Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 5 Dec 1867, p. 5

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ptation.--Afler the second '00 Tharsiay Inst the Bishop of o administered 'the rates of con- 8i% young sons ith. He on Rev. L. Braire, the Joy. Te ae and the Very Rev J. , Vicar General, who, on ac Ind, Joule, was endl wounded in tlie a few Bla ago at a charivari led to sere- for two or three cot ighis., On this par Foster, senior, canie out "house und treated the party, pectation they would then || raw. This, however, they did ot seem trclined fo do, when & guu og shot wad" red from the [ nd the w ogiided youth now © lies" very il / The Ottawa correspondent of the "St, John's Globe looks with anxious _eyes on the lavish expenditure at the « seat of Government. Ho says :-- " Everything herc is on a scale of * magnificence that would frighten the simple" people of New Brunswick. In these magnificent" Ralls, along these lofty coiridots, under passage "ways, aud beneath the vaulted roofs of "this stupendous edifice, there © #warms an army of loafers as devas. © tating as the locustda"' of Egypt. " How many there are, T cannot possi- bly say. don't think Tam out of "the way when I say that thore are two hundred servants of the House, from the clerk downwards. Every- thing is on a scale that* would suit a full-grown nation of ten times our resources." Sap ano Farar" Acciest--A very sad accident happened to an old and respectable woman named Mary rain, on Wednesday, 27th ult.-- i 2:40 express train going west £0 was approaching the village, she 'was crossing the track on Queen Street, near where she resided, but being somewhat deaf and' short- sighted, did not observe it, and as she was about over the crossing, the 'engine struck her in the side, and al- 'most instantly killed 'hér" She was _ dbout 70 years of age. An inquest on | Was held by Dr. Barnhart and the found that she éamé to her death being struck by the 'engine while ttempting fo cross the track: of the wa Queen 'Street; and that ly objection- ve any Biiding erected on' of wa! , torday Ii choly accident: eh Mui Francis' Barnes--a re- ble farmer in 'good 'cifcumstan- ces, residing in Maripuda-- lost his "life, occurred at the bridge nearcat _ the: village of Little Britain. The + Gircumstances, as far as we can learn, "yvere as follows: As Mr; 'Joseph Mark was crossing the bridge in question, be heard a noise which sounded like a groan, and upon looking around he discovered: that a waggon with a span of horses attached had fallen from the bridge into the creek, which 2 in the epot is about two feet deep. taining assistance as quickly as sible, he released the horses, one - of which whs lying across the axle; ma and, on taking apart the naggon Lox, ag . which was turned upside down, he +. 1. discovered, to his horror. the dead .~ i body of the unfortunateowner. Up- a on examination it appeared from the +7 marks that the team, when nearly 'across, had commenced backing, and, . a8 there were no side rails to stop them, they and the waggon, with the driver, bad fallen into* the - water.-- 28a Birth. © fa Port Perry, on the=nd tush; the wife of Mr. Wm, Bvans of asom: | On Scugog Island, on the 29th ult., the wife of H. Hunter, Esq.;.0f a daughter. In Uxbridge,on Saturday, 30th November, Frsoeriox, second 80p 0 0. D. Eox, aged two years and nine mon In Uxbridge, on Sunda; 8 Mar Tat. tungher NER LAR ari dt on Sag 9398s 5.6 mr ip 533 a 583 Be 867. 7 ER ooo oe 3999993 i Orelitors 'of the Baden b Zane n Wal ws up i, in the Oi of Yilage on RHUREDAY, THE: NINE- 1867, men Assignee. Dated at the Township of Soot, in the 2-in > Remaining ii "the Port Perry Post-Office Dec. 4th, 1867, not previously advertised] Bush, George: . | Brad] 7s Alexander: Norton, Joss i . ne ot 4 Cramvart--The Lamy i, go Buel Bach ys :--A young | ireland, J. Schennethorn Hannah Bor Y ora ain, aged about | Madden, A. " "Staley, David McKniley, Wm. Wills, B | nak for advertised denies, The owner can have the same, by: proving property and paying expenses.' - | ment twice a week, and which will Olof subscription will remain as heretofore: 5 SIX D 0 Th OND, EE Housed 1 est at the office ENTH DAY OF DECEM A. D, at one o'clock, p. m., to receive state- | of bis effairs, sud to neme an County * of Ontario, this 28th day of November, A. Ds, 1867. ¥ SAMUEL McDOWELL, * s«Hlagksmith, List of 'Letters i+» McGonnel, James : _ Koster, Peter--[Registered.] Persons calling for the above will pleage H. GORDON, Postmaster. "Ny Geese. HERE came {nto my premises about five weeks since, a flock of, 14 Geese. woop WANTED. | | QEaLED TENDERS w will be received at] | Saturday, the 7th Dec. Next, | - "| From any party willing to contract for the * of good seasoned Hardwood, composed of Beech, Birch, Maple agd. Iron-wood. Tel to state the price wood to be delivered" before the 25th day of December next, aud the remainder before the 25th day of January, next, or all may be delivered before that time ty than the above. Office, Whitby," and marked Tenders for Cordwood." County Clerk's Office, } this Office, up to ' AT THE HOUR OF 12 0'0LOCK, NOON, delivery at the Court. House, of: 100 CORDS r cord. One-hall Tenders will be received for a losg/quhntia |' Tenders to be addressed County Clerk's H: J. MACDONELL, County Curax. Whitby, Nov. 20, 1861. § , $18. Not MIXED J.-L WATKL OFFICE: 2nd Floor McMillan's Block, W Manilla, 2nd Tuesday of Foery Cannington 2d Wednesday, Vroomanton 2d Thursday, Greenbank 2d Friday, Manchester 24 Saturday Wha Persons requiring his FLOUR SPRING WHBA! Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1861. : > Surgeon-Denti : WILL BE AT pi do do do evi in Say | branch of the Profession JOHN'S SMITH. Port Perry, Dec. 3, 186%. 17-3 a NO Tv. XC ER Application 10 Parliament ! NCCE is Wersby gi given that application will be made to.the Legislature of On- tario, at its first Session, upon the part of Hannuh Paxton, Anna Elizabeth Paxton, Willlam Clarke Paxton, Obarles Paxton, George Wesley Paxton, Emma Philena Paxton, Jessie Paxton and Frederick Henry. Paxton, the Widow and Infant Children of George Paxton, late of the Township of Reach, in'the County of Onta~ rio, Miller, deteased, for an Act ta vest the real estate which 4he said George Paxton | died possesced of or entitled to in Trustees, with authority to the Trustees $0 sell any or all said lands, and invest proceeds, and to make provision for the settlement of the said estate, and for other] purposes to be 'Dated at Port Perry, 28th Nov. 1867, Cochrane & Cochrane, 3 Solicitors for Applicants In the Surrogate Court ".FOR THE County of Ontario. OTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of twenty days from the date hereof application will. be made to the Judge of the above Court, by James Bond, of the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, Yeoman, to be appointed guard- ian of Charles Barker, Maria Ann Barker, William Henry Barker, John Barker, and Elizabeth Ann Barker, who reside at the Towpehip of Scugog in the County of On- tario, the said Charles Barker, Maria Ann Barker William Henry Barker, John Barker, and Elizabeth Ann Barker, being thé infant children of Mary Barker and David Barker, late of Band Springs in the State of Towa, Lone of the United States of America. y of November, 1867. lie : History rote An War| And ny Popular Books. - Large Commis- sions paid to active canvass in the Counties of York, Ontario and Darham,-- A section of country given exclusively to each Agent. All orders and communica- tions must be addressed to J. G. J. WHITE, Wholesale & Retail Agent, MaxcrEsTER, P.O, Nov. 25, 1867. 16. Reach, Ont 1868. PROSPECTUS 1868 "THE GLOBE" NEWSPAPER. * PuriNG the year 1868 very im- portant Sessions will be held of the Parliament of Ontario, 'and of the Domin- ion, and very interesting discussions will take place on subjects of the deepest inter- est to the Canadian people, The founda- tions of the New Government have been laid, bus the superstructure will demand all the care of the people, and the public jour- nals will necessarily be esltéd upon to dis- cuss at length many questions, upon the right settlement of which the future welfare: of the country will depend. In all the matters which 'will be brought before the Legislatures " THE GLOBE" will take a deep interest, and both by Full Reports of Parliamentary Proceedings, and by editorial discussions-it will strive to inform the public of the progress of events, and guide them to a rightjudgement on the points of issue. Early. in the year 1868, The Daily Globe vill be very considerably enlarged, and' will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, or- dered - from Messrs Hoe & Co., of New York, capable of printing 10,000. impress- ions an hour, - The outlay of this press, about $15,000 in GOLD, has been' render- ed necessary by the large and 'increasing circulation of tie GLOBE. Ii has been for some time impossible to supply: in time for 'the morning mails the number of copies called for by the public! The in- crease of size is rendered necesspry by the pressues of advertisements, which Have al- -| ready caused the publication of a 'yupple- con- tinued as may be found Decifil util * the permanent enlargement s pldee. the same time as the agement, the | paper will be printed on New Type. Early in the year we shall commence the publication of -a New Story by Wilkie Collins, author of the 'Woman in White." PB - THE TERMS LARS per Lap So the Daily edition, and TWO DO RS per annum for the Weekly MAR payal le strictly in advance. % Clubs for the Weekly @lobe. The Club rates for the coming year will be as follows : ; i EN OOLIES, one your. aveore P10 00 do: 0ay 8 [LE TWENTY do .... 30 00 And an extra copy of The Ty Globe io the n person. nho! gets up the Club of THIRTY COPIES, one Jour! fori; $42.00 | and an extra copy of the Weexiy Grose * to'the person who gets up the Club of Thirty. [FIFTY COPIES, Lone year, for .... .65 00 and a copy of The Daily Globe to the person who gets up the Club of Fifty EIGHTY COPIES, one yeat, for.. $100 00 "and a copy of The 'Daily to the person who gets up the Club. - Bach paper is addressed separately, and Lmay be sent to any Post Office. © 'When additional names are added to any fo Olub during the year, they must be sent to ' fie GLOBE office by the persen who made | the Club : andl the money sent with such | of the year's subscription at the Club rate | : GEORGE BROWN, Publisher and Proprietor. DIVIS TON COURTS No. 1 Whitby, ..... Sane es. 3ud; 1867 MARE, 3 years old, stands about 14} hands mentioned therein. the bevy, about four inches wide and 8 in length. Thomas Lamb, or giving information to W. Scott," Prince Albert, will receive above reward. General Blacksmithing ! Subscribers wish to inform the public that the business in al] its branches will be car- ried on as heretofore. Lad Special Gy ph paid to shatpenitig v Horse: Shoting attended to experi: enced * hands... Wrought=Irow F tional names must be such a proj fiom : as vata w to the expiration of the Club, | FOR THE County of Ontario. 2, Pickering, ... " 3nd, 3, Prince Albert, "30th, i 4, Uxbridge,...... " 3lag, Hv Ze Cannington, Fob Saag nas ~e Beaverton, 1, Atherly,.. LW aga . BURNHAM, .. Judge, C. 0. 5, Whitby, Nov. 3, 1867. "$10 REWA RD 1 3 what we have never been able iy. 5 STRAYED OR STOLEN ! ROM Lot No. 23, 3rd Con., Reach, on |® Thursday Nov. 21st, A LIGHT BAY Any person returning her to the THOMAS LAMB. |5 Uxbridge, Noy Nov. 25, 1867. 16 N SUCOEEDING Mr. TI Johnston, in this place, as General Blacksmiths, the "Mill Work Done! Picks. SPOONS AND FORKS! METAL TEA-POTS, Coffee-Pots & Cruets. Spectacles! TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. Table & Pocket CUTLERY. AT H THOMPSON'S ! Sign of the Golden Saw, Main Street, Uxbridge, Ont: . Uxbridge, Nov. 29,.1867. NOTICE, , fr HE Subscriber or. would notify, all persons indebted to him for Carding, | or otherwise, that all Carding Bills 'mot 143m . Tats, will positively be charged one cent paid by the above date, 10 per cent. &xfra will be charged, and all Bills not settled by the 15th JANUARY, 1868, will be pladed in the hands of the Bailiff for Collection. EST sell C.T. YOUNG, * Port Tot Perry, Nov., 19} 1867. 16f WHITBY AND 800606 Gravel Road!" Nos, is Horsby gi given, that apolisn. tion will be made to the Legislative, a 2 its next sitting, for an Act to enable th Whitby and Scagog Gravel Road Company to run one or more Traction Euglnes, fo the purpose of conveying Freight or Par sengers, between the following places, viz Whitby: and Port Perry ; also between 'Manchester, Prince Albert and Port Perry; also between. Manchester and Wick ; also between Manchester and Uxbridge. "J. E, SouLp, Manager. Uxbridge, Oct. 29, Oct. 29, 188% 0 en has on hand a few pieces of the CANADIAN TWEEDS which he wil cheap for Cash. Tur 'Subscriber wishes: to inform the Public that he has always os hand A SUPPLY ( of bread, Flour, Oatmeal ! ! . DIFFERENT KINDS, } OF CARES ! Bisonits -& Confootionaties. TOYS IN GREAT VARIETY. ¥3 Fancy Wedding Oulkesy nicely trim- med, dre' mdide to drdery &n df Rasonaije in price, GEO. HEN LEY. "Toronto, Dec. 5, 1867." 1 SOOTHING 8 Greatly facilitates the process of teething, _ | by softening the gums, reducing all inflam- 'mation--will allay ALL PAIN an A . | action, and is Sure to Regulate the " Bowels 11 Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest Relief and Health to your Infants, in a single instance to effect a Cure, W timely used. used it, with its operations, and speak in terms of} high, black strip up the back, white spot on | commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. . WHAT WE DO KNOW, after years of] experience, and Pledge our Reputation' the fulfilment of what we here declare; almost every instance where the infant. is} ..|. will be found in fifteen or twenty nates g after the syrup is administered. each bottle simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper, 3 Price, ONLY 256 Cents per bottle. 205 High Holborn, London, Ep St. Paul Street, Moatreal, Canada. to meet all reqnirements in their] 'business. BONNETS, FELT AND STRAW paid by the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, | per pound extra, and on alk othér Bills not | The Subscriber would also: state that he | PORT PERRY BAKERY. | pared 'to build . | notice. Be patna: 15 1861. 4 MRS. WINSLOW'S RUP 1 veil For Children Teething | aig s spasmodic yourselves, and We have put up and sold this article for | ears, and can say in confidence and truth of! ny other medicicine-- Never has it TT Never did we know én ins tance of dissatisfaction by any one who | On the contrary, all are delighted We speak in this Tattee : "Inf uffering from pain and exhaustion, Full directions for using will accompan; None genuine unless the face Sold*by Druggists throughout the* Orrices--215 Fulton Street, New land THE MISSES J. & A. GIBS MANTLE AND DRESS-MAKER! ISH to inform the Ladies of Port and vicinity that they are p Cleaned & Altered to the L | | Sars RLS ii, Pants OF TH 3" Bills arranged and Days of Sale at this Office. Reach, Oct. 1, 1867. PORT PERRY, AND ih The Medical Tall | T"% Hein erected a Saw-mill to meet their parties having timber to dispose of, Pine, TERY CAN NOW subscribers wish to {nform the public and their customers generally that owing 0 their increased faciliiies for manufacturing ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Compete Favorably with any Establishment in the County . Either in Price, Style or Quality. requirements, and as an inducement to iting Birch, Maple, Elm, and Butternut Logs, and inch Butternut Lumber, will be taken in exchange for furniture. Funerals Attended, with or without Hearse, ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. XI Cofin Trimmings Always On Houd. Wabeides, Nov. 1, 1867. 'SOTIUeIAL 'spoop-sseICT en ono 0 $17,000 WORTH OF - NEW GOODS, | Comprised of British, French and American DRY GOODS, Canadian Tweeds, of the latest variety of Style and Texture, GROCERIES! Shelf Hardware, Hoop and Bar Iron, STOVES AND TINWARE, Crockery, lassuases Window Glass, Nails, Patty, Paint, Oils, LAMPS, -COAL OIL, Varnishes, oy Stuffs, Paper Hasgogs School Books, Stationery, Garden, Wield and Flower Seeds, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Water-lime, &c., &o. Ready-made CLOTHING ! on hand and made up to order if required. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and size for Ladies, Gentle- men and Children, purchased from the best manufacturing houses in the Dominion of Canada. Ladies and Gent's HATS AND CAPS, Bonnets, Mantles; Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, &c., in Great Variety always on hand. I would say that my stock is the largest and most complete in the County, embracing almost everything for sale in Town or City. Fresh Goods, Are arriving almost daily, to keep my assortment complete, that nothing may be wanting on my part to serve patrons with everything required of the latest styles and most select variety of Goods to be found in any Market at the LOWEST PRICES. Any particular article not in stock will be order- ed to supply customers. Muley Gang and Circular Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting furnished to order at Manufacturer's prices, All kinds of FARM PRODUCE taken in hange for goods. - ; A large stock of O Potatoes, rg- coummaLin r gs, always commanding the highest. p rice to supply the large mumber of men Te the Mills and Factories of this place, as well as their families 500 Butter Tubs for Saleor will be given out to customers to fill. 10,000 Feet of Square Timber for Sale, of all Lengths, from 18 to 60 feet, and from 8 to 12 inches square. The Subscriber has also a large stock of SAWED LUMBER on hand, and is pre- pared to furnish any kind of Lumber, sawed out to order, from 12 to 26 feet long.-- Parties wanting long lumber had better hear this in mind. Also, for sale, any quantity of Sawed Shingles, Flour Barrel Staves and Sawed Heading. I TWO GOOD POTASH KETTLES 8 cwt each, and three Coolers for Sale. JOSEPHBIGELOW. Port Perry, 22nd April, 1867. 31 FOR SALE.--A Quantity of Dry Pine Lumber, at the in, which can be Dressed, before being removed, if required. = & W. McGUIRE. 13-3m 'STVAINYV HSHYA 0 sagan LV ThE Subscribers are now offering their At Greatly You will Save time & Money By coming to the Cheap Cash Store for your. Supplies of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes and Paints and 'Cheap Cash 'Store! and Well Assorted Stock of General Merchat Reduced Prices. adopted the Cash Prindy, u eel kn of Be Jeing ake who favor EE has fonfiden i House in the County. Hers ils. J. BOLSTER §& Co. Uxbridge, Nov, 29th, 1867. SCUGOG HOUSE, AIGA i | Are the Places to Procure Any Kind of ME DICINE ! Drug or Chemical, Any Kind of PATENT MEDICINES ! - Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR STOVES, STOVEPIPES, Plain and Japanned Tinware, 18 AT THE [Port Perry Stove & Tin Depot. EAVETROUGHING Pat up on the Shortest possible Notice, and in the Best Style. REPAIRING ATTENDED TO WITH DESPATCH. 'Call and Examine. {JG Next Door to Bache's. Prescriptions Carefully TERTE! Carefully Filled, Scaled, or Egtracted, | J: H. & B. BACHE. 5 Nov. 19th, 1867. ' : 15 PORT PERRY Carriage Shop. pee SUBSCRIRER | fi : Joo he public Be he is 1 VA WAGGONS, 4318 fy Sd Pp ng Prompily Al Att All kinds' of EANIN HITL, constantly on hand. Cc MoKENZIE, Port Perry, Nov. 13, 1867. Port Perry, Sept. 11, 1867. Port Perry, Oct. 9, 1867. ESSENCES ! Fon Perey, Nov. 5, 186Y. * 13-4 STATIONERY! ke, &e, dof 3 Pure, Wine Mod Parga Be NEW GOODS BACHE'S Tone POWDERS. A¥D © Antibillious Pills. © "« iy BALSAM. VERY CHEAP : "HOw In Creat Variety at " PILE OINTMENT. WwW. ALLISON'S. a 8 1 ow Goods! Ne ew Goods ! SHAW AND GORDON'S. » Subscribers are now receiving their NEW Stock of {| TQ ANY IN THE MARKET. « JL & WINTER GOODS sting of Staple and Fanc Goods, and 'Ready- EO ED a al is BOOTS & SHOES, much reduced. A call is solicited. of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. y SHAW & GORDON. » Clothing in endless variety, £ st CuOCERIES, CROCKERY, es - ve Quen Sec, Port Perry, Sept, 26th, 1867, [FRESH ARRIVALS ! AT THE PORTPERRTY, Boots & Shoes in Great Variety ! STAPLE DRY GOODS & CLOTHING! Groceries, Wines & Liquors, Qld Tom, ALE AND PORTER! ALSO Sardines, Lobsters and White Fish, And A New Supply of CROCKERY & Higgins' AXES! HENRY CHARLES. 15 Port Perry, Nov, 20th, 1867. TXBRIDGE Dry-Goods and Tailoring Emporium ! OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, MAIN STREET. THE Proprietor of this Establishment would respectinlly annonnce fo his Numerons patrons that he is now prepared to furnish Goods in the following lines-- At Prices which will compare favorably with any house in the trade. Premium Clothing! FURNISHED TO ORDER, OR OTHERWISE, At Manufacturer's Prices. sa GENTS FURNISHINGS IN GREAT VARIETY, LADIES' DEPARTMENT. DRESS, GOODE, 'M. pi. Oe od Practical and Operative Tailor. [11] Toronto Nurseries OC. ©. EELLETT! Wholesale and Retail Agent. Ore): HAG succeeded J, H. E. Hogg, as Agent for de 'above Nurscries, the Subscriber is now desirous of soliciting orders in this and adjoin- ing Counties for the sale of Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, cc. The Stodk in these extensive and favorably known Nurseries is complete in every department ; and partics favoring me or my authorized Agents with their orders will Have Satisfaction Guaranteed to Them. wr All Orders and Communications addrested to the Subscriber will receive the promptest attention. WANTED Immediately.-- Two or three Active Young Men to canvass, to whom a large commission will be paid. C. C. KELLETT, Box 971, Port Perry. Port Perry, Dec., 18617. Free Trade Renewed ! Ladies and Gents you are invited to call at VARSH and TROUNCE'S IN PORT PERRY, FOR YOUR FALL & WINTER GOODS, As our Stock is now complete in all its branches. A call will convince the most sceptical that this is the place to GETTHEBESTBARGAINS! THAT CAN BE HAD IN THE COUNTY. MARSH & TROUNCE. Port Perry, Oct. 8th, 1867. BOOTS and SHOES. HE Subscriber is desirous of niorming his friends and 'the public ny he hag A received & well assorted stock of 1 | LADIES GENTS AND CHIEDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WE Consisting of Calf, Kidd'and Pranella Gaiters and Heavy Wear of all will be found ~~ | EQUAL IN STYLE & QUALITY! (17-1f) bios, which sar A Lot of No. 1 Spanish Sole for Sale, hap Jo Goth Repairing Promptly Attended t Terms Moderate. - Produce faken in Exchange. The Highs Pi fn Ouse rr Hide heep Si H. Port Perry, May 22, 1867, gr --

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