Drowal Rslues, pan a Sand Por RIE En pag abo Obstruction, H 4 stad, De- = rinet on Beds Si. Jmrics let Aa Jorealle Room to the complexion. Only 25¢ : AIEDICAL HALL Ser od Plsase Remomborthe Plase! Eo Hi a i hol wl 13g] ve OAL BA re NLS Netions" Gu eén "iret, Port Sie Tu i BACHE Port Perry, March bh 3Lpt, jeer. 33 FOR BALE acy Sivent. .. it ne omr00ue Medicines: a TOWN 'PARK fii : '|8IX DOL the Weekly edition, both Yr strictly advance. i LAO) PricassrRREUNIRED, Ee pons oud t Perry, 37 April, 1867 ""Reemington & Sons. F.VOLVERS. -RIFLES: Hir10.Mnsketa 'and Gacbines, - 'or the re States Servige. Also Pocket, | Bevolvers, atin Bifies, hot" Gun Barrels, an on Muteriily, gold 'by Gun Dealers and oo Trade gecerally. 2 hae bs of Foussbrenking and Rob || Reemington's Revolvers, to avail themselves of |: | Wa licnfothen in Pistol, and su-| perior workmanship and rele will find all] © | ppNeR LEG nar WemioRon Barorteyr |. || tiowof 'our arms will be furnished wi Lo E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Ilion H- Y. Moone & Nionows, Aj $ No. 40 Glurtiand 4) NX Cur A 1 1867. PROSPECTUS '¥86% NEWSPAPER, | THE year 1867 'will y after the of the Tm- perial Parliament in Lousen, > Yio about the 1st of Feb uay next, || Legislative bodies of Canada, Nova Seoti New Brunswick and Newfoundland, an uniting sll the British * North || Legislature. On the oof that Act) a Governor-General or Yiseray doer be ap- | pointed by the Queen United Provinces; and bil: be issued for the corionier { to the Federal and Local Bjetnt ye April next, it is therefore probable that the people of Upper Canada will be called upon Local Legislatures of Upper Canada. It would be difficult to over-rate,the influenge that these elections may exersige od future well-being of the Province Local Government and Legislatu per Canada, to' be establish Targn will have the control of Ore Lon hae! Timber and Minerals within thie Provinces of all local Public Works -- of Bduéalion-- of the promotion of Agricultarb--=dhd over all 1 rights and rights of 'property. The eighty-two n first el ted, will Ve « charged with the duty 6f placing in Jers: tion the machiney n3cassay rf the ad- tant public inteests; and in their hand may rest the decision whether the future government of our Province shall be as it has been for years past, or shall be organ- lized so as to secure efficiency #nd economy' throughout the public se on hd She pros] motion of the industrial interests of the country. | Fully alive to the tipo ifaeyd of Sn ithe public mind to an eatnest kad ng consideration of the niwerous importarit | shortly coming up for decision, ining from the Leg abou %o be elected a judicious settlement of them, the publisher of Tue Grosmis 4bw perfecting rangements which will secure increased ficiency in every department of the paper, e Editorial staff is being strengthened, a a ducgo gorya of of shorthand reporters is w being formed bie on ' atures. Arrangements. e for secaring every night the: ing that here the ¥ ibem jhe Atlantic Cable, and a special commis- sioner for Tae Gross will attend the coming jession of the Imperial Parliament, and watch the debates on the Confederation In the general conduct of the paper fresh efforts will be made in the coming year to gecure that prominence among the journals of the Province which Tae GLose has here~ tofore maintained. The telegraph wires will be still more largely availed of than in the past; and noexpense will be spared in the employment of able correspondents at ifnportant points, and in despatching. Re- porters to distant places whenever their ser- vices may be required. A special commis- sioner for Tae Grose will attend the Paris Bxhbibition next spring Arrangements are being made for reporting more systematical- ne} 17 than heretofore the proddegdings of the w and Chszcery Courts ard trials at isi - 2rius throughout the Provimce. ee r---------- rn On the Tth of December, the republication was commenced of Miss Braddop's Admira- ble New Tale * SI OF PREY," and re [& In the mech&piesl éxecntion of the" "johr- nal very great improvements are shortly Soutampiated. From the commencement of ar, the ov on 'the Daily, as mise feditich; will be of very rath ity Wo that heretofore used-- "Iand in The cou per will be oe from 8 new. and Ftifal fount of type, from the celebrated fonndry 6" Millet & : Richards, Edinburg. For some months past, the largely increased circulation of 'Tas Gross more! than equalled the capgeity x the She. Jizsses, apd. rend dete EACABRIE 10 the news edaing jg by ended - otherwise up to a late hoor after midnight, and work off the Begessary nunber of copies in time for the To meet this dificulty, and ni fri all the readers of the paper to be | supplied at an early hour of the morning, pew Lightning Preases, capable of working off ten thousand impressions oF) hour, are 'about to be added to thé hoki and] (will place the office i's pdbitifn of e aed by any printihg office on this sontinent. No Jee sem out of the office until the week to week 86 it ¥ Other interesting of Our during the House | money is The Federal Brovernment and Legislature) will also be laggely ted by the chaghos ter of the eighty-two Debresentatives sent by Upper Canada to the Federal Rouge of Whether the Sa tpenditare ori ill conside: on is to be continu Segiris of things to be hn 'will mach = on the choice of tives made by the electorgiof Upper Canada at the coming felection. THE TERMS of Juliacsiption will remain. as heretofore: ARS per annum for the Daily ! Clubs for the Weekly Globe. ela: 30 the rms year will [ox oi = pes 00 Sd ad Pospreter 86% cro s } 2 LL Jaen 1 ony Store, Bank, and Office "THE GLOBEY rbably be , the most eventful ¥ i |] of the British North A nh es # There i is every reason Ae believe that im- Hy ge i passed giving effect to 'the + sean ol Ameriean i Ji, | provinces under one 'Government 4nd ond to elect eighty-two representatives 10 the |° ministration of these and many other impor- |! for reporting daily, ins tofore' 'atteined; |' ws and Dries current of the same day by | : f the coming Seeing the ¥ » ' GRORGE BROWN, | Posta.for Sales} woscsivons 2 30 rN oat J} Wonderful! Wonderful ! PA WONDER UL. 1 2 TT is what I wish every one to know: that all persons afflieted with decayed Teeth, ot'stimps of, Teeth, which canker the mouth, iseage the body and produce offensive Death, can now have them EXTRACTED FREE FROM PAIN! OR ANY rid rg waateves! By new and tried process-- the appli- of by ray upon he Cos Do not doubt thigd' Jt 'has been used by eminent i Dentiswe in Europe for some time, and is now extensively' practiced in America for 'Teeth extracting. b 1 JD, is prepared to Extract Teeth by Ahis new and wonderful process which is hing short of a blessing to h All Dental operations formed scien- tifically, with skill that only a long practice can ensure. improved one from the original applier. var Teeth Filled Scaled and Regulated. 0 : The Instrument which [ have, isa much | PORT PERRY MILLS, " "THOMAS.PAXTON & Co., UMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD 'AND BUNDLE LATHS, Pickets, ete, ete. ALBO | SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in the following Townships; viz. WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH; 8CUGOG; MARIPOSA, and spran, 1078 of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a umber of Yillage Lots in the Village of Port. Porry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. T. PAXTON, PORT PERRY August, 1866. ropared to contract for aud put up Buildings of all kinds; whether Wood, @ Bullders, "PORT PERRY, HARRISON MAW & SON. - ors act 5 Stone, and to finish thém off in the latest styles, with All the Most Modern Improvements. pe First' Class work done, will do well to give them a call. Plans and spécifications made to order. contr Brok, or Port Perry-Angust Tt, 1866. o nie MAW GOOD: » NEWS! NARCOTIC §P SPRAY So | 'Gums, Prodnciug Local Anwsthesia, For Extracting Teeth Without a Invent b > Bic of as Al ations We i Oper no tr itor. and B. il fered y sr Cy SE xr Bye arson 3 ly os! | a J. Bolster, ILB., 5 . Te ». = Fig rr : fuk 'above New and! Tinton Foundry is now Ups for the eostadine of Steam Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw Mi MACHINE ., TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND {RON, Such as Sash, 'Door; Blind and hair, Stave and Shingle 3 Machinery, of the Latest! Tippcyemngute ! Woollen Mill ory, The Double Turbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides Every Description of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &0. MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED, CHARGES REASONABLE. The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhogd, thereby saving time and transportation, is; a saving of itself "which the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mutual = Immediate Orders Respectfully y Solicited. ' A. M. GIBSON. Port Perry, Dec. 19th, 1886. § ARMON H be Now. 13; 385 & 147, YONGE Sr, TORONTO." 7. en Musical: Instruments of All Kinds Can be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price as , 'atthe Manufactory. Orders Tefpectially solicited. Port Perry, How. . 31st, 1866. 15-8m CTURER AND DEALER 'L" Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. AA LARGE rn ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! 3 5a for Si i i Run. JOSE PH BIGELOW, In 'Shwe ed Tien: Semel Shingles, Fiour Barre| fey anol + A A a.» 1 "i dl 4: i Lg - an » 0 squg dg ToT) a, r a | Gwiseg are in ATOR Sriition ts Bio varied as the demand; #147 3 Termy invariably: © Usbridge, Aug. 23; 1866

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