Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 19 Dec 1867, p. 3

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eo the| "Fhe bat doors of irelk of Schen- "| ali rd Sym any in- edi it is. said Goderich Signal, made [up io foi yoink Ll (ND MUNCH BTS. wek com- --Woagaadw aE x ESTER he «| To the In : | your suffrages . fo retura me as "Kine; e tooon!inbe to 6 future--if electdd ifn ic Mazgaoh's Ts igh wo : phi Oi utmost of my ability, and will ig ret i rescued Tor Sa gare i re and warran 'JOHN V.H Whitby, Dec. 19, 1867. 1 or Grammar 'School Loge : WANTED. PPLICATIONS will be jy the' - undersighed, for a Teacher Fh Port Perry Grammar School up to the 28th inst. Selngy $760 00.; Testimonials, &ey accompany sppieativn. = ae i nso | | os, pc ent Eleotors of the Township of Reach. y GENTLEMEN" £7 anid by your votes, It | placing the ma eeoy the affairs of the A Corporatio of] © year 68; j and ba | I embrace th upon Lo o dcids, ands y6u prefer 7 Ep Js g ' | McKniley, Wm, | Large Gor ctive men to JLG. J WHITE, Wholesile & Retail oh. 1 RS vederae; P. 0. 186%, (16. Reach, Ont, pasty George radley, Wanton Hadley, | ow Hutchinson, 'Ireland, J; Madden, A: Po Miss Libby Schennerhorn Hannah Stale, David . Wills Koster; Peter--( Registered. 3s Persons calling, for the above will please ask for advertised letters... i GORDON, Postmaster. present oppor tunity of asking e of gly I ed at ng &t a thon+ nce past hatha "Tuith poy eis pon which I seek' yous su . Ir sers vant whether as i or eb Reeve it' has ever been my ambition to, work for the terests of the whole corporation ithoutri ity. Whenever 5 is ed 6 Bd my nd si at thegame time extra rest misappropria-- tion of proper. Searporation were carefully ER Should * you 288s honoryme with suffra es, and place me : | fr the d ve of this Muni- cipalily.d will continue to' serve yau to the utmost of my ability by striving to promote the pi rity of thie faie-tawpship by every, :'| means. Within my' Fy alld protecting the inrere@ts bf the whether at the BOER, County or Tow. Rigi Dec. | 12, 1867. . MAECEH ES ! LEAR "ARE " E. MAJOR. 18-tf I¥ iy by "th tle. or ametwise! Just red id by HENRY CHARLES, '. Seugog Housel rey, Doo. 40th, 1867. 8-in x prey Parliament! Noise Eis Were given thatapplication be made to the Legislature of On tarigeaidts first Session, Hann axton,, ign William Clark pon the part of | © lizabeth * Paxtor, Paxton, . Charles Paxton, Georgd Wesley Paxton, Emma | Philena Paxton; Jessie P "and Frederick Henry: Paxton, the "Widow and Infant Children of gorge, P Paxton, late of ' the "Pownelitp of Reweh, if ounty of Ona: riog Mill . deceased, for #% Act to vest the real -égtgte which" the said George Paxton ied sced of or entitled to in Prustees, ority to: the Trustees. tosellany or nds, 3 oceeds, and to High ettiomen} of the ¢ 5 "to be d with au all gal NOW OFFERS romans Pong THE FOLOWING iS MARGACH'S 1TION POWDERS, FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. MARGACH'S P PILE of 'OINTMENT AND Pile Pills, 75¢.| MARC 40K ITCH OF GURE--50 CENTS, MARGA 8. ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS, THE CRtEmELH FIELD oiL, Hodes : Prepared from the Original Bgcipe, by, L. MagRGACH. 2 i on who: hsm the 9 Sa g in the Sonuty. i On tario, th Au + :.| Barker i ker, Toh far and Elizabeth ee thecinfany, chil Bo My David Batkor | late one of thet ror Dated ila 28t/ pathos Siate of Iowa, Amerie. | ., ogember, 18 JAMES BOND. Megara: \Gochrine Cochrane, a 3 Sallsitors 1 for 4 To. To the EICPoES $f Reach i GENTLRAEN 1 ' respecifally. that La ny Conaapee for th puty Reeve the coming elec e the honor of 'being seed to derée y that capacity, ar] in every~ p and "Gout wnciiman 'for the current |. year. © pave served you 16 the best of my' ability, and re votes as re- Jou interests, and in justification of which Should you deem me Worthy o 1 promise to serve you to elp Jold minister' your affairs ith Rh to 1 Le rowan i lo of my friends in my 3 -- GORDON, Dee, 1867. 18 Sh romain, Manchester, uth {um wing ts to stand or fall in the co og : "Stray Geese. 2 "five weeks since, a'flack of 14 Geese.--. The owner can have the; same by proving 'property and paying expenses. JOHN SMITH. © Port Perry, Dec. 2, 1867, > 131 Insolvent Act of 1864, Tee Creditors 6f-the Undersigned are. notified to meet at the office of Mr. J. Village of Uxbridge, in the County of Ontario, "on THURSDAY, THE NI TEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. ments of his affairs, aad to name At Assignee, 'Dated at the 'Township of Scott, in the County of Ontario, thia 28th day of November, & D., 1861. SAMUEL MeDOWELL, 2-in Blacksmith, General Blacksmithing ! N SUOCREDING Mr. IT Johnston, in his place, as General: Blacksmiths, the Subscribers wish to inform the public that the business in all its branches will be car- ried on as heretofore. Mill Work Done! IF" Special attention paid to sharpening Mill Picks. Horse Shoeing attended. to by erperi heed 'hands. Wrought-Iron = Plows made to Order. FLETT & HUTCHISON. Port Perry, Nov. 18, 1867. 14tf Christmas & New Year's PRESEN TS! TEA, TABLE & DESERT FP Arti TEAPOTS, Coffee-Pots & Cruets. SPOONS AND ORES! (SALES pra--" IN FALL Pans or ¥ THE : ps : METAL * Spectacles! TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. Table & Pocket [| CUTLERY. TOYS! TOYS! CHEAP ATH. THOMPSON'S ! Sign of ile Golden Saw, Main Street, Uxbridge, Ont. 8 p= Uxbridge, Nov. 29, 1867. £7 © 14-3m i would. notify all efigns indebted 6. him for' Onsding, erwise, that' all Cardiog- Bills not the 'FLIST 'DAY OF JANUARY, I positively be charged one t d extra, ar d on all other Bills ot the above : fe, 68, will be' ince iff for C: ection. Ww A E s which be will well To for Cash. . Wi 4 J (CIT. YOUN ov., 19, 1861. Perry, 15tf. MTEL AN) Road! FOE] ts toteny given, that applic: tion will be made to the Legislature, at its next sifting, tos-an- Act to enable the- | Whitby and Scugog Gravel Road Compan oon. i or bo | _sengers, oat oh he lfewing i Laces, viz reser nd, ort Petry ; also between and Port § chester Be fone Al ud i also J RoR Manchester and Ux! MIT 3A JE n La Uxbridge, et. 30,1068, | PORT RD BA (ER) E corded for-or JEainst all. matters affect gan 1 Xo Frac Wedding Oakes; hicelf tein 'med, are made to order, and: reasonable in price. EO. HENL Y Nov. 13 BED AY a Fork fei ¥ nd, Darbar" e s scurvy "to ordprs, an ad" communica | 'sPRING WEEaY t : x Fists a Remainis n the Port Perry Post-0ffice § Dec." 4th, \!1887, nok Re ouly. advertised. HERE came' inte im my. Drihises about | W Caldwell Brown, Notaty Public, in the|mai 1867, at one o'clock, p. m., to receive stator] '| Relief "and Health to your Infants, | medial - | WHAT "2 Spal atfections for using will accompany |The Medical Hall! JUR ' With| pata of To arior Xo, 1 Whitby, .. 0. 2, Pickering, -. "3, Prince albert, * 4, Uxbridge,.. 5, Cannington 6 Beavertol 7, Atherly, . Z. BURNHAM, Judge, 0. [For Ch \dren Teething Greatly facilitates the process of 1 ation mul J ulley Aut Pay and spasmodic action, and is end. pon it, mothers; it will give ot I to yourselves, and We have put up and sold this article for I what we have never been able' to say of timely used. 'Never did we know 'an in- stance 'of dissatisfuction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all aré delighted with its operations, and apeak in terms of es Wes E DO KNO experience, and Pledge our Ri the Palfilment of what we here declare. ation, In suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after, the & rup is administered. each bottle None genuine unless the fac- simile «of ' CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Price, ONLY 25 Cents per bottle. 205 High Holborn, London, E) gland ; 441 3t. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada, Ya THE. MISSES J § A. GIBSON) MANTLE AND DRESS-MAKERS, hing, |" by softening the gams, reducing fine, : i nd can say in confidence and truth of | . any other medicicine--Never has it failed | v in a single instance to effect a Cure, when = * gomuendation; of its magical effects and | ak in this matter) , after years off almost every instance where the infant ds{™ Sold by Druggists throughout the world. |: Orrioss --215 Fulton Street, New York ;] ISH to inform the Ladies of Port Perry . ] HE sibsesthcis wish to inform the. publie and, their 3 to their increased faciliiies for in LL KIND THRY OAN NOW mpete Favorably with aity B&ablishment in the County Either in Price, Style or Quality. GA erected a Saw-mill to meet thelr own fequirements, aud As an inducement to ties having timber to dispose of, Pine, Basswood, Birch, Maple, Elm, and But Logs, and inch Butternut Lumber; willbe taken In exchange for furniture. | merals Attended, with or without Horr, THE SHORTEST NOTICE. . Xr Gofin Trimmings "Alizays On Haud. FOR SALE. --A Quantity of Dry Pine Lumber, at the, , which can be Dressed, before being removed, if required. J. & W. McGUIRE. 13-3m NEW GOODS, Comprised of British, French and ai DRY GOODS, Canadian Tweeds, of the latest variety of Style and Texture, GROCERIES!! Shelf Hardware, Hoop and Bar Iron, STOVES AND TINWARE, Crockery, Classware, Window Glass, Nails, Putty, Paint, Oils, LAMPS, COAL OIL, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Paper Hangings, School Books, Siationery, Garden, Wield and Flower Seeds, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Water-lime, &c., &o. A large stock of Ready-made CLOTHING ! on hand and made up to order if required. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and size for Lindies, Gentle- men and Children, purchased from the best manufacturing houses in the Dominion of Canada' © Ladies and Gent's HATS AND CAPS, Bonn~ts, Mantles, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, &c., in Great Variety alwave on hand. I would say that my stock ia the largest and most complete in the County, embracing almost everything for sale in Town or City. Fresh Goods, Are arriving almost daily, to keep my assortment complete, that nothing may be wanting on my part to serve patrons with everything required of the latest styles and most select. variety of Goods to be found in PR nn -- -- is "senna a ¢ and vicinity that they are p business. BONNETS, FELT AND STRAW 'BATS Cleaned & Altered to the Latest Style. ¥¥ Rooms Next Door to the Druggist, on Quegn street. 1 Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1861. vi 51 Convey: or Bills arranged and Days of Sale Sed at this Office. Reach, Oct. 1, 1867. 8-tt PORT PERRY, AND THE etary ll Manchester 1 Are the Places to Procure Any Kind of M EDICINE ! Any Kind of | Drug 'or Chemical Any Kind of PATENT MEDICINES !| Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, ESSENCES ! &o., &e, &e Pure Wins. for Modieinal pues ALSO: k we Ta | Antibillious Pills. . co ved BALSAM. 3 Joos ru Scaled, or Batricted | i MOC Ty n & B./BACHE, : {ald 101 1{ Gonstantlyon hand. -C MoKENZIE, | Port' Perry,' apt 11, 1867. to meet all reqnirements in their line of ' Call and Examine.: STAPION ERY 1 BACHE'S WORM POWDERS. ar 8 {a All kinds of FANNING. MILL SIRES nik any Market at the LOWEST PRICES. Any particular article not in stock will be order- ed to supply customers, Muley Gang and Circular Saws, Rubber and Leather Bblting furnished to ordor at Manufacturer's prices, All kinds of FARM PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. vl Fa op ATER A nt Rohe c, ®e Port ais Hom, B Roomy est marketin North Ontario for these things, always commanding, the highest price to supply the large number of men in the Mills and Factories of this place, as well as their families 500 Butter Tubs for Sale or will be given out to customers to fill. 10,000 Feet of Square Timber for Sale, of all Lengths, from 18 to 60 feet, and from 8 to 12 inches square The Subscriber has also a large stock of SAWED LUMBER on hand, and is pre- pared to furnish any kind of Lumber, sawed out to order, from 12 to 26 feet long.-- Parties wanting long lumber had better bear this in mind. - Also, for sale, any quantity of Sawed Shingles, Flour Barrel Staves and Sawed Heading. 13 TWO GOOD POTASH KETTLES 8 cwt each, and three Coolers for Sale. JOSEPHBIGELOW, Port Perry, 22nd April, 1867. 37 a0 samen LV ere swesd oy toy ed ; on THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR STOVES, STOVEPIPES, Plain and Japanned Tinware, IS AT THE "Port Perry Stove & Tin Depot. EAVEITROUGHING | Put up on the Shortest POssible-Notice, and in the Best Style. . REPAIRING ATTENDED: TO WITH DESPATCH. {(G= Next Door to Bache's. Port Perry, Nov. 5, 1867. 13-tf NEW GOODS . VERY CHEAP ! aE + In Great Variety at LT. WW. ALLISON'S. Port Perry, Oct. 9, 1867. in andigss variety, with the usual assort- RIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, reduced. A call is solicited. rm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. , on SHAW §& GORNON. Rien Streat, y Port Pong, Sept, 26th, 1867, S OF FURNITURE, \ 'Fancy Dry Goods, and 'Ready- } THE Subscribers. are are now offering - I * Assorted Stock of General TAL. Greatly Redo lh Cash Prindwple, Jeel confident i bk ow them with a Call, Goods at as loio'! . House in the County. .. soiihe gk You will Save time & By toming to the Cheap Cash Store for your | r Suppl Goods, Grogeties, Hurdwars Boots & Shoes sud Painteiand Jabeidae Nov, 20th, 186. AT THE WE age SCUG 0G HOUSE, PORT PERRY, Boots & Shoes in Great Variety! STAPLE DRY cooDs & CLOTHING 1 Groceries, Wines & Liquors, Old. To, AT.X AND PORTHR! ALSO or Sardines, Lobeters and White Fish, And A New Supply of CROCKERY & Higgins' AXES! HENRY CHARLES. Fad - 2 Dry-Goods and Tailoring Emporium ! OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, MAIN STREET. HE Proprietor of this Establishment would respeottully announge to his Numerons patrons that he is now prepared to furnish Goods in the following, Sat At Prices which will compare favorably with any house in the trade. Premium Clothing! FURNISHED TO ORDER, OR OTHERWISE, At Manufacturer's Prices. ®r- GENTS FURNISHINGS IN GREAT VARIETY, LADIES' DEPARTMEN T. Po DRESS GOODS, In all the Latest Paterns, and Trimiings to po wes "|Capes, Mantles & Cloaks Punished, to Order, a 3" All G Fi d at this I Give us a Call. Te McGRATH, . Practical and Operative Tulor. Toronto Nurseries ' t 2 Wi [1d] CC. C. 3. Wholesale and d Retail Agent. AVING succeeded J. H. E. Bos. an, as Agent for the above Nurseries, the Subscriber is now desirous of soliciting orders in this snd i ing Counties for the sale of Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, «oc. The Stock in these extensive and favorably known Nurseries is in every department ; and partics favoring me or my suthiorized' ,BEzats with their orders will' Have Satisfaction Guaranteed to Them. 0a Al Orders and Communications addrested to the, Subscriber. will receive the promptest attention. WANTED Immediately.-- Twa, c aor. three Active Young Men to canvass, to whom a large commission will be pasde . .- - C. C. KELLETT; Box 97, Port Petry: Free Trade Renewed! Ladies and Gents you are invited to call at MARSH and TROUNCE'S IN PORT PERRY, FOR YOUR FALL & WINTER GOODS, As out Stock is now complete in all its branches. 'A call _will 'Convince the most sceptical that this is the place ta |. (iv wy GETTHEBESTBARGAINS! THAT CAN BE HAD IN THE CQUNTY. MARS SH & TROUNCE. Port Perry, Oct. 8th, 1867. Port Perry, Dec., 1867. (172) Boers Subscriber is desirous of informin his ee a war sek of ; Pava IN STYLE = QUA Te TO ANY IN THE MARK Port Perry, May 22, 1867.

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