Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 26 Dec 1867, p. 3

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n Panama to the 12th, ident Prado had gained radish, aud the surrender of the city ; If 'refused he Mosquera arrived at Pana. | , 6th, en route for Peru, ac- by General Estrada and of p osquera's treason; the senate, v A, acquitted them; and Mos- banishment has been com- three years. circulation of imperial coin in is prohibited after September Injelligence from Tortola to the th yepresents the people suffering - privation than those of St. - The dead lie unburied, and nce was threatened which My be\ avoided by burning es. The inhabitants are lipost entirely without food. The tugds are washed away. ~The news from Hayti is to the 12th. ~~ Presi Salnave had repulsed the ing general alarm by meas- conscription. A reign of was inaugurated, and the were concealing themselves. ¢_despotism of Salnave causes E ced for protection. On the 18th, a serious accident ocourred on the Lake Shore Rail: Road, toa train from Cleveland for New York. The rear car went over an embankment of fifty feet, was set on fire by the stove, and out of fifty passengers only two escaped, the . rest were burned to death. pets Washington, Dec. 17.--The official correspondence between Mr. Adams . and Secretary Seward, regarding the ~ Alabama claims is published. Mr, « Seward rejects the proposition of Lord Stanley for partial arbitration, is and tiations on the subject are Lx ncord, N. H., Dec. 17, the State Central Committee adopted a ution denouncing Johnson and . «declaring for Grant as Republican - candidate for President. % Memphis, Dec. 18.--Benj. Branch, ap old and highly esteemed planter, ~~ on Wolf River, was fatally stabbed ~ by a negro,named Adam. The Grand ury and citizens of Nicol County, Ask., have petitioned General Ord, to station troops there to protect them -and their stock against the negroes. Accounts of destruction of stock by s negroes is distressing. No man's afe, no matter whence he "AND. CHiLp BurNep 10 on, living near Low [elson township, Halton coun- rday night, by which the be were burned to death, "he liusband barely escaped, was very much harmed, 'wo CHILDREN DEVOURED - BY vEs.--Information has been re- from the parish of St.Malachie most Srenfal occurrence. od 'appears that on Tuesday, the 10th a a woman accompanied by "her two children, onc aged nine and "the other six years, p:occeded into the bush for the purpose of cutting br when suddenly she heard the howling of wolves; the ferocious - animals immediately sprang upon the . helpless children und devoured them 'ina few minutes. The unfortunate er did not cscape without diffi- . oully. After receiving some severe _, wounds, she succeeded in reaching her dwelling. St. Malachie is near he township of Frampton, thirty- «three miles from Quebec. lex Married. On 13th inst, by Rev. Geo. Jamieson, af fas residence, Borelia, Mr. Peter Scott, to 1 Nise Margret Ferguson, both of the town- ; h. ip: Died. n the 22nd inst., John Wildon, ae ©. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Dec. 25, 1867. 725 @ X AND MANCHESTER MARKE RTS. 'Dec. 26, 1867. 1.46 13%. 63c | [Piano for Sale. ir ONE NEW FIRST CLASS - 'Rose-wood 7 Octave Piano! Carved logs--mad: d ted b; Rainer. PRICE $275. area : n : ! HN V, HAM. ¥ Jo Whitby, Dee. 19, 1861. 19-3in, soos | Grammar School Teacher WANTED. 'ARELICATIONS will be received by the undersigned, for a Teacher for the Port Perry Grammar School up to the 28th inst. Salary $750 00. Testimonials, &c:, &c, to accompany application, J. W. ALLISON, Sec'y of Board. Port Perry, Dec. 16th, 1867. 19 To the Independent Electors of 'the Township of Reach. rer GENTLEMEN~ You shall soon be called upon to decide, by your votes, into whose hands you prefer placing the management of the affairs of the Corporation of Reach for the year 1868; and I embrace the present opportunity of asking your suffrages to retura me as Reeve of your Municipality for the coming year. I am aware that in seeking t8 be placed at the bead of the corporation I am asking at your hands a position of considerable hon- or and of much importance. My past career as a servant, and my determination to continue to serye you faithfully in the future--if elected --are the only claims upon which I seek your support. As your ser- vant whether as councillor or Deputy Reeve it hasever been my ambition to work for the best interests of the whole corporation alike, withont regard to Jocality. Whenever assistance was most needed it had my sympathy and support, while at the same time extravagent expenditure and misappropria-- tion of the property of the corporation were carefully guarded against. Should you honor me with your suffrages, and place me in the proud position of Reeveof this Muni cipality I will continue to serve you to the utmost of my ability by striving to promote the prosperity of this fuir township by every means within my power, and protecting the interests of the Corporation whether at the County or Township Board, E. MAJOR. 18-tf MATCHES! THAT ARE MATCHES N Boxes, by the Gross, or otherwise' Just received by HENRY CHARLES, Scugog House. Port Perry, Dec. 10th, 1867. 3-in Reach, Dec. 13, 1867. oF . . . Application to Parliament! N Soe i8 hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of On- tario, at its first Session, upon the part of Hannah Paxton, Anna Elizabeth Paxton, William Clarke Paxton, Charles Paxton, George Wesley Paxton, Emma Philena Paxton, Jessie Paxton and Frederick Henry Paxton, the Widow and Infant Children of George Paxton, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Onta- rio, Miller, deceased, for an Act to vest the real estate which the said George Paxton died possesced of or entitled to in Trustees, with authority to the Trustees to sell any or all said lands, and invest proceeds, and to make provision for the settlement of the said estate, and for other purposes to be mentioned therein. . $i . Dated at Port Perry, 28th: Nov. 186%, ... Cochrane & Cochrane, : Solicitors for Applicants: J. L.. Margach NOW OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC THE FOLOWING MEDICINES, Margach's Cough Mixture. MARGACH'S CONDITION POWDERS, FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. MARGACH'S PILE OINTMENT AND Pile Pills, 75c. MARGAC#"S ITCH CURE---560 CENTS. MARGACKS - ARTI-BILLIOUS PILLS THE CELEBRATED DRIFFIELD OIL, For Horses : Prepared from the Original Recipe, by J. L. MarGaon. anf ALSO, ESSENCES, OF A BUPERIOR QUALITY PUT UP IN A NEAT STYLE. A Liberal Discount to the Trade. J. I. MARGACH, _ UXBRIDGE. Nov. 20, 1887. 2 In the Surrogate Court County of Ontario. Noten is hereby given that at the expiration of twenty days from the date: hereof application will be 'made to the 5 | Judge of the above Coort, by James Bond, of the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, Yeoman, to be Sppointed guard- ian of Charles Barker, Maria Ann Barker, William Henry Barker, John Barker, and Elizabeth Ann Barker, who reside at the Township of Scugog in the County of On- tario, the said Charles Barker, Maria Ann Barker William Heory Barker, John Barker, and Elizabeth Ann Barker, being the infant children of Mary Backer and David Barker, late of Sand Sprisge in the State of Iowa, one of the United States of America. Dated this 28th day of November, 1867. JAMES BOND. Messrs. Cochrane & Cochrane, * Solicitors for Applicant. To the Electors of GENTLEMEN : * I respectfully inform you that I am a Candidate for the office of Deputy Reeve at the coming election. If I have the honor of being elected to serve you in that capacity, I will endeavor to enforce economy in every- | thing pertaining to Township and County affairs. As Councilman for the current 'year, I have served Jeno the best of my ability, and refer you fo my votes as re- corded for or against all matters affectin, your, interests, and in justification of which. I am willing to stand or fall in the coming election. Should you deem me wofthy of re-election, I promise to serve you to the utmost of my ability, and will help to ad- minister your affairs with justice to all, 1 Reach. 6 lar section of the Township. Solicit~ | § tbo kind ofices of my friends in my Pes 1 remain, a : Yours Respectfully, . He ADAM GORDON. Manchester, 11th Dec, 1867. "18 and without Daetality of prejudice to any, NEW AND USEFUL INVENTION! Charles McKenzie, PORT PERRY, MANUFACTURER OF CLIFF'S SELF-ACTING Hanl- FOR NORTH ONTARIO. {0% All Orders Promptly Attended to. C. T. YOUNG, "Agent. Port Perry, Dec. 14th, 1868. 10 . : . Dissolution of Partnership. [HE Partnership hitherto existing between Hall & Cragg, Blacksmiths, of the Village of Saintfield, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, acd the said Henry Hall will be responsible for all debts Soutrasted'ly the above firm up to this ate. HENRY HALL, TIMOTHY CRAGG. Saintfield, Dec. 1 8th, 1867: 19 N. GORDON BIGELOW, LL.B., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor, &e., &e. OFFICE--THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFICE, TORONTO STREET, 19 Toronto, Ont. N SUCCEEDING Mr. IT Johnston, in his place, as General Blacksmiths, the Subscribers wish to inform the public that the business in all its branches will be car- ried on as heretofore. Mill Work Done! I3~ Special attention paid to sharpening Mill Picks. Horse- Shoeing attended to by experi. enced hands, Wrought-Iron Plows made to Order. FLETT & HUTCHISON. Port Perry, Nov. 13, 1867. - 14tf Christmas & New Year's Presents! IN TEA, TABLE & DESERT SPOONS AND. FORKS! TEAPOTS, " Coffee-Pots & Cruets. Spectacles! TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. "Table & Pocket CUTLERY. TOYS!TOYS! CHEAP AT H. THOMPSON'S ! Sign of the Golden Saw, Main Street, Uxbridge, Ont. Uxbridge, Nov. 29, 1867. 14-3m NOTICE. pus Subscriber would notify all persons indebted to him for Carding, or otherwise, that all Carding Bills not paid by the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1868, will positively be charged one cent per pound extra, ar ¢ on all other Bills not paid by the above 'di te, 10 per cent extra will be charged, an | ill Bills not settled by the 15th JANUAR) 1868, will be placed in the hands of the *:iliff for Collection. The Subscriber we Id also state that he has on hand a few sieces of the BEST CANADIAN TWEE JS which he will sell cheap for Cash, C.T. YOUNG Port Perry, Nov., 19, 1867. 15tf. WHITBY AND SCUGOG ~ Gravel Road! 'OTIOE is hereby given, that applica- tion will be made to the Legislature, at its next sitting, for an Act to enable the Whitby and Scugog Gravel Road Company to run one or more Traction Engines, for the purpose of conveying Freight or Pas- sengers, between the following places, viz' Whitby and Port Perry ; also between Manchester, Prince Albert and Pott Perry; algo between Manchester and Wick ; also between Manchester and Uxbridge. J. E. GOULD, % Lay Manager. "Uxbridge, Oct. 29, 1867. : 14 PORT PERRY BAKERY. THE Subscriber wishes to 'inform the Public that he has always on hand a supply of Good 4 Bread, Flour, Oatmeal ! DIFFERFNT KINDS OF CAKES! Crackers, » Biscuits & Confectionaries. , TOYS IN GREAT VARIETY. 5" Fancy Wedding Oakes, nicely trim- med, are made to order, and reasonable in ic hy ay GEO. HENLEY. Port Percy, Nov. 13, 1867. 1" THE BEST OF Fall Wheat FLOUR! Not MIXED With SPRING WHEAT No.1 on the Corner Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1867. 6-tf DIVISIONCOURTS FOR THE County of Ontario. No. 1 Whitby, ... 2, Pickering, .. 3, Prince Albert, 4, Uxbridge, .. 5, Cannington, 6, Beaverton, . 7, Atherly,... . 2nd, 1867 ' 7. BURNHAM, Judge, C. 0. Whitby, Nov. 3, 1867. 5 MRS. - WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP! For Ch ldren Teething! Greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflam- mation --will allay Aru PArx and spasmodic action, and is Sure to Regulate the Bowels!! Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and Relief and Health to your Infants, We have put up and sold this article for years, and can say in confidence and truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicicine--Never has it failed in a single instance to effect a Cure, when timely used. Never did we know an in stance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it, On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues ~~ We speak in this matter WHAT WE DO KNOW, after years of experience, and Pledge our Repulation for the fulfilment of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or "twenty min after the syrup is administered. > Full directions for using will accompany' each bottle None genuine unless the fac- simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper, Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Price, ONLY 25 Cents per botlle, Orrices--215 Fulton Street, New York ; 205 High Holborn, London, Ergland; 441 Bt. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. 12-y THE MISSES J, § A. GIBSON MANTLE AND DRESS-MAKERS, ° Wes to inform the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity that they are prepared to meet all reqnirements in their line of business. BONNETS, FELT AND STRAW HATS Cleaned & Altered to the Latest Style. ¥3™ Rooms Next Door to the Druggist, on Queen street. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1867, 8-tf J. B. CAMPBELL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS OF THE County. ¥3~ Bills arranged and Days of Sale fized at this Office. Reach, Oct. 1, 1867. -- 8-4 The Medical Hall! PORT PERRY, AND THE Olgary s all Manchester ! Are the Places to Procure Any Kind of MEDICINE! Any Kind of Drug or Chemical, Any Kind of PATENT MEDICINES ! Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, ESSENCES ! STATIONERY! &c., &e,' &o. Pure Wine for Medicinal Purposes ! ALSO: BACHE'S WORM POWDERS. Antibillious Pills, COUGH BALSAM. 1tch Cure. PILE OINTMENT. Prescriptions - Carefully Prepared. . TERETE! Carefully Filled, Scaled, or Ewtracted, J. H. & B. BACHE. Nov. 10th, 1867. iw PORT PERRY Eien Carriage Shop. HE SUBSCRIBER wishes to T inform the public that he is now. pre- pared to build = | WAGGONS, CARRIAGES & SLEIGHS! &é., &c,; of the Latest Styles, and of the best material, on the shortest possible notice. , : % #8. Repairing Promptly Atteniled to 'All kinds 'of FANNING MILL SIEVES| constantly on hand. C. McKENZIE . Port Perry, Sept. 11, 1867, uf! # New Go i bridge Cabinet Factory. J 2 subscribers wish to inform the public and their customers generdfly that owing A to their increased facilities for manufacturing ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, TERY CAN NOW Compete Favorably with any Establishment in the County Either in Price, Style or Quality. erected a Saw-mill to meet their own requirements, and as an inducement to having timber to dispose of, Pine, Basswood, Birch, Maple, Elm, and Butternut "Logs, and inch Butternut Lumber, will be taken in exchange for furniture. Funerals Attended, with or without Hearse, | ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. X¥ Cofin Trimmings Always On Haud. FOR SALE.--A Quantity of Dry Pine Lumber, at the Mill, which can be Dressed, before being removed, if required. ; R J. & W. McCUIR 5 co 4g ain 3 general Sale of Lands in Ii ; : a THE LOANING OF MONEY At Low Rates of Interest on Improved Farm Securities, y INSURANCES EFFECTED! i On all Classes of Property at Low rates of Premium. ¥&> OFFICE--Bigelow's Block, adjoining the Royal Canadian Bank, Port Perry. Tue undersigned has opened an office for the this and the adjoining Conuties, J. B. CAMPBELL. 2 + Port Perry, Dec. 20, 1867. 0 rd Dibridgs, Nov. 7, 1867. 8d = WORTH OF NEW GOODS, Comprised of British, French and American DRY GOODS, Canadian Tweeds, of the latest variety of Style and Texture, GROCERIES!! Shelf Hardware, Hoop and Bar Iron, STOVES AND TINWARE, Crockery, Classware, Window Glass, Nails, Putty, Paint, Oils, LAMPS, GOAL OIL, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Paper Hangings, School Books, Siationery, Garden, Wield and Flower Seeds, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Water-lime, &ec., &c. A large stock of Ready-made CLOTHING ! on hand and"made up to order if required. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and size for Ladies, Gentle- men and Children, purchased from the best manufacturing houses in the Dominion of Capada. Ladies and Gent's HATS AND CAPS, Bonnets, Mantles, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, &c., in Great Variety always on hand! [would say that my stock is the largest and most complete in the County, embracing almost everything for gale in Town or City. Fresh Goods, Are arriving almost daily, to keep. my assortment complete, that nothing may ba wanting on my part to serve patrons with everything required of the latest styles. and most select variety of Goods to be found in any Market at tho LOWEST PRICES. Any particular article notin stock will be order- ed to supply customers. Muley Gang and Circular Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting furnished to order at Manufacturer's prices, All kinds of FARM PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. WANTED--Any quantity of Batter, Bggs, Tallow, Lard, Hams, Bacon, Potatoes, &c, &c. Port Perry is the larg- 'est marketin North Ontario for these things, _ always commanding tbe highest price to gapply the large number of meén in the Mills and Factories of this place, as well as their families 500 Butter Tubs for Sale or will be given out to customers to fill. 10,000 Feet of Square Timber for Sale, of all Lengths, from 18 to 60 fect, and from 8 to 12 inches square The Subscriber has also a large stock of SAWED LUMBER on hand, and is pre- pared to furnish any kind of Lumber, sawed out to order, from 12 to 26 feet long.-- Parties wanting long lumber had better bear this in mind. Also, for sale, any quantity of Sawed Shingles, Flour Barrel Staves and Sawed Heading. §P00D)-850 \PICH 'SOTI000LD) 'STURT © 0 'S.MOTIOIL IV 'STVAINYV HST 13 TWO GOOD POTASH KETTLES 8 cwt each, and three Coolers for Sale JOSEPHBIGELOW Port Perry, 22nd April, 1867. 37 THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR STOVES, STOVEPIPES, Plain and Japanned Tinware, IS AT THE Port Perry Stove & Tin Depot. EAVETROUGHING Put up on the Shortest possible Notice, and in the Best Style. REPAIRING ATTENDED TO WITH DESPATCH. Call and Examine. {J(;Z Next Door to Bache's. Port Perry, Nov. 5, 1867. 13-4F NEW GOODS VERY CHEAP! In Creat Variety at J. W. ALLISON'S. Port Perry, Oct. 9, 1867, 7 ods! SHAW AND GORDON, | . The Subscribers are now receiving their NEW Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and Ready- og el 5 endless variety, with the usual assort- ment of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS &. SHOES, 'prices very much reduced. A call is solicited. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. She i ; SHAW & GORDON. Queen Strect, Port Perry, Sept, 26th, 1867, Sh "New Goods !| TXBRIDGE Dry-Goods and Tailoring Baiyporium ! OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, $fAIN STREET 1 THE Propriotor of this Establishment sould respectinlly announce to his Numerous patrons that he is now prepared to furnish Goods in the following lines-- At Prices which will compare favorably with any house in the trade. Premium Clothing! : FURNISHED TO ORDER, OR OTHERWISE, iw Ar Manufacturer's Prices. 'BF GENTS FURNISHINGS IN GREAT VARIETY, 4 EY LADIES DEPARTMENT. DRESS GOODS, In all the Latest Paterns, and Trinimings to-suit. Capes, Mantles & Cloaks ifurnished to Order, 3° All Gartaents Furnished at this Ustablishment are Warranted." Give us a Call M. McGRATH, [11-ti] Practical and Operative' Tailor. Toro nto Nurseries !! TEE LLL INT c. oc. Wholesale and Retail Agent. roms 0) 0 I "AVING succeeded J. H. EB Hogg, as / the Sabscriber is now desirous of sol ing' Counties for the sale of it for the above Nurseries, iting orders in this and adjoin- Fruit & Orn al Trees, Shrubs, Vines, ce. The Stock in these extensive and favorably known Nurseries is completo in every department ; and partics favoring me or my sutliorized Agents with their orders will Have Satisfaction Cuaranteed to Them. »&= All Orders and Communications' adlrested to the Subscriber will, recetve the promptest citention. WANTED Inmediately.-- Two or three Active Young Men to canvass, to whom a large commission will be paid, GC. C, KELLETT, SE) i 91, Pork Parry Port Péivy,; Dee 186%. Free Trade RBemewed ! Ladies Aad Gonteyon are invited to eall at MARSH and TROURCES IN PORT PERRY, FOR YOUR FALL & WINTER GOODS, As our Stock is now complete in all its the most sceptical that thi ( nce i GETTHIEBEST BARGAINS! THAT CAN BE HAD IN TIE COUNTY. MARSH & TROUNGC Lo 1847. lies. A call will convince to lio p Qt 8th, Port. Perry, Oct HE Subscriber is vis friends and the public that he h:@ received a well yrted st LADIES GENT'S AND CHILDREYS BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR! vivid Consisting of Calf, Kidd and Prunella Gaiters and Heavy Wear of alt Kinds, which will be found EQUAL IN STYLE & QUALITY !! TO ANY IN THE MARKET. par A Lot of No. 1 Spanish Sole for Sale, Cheap for Cash, "GU Repairing Promptly Attended to. : o Produce taken in Exchange. & , Calf & Sheep Skins, gf. Ee OY. : 41-1f Terms Moderate. The Highest Price in Cash for Hides Port Perry, Oct, 24, 1807. GREAT BARGAINS ARE NOW BEING OFFERED AT oh S! J. BOLSTER & CO'! Cheap Cash Store! " 3 eo . . . 11 Tue Subscribers are now offering their Large and Wel > Assorted Stock of General Merchandize * At Greatly Reduced Price: Casi Prindiple, they fer! comfident of being alle to give: them with a Call, Goods at as low Ratee ds ang: 2 House in the County. tind You will Save time & Vion By coming to the Cheap Cash Store for your Supplies' Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes sand Paints aud Oils. J. BOLSTER § Cor Having adpled the all who favor Uxbridge, Nov, 20th, 1867.

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