Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 12 Dec 1867, p. 4

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is suid that Kissch ges ways found it weut by lips. | lias 8 ght of grog. to the snspicious husband. Bismarck is six feet in height, with Te ery shoulders and chest, round, id face, large bluc eyes, and a loud voice, : To things which you bear with «impatience you should ucctistom your- : sell, and by habit you will bear them well. Mr. Smooth says he hasireally fine work in press, but--he dont think it 'beet to publish it. it is the press of his lady's tips. It is not until the flower lias fallen off that the fruit begins to ripen. So in life itis when the romance is past Abat the practical usefulness begins. In India the natives scour and cleanse their brass cooking utensils with earth. Thusalso are Christian graces kept bright by the friction of <afthly care and trial. Mark Twaid describes the Syrian females as eo sinfully ugly that they cannot smile after twelve o'clock Saturday night without breaking the Sabbath. A friend asks, Why are the fash- fonable young lady's brains like a speckled trout? Because they: love to sport under a waterfall. Too Goop Naruren.-- English Ta- dics, says Erasmus, are divinely pretty and to good natnred. They bs have an excellent custom among E them, and wherever you go the giris kiss you, They kiss you when you come, they kiss you when you go, 3 they kisw your at intervening oppor- tunities, . and their lips are soft, warm and delicious. Oriaiy 'or Oreaxs.--The invention of the organ attributed to Archimedes about two hundred and twenty yeurs C., but .the fact does not rest on sufficient authority. Ammoni 5 us states that organs were used in 5 theWestern churches by PopeVibati- anus, in 658 Ii is affirmed that the organ was first known in France in ths time of Lonis 1., in 815, when one was constructed by an Italian priest. NorasLes.-- A correspondent of the Indianopolie Herald, writing from Europe, evidently a lady, indulges in some pleasant gossip about the no- dables. She says that the" empress «©f Austria is, of the crowded females 'the greatest beauty in Earope. Von Buest the Austrian statesman, is de- seri as very small and delicate, with a thonghtful face--jnst the op- posite of Bismarck in appearance. Xing Teuis, of Bavaria, ig a hand. some youth of twenty one, who cares only for music and frolicking. The Prince of Wales, we are told, is be~ ginning tolook like Henry VIII, A lady went out shopping, promis ing ber, little son she would get him a cocoanut. She procured him onc vith, the husk on, in which swte he ad' never seén one. On arriving at Yome she gave it to the boy, who od _ at it curiously, smiled, and '#hen laid it- down. Presently he said, Mother, where's my cocoanut? Tjust gave it to you, she ikplied. Taking it up again, he viewed it con- temptously fora moment, and cx- «claimed; That thing a cocoanat. honght it was a " waterfall," '4868. PROSPECTUS 1868 : "THE GLOBE?" «* NEWSPAPER. URING the year 1868 very im- _ portant Sessions will be held of the Parlisment of Ontario, and of the Domin- jon, and very interesting discussions will take place on subjects of the deepest inter- est to the Canadian people, The founda- ions of the New Government have been , but the superstructure wil demand all the care of the people, and the. public jour aals will necessarily be called upor to dis- scuss at length many questions, upon the wight settlement of which the future welfare «of the country will.depend. In all the matters which will be brought before the Legislatures " THE GLOBE " will nake afleep interest, and both by 'Fall Reports of Parliamentary Proceedings, and by editorial discussions it will strive to inform the public of the progress of events, .and guide them to a right jidgement on the points of issue. ,. Barly in the year 1868, The Daily Globe : Will be very considerably enlarged, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, or- yea from Messrs. Hoe & Co., of New York, eapable of printing10,000 impress- jofis an hour. about $15,000 in GOLD, h The outlay of this press, ed necessary by thé Tirge inereasing circulation of the GLOBE. It has been #for some time impossible to supply in time 'for the morning mails the number" of copies called far by the public. The in- -creage of sige is rendered necessary by*the ipressues of advertisements, which have al- sready caused the publication of a supple-) "ment twice a week, and which will be con- d needful until - the gement ken place. a the enlargement, the nted on New Type. been render- we shall commence the op of a New. Story by Wilkie > s, author of the 'Woman in White.' by favor. that'he don't like ».08 they mop up : suspeoted wife is the most * be being in the world, next T " AA "IN PORT PERRY. --) -- Country that he has opened a new pared to Substantially and Tastefully On the shortest possible notice 'and in the His prices are very r ble, and to those who favor him with their work every satisfaction is guaranteed. SHOP --over Shaw and Gordon's store, Qneen Street. x Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1866. 3-1y. THE ONTARIO FARMER'S HUTUALYINSURANCE COMPANY. Tos Company is now fully orgnnizad, and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, Country School Houses and Churches. Those wish- ing to Insure, and thertby support a Home Insurance Compnny, have now an opportu- nity of doing so, either by applying at the Head Office, or toany of the Local Agents of the Company Our Rates will be found ns low as those of any resporsible Mutual In- surance Company in Canada. Heap Orrick : --The old Registry Office, Brock Street, Whitby, 1.. FAIRBANKS, Secretary. 48 Whitby, July 10th, 1867. Farms for Sale. NE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES, being part of Lot No. 20, in the 91h concession of the Tawuship of Cartwright, 78 acres cleared and under a fair state of cultivation with ordinery out buldings: The land is only 1§ miles from Cemesarea, from whence there is a good graveled road to Bownanville. There ss also a good school within a quarter of a mile of the Lot. Title indisputable. TERMS :--§606 down, and balance spread over a term of six or eight years. ALSO: The North half of Lot 21, im the 9th Con. Cartwright, with Log House anu twenty-five Acres cleared. Tens : --$400 down and balance spread over a term of ten years, if required. Apply to JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, April 2, 1865. TAILORING EMPORIUM! HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning -L his sincere thanks to bis numerous' customers and friends for past fagors, wishes to inform the Inhabitants of Reach ! and surrounding Townships, that ha is §till prepared to execute all orders entrusted to his care with neatness and despatch. CHNAEY FOR CASEI THOS. BULLEN, 1 Mary. Si 3 37 'Port Perry, May 2, 186%, Farms For Sale ! HE Subscriber offers for sale the folloyw- ing valuable Lands: 1st.--Part: of Lots No 21, 22, and 23, in the 8th Concession of Whitby, contaiung 283 acres. 2nd. --Part of Lot No. 27, in the 9th Con- cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres. 3rd. --Part of Lot No. 11,in the 12th Concession of Reach, containing 148 acres. 4th. --South half of Lot No. 4, in the9th concession of Scugog, containing 100. Bth.--Part of Lot No.5, in the 11 con- cession of Scugog, zontaining 85 acres. 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 13th concession of Scugog, containing 50 acres. All the above are first class farms, well improved, and can be had cheap, upon easy terms of payment. Also a large number of Village Lots iin the illage of Port Perry, Also.a number of Town Lots in the town of Lindsay. | Also any amount of money to loan at reasonable rates of interest on farm secu- rity. For further particulars apply (prepaid) to T. PAXTON & Co. W. M. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Port Perry. Port Penny, Aug. 20, 1866. of. Lor Freeman's Authelmintic Worm Powders. This new Medicine possesses a superiority over all other Medicines of the kind for ex- pelling Worms from the human system it beiug of a purely vegetable origin; there- fore no fear may be entertained of being sa- livated or producing 'any deleterious effects on the constitution. It is mild in its action and perfectly safe and sure. It does not orate apy nausea or sickening sensation whendntroduced into the stomach. It is so pleasant. that any child will eagerly take it, and it has a deadly effect on all Worms that inhabit the intestinal canal--such 'as the Teonia or Tape Worm, Lumbricus or long round Worm, and Ascaris Vermicular- is or Pin Worm. Freeman's Canadian Anti-Billious PEL I.S8 {These Pills are composed of six concen- trated vegetable substances and are go pro- portioned as to answerall the effects of au | Anti-Bilious medicine as well as a safe and | Greenbank, June 12, 1867. 44-1y surepurgative. In its operation on. the bowels it is effectual, and produces its effects 2a without griping. They penetrate, cleanse OWN A P and invigorate every portion of the human - system. Try Freeman's Expectorant - For diseases of the Lungs or Throat, as Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoopicg Cough, ) i tion, Tisupnss . ites, ne ei Price nd aa act aptisfind your money ACHE Ag £ [NEW TAILOR, SHOP! ! D PERKINS would inform the inbab- itants of Port Perry and surrounding Tailoring Establishment nthe above-named town, where he is pre- MANUTFA(CTUEE GARMENTS Croup, Influenza, Coughs, ate = hich ONTARI Photograph Gallery. pared to take Photographs, &c., &c., equal to any in the Province, and visit Whitby, Store, BROCK STREET," WHITBY. latest > hes J. A. CLARK. NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. Artist. mmm Whitby, Nov. 13, 1867. 3m. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontario at the next session thereof--or other Parlia- ment having jurisdiction, for an Act to In- corporate the Port Perry and Whitby Rail- way Company, and to empower the said Company to construct a Railway from some point on Lake Scugog, at or near Port Perry, to scme point on Lake Ontario, be- tween the Eastern limits of the Township of East Whitby and the Western limits of the Township of West Whitby ; and for the enabling the said Company to construct or purchase and own a Harbor on Lake Onta- rio, between the points named ; and for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Scugog River. Whitby, 19th August, 1867, 2 2, OTICE. Pa RTIES INDEBIED to the late firm of T. Paxton, & Co., either by Book Account, Note, ar Mortgage, are requested to settle the same by THE 15TH OF DECEMBER ! As the books will be closed on that date, and unsettled accounts after that'date will be placed in Court for collection. COCHRANE & COCHRANE Port Perry, Oct 23rd, 1867. 11-2in 1.OST. I1.0ST. TE Subscriber Lost, between Prince Albert and Port Perry, the 16th Uct , A POCKET-BOOK! Containing $42, all in Canada Bank bills There were two Tens, four Fives and a Two. Any one leaving the same at this Office, or returning it to the owner, will be suita- bly rewarded. ANSON MOORE Port Perry, Oct. 16, 1867 9 Peemington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS OF RFVOLVERS RIFLES. « Muskets and Carbines, For the 'United Btates Service. Also Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Repeating Bifies, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and | Gun Materials, sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade gecerally. In these-Mays of Housebreaking and Rob= bery, every House, Store, Bank, and Office should have one of Reemington's Revolvers Parties desirous to' avail themselves of the late improvements jn Pistols, and su- perior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the new Reemington Revolver. Circulars containing cuts and descrip tion of our arms will We furnished upon t. fapplication. E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Illion, N.Y. fi § Moork & Nicmons, Agents. 1 No. 40 Courtland Sv N.Y. 9,000 Cedar Posts for Sal . RICE $56 PER HUNDRED. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, 22 April, 1867. 37 ei, Bg Sn BF 1] p= 1a : i; 8 IE zg gE f2 2 O 2 22.3 =f = Dnd PL 2 FE 58 8 -- © 4 8 wu = S £5 Le a ® =o -® & =~ Sn Eg © gog0 PR] =n ge 52 sth Er a g Ey gia BE. 84 = 820 5 gEsk. iD oJ. gc SF 7E Bl - 3i® ; 852 ® EL Pj EZ wu s® Eliade om Tr 2 iLY 2% ed SS 2 jsor 2 £S hg BT Sx = og . 2g = es Ez oo » a we 2 ea eR 3 ns 2 ® E 83 $28 LH a8 vr Sp Ae f 2 2 Q 5% SUZ RE 13 = 4 8 a 20 F.z8 22 SE LE EE a oa bigs 1 om Rr Eh . gaat: A > 2 g 5S 2 Q < & 5 faQ 5 Sg > SH E eS ee Br, PE sj : E i 2 Se @ 2 = o 2 [7 )] lB. S n 2 eww (COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. as Subscriberijs-flesirdus of informing . the public that he has' purchased 'the above premises, which he has renovated throughout. First class Liquors and Cigars, and the bestaccommodation with careful at- tention can always be found. Good stabling, enclosed yards, and mttentive Ostlers. R. A. MURTA, FOR SALE In Por Perry. Village Lot 1,--Corner, Water, and Queen a 4.9 : 11 tr 14 : 15 16 | North Queen Street. 58 { South Mary Siveet k YHE Sobseriber in returning thanks to his numerous friends and patrons of North Ontarlo, for past favors would re- spectfully inform them that he has removed from Uxbridge to Whitby, where he is pre- would solicit a continuation of the patron- age of those who may find it convenient to N. B.-- Rooms opposite the Bank of Mon- treal--over McClung, Fielding and Co's EER sid Sunk? 9 ; Hier (A eet am semen. Wonderful! Wonderful! WONDERFUL! Ts is what I wish every one to know: that all persons afflicted avith decayed Teeth, or stumps of Teeth, which canker the mouth, disease the body and produce offensive breath, can now have them EXTRACTED FREE FROM PAIN !! OR ANY OTHER INCONVENIENC» WHATEVHR! By a new and well tried-process--the appli- cation of Spray upon the Gums Do not daubt this! It las been used by eminent Dentists in Europe for some time, and is now extensively practiced in 'America for Toeth extracting. vs J.D. C., is prepared to Extract Teeth by this new and wonderful process which js nothing short ofa blessing to humanity, All Dental operations performed scien- tifically, with skill that only along practice €An ensure. Fr The Instrament which [ have, is a much improved one from the originalimpplier. 85> Teel Filed, Scaled andi Regulated. I" Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. PORT 'THOMAS PAXTON & Co,, | : J, UMBER MERCHANTS AND.DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHE, SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in the following Townsirips, vis. WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS | of Wild Land in Mara and Rama; also a number of y Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, All of which will be'sold on reagonable terms. PORT PERRY, August, 1866. PERRY MILLS, Pickets, etc, etc. ' ALSO WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, T. PAXTON, & Co. 1-tf a Orriox Hours from 8, AM te BPM J.D COTTINGHAM, Borelin Borelia Jan. 8 1867 Lo 2rf fo RD, i Zh En gi iE @ gs = x 78 I ] Cg wo PORT PERRY, AZ preptred to contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood * All the Most Modern Improvements. > Parties requiring First' Class work done, will do well <~gpecificatiofsinde to.or Contractors « Builders, Brick, or Stode, and to finish them off in the latest styles, with Port Perry August 7th, 1866. HARRISON MAW & SON, ~"HARMONIUMS. | GOOD NEWS! NARCOTIC SPRAY gE ' FER Applied to the go Gums, Produciug Local Anwmsthesin, For Extracting Teeth Withont Pain, as Invented by Dr. Richardson of London, England, T C.D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, BROCK STREET, All Operations Warranted to Rip Satisfac- 'tion or no Charge, and at es which Defy Competition. RererExces :-- Rev. Dr. Shortt and H. P. Griggs, M.D , Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne and Dr Carson, Whitby ; Jos. | and J Bolster, }.B., Uxbri Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866 JOHN NOT, wuIpint Maker, 16-tf Gould, Esq., { 1 PERRY FOUNDRY. Tae above New and Such. as Sash, "MADE TO ORD: the subscriber h Woollen Mill Machinery, The Double Turbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &C. The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhood, thereby saving time and transportation, is a saving of itself which Immediate Orders Respectfully Salicited. Port Perry, Dec. 19th, 1866. First-Class Foundry is mow pen for the Manufacture of Steam Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw M/1l| MACHINERY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND IRON, Door, Blind and hair, Stave and Shingle Machinery, of the Latest Improvements; Every Description of ER AND REPAIRED. CHARGES REASONABLE. opes will, in the end, be mutual A.M. GIBSON. 19 S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTURER ! Nos. 143, 135 & 147, YONGE Sr., TORONTO. 0G Music Can be had, by A LARGE S - at the Manufactory. © Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1866. In Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Bare ~~. . Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. : Also Reoprieror of Port Perry Sash and Door Factory. 'SNOTAOTHN I Instruments of All Kinds. applying at this Office, the same in Price as Orders respectfully solicited. 15-8m PH BIGELOW, 'MANUFACTURER AND DEALER TOCK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! aning, Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning, ;: weplining, Matching, Scroll Sewing, Turning, Moulding, Port Perry ugust, WEEE Got ay 10th, 1866. CREE FA - A 4 i And contains by admeas t 33 Ee Es a 0 otha ote) ; Tons etsy, CHESTER COLTON. tonto & ost eddy srs a acres. on Pore Buph 10 106Y. d [40d 1) VA 00Ldl i Nitid SSVI) SHIT dViHD DB LVN IN 140 CHVALS, 90 0 0) ONL po \ 'Paepuelg,, oy) 0} uondudsqng amok Leg " 'mmuus Jod juss (gg Aes pur 'souvAp® Dealer i Bn, OHEMIOALS, PATENT MEDICINE PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, YARN PAINT BRUSHES, etc., oto. Slates, Pens, Ink, Pencils famery, Combs, Hair Brushes Fancy articles. HORE Mareaon's Pius) Manerdn's Coven Omrussr and Pi1sadMixrors has never PruLsare warranted to failed to cure cou cure the most obsti-and colds. It eases nate cases of this dis. Asthma and prevents tressing ma lad y.-- consumption. Ointment, 50cts. per{25c. per Bottle. pot ; pills 25¢. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE constantly on hand. Family Receipts and Physician's prescriptions carefully prepared on the shortest notice. 4 MARGACHS ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS re constantly increasing in public favor. Essences ofa superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest remunerative price. There have beén added fro gta tims such articles as are generally red in the trade, and the Stock will be' as varied as the demand, 2 3 Terms invariably Cash, Uxbridge, Aug. 22, 1866. : a ae DR, RADWAY'S PILLS. ARE THE BEST PURGATIV: PILLS. SE 0 STRAINING. , §ooRmING, 20 TENESMUS 0 PILES. NO PALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CL BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE EOW £13 I8 ALWAYS SECURED, , . ¥ : Newly Discovered Principles in Purgatives. , Dr. Radway's Pills the best Pu Pill , world and tho onl Vegetable Eve] ort Mercury over discovered. They are composed of VEGETABLE EETRACTS FROM ROOTS, ! HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE- , PARED IN VACUO. eT Sho grain of the extrast of the miodicinal les lway's Pills, possess a curative or y over disease than a thousand of tho ide 0d. tout ak Se lia to. Sane proper 5 which they aro Tas, Flows nly dS superiority to all other pills. They wT PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAL, SIX TQ BIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S RBGU- LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA. RY CAUSE OF THESE FRON HE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS. fn Ane dose of Dr. Radway's Pills wilt cleanse the tbas: "nal canal, and purge from the bowels all and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or the best approved emetic will cleanse the stomach, with. out producing inflammation, irri BTRAINING, . 5 or other unpleasant symptoms. There are ae Surgative pidy in the world that will Seoure he er. BETTER THAN CALOMRL OR BLUE PILL ~~ + BETTER THAN .CALOMEL OR BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BI, 3 AS ALTERATIVES, ise a more ful influence over the It bf i, hn paid mercury, blue Bilt, i . hence their importance In cases of Liver Complain 3 > and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Bilious as "1 x tacks, Headache, &c. In the treatment of Fevers, either! Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other roducing Fevers, '| they are superior to quinine, Their influence 0 rE over the entire system, controlling, str a ' ' i braving up the relaxed.and. wasting euei , and rega- x lating al the Sterations Io tha natural Dertoriuaos of = their duties, cleansing an rilying blac purging from the system all doposils and Lis. a» pare humors. 3 DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO.8IX BOXES WILL CURB ,. | Jaundice, " sh, of Bleed a Congst' vi -| to the Head, vet, ef Obstructions, Sleepiness, Droj Gen' SDelility, Constipation, Congestion, Heart Disease Disease of Kid- & Bladder. Pa .of Li-(F ny Lown'sof Spir-{Bad. Breath, : 3 Hie Fever, hi ver, 8 Malhgnant T-| Musi Loss of Appe-| ite, |

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