Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 5 Dec 1867, p. 6

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kness of heart ; cheers his dwelling, love telling, shall depart. yt Ue gn dt FE She Boot! Rey wet with 'weeping, On its mother's breast ; 'Whose cough, deep and hollow, Fortells she soon will follow Her husband to rest. Remember +the poor | . To bim who aid lendeth. Whatever be spendeth, The Lord will repay, And sweet thoughts shall cheer him, And God's love be near him In bis dying hour. Gems. What liquid would a lover be ? Beside her. Of the vowels, ie in bliss, ¢ in hell and all the others in purgatory. is @ bridegroom worth more than the bride? Because she is given away, and he is sold. A flirt is the dipper of the public pump, which all may drink at, but none Carry away. "Old dog Tray is ever faithful," toey say; but a dog that is faithful can never be-Tray | It is said that some mothers in New York have grown so affectionate that they give their children chlo- form before whipping them. In describing a new organ, a coun try editor says.' The swell died away: in delicious suffocation like one singing a sweet song under the bed clathes | , Josh Billings says any man who wilt compel a women to make a shirt for twenty cents ought to Le filled with fish hooks and used asa bait to catehsother sharks with. 'x think I have seen. you before, ; sir,' said one gentleman tounother.-- "Ate yon nol Owen Smith ' 0 yes,' said the other 'I'm owin' Smith, and wowin' Jones, and owin' Brown, and owin' everybody.' A paper bonnet is mentioned as the 'latest novelty in millinérdom at San Fraacigco. This head ornament costs but one.dollar and the great advaii- & .Angei has, 78 suid ay Bg what it "keh lay Jffom edtching oie ag they will probably stay at Lome «during 'bad' 'weathers 'Ven Jou are a married man, Tom= amy, yow'll understand a great many whings you don't. understand ne but vether its vorth vile go Eanty Takguiie = Agbibton i child, 8 'soon as he-can speak, to varrate his little experiences, his chapter of accidents, his grie fs, his fears, his hopes} th communicate what be has noticed in the world without, aud what he" feels struggling |: dn' the world ~ within.' Anxious to have something to narrate; he- will be ~ induced . to. 'give attention to: objects aroend him, and what is passing in the sphere of bis instruc, tion; and to obsarve and note even's will become one of his first pleasures; "and this is the gronudwork of a thoughtful character, Asa weary traveller was 'wending: iis way through the mud in a fan west region of the country, he dis covered a young maiden seated io front of the door of a small log house 0 He rode up in front of the cabin, and asked the girl for a drink of water. He drank it, and she being the first woman he had Seen for some days of- | fered her "a'dime for a kise. ~The young maiden accepted the offer, and received both kiss and the dime. " Dug was "about to resum:' ur; t the girl, never before iy eT et ae 0 with the dime? * You ont | hid 4 as"you wistr,' he replied, * it-ix yours' ! If that's the case, said she, * I'll give e Jou back the dime and take another | ' K&prkonon. ie! friend ip be delightful, --if it be above all delightful to enjoy the * continued' ndehip of those who are endeared timacy'of many years; ourse with us of the chool, of the adventures. of the colle of the, un we first ranked ourselves or society of the x w delightful mnst be th of Who, accompany this long period, with 0 any casan friend a Es £ [NEW TAILOR SHOP! | me wh Obifcesston OF Wty, Zontaining lta, ti the Too tone isan an rodueesits ot ols ey 1 TH a Parr WERRY. .» PERKINS o itants of P: ould inform the fos Perry and surroundin, ned ho hr By Tallniug fstsblishmen; A where he is pre- Substantially and' Tastefully On' the shortest pbssible nogiet~and in the latest » NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. re MANUFAC >i GARMENTS | Photograph. Gallery. ie Suabscri 'his. aumerous friends and patrons North Ontario, for past favors would re- spectfully inform them that he has removed Photographs, &c., &c., equal to any in the Province, and would solicit a continuation of the patron- age of those who may find it convenient to visit Whitby. N. B.-- Rooms treal--over McClui Store, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. J. A, CLARK, site the Bank of Mon- ng, Fielding and Co's' Whitby, Nov. 13, 1867, 3m. His prices are very r ble, and to those who favor Bim with their work every satisfaction is guaranteed. SHOP--over<Shaw and Gordon's store, Queen Street." Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1866, | THE ONTARIO FARMER'S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPARY. Ts Chuiiiny Ig now is now fully organized, is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildin, ngs and their contents, Country School Houses and Churches, Those wish- ing to Insure, and thereby support a Home Insurance Jomtany, have now an opportu- nity of doing so, either by applying at the Head Office, or to any of the Local Agents of the © low as those of any resporsible Matual In. surance Company in Canada. Heap Ovrics :--The old Registry Office, Brock Eres; Whitey, .. FAIRBANKS, Secretary. Whitby, July 10th, 1867. 48 Farms for Sale. NE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES, being part of Lot Na, 20, in the 9th concession of the Towusliip of Cartwright, 78 acres cleared and under a fair state of cultivation, with ordinery out buldings. The land is only 14 miles, from Caesarea, from whetice there id a goed graveled road to Bownanville. There 88 also a good school within a quarter of a mile of the Lot. Title indisputable. TERMS $600 down, and balance spread over a term of six or eight years. ALSO: +The North Half of Lot 21, in the: 9th Con. Cartwright, with Log House ana twenty-five Acres cleared. TerNs :--$400 down a hud bak balahce spread' over a térm of ten years, if reg nired. Apply to. = JOSEPH(BIGELOW. 'Port Pty, April % 1865. 3 TAILORING EMPORIUM! a a RE £ SUBSCRIBER, "in returning hid "sinedré Tlianks to his numerous customers and friends, for past favors, Inhabitants of Reach ! and surrotnding Townships; that he is still . HE Subscriber offers for sale the follow- ing valuable: Lands 1st.--Part of Lots No. a1, 32, and 23, in 283 acreg. fod. pie of Lot Nal 47, il the 0th Con- ceastomrof Giof Tat Eq, i chou ig Concession of Reach, containing 148 acres. concession of Sh containing 10 bth. --Rart of: 4] <on- 'cession of Seugop, ues ¥ eres. 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 13th conoegsioncof Scugog, con ining 50 acres. All the aboye are first class farms, well 'improved, And can, 'be had Stina, upon easy terms of payment. Haduo Also a large mumber- af illoge Lots in thio villuge of Bort Perry. we Also a number Sago Lots in the town of Ligasa§ys © Also any amount of, money to loan at feasogable e rates of interest on farm secu- ye 2 +B PAXTON-& Co. "or ' W.'M. COCHRANE, Bolicitor, Port Perry. Port Botts pl 20, 1868, <* Freeman's Authelmintic Worm Powders. This ew Medicine po#sesses a superiority tover.all.other Medicines of-the kind-for ¢; pelling Worms from the human system - 8 oS # purely vegetable origin; there- lofea ay be'entértained of being sa Hoducing: any deletegious effects: a constitution. . It is mild in its action and perfectly safe and sure. create a ny: nausea. or! "sickening | Sensation Whey ntrodaced into the st is 80 hat any child will HA take be t a veally effect on all Gr at inhabit the in canal--such as the Teonia or Tape Worm, Lumbricus or long round Worm, and Ascaris Yormitulars is or Pin Worm. Freemans init | adi Bt ous i Jes. These Pills ae composed of six 'concen- trated vegetal e subatan d are so pro- er to answer all the effects of an Anti-Bilious medicine as well as a safe and ts te, cleanse portion of the human without 'gripin Nnvigorate ohery ompany Our Rates will be found a8 | ? -- a um will be Hsaiohed 3rd.--Part of Lot No. 11,in the 12th | ith. S0uth IER Lot No. 4,in the 9th | For further paiidolads apply (prepaid)t to 4 It does" not |: NOTICE 5 HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontario at the next session thereof--or other Parlia- ment having jurisdiction, for an Act to In- corporate the Port Perry and Whitby Rail- way Company, and to empower the said Company to construct a Railway from some point on Lake Sengog, at or near Port Perry, to some point on Tiake Ontario, be- tween the Eastern limits of the Township of East Whitby and the Western limits of the Township of West Whitby ; and for the enabling the said Company to construct or purchase and own a Harbor on Lake Onta- rio, between the points named ; and for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Scugog River. Whitby, 10th August, 1867. 2. NOTICE. ARTIES INDEBTED to the late firm of T. Paxton, & Co., either by Book Wccount, Note, or Mortgage, are requested to settle the same by THE 15TH OF DECEMBER ! As the books will be closed on that date, #nd unsettled accounts after that date will be placed in Court for eollection. COCHRANE & COCHRANE Port Perry, Oct. 23rd, 1867. 11-2in -LOST.! LOST. HE Subscriber Lost, between Prince Albert and Port'Perry, the 16th Oct. A POCKET-BOOK! Containing $42, all in Canada Bank bills There were two Tens, four Fives and a Two. Any one leaving the same at this Office, J or feturning it t6 the owner, will be suita- bly rewarded. ANSON MOORE. Bort Perry, Oct, 16, 1867 'Peemington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS 'OF RFVOLVERS RIFLES. Muskets and Carbines, [For the United States 'Service. Also Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Repeating Bifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun Materials, gold by Gun Dealers and 'the Trade gererally. In these days of Housebreaking and Rob. berg, every House, Store, Bank, and Office should have one of | Reemington's Revolvers "Parties desirous to' avail themselves of. | the ate improvements in Pistols, and su- Jerioe workmanship and form, will find all jou ined in the new Reemington Revolver. ulars containing cus and - phgecrip | RIOE $5 PRR A 0 ; JOSEPH BIGELOW, Port Perry, 22 i April, 1867. to -~ MAW & SON, | I L130 110 OY, | us [pa ogy qus ay) 'saved wearoum *31pa1d pasoadde 'sp fog "saSuno. 031 syusvy) Jurmamsi-N s 'eom0u $914008 93 TO enoq 0m] pup 'wunjreany 'spavogapiy eajspag 'sueeIng. IP gong) 10) IoMS 3 by 1 MHANO *gasodand Jom g 38 Ts irom Puo=sup ssp) oo 'sar 5 a sfuav supe) 'sarqer" 20 B1s18800 30018 i uel w ONIN V™ qua pov *sdo, pun' Mn je) Jo 90UBNTUIIUOD © 5319108 10q130f wd J19qy 105.519M0ISN0 SnOJPWNT EIT 3 'ures ~ 'omg ypm subpup sud ogy Samp eFwwor wooipag Jo 3398 1.19038 'sefperp 'sarevp A SIAVT "M oje1 Sjquuoswal 38 guawdy a . 10 use) 105.desy) pios oq ¥ » jsutooRy-a® Ji COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. above Dredisgs, which he 'has fénovated throughout. First class Liquots and Cigars, and the best accommodation with careful at- tention can always be found. Good stabling, Saclosed yards, and attentive Ostlers. IB. Ay MURTA,|. Grae Tube; eh. | ddely In Por Perry.' Village Loti, y--Ouener, Water, and Queen | ra A ri da " " North Queen Strfet. " i pers ak ae naw. | 44 North North Street, * Noi ry | IONTARIO| ibe in Toursing. kaka to) from, im Uxbridge to Whitby, where he is pre~ ; Artist. | GOOD NEWS! HE Subgcriber is desirous of informing T the publ peiver d "on urchased, the | TOWN. & PARK rr wf Wonderful! Wonderful ! WONDHRFUL!! HIS is what | wishreyery one to know: that all'persons'afilicted with decayed Teeth, or stumps of Teeth, which canker the mouth, disease the body and produce offensive breath, can now have them EXTRACTED: FREE FROM PAIN I! OWANY OTHER INCONYV WHA 1 By a new and well tried process--i wappii- cation of Spray upon, the Gums 'not doubt this! Tt has been used by nat Dentists ig «Europe for spme time, and is now extensively iat America for Teeth extracting. x 4.0. 0., is prepared to Bxtract b! th by this new and, wonderful process. which is nothing short.of a blessing to hum 3 All Dental "operatid tifieally, with skill that on > ah ensure, |; "The Instrument whi fiinprove one from the a long y Gs / nal applie s Plans ahd , whether Wood, roverientsy _ HARRISON -M. "Port Perfy. August 1th; 1866... i RRISON fo i i PQR{T PERRY, 1%. codtraet for And put up Buildings of all kinds, x to. finish them off in the latest styles, with' 5 d 10.8 Alt'the 'Most Modern {mp : Olds work done, will do well to give them a call, ro "or Stone, an! pared <& oi Contractors « Builders, Ceich 3 ei ae to order. Ne UMS, » | 'Parties requiring First he... NARCOTIC NPRAY . Ants ls to the Cums," Producing iwiliesia, For Extracting be a Without Pain, Auvented by Dr. Richardson of - Jondon, England, ort Hope; Revs. J 2 Es by ine a +; Bolster J Sa Uxbrid bridgs, Nov. 23 erformed §cien- i | iki R. 8 PORT ALS PERRY THOMAS PAXTON & Co, UMBER MEROHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, Pickets, etc. ete. SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in tbe following Townships, viz. WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wild Land in Mara aud Rama ; also a number of Vilage Lots in 'the Village of Port Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, An of which will be sold on reasonable terms. MILLS, 0 PAXTON, & Co. 5 pas above Nonaad First-Class Foundry Open for the Manufuctugs of Steam Engines, Boilers, Grist' & Naw Mi MACHINERY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND IRON, . Suh, as Sash, Door, Blind and hair, § Machinery, of the Latest. Improvements; Woolion Hail Machinery, The Double Turbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides Every Description of i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &C. MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. | The fact of @pening a Foundry ' |saving time and transportation the 'subscriber hopes will, in the end, bs mutual Respectfully Solicited. Immediate Orders Pott Perry, Dec. 19th, 1866. tuve #1 ¢ Shingle CHARGES REASONABLE. in this neighborhood, thereby , is a saving of itself which A. M. GIBSON. y . . at the Manu Port Perry, Noy. 21st, 1866. MANUFA CTURER oto, ote, d S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTY hi] © | Nos. 183,135 & 147, YONGE Sr, TORONTO, "/0G- Musicl Instruments of All Kinds. 'Can 'be'had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price as den, {Orders Iespectinlly solicited. JOSEPH BIGELOW, In Sawed 'Lumber, Sawed Shingles," Fiour B are : Heading and Flour Batre] 2 STC CK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! ; of Port Perry Sash and Door Factory. atching, Seroll Sawing, Turning, Moulding, 3 the ShicTtest, Jotics 'SNOHAOTAN JRER! 15-8m AND DEALER Staves, | f) 0 IVAN INVA DOA d1 i H I 1 dV hd Cre Corner) -- Er == == oa eed] i = bed -- pons we -- Coe) " ro i" A J S519 ISH 'mmuue Jed sjues gg oAes pum susp ofall is-| A's ing Bo is i a] tress: Ointment, -50cts. pe pot ; pills 25e. constantly on hand. Physician's prescriptio on the shortest notice. MAGA Amani ms best quality and at the lowest r price, 'There have been added. time such articles as are gene in the trade, and the Sto varied as the 'demand, DR. RADWAY'S PIS ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE ALE THE DEST PURGATIVE ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE P NO STRAINING, NO GRIPING, Xo f NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATE BUT A BRISK AND Tuoi EVACUATION FROM THE BOWELS. 18 ALWAYS SEOURED, Newly Diasevated utboiples ih Patfatives. DE ois Sua eo world, an ly ay Vegan lo Ga tu ome ' Meroury ever di . NE TEAC FROM ROOTS, HERBS, PLANTS, QUMS, SEEDS, "FLOWERS BARKS, FRUITS. AND pe PRE- PARED I ati oF dg rae Hoots, PURGE, CLEANS PURIFY mw SIX TO EIGAT OF DR. AADWAYECR 2 LA, Ch hn ele P THESE PROX me | One dose of Dr. oe, , | tinal canal, and purge from' the' bowels and. retained humors; ya | ett Aptovnd esi wiles Sw ietiin with out producing or other un) | Rarsative pris the World tha wil E AS ALTERATIVESK,S | They SRereise 2 more powerful influéhce oer : (and its recretions than calomel, ony nal it 'hence their a In cases of: fi and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dysyeps s rn" | tacks, Headache, &o. Tn tho treatment of Fevors, sithor | Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and attier redding Fevers, ! they are superior to quinine. as Tie jncthesoxundy v tire system, contro) stron, oy ing uo relaxed and wastiug ener, Pdind | lating all the secretions to She 3 natural performa | their tiny gleansing a and rift oy | purging from sytem Son | pure humors. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS, J ONE TO SIX BOXES wit iL Gury | Costiveness, Jaundice, « | Constipation, 'Congeation; vel Heart Disense. | Sleep] Disease of Kid-|Gen' | ney & Bladder. Disease of Li Dilforisneds, Typhus Fever, Bhip Fever, Maligoant Fe- ver, Loss of Appe: tite, Indigestion, ni al Palpitations, Satie Fever us 1 AM CURED #1 have taken ix doses of Rad Fills of threo f Ja cach, a sas 4 ther ape a have fe ikon Beery! Melancholy. Hygterics, Sourv, maori, Whooping Fainting, Unine, AOA sosser haber gent. EAT : | ie ih toy are ee ot at 2 Z

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