Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 19 Dec 1867, p. 4

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WN FERRI shod be i re kde th] A Tailoring" Establishment te and there a traveller. Ee ; " ed en ith dew, < Well y Faroe rat a Dame tit en ha that kisse iv mest told uivery one is the An editor in EE Having ved HalPs Journal of Health, that ~husbond 'and wife | 7 ¥¢ Tr tia Ly in soparyle rooms, says: ow | foes as long as he had one| = rh ? . res > Ta ot cf siéep when and where he Sie Co or himself, he in >ishde ere he can defend Eh Seti 'the rats and other to Roi 4 but the chuicest silks. At recent Sants Clara Ls Tair, specimens of soperior | a oods; were' eX, rie Rpovos from | he reitbons counties and the trated that the. entire A whl adaptedio sitk growing. yor Coup Frer--We wre TARR who bas given tne ex- * periment a a trial, that cold feet, tively frigid" feet ilfed by ett tion Sar Pe red by a simple experi- tr a is to wear cotton sucks next the skin, and wollen socks out- i Fudd olthém. In theinstance of our 1 23 informant, the result was successful in keeping his feet i and dry. ag galar ones uence also. en: that at nf 'helit he would find the »n 8ocks( next the skin)quite dry, le ti'e outside stockings would be pertestly damp: | Examen 4 Pio.--An Irishman _. being on a visit to vome relaiives a Tittle move polished than bimself, was § requested, én going to bed, 'to be careful to extingyish the candle ; 3 he ra sorask the 'meaning (of ord, when he was told it - Was to put it out; He treasured up the fern. ppidiome day when lielwas' sit ting at home fn bis cabin with his _ wife, énjo ying bis prutics and butter- ge a 'foilk, 'on the pig unceremoniously "walking in, he said, (proud of his bit of larnin') ¢ Tidy dear, will you ex- tingnish the ' Axrab;- then, at Bo gov mane? in- % Rien © ¢ Musha, then, you ig- Botant Srathe; replied Pat, i manes SES to be sure.' oa 'om 2orE Pon --One of the SOM, loaf bond aded writers we know distinguished for his ster- eommon-senec, and his- pithy 'style, utture the following Ach we commend to all whom it yg "PERRY. that hg Das opened. new nthe Ppoveundl owh where he is pre- Sete « 2pared to MANTRAS GARMENTS Substantially dnd Tustd {pitty On. the shortest possible notice and in' the latest T ---- His' rice are very y and to |. those who favor him with their work every aeitiafilction is guaranteed. SHOP over Shaw and Gordon's store, Queen Street. Port Parry, Aug. 28,1866. HT BY THEONTARIO FARMER'S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. HIS Company i ow now fully organized, Aiing is prepared to asospt risks on Farm tents, Country SEbonL dares aod Ghiacobed ohes., Those wish- A heey thercby sapport a. Home 1 9" a Company, have now an opportu- nity of doing 80, either by applying at the Heéad OMce, ortoany ofthe Local Agents of the Company. Our Rates will be found as low as-those of any resporsible Mutual In- sufanoe Company in Oanads. Heap Oprics :--The old Registry Office, Brock Street, Fun. . FAIRBANKS, Secretary. Whitby, July 10th, 1887. | 48 Farms for Sale. NE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES, being part of Lot No. 20, "jn the 9th concession of the Towuship of Cartwright, 78 acres cleared and under a fair state of cultivation,with ordinrery out buldings. The land is only 1} miles from Caesarea, from whence there is a good graveled road to Bownanville. There 88 also a good school within a quarter of a mile of the Lot. Title indisputable; TERMS :--=§600 down, and balance spread over 'aterm of six or eight years. HC ATSO: The North balf of Lot 21, in the 9th Con. | Qartwright, with Log House ana twenty-five Acrés cleared. Taaxs :--$400 down and balance spread over a term of ten years, if required. Apply to JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, April 2, 1865. 37 TAILORING EMPORIUM! HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning bis sincere thanks to his' numerous customers, and, friends for past favors, wishes to inform the Inhabitants of Reach ! LOR Spi; RAR NS ould hin ho inbab-| . iD. itants of Port Perpyand surroynding NEW YORE AND LONDON FASHIONS, 'ir Photograph Gallery. pared to take Phot &c.,.&¢., equal to any in the Province, and wold solicit a continuation of the patron- who may find it conv! t to an bio. + iN: B= Rooms opposite the Bank of Mon- treal--gver. McClung, Fielding and Co's Store, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. J. A, CLARK, Artist. ' "Whitby, Nov. 13, 1867. 3m. NOTICE 15 HEREBY .GIVEN that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontario at the next session thereot--or other Parlia- ment having jurisdiction, for an Act to In- corporate the Port Perry and Whitby Rail- way Company, and to empower the said Company to construct a Railway from some point on Lake Scugog, ator near Port Perry, to some point on Lake Ontario, be- tween the Eastern limits of the Tcwnship of East Whitby and the Western limits of the Township of West Whitby ; and for the Pnabling the said Company to construct or purchase and own a Harbor on Lake Onta- rio, between the points named ; and for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Scngog River. Whitby, 19th August, 1867. 2. NOTICE. ARTIES INDEBTED to the late firm of T. Paxton, & Co., either by Book Account, Note, or Mortgage, are requested to settle the same by THE 15TH OF DECEMBER ! As the books will be closed on that date, and unsettled accounts after that date will be placed in Court for collection. COCHRANE & COCHRANE Port Perry, Oct. 23rd, 1867. 11-2in LOST. LOST. [HE Subscriber Lost, between Prince Albert and Port Perry, the 16th Oct., A POCKET-BOOK! Contsining $42, all in Canada Bank bills. There were two Tens, four Fives and a Two. Any one leaving the same at. this Office, or returning it to the owner, will be suita- bly rewarded. ANSON MOORE: Port Perry, Oct. 16, 1867 Peemington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS OF RF.VOLVERS. RIFLES. Muskets and Carbines, For the United States Service. Also Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Repeating Bifles, Rifle and Shot Gun. Barrels, and Gun- Materials, gold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally, In these days of Housebreaking and Rob- bery, évery House, Store, Bank, and Office should have one of Reemington's Revolvers Say concern; "Did it ever bocur to | and surrounding Townships, that ho is still ' Parties desirous, to avail themselves of he late improvements in Pistols, and su- Th Subseriber in Ya returning thanks to his numerous friends and patrons of Qaueies for past. favors would re- inform thei that he has removed . Ox ridge to Whitby, where he is pre- ographs;] Wonderful! Wonderful ! WONDERFUL! T= is 'what I wish every one to know: that all persons afflicted with decayed Teeth, or stumps of Téeth, which canker the mouth, disease the body and produce offensive breath, can now have them EXTRACTED FREE FROM PAIN !! OR ANY OTHER INCOXVENIENOR WHATEVER! By a new and well tried process--the appli- cation of Spray upon the Gums Do not doubt this! It has been used hy eminent Dentists in Europe for some time, and is now extensively practiced in America for Teeth extracting. J.D. O., is prepared to Extract Teeth by this new and wonderful process which is nothing short ofa blessing to humanity. All Dental operations performed scien- PORT PERRY MILLS, THOMAS PAXTON-& Co., UMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, Pickets, etc, ete. ALSO SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in the following Townships, vis, WHITBY; CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wild Land in Mara and Rams 3 also a number of Yillags. | Lots in the Village of Port Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, tilaally; with skill that' Lonly a long praseiee All of Which will be sold on reasonable terms. WE VAN LAVA 00 4 H I di Hl XK" Terms invariably ou, A Usbridge, At. 34, 1 the public press. that the | prepared to execute all orders guttuatel to a ders k know nothing about bis care with gud deapateh, or any other lan-| © 0 Barn own tongue? I © °° TAOS. BULLEN, @ very intelligent fariner say ] Ew ae he throw down fho| PortPeny, Vay 3, 1007. E, mioaror, s a xy ; he was ing, ' There | avy 4 & , Agen ; who writes for the common peo- | 1 : { N No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y. «plo-toreed; and- mixesan unknown arms or da 6 | -------------------------------- with ¢he English, without , : 2,000 Cedar Posts for Sal-. ' . HE Subscriber offers for sale the follpw- RICE $5 PER HUNDRED. Hd S571) LS perior workmanship and kA will find ll [20 Xe PAXTON, & Co. vo po Ta rep iea stub "PORT PERRY FOUNDRY 'TEE above New and First-Class Foundry is now Open for the Manufacture of Steam Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw Ml MACHINERY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND IRON, Such as Sash, Door, Blind and hair, Stave and Shingle ; Machinery, of the Latest Improvements; Woollen Mill Machinery, The Double Turbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides Every Description of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &O. MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. ° CHARGES REASONABLE. The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhood, thereby saving time and transportation, is a saving of itself which the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mutual Immediate Orders Respectfully Solicited. AMG IBSON. J guaradtend. ' Orrics_Hours from 8, A, M, to 5, P. J.D. GOTTINGHAN, Borelia Borelia > 8 1867 tf > um fo aioe as apolagy. i isan "impos 0 fer' He deliberately insults every - Tag Yalukble Landa 2% satan tn Somuon reader, and such imposition the 8th Concession of Whitby, containing I never meet without indignation ;|3g3 acres, Tn and 1 despliditie pendant who does |g -- art of Lot-No. 27, in the 9th Con- it, & : cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres. gi +17 3pd--Part of Lot' No. 11,in the 12th = PROSPECTUS 1868 | Concession of Reach, containing 148 acres. 4th.--South half of Lot No. 4, in the 9th ashe "THE GLOBE 2 concession of Seugog, containing 100. wicibs bos - NEWSPAPER. 5th.--Part of Lot No. 5, in'the 11 con- URING the year 1868 very im- cession of Scugog, ~ontaining 85 acres. Pe Jou will be held of the | 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 13th ntario, and of the Domin- concession of Scagog, containing 50 acres. t miertitiig discussions will | All the above are first class farms, well take place on a of 'the deepest jnter- | improved, and gad be had cheap, upon easy oo to the Clim: i people. The founda- | terms of payment. SE Ai Hae Government have been | - Algo a large number of Village Lots in Hist fotuce will demand ll 4 theivillage of Port Perry. e people, and the public jour- 5 als San hui be called upor. to dis- Also a number of Town Lots in the town she | °F Lindsay. ApUELh any Jucstiops, Foon. tha) Alsb any amount of money to loan at country will depend. N, Contractors « Buillders, 1-tf, ; JOSEPH BIGELOW, Por{ Perry, 22 April, 1867. 1 { SUI00Y~ode Ay LJ10g 30g OYJ, *31peao paaoadde Supmamjex N. 20 use) 10) deg) pos oq [ji pus 'sesodind Jo[Ivg 20 OINY) IO} JOMSUS [IA Loy, 'snesxngy 'savof weeroulm *eopjou' £03078 OY} WO emo s[q 03 sjusyy HARRISON MAW & SON. oIspog quIosqne 0y3 { oz sud ogy Supnp e8vuosiud 11903 10] 839WOYENO ENOISWN PORT PERRY, ntract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood, cot tone, and All the Most Modern Improvements. Parties requiring First Class work done, will do well to give them a call. Plans and La made to order. of the. reasonable rates of interest on farm secu- i ich 'will be bronght | F1%- aL oe By GLOBE » will For furtjenpaniouiass apply (prepaid) to take 4 deep faterest, and both by © v v © PAXTON & Co. = - Jt Reports of "Parliamentary Proceedings, or W. M. COCHRANE, licitor, Pi I. editorial discussions it will strive to Solicitor, Port Perry. v the Public of the progress of events, | Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1866. tL eed fe bi a rig! Ao | rere --------------. 9 ts of issue. Sul Freemans Authelmintic Worm 0 theyoar. 1808, The Daily Globe | ¢ L Powder. s ably-enfarged, and will {a Thig new Medicine possesses 'superiority be be peated on a Rotary bighiuing Press, or- | over all other Medicines of the kind for ex-f. rom Mevsrs: Hoe & Co," 2 inting 10,000 impress 'he (pelling Worms from She human System it 3 ote of a purely vegetable origin; there-| Ee 'outlay of this" pres, re ay on entertained of being sa- bas: Tous livated or producing any deleterious effects be yo b op oi constitution. [tds mild in its action Jt rfoctly safe and Bure. "It does not time impossible to supply in time eid any neusea or sickening sensation for the morning mails the nyiiber | of | when duced into the h. Itisso ocoples called the public. ~The in- pleasant that eny child will eagerly take de 4h dud it has u deadly effect on all Worms linbit thy eo canal--such as ania or orm, Wot, Luliheieds or nd Wot, s an dns Ymion ioular- mn or Fin Worm, Brun' Gi iio through to finish them off in the latest styles, with Port Perry, Déc. 19th, 1886. $3887) 00g '$9140j9409g 'spanoqapry 'snfog 'sefunoq cpuv Uo SfvAE SUHOD to 40 BLSISNOO M0018 aR VENVIS, 90 0 ol oy dod syueo 0g oAvs pus '90unAp® 'ouIws 9y} JO SOUVNUNUOD ¥ NH11{08 Brick, or RE pre; Port Perry August: Tth, 1866. ie | "= 3 HARRISON MAW & SO "omy yn suo pun 'sdogs x18 yp suo--suvdiQ omy pu 'ainpuing (iH 004pag Jo 8398 42428 pun" 'ss[pezp GOOD NEWS! N4RCOTIC SPRAY 5a Applied to the Gums, Producing Local Auwsthesia, Li hy 981 9[qUUOSTII J¥ OBIva 10 Ext Teeth Without qriste Amt by Be, Slsianh 1. D. WAID'S DENTAL sos " | BROGC STREET, tent Iways be found. Good stablin RIDGE & of bie le sod of sis pp bk bar gg TXB Nos. 143, 185 & 141, YONGE Sr, TORONTO. Is abies doe a to' et rt | Grama an. EMER, co "Garey md nt oo Musicl 'Instruments of All Kinds. 7 ion on the nt SLE ho 5 ? : Haan and prs tseuta r ra Dr. Shortt and H. P. Can be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price as 'They penetrate, éleatse g| Figg WD, Port ort Hope; Rev, EO 2 o at the Manufactory. Orders respectfull solicited. SIE TOWN & PARK LOTS|SFieiit, vB: Bésunieiny posi solnesy poe FOR BALE rE SH AnPor Perry. Seon: Tnfusmmey Gouge yo hyp Ad and J. oa: Uxbridge, Nov, 23, ip se ashi hon oid ried 466. Ifhot 'satfafied your i COTTAGE fIOTEL, GREENBANK. TS Subscriber odes desirous of informing the public that he has purchased the SNOT A0TAN my |B. S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTURER! Ertl Port. rr -- JOSEPH BIGELOW, / MANUFACTURER AND DEALER : In Sawod Lumber Saved you Shingles Flour Ba re \ Staves. A LARGE Took pi Fe AT ALL TIMES) se ng Scroll Lago ule Mowing, " on the shostest 43 = Village Lot 1,=Corner;. Water, and Queen "p11 aks An UNDERTAKING attended to promptly. A fist clase Hea | " GEO. YULE, Ju. © ec 9.30 Agent, Whitby . 'CHESTER COLTON, Jun, 6th, 1866, pe DAVIDGIBSON. g Port Perry, Sept. 10) 1007, 63m, - 'Whitby. Whitby, 'Seger 21, 1866. SE # _JOSOPH BIGBLOW, Agent, . © Moronto, Dec: 5, 1867.

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