Came _ AT A GREAT REDUCTION on former prices. of aden, 3 large dot to Brin and measures minion. The sad. p Dities, ud "R n J over all the Provinces Some of the] Lower Province members objected to this tax. Scugog Council. re Homme va ve Counoll" met, pursuant | owt Ti Pittain Sean, A FATE price of Batter str 1b. Eggs I uth Poss and Barley toh ADAM GORDON. bi Tn the Senate, on' the 11th Tost, a wroport of the Contingencies Com- 'mittee in reference to the Senate em- ployees was presented, recommend- "ing » reduction in their number and in the salaries paid them. This re- ir pert, if adopted, will reduce'the ex- 3 penditures of that bod about $13,000 per annum. / 'Ou the 18th, the further consider ation of the Coptingencies Commit * tee's report in relation to the Senate ~employees was . postponed till 'the second part of the session. " HOUSE OF COMMONS. In the Commous,on the 11th inst., . Dr; Topper moved the reference to the Committes on Privileges dnd Election of a petition from certain electors in theCounty of Lunenburgh, N. S., praying that the seat for that County be decléred vacant, and a "+ writ for a new election issued, in consequence of the present member, Mr. E, M. McDonald, having obtain- = ed theoffice of Queen's Printer in that Province. The House concar- , red in the resolution of supply re "gored the day before, giving the Government $5,264,279 to defray ex- \ not otherwise provided for, © from lat July, 1867, to Bist March, ©1868. Mr. Anglin pointed out that until recently there had been 'about' ur x. por cont... "0nd, 700, 000 due to that bauk, and 6 per sent, besides on Provincial notes is- 'syed--that we were in fact paying +18) cent to the Bank. = This, at was his understanding, he said, Mr. Rose appealed | to admit its correctness. . Mr. McDoogult then moved concurrence in the North-West resolutions. Mr. Holton moved, in amendment, to the effect that the claims with which the Ter-- zitories in question sre burdened 'shall. be Known, and'spoke at some etigth | in support of the amendment. After a debate, the House divided, and the amendment was rejected by 104.0 41. The resolutions were then adopted, and an address em- bodying. them was read a first time. 'the' og eu {Nautine matters, Mr. Galt made a lengthy "statement regarding the suspension of the Coimpreial Bank, and his Sonnection with 'the negotiatfons : ws ed that unfortunate event, e view both of accounting fur Shulguatioh from office, and josti- Slpiati before the country.-- A llowed with a statement in A bobilf f himself and his other, i a discussion took. pied the House til} }, recess, to evening the tariff "Fegulations were brodght f je and Tilley, which of and oc- * 1 06h; ds asked oR C. Coulton apd of i 65 to stracting the Treusdrer to pay the : | cation from Si He Kechiase, Esq., | | Wan: Tow "for Thuriiés pdid swidow to adjournment, in Finley's Hall, on Saturday, last, 14th inst. Members all present. Reeve in the chair. opened al Po fo ferk presented a report. Caf} Trot err WiB, Yar. nold, iv reference to "the change: in the old PinePoivt rod bd' the 8th i {Pte 'of Stalé Goaneil he thought = it "hagiy orth while' to make the contemplated 'change for one individual, unless that individu- oi fosig the nowifotl br good as the, old¥ene. _ Mr. LI said the parties to be affected by! it had signed the peti- tion asking for the chauge. ' Mr, Fralick moved, That {he peti- tion of Mr. Coulton and Others, be parties interested cay be present: -- Carried. i The Clérk also presented the ac- count of Baird & Parsons, amount- ing to $19.62, for printing, which on motion of Mr. Taylor, was order ell to' be paid. Mr. Hunter moved, That N. Lazier be exempted from Statiite labo for the present year.--Carried. Mr, Taylor moved, That Treasurer be instructed to pay H Staley 85.00 for sheep killed by dogs ; ad $8 00 to the Reeve for | costs of witnesses and Magtstrates' feea,~~Caivied. Mr. Fralick inovad, That Mr. Jos, Thompson receive $5. 50 for sheep killed . by dogs ; thu! the Magis- trates receive $3. 00 for wilnesses fees, &c,, and that the Treaaiiver pay the sare out ot the Dog: Fond. -- Carried, On motion of Mr. Hunter, the Col- 'was instructed to, gollect the unpaid tages, 'which mayremain un- collected after the 10th inst., as di- rected in the usnal way. Council adjourned * for oge hour. The Council resumed. "Reeve in the chair. Mr. Taylor red That the Town. ship Surveyor, W.E' Yanold, be in- vistructed to snrvey and set: ant. the original, yoad allowance between lots d 7, in the 16th gon, --Cur- 23 Recasare wan instructed jo pay. Finley. $500 =for a of hig 3, as a Council Chambef, durivg, the present year. Mr. Hunter moved, That the Reeye, Olerk, and Assessor, be allowed $1.50 each for making out the Jury he{ list, and that the Treasurer be aun- thorized to pay the same--~Carried. Mr. Staley applied todhe Conn: il for a road. He was understood to mean that he wantedithe old Town line, north of the old Point roud improving, and that he was digsatis- fied with the manner in. which. Mr. Hupter had = approptisted certain funds in that neighborhood. Mr, Hunter explained, by review ing the matter from : beginning to end. Tn his remarks he affirmed that he had apent.the $100 entrusted to him us odioiously asthe could. He also, before 'cloeing, bis remarks, made Allusion Jo the Reeve, but we presume thé Ratepayers will * hear more of this matter at the Town méethiig, and therefore it is. hardly hecessary at present to say anything further about its A motion having been passed, in- Aodvior's' $1.50 eich, for their servi- ces thid year, the Council 'adjourned sine die, : | -------------- - Uxbridge Council, The above Colincil met, pursuant to adjournment, in Armitage's" Hotel, 'on Tuesday, 17th inst. ~~ |. Members all present. | sho ctr, + wil AB Minutes of last Wegting & read and; approyed. * : "The Clerk presented 4" Communit Reeve in in be {uasing isference to lan on by rp optage, and " WE HI Kim-| or - Printing, ) | as Koad Commissioner, $3.50 ; from if J 81000 5 and SE se ped | Minutes of last migeting zad. aly laid: "aver 'till 'next yeik, "wien all} ; the ff .|interests of the Township. ail for § { of J, A. Sungster for, sheep hy dou sy io Chapmap moved, A by Mr. Brent, That. the tk be i structed to notify Wn Wataop toe remasd. his fonides 'off the. side line con., and leave the said road open for public travel. -- Carried. On mation of Mr. Chapman, the |e time for collecting takes for thin'yedr| A was extended to the third Menday in January; the-Ootlector then to report] {at tbe next meeting of the Council, Tri "On motion of Mr: Chapman, a By-law was introduced and passed splhgrieing payment of; the current, expenses o f the Municipality, during the present. year. .. Mr. Brand moved, seconded by Mr. Brent, That A. Sharrard be in-- stracted to sell the timber on the side-line between lots five and six, in the sixth con. apd iréport to, this Conncilat its ent meeting --Carricd. On motion of Mr, Chapman | By: law was introduced au ara. 'wppointing J. A. Sangster, and Jus, Anderson Returning Officers at the ensuing Municipal elections in Ux- bridge. Connell then adjourned sine die, ra ~ Municipal Matters. PiokeriNe.--Some of the Rate- payers of this Municipality have gone to work systematically, on the convention principle, with the deter-- 'mination of electing their ticket which isas follows :--T, P. White for Reeve ; Jos. Wixon and John Haight, for Deputy Reeves, aud Messrs. Mackie and Parker, for Coun- cilmen. Scorr.--1It is reported that Jas. K. Vernon, Esq., intends running for | Reeve ; und that G. Thompson, Esq., will try for the Deputy. Besveship in this Municipality. Osawa. --S8, 'B. Fairbanks and W. H. Gibbs, Esqu,, are candidates for re-election to the offices of Reeve and Deputy -Reeve. Messis. Michael, Warren, W. F. Cowan and McMahon, are gpoken of as new men, Easr Wamsy.--The old Council will seek re election, and ure likely to be retizrned. « West Wairey.--In this Township no change. is contemplated. Mess:s. Bickel and Dryden are likely to go to the County Council. Waiter Toww.--Herc, they are likely to huve a fight over a: Market place. +Reace.~In this Township matters Wright and Major for the Reeveship. Mr." Muno is talked of as Deputy- Reeve for the west part of the Town- ship sand Mr, D. McKay is mention ed as Councilinan for the Centre Ward. UxBringe--A number of ers met in Armitage's Hotel, on the 17th inst., for the purpose of select ing from amongst their number num- ber, men to represent them in the County and Township Councils, J. A. Sangster, Esq., was called to the chair. He stated that important measures were likely to be brought before next year's Couucil, and they ought to be. railroad men. My, Wheler was solicited to serve again in the capacity of Reeve ; and, after sume consideration, 'consented.-- Messrs, Chapman and Sangster de clined Serving the Municipality any longer, and a vote of thanks was tendered euch of them for their past services. Mr. Chapman has been a faithful servant, and did a large amount of work. He 'was always at his post, tnd watched carefully the The names of Messrs. Brand and Kester, were, then "submitted for Depnty- Reeve, but no understanding was ar- rived-at, Messrs. Brand, Brent and Button were requested to run as Councillors, The two former con- sentéd, | The Deputy-Reeye was not select- ed because it wus main'ained that My; Kester is not qualified; or eligi. ble for the office, by 'reason' of the fact that 'his' name 'appears on the Assessment Roll as the owner, only of a piecejof property for Which his tenaut is The" touching the point 'at issue, says such residents as * have, at the time 0 "1of the elections, in their own right, ; i for work id and services 8 or in the right of their wives; a4 pro- | prietors or tenanls, a legal or equita- ble freehold or. leasehold, 7 in | their own names on the ast revised Assessment Roll," are qualified, The "question to decide is' thi unk jie Yor Fr yester, ay] pa | betweon-tote 20 and 21, in the~4thy +Schooly-. Port Perey. ~--Carried. ' | keeping the proceedings of the Board We anuounce with pleasure the fact that the Trustees of the Com- thoge of th ir first meeting : BR Joneoh Bigelow eco aries Ma at rrison as Sok Choi of the'United ark. Rake Grammar, mid Conimon School, of Sec. No. 8, Beath,~Cafieda,s 41,7 Fired by Joseph Bi gelow, second aries Marsh,--That J. W. f the Joint! SA ard lB Bearoary of Gonna Moved by. J. W, Allison, secondéd by Joseph Bigelow,~That Cuarles Marsh Le 'Liensurer of the Common | ¥! and 'Grammar School, Port Perry. Carrjed. Moved. 'by G. Maral; oonded by; J. W.. Allison, --That the Secretary LS a notice for a Teacher (or said Grammar - School in: , the Toronto Globe. . Salary $7560..- Testimonials and Diplomas to accompany applica: tions. Such applicants to be re- ceived, on or before December '28th. 'Moved oh W. M, Cochrane, se- coded" by James Jewett, That Josaph y Edward Major, J.{ W. Allison'and Charles Marsh be a Committee to examine the School Honse in Section No. 8, or other buildings for the purpose of procur-- ing suitable premises. for'the use of the G-ammar School and report to' this Board at its next meeting--Car- ried, Moved by Joseph Bigelow, seeand- ed by E. Major,--That the Secretary purchase sufficient. © books for of Common and Grammar School Trustees, Port Perry, also to par- chase a suitable bookafor the Treas urer, and draw on the surer for cost of said books, --Oarried. Moved by Charles Marsh, That the Board do now adjourn, and meet agian at W, M. Qochrane's Office, on Monday evening, the 16th inst, at the hour of 7 o'cluck. --Carried, The Board then adjuurned. Tracheotomy. On Monday, the 9th 'inst, this often difficult 'wnd always hazardous operation was performed in Ux- bridge, on the person of a ch'ld of about fifteen months old. Ou the Tuesday previous, Dr. Bascom was called upon by Mc. Barber, to vee his little daughter. She had been play~ ing with some citron seeds and had swallowed one, giving rise to alarm: ing symptoms ; and it scemed evi- dent that relief or 'death must soon ond her troubles. The: Doctor did what lie. could at the time, giving omjosaty rel f; bus could not' re- { roused from their slambers,at 2,8 m., Ys certain that Teacheatomy was {i9- evitable. The consent of the parents was obtained, and, on Monday, Dr. Bascom, with the assistance of Drs. Hillary and Nation, performed the operation, poder the fluency | of chloroform. The seed passed out through the opening made "in the wind-pipe, and all for the present was a perfect success. Since then the incidental dangers of the opera- tion have been warded off, no in flammation arising, and the wound healing by * first intention." This will give conrage and hope to parents under similar circumstances, and we hope the operation may be per formed in future, when from inflan- matory affections of' the throat, or the like accidente, lite may be endanger- ed, te ia 2 Fire in Port Perry. Or. Monday morving, 16th inst. the inbabitants of Port Perry were by a cry of fire, the flames of which were seen issuing from the rear of a two-story building, situated on Queen street, the property of Mr,. J W. Davis. = Every possible means were resorted to in order to check its progress ; but, as water was' scarce, the efforts were unavailing, and. be-| fore three o'clock the building * was! burned to the ground. It was oecu- pied by three tenants, who lost. more or leas of their honsehold effects ; and we are pleased to' learn that steps are being taken to make good their misfortdne is in 'this respect. The. fire ed ( will whom we sympathize, will be probably about $1,000, stoves and gtave-pipes. Perh unce, aiid have them fixed ag - {ard and esteem which we 8h {some-of us-may-not Dear Sig~-We, Sxbridge a muke-thie pre to you, ge a 8 ht token hes in towards you, for your kindness_to y 8 the prophets. Jacob Bin is a well travelled und able speaker, a8 gd ¥ sufficiently to_|A remarkable incident occurred |ev at this election. . For the first time since the British constitution was es voted for a Par- | market us and earnest solicitude for our pro. fess and Welfarg' While we fha och [1 _ Althoug een under your care, during the coming year, yor, wo shall always feel a great, depire for. your welfare, and we, feel confident, from your kindness hitherto, that, yon will | entertain the same feeling towards | ® You must pardon us, if 'our words do seem cold, for you deabt- less kuow how difficult it is to, express our thoughts in wouds, and we feel we ssanutsufigiently express our estimation of you. assure you that we shall I look back with pleasure to the year "which is now nearly closed. - With a sincere! wish for your future happiness and | prosperity, we remain, Yours traly, * Jonx Dowswewr, Ou behalf oft Pupils. Mr. Thomson, made the following REPLY. My Dear Porins,-- Yon have in- deed taken me by surprise, by your presence here this evening for the purpose of presenting me with an expression of your good wishes and this beautiful album, I assure you that'I thank you most sincerely for this testimony of your gond wishes towards me, and yonr appreciation of my bumble efforts to ad vanes yonr education. , I value your presentation not merely on acconut of its intrinsic worth, bat on account of its extrinsic value--the motives which have acta- ated you in making it. This present shall be carefully preserved by me as affording a pleasing reminiscence of of our "connection as teacher and pupils, 'There are few, who do not feel higlily honored on receiving a presentation, but more especially a teacher, whom his pupils very often look upon as'an enemy. I am happy to know that you think differently, As some of you will be leaving school to engage in teaching and other active duties of life, I hope that the friendship which has sprung up among you, while under my care, will not cease on leaving; and 1 shall always be happy, if required, to af for1 you any assistance in my power to further your interests. Towirds, the closc of last year, some of my present pupils and a few who have since left, presented me with a bean- tifully bound and costly Bible Both presents shall be 'eacredly preserved to of our' residence: 3 Hlevate your intelle 'moral status, Your industry and pe severence have contributed much to your present standing in the snbjects |" taught, and I am happy to state that at no former period has the school been more prosperous, or the pupils more advanced. We all ought to feel grateful to '| surrounded. pipe ; but how | it actually originated | Rai is n mystery. The losato Mr. Davis, %, with their | V would be well to. overhaul them. stip pur excellent Board of Trustees for ativrding us every encouragement and facility, as teacher and pnpils, to prosecute nur work. In conclusion I beg to roturdt my most sincere thanks to you all for this bandsome present, and thiongh'l cannot find terms adequate to expr 28s the grati- tude I feel, you may rest 'assumed 1 fully appreciate it, You shal! always bave my best wishes . for your prosperity, Your Teacher, Jorn TromsoN, The above must be gratifying, in the extreme, to both Teacher and Scholars. We should like {o hear of similar manifestations more fre- quently, because the attendant re- sults are likely to be mutnally bene- ficial to all concerned. Mr. Thomson is highly deserying of this token. of regard, aad 'we trust he may 'lung deserve and enjoy the confidence and esteem of the people by. whom hie is Prince Albert { Christmas Fair. ~~The above fair, held in Prince Albert, on' the 17th inst., was as'good as could be 'expected. There was a fair dis play of cattle ; but not. many visitors {a in attendance. The premiums were | Pt awarded as follows ;* y Fag Ox or Steer--3 'entries § 1st, and 2ud, John Stotehouse § Bed J. Mowbray. Fat Cow or: fr entries 3 lat, F. 'Raine ; tou Coates | 3 3d, F. a8 800D 88 ay Hi uf ey" candidate, Thus we aten the Americans, and Hires ment back womun hide its ied -atonies, must now head for very shnmer wad, however, an accident. The lady's: name was Lily Maxwell and" unimaj Lily was'no Joe ure fonintug than "Tom or Harry. gesndingly, , Mrs. Mag-- well, beings' ---- er and paying her rates regularly, found 2 place ou the elegto ister. dis~ puted or could dispute oe t to vote ; and nobody would have dis- puted it.even if they could, for all three, of the candidates ~Tory, Whig nd Radical.--were pledged to extend tr franchise to female householders. Of 'conrse, this * fair 'elector was a good Reformer and guve her vote o Mp. 'Jacob Bright. . to [Rana nal Iynx Caught.--A full-sized Lynx was caught near the Nonquon, in Reach, one day last week, by Mr. Farewell A number of sheep had been Killed in| ™ the neighborhood, when a trap was set:to catch the thief, and the above piece of game was canght. This and neighboring Municipalities have had largo snms to pay recently for sheep, supposed to be killed by dogs ; but this occurence places the matter ins diffrent. light, and should, therefore, be mude :the subject of inquiry by our Total authorities. trier egret R04 Cliffs Self-Acting Hand - Loom.~-This piece of mechanism, which we saw at work the other day, we consider: the most 'simple and withal the most efficient, in the shape of a loom, yet invented, It is calculated to do all kinds of work, much quicker and better than any hand-loom in exist ence ; and we are satisfied that when itis seen, it will be fully appreciated. Messrs, McKenzie snd Young, of Port Perry, have purchased the right, fo North Ontario, Hie their adver 'tisement. > Church on 'Scugog Island. ~~The a known by the name of Christians, are making arrangements; for the erestion of a place of worship on Scugog Island, near the ceatre |S School House, . erry; will be delivered in the M. E. Church, on Tuesday 'evening, 24th |no inst,, by Mr. Davis, of Brock. a a sa We have pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the Esq., and also in recommending him to the notice of those who need athe services of an efficient lawyer. General Intellivence. EEE EDIE Execution of Ethan Allen for the Murder of Corneli- us coll. (From the Kingston Daily News.) Although the hour'of 13 o'clock: noon, the 11th 'inat., was fixed for Allen's execution, the intention wae to.bave it come off as early as? o'clock, to prevent the assembling of the crowd usual on such occasions. With this uudératanding, Allen's spiritual adviser, Rev. Father : Dol- lard, and Your Nuns, were closeted with him in his cell before the hour of six, and when seven o'clock came, the gaol surgeon, several members of 'the' County 'Council and others wee present waiting 10F the execu- tion to' tuke place, Ao hour pass- ed; and rly were still no signs of Allen kins his appearance; and yet another hour-and a half wore away with the same result. It was 'said that Father Dollard was still aying with him and preparing him > meet firmly the awful fate which, sosoon awaited him. 'About this time the Sheriff, who displayed » go deal of patience, was seut for|® on his retarn be informed those nt that Allen wished him to in te. | Gomply with Allows, ve , | quest, | It is. 8rd, |¢ Bh 18e n-ne Hp ative official, fo advertisement of N. Gordon Bigelow, | 88Y pa he I 4 id ia wes Al yard wou open- Eo blic. Those ed to admit : mein gate, and at side, fall a | wagon was to be seen anywhere in the vicinity of the gaol premises. | came ogt of bis cell, car Susie: fo bis bo, Tn b at vals, ! by ai Father Dollard, He stood ra few minutes to shake hands bly furried be had been good b, e was. wo ot first, looked as i crying, bat he soon. wonderful composure -- had been 'repeatedly noticed. Still the effirt been very: great, as was seen once or SA to ily hd Sader lip, and a very slight tremor pla about his oy He was dhested | The in the black snit which he wore at bis trial, was bareheaded, and sport- ed a neat blue necktie--the latter as tas efully arranged as if he were on his way to some pleasant gathering where personal appearance was those present his 'demeanour was essy and compoved, and he even | Ke wore a smile upon his lips,. This ceremony over, the slightly tremul- ous 'expression before alluded to had disappeared; and a settled" firmness seemed to have taken fall possesion of him. His hands were then tied in front and clasped, and he walked up stairs to the awful drop with the decision of a man wto had male up hin mind to meet a terrible fate with all the fortitude Ethan' Allen a great deal. The 'inside' 'spestators--little more than a dozen in Bunbet--hud previ- ously gone and were ran, around the a room in oo executions took place. 'Before Mien made his appearance, one of hangmen ran up the stairs, looking » good deal like the * Black Crook, a after clearing away a lew ends of rope which lay near the hinges of | the iron drop, tried the latter with his own weight- on both sides to see if all were secure. Soon another smaller person, the hangman's assist: ant, both wore masks, only the hangman proper bad a crape over his, Allen shar again shaking hands with a few of those present, and with man, " God bless you I" placed himself on the «dfop; not 'a nerve moved. He was then secured by the hangman at tiie' knees and ankles, and the rope i adjusted The glen. ite pores position Allen said to him in his natorsl tope of voice, | " Seu that you fix that pro- properly, and don't make me suffer n I" 'The Sheriff then asked him if he had anything to say. He replied, ** No; nothing," "Ninhing, Mr,: Allen ?".asked the Sheriff. "No; nothing at all," he said; " only [ hope that m; my fate will be a {"arning to others." Looking out in'the direc tion of the crowd Allen said, * I'l wave my handkerchief at them," which. he did twice as well as the cords would let him, and then re- placed it in an inside pocket of his coat. Allen was still bareheaded, and bis head had not been hidden with the nsual white robe, The hangman picking up the black cap at- tempted to put it on Allen's head, when 'the prisoner, torning tv the Sheriff, said, I hope you'll' not put that on me ; I'd rather not; I'd ra- ther not ;" 'and 'the black cap was also, dispensed with. After holdiog the trucifix to 'Allen's mouth, and having him kiss it two. or three times, Rev. Father Dollard kuelt and read the prayers of the Roman Catholic Church, usnal on such oe- casions. Allen repeated them after hia in an audible tone of voice. The hangman stoud behind the condemn~ led man with the lever of the bolt in bis hand, ready to draw it at the was repeating the words, " Lord have mercy on me," that the bolt was draw, add Ethan 'Allen, 0né of the murderers of Conia Driscoll, was udden His isok ' was broken by the fa a distance of five and a half feet the medical ion) geritiomers resent. said ars must-have The usual 'muscular motion a oun for on (ins than fllecn micutes a theat, . A fow minutes before seven Allen : ig Abit I with those Nom ha] ame ta big him | af (2 regained that | © to keep down his fectings most have | Ya When shaking bands |i made his appearance. They |e ne was evidently | a; While. he was elas t proper. moment. It was 'while beg few var ; wh oy Kelly, the Fei onrrens i rescued at Mahar a isin I : notwitastandiog t - ising | contrary, and that he is. the movements of the hood, and that the pai we of his schemes. ©. ! d | cession to ha settlement," * and the Jude that ie ques the two countries may e | fore the Democrats, the bitter ete--- mies of England, come Washington. Sublime Porte eiaed oe va ae Sacra ree to the shipping of all London, = Dee. he De have been received from M which report that the i advanced held to-d cities in prevented by the aathori place where the attemp} wa carry them out. Much was shown by the crow instances, though no violence: 'wes committed. In this eit of regular troops to the 6,000 men in all, have ander arms all day to police in maintaining order, 8 pressing 8 ALY Fen Fenian rpms cautions are phy by the ment to check any demon : disturbances on the patt of the: P drinking places within the have been closed by order, magistrates. "The w hole le pg is on duty. Soldiers are I ness at their barracks teer armoaries are vessels of war docks. Jaunched into tern ul in the without -a | gug-