Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 5 Dec 1867, p. 2

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tothe about the size of a. govse egg, in re hastening brother after thee, 'For we know that alf must die And leave this world of care To hasten tp the sky. And why should we poor mortals mearn For friend or brother gone; * He's gone to heaven, there to dwell And swell the heavenly throng. 0, why should we shed bitter tears, Becsuse thou'rt 12 reat; 10 heaven there to dwell And mingle with the blest. 0 weeping widow dry the tears, That in thy sorrow swell, And bow in meekness to thy God, For He doth all things well. : God saw our brother in his bloom, «And took him in His love; Fle took him from this world of care To dwell with Saints above. Leaskdale, Nov. 16th, 1867. The wniters for the Saturday' Re receive £8 per page for their coptribatious, A bachelor's face is often the worse for wear--A married man's for wear and tear. Mr. Dickens long ago remarked that if yon threw your pen at a piece of paper a compositor would contrive to interpret the plot. Whenever a golden wedding is ing on almost every young lady would like to be in the ring--or rath- er bave a finger in it' A Norxox Durricvrry.--A female seminary was recently started at *41pead pasoidde puvy u. sLUAM[v SURO) "9O130U $03307S OY) UO SUOQ 10 yu) 105 dweqQ Pos 9q [ji puw 'sasodind Jo(Ivg 30 IINGY 0} IoMSUY [[14 Koqy, ONINV "HHANO Je 2: 23 <1 3 I] § 1 [SWIOOY-IIBAL AJIOJ IO OY, Sujmamjer N. aout be gei 'spusaspeg 'susorng 'enjoy oq3 'savol sud oy Jupanp oSvuoxed 31943 10) $19W0}9U0 SNOJOWNT FYY 01 SUNY 'e914010199g 'spavOQIPISy 'adoys 238 yum Suo~--2undiQ) Om) puv 'dinnving fH) aif isi gh 1 bss | Lip ih | 'any Jo wosspSy 'ssipeip 'sIreyd 2,000 Cedar Posts for Sao Pre $6 PER HUNDRED. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, 22 April, 1867. 37 Reemington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS or RFVOLVERS. RIFLES. Muskets and Carbines, For tbe United States Service. Also Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Repeating Bifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, an Gun Materials, sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. In these days of Housebreaking and Rob- bery, every House, Store, Bank, and Office should have one of * Reemington's Revolvers the late improvements in Pistols, and 'su- combined in the new Reemington Revolver. Circulars containing cuts and descrip- tion of our arms will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Illion, N.Y. $ Moore & NicuoLs, Agents. Port Perry, Oct. 8, 1867. Small Farm Wanted ANY ONE HAVING A SMALL Farm to Rent, or Far Sale--within a short distance of Port Perry--may hear something toadvantage by applying to B. BACHE, Port Perry. 8-4in 1 No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y, 1867. PROSPECTUS 1861 "THE GLOBE" NEWSPAPER, jue year 1867 will probably be the most eventful year in the history of the British North American Provinces. I'here is every reason to believe that im- Greenbank, June 12, 1867. COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. HE Subscriber is desirous of informing the public that'he has purchased the above premises, which he has renovated throughout. First class Liquors and Cigars, and the best accommodation with careful at- tention can always be found. Good stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive Ostlers. R. A. MURTA, 44-1y ly after the bling of the Im- perial Parliament in London, on or about the 1st of Feb uay next, an Act will be passed giving effect to the petitions of the Legislative bodies of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland, and uniting all the British North American provinces under one Government and Legislature. On the passage of that Act, a Governor-General or Viceroy will be ap- pointed by the Queen to preside over the United Provinces; and writs will at once be issued for the election of Representatives to the Federal and Local Legislatures. In April next, it is therefore probable that the Salt Lake City, which ded very well natil the principal eloped with and married the whole school. StaveHTer of WiLpcaTs,--The Ad: vertiser says there has been a large number of wildcats killed in tlie back townships this season, and the skins are now being marketed in Guelph at from 50 to 75¢ each. Several were purchased on Saturday by out- side parties. The new Tower of Babe! book, Dolishied in London, says the Mosiac eluge: was a local floed produced by the bursting of an ancient African lake, the remains of which are point- ed out by the author. Itis pleasant to have these old myseries all so sa- tisfuctory explained. Ax 1uporTaxNT Prosect.-~-The Co- bourg Star says that a proposition is ander consideration for opening a new line of road from Cobourg to Baltimore and thence to Hastings. Such a road would be of great advan-- tage not only to the town but to the townships in the rear throogh which it would pass. ' having WINES. UST received, a fresh supply of Pure Wines for medicinal purposes at THE MEDICAL HALL, Nearly opposite the Royal Canadian Bank. J. H. BACHE. Port Perry May 29, 1866. 42 people of Upper Canada will be called upon to elect eighty-two representatives to the Local Legislatares of Upper Canada. It would be difficult to over-rate the influence that these elections may exercise on the future well-being of the Province. The Local Government and Legislature of Up- per Canada, to be established in Toronto, will have the control of all Crown Lands, Timber and Minerals within the Province-- of all local Public Works -- of Education-- of the promotion of Agriculture--and over all personal rights and rights of property. NOVELS & STATIONERY. A Good asaortment at thel MEDICAL HALL. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A SPLENDID assortment at the MEDICAL HALL. The eighty-two men first elected, will be charged with the duty of placing In opera- tion the machiney dasc3ssny the ad- tant public inteests; and in their hands may rest the decision whether the future government of our Province shall be as it has been for years past, or shall be organ- ized so as to secure efficiency and economy throughout the publie service, and the pro- motion of the industrial interests of the country. " Fully alive to the importance of arousing package at the Horse and Cattle Medicines. A GOOD SUPPLY always on hand. A Superior Condition Poewder--being one of the very best in use. Call and get MEDICAL HALL. the public mind to an earnest and candid ideration of the important questions shortly coming up, for decision, and obtaining from the Legislatures about to be elected a judicious settlement of them, the publisher of Tar Grosz is now perfecting a{ arrangements which will secure increased efficiency in every department of the paper. The Editorial staf is being strengthened, and a large corps of short-hand reporters is CA ter not long since, been Bang 3 his aweetheart' Went the Shooting stick. - The thing wouldn't The* devil, wishing to pacify him, told him to go into the sanctom where the editor was writ- ing duns to delinquent subscribers. He says the picture of despair re- conciled him to his fate. Exeazssive mis TrANks.--When the Duke of Argyle was one night at tho theatre, in a side Sox, a per- son entered the same box with boot and spure. The duke arose from his seat and with great ceremony ex- pressed his thanks to the stranger, whe, somewhat confused, desired to know for what reuson be thanked him when the Duke gravely replied: For net beiaging your horse with you. The Berlin Telegraph tells of a nar- row escape from death last week, by aman named John Kyle, who had descended into a well to fasten lines #0 a colt that had fallen in, when the sides gave way, and the unfortunate man was buried to a depth of 24 feet. The neighbours assembled and work- ed with a will, and after being four hours in the well, he was got out, «oemparatively uninjured. Persons' who give advice gratis a8 to what Fs what shonld not go in the paper = | A young gentleman fresh from college A man that reads his poetry te you. Creditors of every description. A man who wants to borrow money from you. The man who reads copy over the compositor's shoulder. The man who reads all the news- papers but never buys ove. . Joex_Birumes ox THE Goose.--The goss is a grass animal but don't w her cud, They are good livers, about cpe sker to a e is enuff, altho, there iz seme Tolks"who thioks 'one goose to 175 akers iz nearer + wight, These two calculations are 0 fur apert, it iz difficult to tell now which will finally win. Bot don't. _dbink if i had a farm of 175 skers, ? wll puid for, that i would sell it for what it was worth just because | + §tdidn't have but ove goose on it. 8 well: some of our boat bi ' 0 years, aud grow Tha a ove egg at once, the goslents lies hidd. The 15 the 's- babe. The ckle his but 0UGH BALSAM. now being formed for reporting daily, in a 'style surpassing that h fi ined Parties desirous to avail themselves of perior workmanship and form, will find all |* ministration of these and many other impor- } + The instrument 'which | Wonderful! Wonderful ! WONDIRIFUL 1! TT is what I wish every one to know: that all persons afflicted with decayed Teeth, or stumps of Teeth, which canker the mouth, disease the body and produce offensive breath, cdn now have them EXTRACTED FREE FROM PAIN !! OR ANY OTHER INCONVENIENOK WHATEVER! By a new and well tried process-- the appli- cation of Spray upon the Gums Do not doubt this! It has been. used by eminent Dentists in Europe for some time, and is now extensively practiced in America for Teeth extracting. bass J.D. C., is prepared to Extract Teeth by this new and wonderful process which is nothing short of a blessing to humanity. All Dental operations performed scien- tifieally, with skill that 4 long practice can-cnsure. PE Lape i ) improved one from the or pay Teeth Filled, Seal or Charges 0 the proceedings of the Federal L A gl have been d, | made for ever T= best dick i Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., re FH lieved. = Th ing every night tha European news and prices current of the same'day by Sale at the | a y v demand enables the proprietor to reduce the price--Only 25 Cents per genuine unless signed-J. H, Bacas. Bottle. MEDICAL HALL. None For the Atlantic Cable, and a special commis- sioner for Tae Grone will attend the coming session of the Imperial Parhament, and watch the debates on the Confederation Bill. In the general conduct of the paper fresh Infant's ren. less signed J. H. per bottle. For sale at the Preservative. HIS is a safe and efficient remedy for the disorders of children consequent on Teething. No mother should be without it, as it is the only medicine require for child- It has never failed in a single instange to-effect a cure when timely administered. Tn Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic and Pains in the Bowels, it is without an equal, and is the most effectual soother of pain as yet presented to the public. None genuine un- Only 25 Cents BacHE. MEDICAL HALL. efforts will be made in the coming year to secure that prominence among the joutnals of the Province which Tae Grose has here- tofore maintained. The telegraph wires will be still more largely availed of than in the past; and noexpense will be spared in the employment of able correspondents at important points, and in despatching Re- porters to distant places whenever their ser- vices may be required. A special commis- sioner for Tae Grose will attend the Paris Exhibition next spring Arrangements ave being made for reporting more systematical- ly than heretofore the proceedings of the Law and Obaicery Courts acd trials at Nisi 'rius throughout the Province. On the Tth of December, the republication d of Miss Braddon's Admira- sition, WORM POWDERS, T is the best and safest worm medicine It drives out the worms thoroughly without pain They are superior to any Worm Lozenge ; and none but the very best ingredients are used in their compo- Give thema trial. per Package. For sale at the MEDICAL HALL. Only 25 cents was ble New Tale 'BIRDS OF PREY," and will 'be continued from week to week as it appears in England. Other interesting Tales will also be published during the ear. In the mechanical execution of the jour- nal very great improvements are shortly d. From th of the year, the paper used on the Daily, as | superior -quality to that heretofore used-- and in the course of the coming Spring the paper will be printed from a new and beau- per box, at the. Anti-Billious Pills. Al excellent Family Medidine, and is the tifal fount of type, from the celebrated foundry of Miller & Richards, Edinburg. For some months past, the largely increased circulation of Tre Grose has more than most effective remedy for I Billious and Liver € i Gidd led the cap of the presses, and derediit difficult to publish the news q Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness, Spasms, and all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels. For Females the Pills are truly excellent, removing all Obstruction, Headache, De- pression of Spirits, Blotches, Pimples and | sallowness of the skin, and give a healthy, juvenile bloom to the complexion. Only 26¢ MEDICAL HALL. coming indy telegraphand otherwise up to a late hour after midnight, and work off the necessary number of copiesin time far the morning mails. To medt this difficulty, and enable all the readers of the paper to be supplied early hour of the morning, new Lightning Presses, capable of working off ten thousand impressions per hour, are about tobe added to the establishmént, and # will place the office in a position of efficiency Perry. Please Rememberthe Plaze || MER AL HALL --Oppesite the * House'! of All Nations," Queen Street, Port! : J. H. BACHE. "Port Perry, March 21st, 1867. 22 unsurpassed by any printing office on this continent. No paper sent out of the office until the money is paid. . The Felleral Government and Legislature 4 will also be largely affected by the charac- ter of the eighty-two Representatives sent by Upper Canada to the Federal House of In Po "" 11 " £1 a 15 "«. 16 "my ap BREE Hx dnc] Tr price snd tefins apply pro-paidto 1 Whitey, Aguet 1, 1008. ER TOWN & PARK LOTS FOR BALE rt Perry. Village Lot 1,--Corner, Water, and Queen Streets. ; North Queen Street. Whether the long reign of lav- ish expenditure and ill considered legisla- tion is 'to'be continued, or a better 8 of things to be inaugurated, will much depend on the chdice of Rr ~resentatives made by the electors of dipper Canada at the coming election. TB TERMS = of subscription wi remain as heretdfore: SIX DOLLARE p ' sonum for the Daily edition, and T\ ¢ DOLLARS per annum for the Weekly e« ition, both payable strictly in advance. Clubs for Waekly Globe. The Club rates for the coming year will » Pt 22 ye é be as follows : : i il South North Street. gata 20% : B8IX COPIES, one year..,....10 00 TEN do do sesases 16°00 TWENTY do and Local [= well as the Weekly edition, will tbe of very | A Src a fen taap - b.. South Mary Siewst. Twenty. 3 wef _ anda of ly Globe to the | Nosth Casimir Street. person who gewsup'the Club of Fifty, > "7 |EIGHTY COP] year, for. . 100,00 Casimir Street. ~ : 'who gets up the Clib, : p30: ¥, © J. HAM _PERRY. 'Whitby. "Toronto, 1667. { to the person who. | FIFTY COPIES, oné yes, for... .. 65 00 Gee LEN * 'Bach paper is addressed tely, and i may Ds eatto any Post Ofos. ? And an extra copy of The Weekly Globe gets up the Club of GEORGE BROWN, Publisher and Proprietor. Osriox Hours J.D. CO Borelia Jan. 8 186! pra HARRISON MAW & SON." SON, Contractors «& Bullders, all kinds, whether Wood, and to finish them off in the latest styles, with All the Most Modern improvements. HARRISON MAW PORT PERRY, contract fot and put up Buildings of Stone, made to order. ring First Class work done, will do well to give them a call. Plans and 4] ae ; E: prepared to Port Perry August Tth, 1866. H ARMON IUMS. Chath 84 2s oH GOOD NEWS! NARCOTIC SPRAY 2 EER iin 11s HD, 'Gums, Produciug Local Extracting Teeth Withont Invented by Dr. Riel London, Al Operations Warre fo g or no Charge é y Def Competition Rersrencs :-- Rev. Dr. Shortt Griggs, M.D , Bort Hope; Rev. aud Dr Carson, Whitby ; Jos. and J Bolster, M.B.; dori rs Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866, UMBER MERCHANTS AN ALSO SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in tbe following Townships, vis. WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, PORT PERRY, August, 1866. All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. T. PAXTON, & Co. < 1-4f PORT PERRY MILLS, THOMAS PAXTON & Co., D DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, Pickets, etc., ete. Every Description of s Port Perry, Dec. 19th, 1866. OHARGES REASONABLE. Solicited. A. M, GIBSON. PORT PERRY FOUNDRY. [ue above New and First-Class Foundry is now Open for the Manufacture of Steam Eugines, Boilers, Grist & Saw MI MACHINERY, TOOLS FOR WORKING UF WOOD AND IRON, Such as Sash, Door, Blind and hair, Stave and Shingle Machinery, of the Latest Improvements; Woollen Mill Machinery, The Double Turbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &0. MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhood, thereby saving time and transportation, is a saving of itself which the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mutual Immediate Orders Respectfully 9 at the Manufactory. Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1866. RS. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTURER! : Nos. 143, 135 & 147, YONGE Sr., TORONTO. 0 Musical Instruments of All- Kinds Can be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price as . Orders respectfully solicited. 15-8m 'SNOHAOTIN MANUFACTURER AND DEALER ¥ etc, etc., done on the shor noti dey JOSEPH BIGELOW, ' : DEAL In Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Bare Ty Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. 'A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! Also. Rroprieror of Port -Perry Sash and Door Factory. : Face planing, Matching, Seroll Saiving, Turning, Moulding, ~ Port Perry ugust, 10th, 1866: OR EXCHANGE. pf Ep i take Machinery or Town pro- aang. ly at the Port Pe Terms easy. = Apply atthe Port Perry Foundry to GH 3 nw DAVID GIBSON. Port Perry; March 28th, 1987. 3 Land for Sale. : us 'above property is situated cession of on Lot No 23, in the 7th Con, Scugog, and contains Port Perry, Bap, 16, 1867, by admeasnrement 24 . Thereis a Frame House 26 by .30, id is Berghe ' CHESTER COLTON. B 0 0 THO) INIINDMS SSVTD ISHLE dVEHD DR IWAN INVAR 0A dl | | JHU HOA .T0LHH0 CAVONVIS, Mangaou's Pun snd Pir 9 a. '90UBAPY UI 'PIEpUEIS om 03 uorpdriosqng Jno 'umuue Jod sjuso (gg Aes. puwe . Kk Leg cure the most obsti-| of this dis-| .~--{consumption. . "per{35¢, per Bottle, HORSE AND CATTLE MEDI constantly on hand. Family Receipts Eon hs carefully red on the shortest notice. k y Fa MARGACH'S ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constantly increasing in public favor, of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest remunerative price. There have been added from time to time such articles as are generally required in the trade, and the Stock will be found as varied as the demand, ¥3 Terms invariably Oash, . » Uxbridge, Aug. 22, 1866. . Jatt ARE THE BEST PURCATIVE PILLS. oo ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. La ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS, % NO STRAINING. , No GRIPING. es RO TENESMUS NO PILES. . NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET, BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THEBQWELS I8 ALWAYS SECUEED. Newly Dis d Principles in Pyrgs Dr. Radway's Pills aro the bost Purgative Pills iu the world, and the only Vegetable Substitute for Odlomel or Mercury ever discovered. They aro composedof . VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS - BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE- 3 PARED IN VACUO. of the extrast of the medicinal proper. groater curative power the crude and inert i g i i i i E PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAL, BOOTHE, OALM, STRENGTHEN, ' INVIGORATSy And REGULATE THE SYSTEM. Their Great Combinationts IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF | | Dao A Rion Chi ois vers Splesly Erysipelas or Congestive Fever, Small Pu, Measles, of SIX 70 EIGHT OF DR. RAD a LATING PILLS WILL PURGE AH RY CAUSE OF THESE FRON HE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS. Fo One dose of Dr. Redway's Pills wili eléanse the intess irritation, STRAINING: SE ans will a. Sher BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR. tL BETTER AN CALOMED: 9 Mn, LL CALOMEL OR BLUE ¥1LL AS ALTERATIVES, [ 10 quinine.. Their influénce extends over th a cogtrolling, Mrengheniag;atd Rg bracing up the relaxed and wasting evergiof,.and regu. lating all the ows othe naiural Performan not duth Jeans! purifying purging ros the system all depasits. and im pure DR. RADWAY'S PIS. ONE TO BIX BOXES WILL CURE | © ) Rush of Blood to the Head, #1 have taken six doses of Radway's Pills, of {tires ls , in six days ; cured, me , and 1 have Bet rors ora LEY gh m; ALL ppear. ee of Radway s Tle cored mer * oe S\EVHEN BENNETT, -U. 8. C.87 #1 have suffered with Dysporaia and Tor seven yearse-have used all £0 1they would give me " " Sade io ir are Bt ite o done In ik monks.

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