Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 2 Jan 1868, p. 4

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en w York, while poverty and bneral destitution prevail among he laboring classes. The destito- tion ami the clerks is said to be . almost fudescribable, ier reinin isville paper states that Poster es, orf *esuly are seen on the lips, cheeks, hing of the beautiful Louisville some even putting them on a little white hand. They are worn to call attention to some prettiness-- 'a dimple, dainty curve, etc., or to 'make the fairness still fai A French editor gives the follow- 'inc amusing description of the eflect of an advertisement: ~The first time 'a man sees un advertisement, he takes no notice of it; the second time he looks at the name ; the third time he looks at the price; the fourth time he reads it; the fifth time he speaks of it to his wife; the sixth time he buys. A Quebec: paper says, it is expect- ed that there will be a considerable diminution in the quantity of sawed lumber manufactured in Canada and the United States this winter, as compared with previous years.--- Prices in both countries are depress: ed by. an over supply of common «qualities, provisions are high, and except on the few streams that never fail, the scarcity of water has left a large number of logs vn hand. Some of the loading mill-owners in Cana- da are abandoning pight-work, and making such additions to their ma- «chinery as will enable them to do the amount of work between sunrise and sunset, It was recently announced that the tariff of the Atlantic Cable would be reduced. This has now been done. Itis the second reduction made since the line opened. In July, 1866, the price for sending messages across the ocean was $100 for twen- ty words, inclusive of 'the date and signature. Nov, Ist, 1866, the price wus reduced to $50 for the same amount, and now December, 1867, the address, date, hind ten words of message can be sent for $25, Facil ty is given also to cypher despatch: -e3, while in the case of the Press, political and general news can be +8ent at a further reduction of 50 per veent, Telegraphy will soon cease #10 be a sole advantage to the wealthy, sbut will enter, like the postal system, into the daily life of any who, in modern times can be said to live. Maxmnian's Estate. --The settle ment of the estate of Muximillian is giving. trouble to his executors. Hie chateaus of Miramar and Li- crome are estimated at about $1,500;- 000; but, instead of yielding any vprofit, they cost $30,000 to keep them up, besides being mortaged for $400, 000. There in some difficulty abut bis debt at Trieste, which amounts .to more than $1,000,000. The Be ;gian executors, in the interest ¢ atheir sisters, wish these debts to k «paid by Austria on the ground th ----~--they-were contracted in the pub service. This is contested by , Austrian Imperial family. The fortunate Princess, it is said, w willingly pay her husbind's d «from her private purse if she wy .:8 State to authorize such a measure, 'but as it is, it. is probable that the «valuable collection of works of art, «and of Egyptian and Mexican cuori- . osities, will be sold in order to set (tle the estate. The Princess Car- %lotta's condition does not improve, ( and may, in fact, be considered as hopeless. 1868. . PROSPECTUS 1868 "THE GLOBE" NEWSPAPER, Duis the year 1868 very im- portant Sessions will be held of the Parliament of Ontario, and of the Domin- ion, and very interesting discussions will take place on subjects of the deepest inter- est to the Canadian people. The founda- tions of the New Government have been laid, but the superstructure will demand all the care of the people, and the public jour- mals will necessarily be culled upon to dis- «cuss at length many questions, upon the right settlement of which the future welfare of the country will depend. In all the matters which will be brought 'before the Legislatures " THE GLOBE " will take a deep interest, and both by Fall Reports of Parliamentary Proceedings, and by editorial discussions it will strive to inform the public of the progress of events, -and guide them to a right jud t on the points of issue. Early in the year 1868, The Daily Globe will be very considerably enlarged, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, or- dered from Messrs Hoe & Co. of New York, capable of printing 10,000 impress- jons an hour. The outlay of ibis press, about $15,000 in GOLD, bas been render- _ ed necessary by the large and increasing «wirculation of the GLOBE. It has béen for some time impossible to supply in time for the morning mails the number of copies called for by the public. The in- crease of size is fendered Resassaly, by tie * 'pressuee-of advertisements, which have al- ready caused the publication of a supple- ment twice a week, and which will be con- tinued as may he found meollfil Sutil we permanent enlargement takes place. t * the same time as the enlargement, the ~ paper will be printed on New Type. Early in the year we shall commence the n of a New Story by Wilkie author of the 'Woman in White. TBE TERMS on will remain as heretofore: RS per annum for the Daily [ Al dition, and TWO DOLLARS per annum the Weekly edition, both poyebts strictly the Week'y Globa. 8 tor the coming year will $42.00 Port Perry, July, 1867. 49-6m | i$ NEW TAILOR SHOP!! ---- Country that he has opened a new pared to Substantially and Tastefully latest satisfaction is guaranteed. Queen Street. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. surance Company in Canada. Heap Ovrick :--The old Registry Office, Brock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Secretary. Whitby, July 10th, 1867. * 48 Farms for Sale. NE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES, being part of Lot No. 20, in the 9th concession of the Towaship of Cartwright, cultivation with ordinery out buldings. The land is only 14 miles from Cesarea, from whence there is a good graveled road to Bownanville. There ss also a good school within a quarter of a mile of the Lot. Title indisputable. TERMS :--§600 down, and balance spread over a term of six or eight yesrs. ALSO: The North half of Lot 21, in the 9th Con. Cartwright, with Log House ana twenty-five Acres cleared. Terms :--§400 down and balance spread over a term of ten years, if required. Apply to JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, April 2, 1865. 37 TAILORING EMPORIUM HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning -L his sincere thanks to his numerous . | tion from 7 customers and friends for past favors, wishes to inform the habitants of Reach ! surrounding Townships, that he is still ared to execute all orders entrusted to are with neainess and despatch. FEBMAEXF FOR CASE. THOS, BULLEN, Mary Street. Port Perry, May 2, 1867. 38, Farms For Sale ! HE Subscriber offers for sale the follow- ing valuable Lands: 1st.--Part of Lots Ng :21, 22, and 23, in the 8th Concession of Whitby, containing 283 acres. : 2nd. --Part of Lot No. 27, in the 9th Con- cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres. 3rd.--Part of Lot No. 11,in the 12th Concession of Reach, containing 148 acres. 4th.--South half of Lot No. 4, in the 9th concession of Scugog, containing 100. 5gh.--Part of Lot No.5, in the 11 con- cession of Scugog, sontaining 85 acres. 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 13th concession of Scugog, containing 50 acres. All the above are first class farms, well improved, and can be had cheap, upon easy terms of payment. Also a large number of Village Lots in the village of Port Perry. Also a number of Town Lots in the town of Lindsay. Also any amount of money to loan at reasonable rates of interest on farm secu- rity. For further particulars apply (prepaid) to T. PAXTON & Co. or W. M. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Port Perry. Port Perty, Aug. 20, 1866. =f Freeman's Anthelmintic Worm Powders. This new Medicine possesses a superiority over all other Medicines of the kind for ex- pelling Worms from the human system--it being of a purely vegetable origin; there- fore no fear may be entertained of being sa- livated or producing any deleterious effects on the constitution. It is mild in its action and perfectly safe aud sure. It does not create any nausea or sickening sensation when introduced into the h. Itisso pleasant that any child will eagerly take it, and it has u deadly effect on all Worms that inhabit the intestinal canal--such as the Teonia or Tape Worm, Lumbricus or long ronnd Worm, and Ascaris Vermicular- is or Pin Worm. Freeman's Canadian Anti-Billious PILLS. These Pills are posed of six trated vegetable substances and are so pro- portioned as to answerall the effects of an Anti-Bilious medicine as well as a safe and sure purgative. In its op ion on the bowels it is effectual, and produces its effects without griping. They penetrate, cleanse and invigorate every portion of the human | system. d Try Freeman's Expectorant For diseases of the Lungs or Throat, as Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoopicg Cough, Croup, Influenza, Conghs, Colds, Hoarse- ness and Incipient Consumption, for which you have a safe and sure remedy. Price 25¢. If not satisfied your money will be refunded. J. H. BACHE, Agent. anadian Line 0 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND GLASGOW. . ASSENGERS going 0 Englund, al - GEO. YULE, Jr. : Agent, Whitby Juue, 6th, 1866, 43 o itants of Port Perry and surrounding nthe above-named town, where he is pre- MANUFACTURE GARMENTS On the shortest possible notice and in the His prices are very reasonable, and to those who favor him with their-work every | port Perry, Dec.i2, 1867. 17-31 |- 78. acres cleared and under a fair state of Agents Wanted. MMEDIATELY to ' canvass for the History of the American War And other Popular Books. Large Commis- PERKINS would inform the inhab- sions paid to active men to canvass in the D Counties of York, Ontario and Darham.-- A section of country given exclusively to Wholesale & Retail Agent, MaxcessTEg, P. O Stray Geese. The owner can have the same hy proving property and paying expenses. JOHN SMITH. SHOP--over Shaw and Gordon's store, oO Ny wo AIR I (®) Port Perry, Aug. 28,1866. 3-Wv. Photograph Gallery. THE ONTARIO FARMER'S | [1 Cuvee friends ant" patrons. of North Ontario, for past favors would re- spectfully inform them that he has removed from Uxbridge to Whitby, where he is pre- HIS Company is now fully organized, | pared to take and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, Count: School on and Churches. Those id Photographs, ing to Insure, and thercby support a Home Insurance Company, have now an opportu- nity of doing so, either by applying at the 8 h Head Qffice, or to any of the Local Agents of | Visit Whitby. the Company. Our Rates will be found as low as those of any resporsible Mutual In- &c., &c., equal to any in the Province, and would solicit a continuation of the patron- age of those who may find it convenient to N. B.-- Rooms opposite the Bank of Mon- treal--over McClung, Fielding and Co's Store, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. J.~A. CLARK, Artist, Whitby, Nov. 13, 1867. 3m. NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontario at the next session thereof --or other Parlis: ment having jurisdiction, for an'Act to In- corporate the Port Perry and Whitby Rail- way Company, and to empower the said Company to construct a Railway from some point on Lake Scugog, at or near Port Perry, to scme point on Lake Ontario, be- tween the Eastern limits of the Township of East Whitby and the Western limits of the Township of West Whitby ; and for the enabling the said Company to construct or purchase and own a Harbor on Lake Onta~ riv, between the points named ; and for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Scugog Rivers' Whitby, 19th August, 1867. 2. Peemington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS OF RFVOLVERS. RIFLES. Muskets and Carbines, For tbe United States Service. Also Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Repeating Bifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and the Trade gecerally In these days of Housebreaking and Rob- bery, every House, Store, Bank, and Gffice should have one of Reemington"s Revolvers Parties desirous to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, and su- perior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the new Reemington Revolver. Circulars containing cuts and descrip- tion of our arms will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Ilion, N.Y. § Moore & NicnoLs, Agents. 1 No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y. 2,000 Cedar Posts for Sal-. PEE $6 PER HUNDRED. JOSEPH BIGELOW. wo01pag Jo $738 [043ass pup 'sasv)) OOF 's214D)3492G '$PAVOQAPIS ST. 'sarperd Port Perry, 22 April, 1867. 37 9 2 fod : 3 u z o B B < of Bn ° a to 58 Br a SE] SE = ® I gs £.8- Sp *% - fu wn on = = [| 5 © ® 5 3 8 @ 2 2 £ ® puvq uc sfeM(v suo) ONIJMV "dHANN 10 sup 103 dua pros oq [jfA pus 'sesodind Jo(IvJ 10 IIR) Oj JIMSUB [IM Loy 40 BLSISNOD M0018 AN qo 'se[qe], 'speeIspof "aUIES OY} JO 2OMENUIIUOS B §}101[08 IIqIIOSqNS IYI sed oy Sdump oFwuosjud J19YY 10j SI3WOISNO SNOIAWINY SI 01 SHUBYY 's1re -omy ynm uo puv 'sdogs 1s ya uo--sunSiQ) Om] pup 'FAN IIUANY "SIAVA "MC 9)¥I 9[QUUOSTAL 3¥ OSIVIS | SWIOOIP-IIBAL AIO JI0J OY, pe Subscriber is desirous of informing . the public that he has purchased the above premises, which he has renovated throughout. First class Liquors and Cigars, and the bestaccommodation with careful at- tention can always be found. Good stabling, losed yards, and atténtive Ostlers. R. A. MURTA, Greenbank, June 12, 1867. 44-1y TOWN & PARK LOTS FOR SALE InPor Perry. treets. " 11 ] "« J North Queen Strcet. "" 16 hy 22 A€ 2 § South North Street. " 44 North North Street. ee 70 North: Mary Street, "" 83 ) « gg} South Mary Sicest. " 89 : 31 North Casimir Street, " 94 ) fog '§ South Casimir Street, | For priceand terms apply pre-paid to ; '3. HAMZPERRY. 'Whitby. Whitby, August 71, 1866. 1 each Agent. All orders and communica-|- Tailoring Establishment [soos must besddressed to © Nov. 25, 1867. 16. Reach, Ont. | HERE came into my premises about NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. five weeks since, a flock of 14 Geese.-- Village Lot 1,--Coroer, Water, and Queen py, Sign, and Carriage Painter! --_. 0) Proy, megy NN | f . 0° lly le 3, gl pare (te, vik § 5 "0h . "« ) Guy: t 12 ang 4 Weng Is 1" Rive, "ai, Il Ne A rye eh West ri to, « 1p pot 65 bof ot, ' 5% "« id 200 1 rag uth fay Lot, oo he pout baip (20. 13 Joo is LN 4, 13 00 i. Whig, st of 10 He «2 . win be Jeo ' 5) " Wonderful ! Wonderful ! WONDERFUL! Ts is what I wish every one to know: that all persons afflicted with decayed Teeth, or stumps of Teeth, which canker the mouth, diseage the body and produce offensive breath, can now have them EXTRACTED FREE FROM PAIN !! OR ANY OTHER INCONVENIENC* WHATEVFR! By a new and well tried process-- the appli- Gun Materials, gold by Gun Dealers and ation of Spray upon the Gums Do not oubt this! - It has been used by eminent Dentists in Europe for some time, and is now extensively practiced in America for Teeth extracting. J.D. C., is prepared to Extract Teeth by this new and wonderful process which is nothing short of a blessing to humanity. All Dental operations performed scien- tifi€ally, with skill that only a long practice can ensure, The Instrument which [ have, is a much improved one from the original applier. say Teeth Filled, Scaled and Regulated. ¥3= Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed, ? Orriox Hours from 8, A. M., to 5, P. M. J.D. COTTINGHAM, Borelia Brick, Port Perry August th, 1866. "HARMONIUMS. Borelia Jan. 8 1867 22 tf « EF fF ZA SR :g-a No 3 275 = : E: o ea QO z 23 gi 3 af z BA-5E: 2 R Bg E = BEG gs = Spiigi = oz 0c a8 - woz g © 0~ig: hn § E203 -h EE Ry ie po IES =U sie Parties requiring First specifications made to order. A GOOD NEWS! NARCOTIC SPRAY Applied to the aR Extracting Teeth Withont Pain, as Invented by Dr. Richardson of London, England, x BROCK STREET, UXBRIDGE! All Operations Warranted to give Satisfac- tion or no Charge, and at Prices which Defy Competition. and J. Bolster, M.B., Uxbridge. Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866, 16-tf JOHN NOTT, Cabinet Maker, rArBR HANGER, &C., sizes kept constantly on band. J Cones MERCHANTS AN WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOS of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of PORT PERRY, August, 1866. PORT PERRY MILLS, , THOMAS PAXTONc& Co., Pickets, etc., etc. ALSO SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in the following Townships, viz. Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. T. PAXTON, & Co. I VIED IVAN IACVA 00K 1 D DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, A, and SEVERAL LOTS puv)g, oy) 0 uonpduosqng nok Leg Port Perry, Nov, 20th, 1867. FRESH ARRIVALS! AT THE SCUGOG HOUNE, PORT PERRY, Boots & Shoes in Great Variety ! STAPLE DRY COODS & CLOTHING! Groceries, Wines & Liquors, Old Tom, ALLE AND PORTER! ALSO Sardines, Lobsters and White Fish, And A New Supply of CROCKERY & Higgins' AXES! HENRY CHARLES. Gums, Producing Local Anwsthesin, For COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. | T C. D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, :--Rev. Dr. Shortt and HP. Griggs, M.D , Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne| and Dr Carson, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq., 'SNOHAOTHN R. S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTURER! Nos. 143, 135 & 147, YONGE Sr., TORONTO. 0G- Musicl Instruments of AH Kinds. Can be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price as at the Manufactory. Orders respectfully solicited. Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1866. -wmuue Jod sjued (Og 9As pue '9oUBAPE UI UNDERTAKING attended to promptly. A first class Hearse| vi Face planing, JOSEPH BIGELOW, * MANUFACTURER AND DEALER In Sawed: Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Barrel Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! Also Rroprieror of Port Perry Sash and Door Factory. Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Moulding, _ etc, etc., doue on the shortest notice Port Perry ugust, 10th, 1866. THEA 00d. E00 CHVONVIS, 0 0 HOD ONIINTH SSVTD IS {Land for Sale ¥ CLR " HE above property ia 'sitnated OR EXCHANGE. [Ton Jot No 18, nthe Yt Gonoesion of acres. There is a Frame House 26 by 30, CL CHARGES MODERATE! ! AND ROVED LAND in the of ; Goderieh or Town pro- on the Land for Sale. CHESTER COLTON. 3 Port Pony, Soper. TO, T00Y. By. Dealer in first-class. English ONENIOALS, PATENT MEDIOLNES, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, VARNISH PAINT BRUSHES, ot6., 610, Slates, Pens, Tuk, Pencils, Por- famery, Combs, Hair Brushes Toilet and Fancy articles. Manoaon's Pua fianeaons Covell Omrusyr snd P1owMixross has never Piunsare warranted to failed to cure coughs cure the most obsti-aud colds. oases nate cases of this dis-| Asthma and prevents 1 tressing ma lad y.--consumption. ries a Ointment, 50cts. per|25¢. per Bottle. : pot ; pills 25e. HORSE' AND CATTLE MEDICINE3 constantly on hand, Family Receipts and ° Physicians preseriptions carefully prepared on the shortest notice. MARGACHS ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Ara constantly increasing in public favor. Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be ot the best quality and at the lowest remunerative price. There have been added from time to time such articles as are guetally required cl in the trade, and the Stock will be found as 3 varied as the demand, Hip i ¥3" Terms invariably Cash, $ Uxbridge, Aug. 23, 1866. ate } -- { ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS, ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. < ARR THE BEST PURGATIVE FILLS. NO STRAINING. KO GRIPING. NO TENESWUS, NO PILES. NO FALSE CALLSTO THE WATER CLOSET, BUT A BRISK AND THOROUG; EVACUATION FROM THE LOW IS ALWAYS SECUR Newly Discovered Principles in Dr. way's Pills are the best Pu world, and tho only Vegetable Substituj Mercury ever discovered. They are gi VEGETABLE EXTRACTS F| HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SE} BARKS, FRUITS AND Wee PARED IN VAS One grain of the extraxt of £4 ties ofRadway's Pills, pcssess a tg 0 & thousand d3's that enter into all otf ded of gor nd REGULATE THR SYSTEM. }, Their Great €@ombinations. n are Aperient, Tonic, Laxative, Alterative, Stim- pater Irritant, Sudorific. x By 5 2 48 EVACUANTS, certain and thorough than the Drastia r Croton or Harlem Oil, or Elaterium ; ing and Joaling than enna, oc Rhou- or Castor Oil. A Erysipelas or Cay Scarlet Fever, Ne BIX TO EIGHT OF 0 LATING PILLS WIL ry ooh PRIMA: RY CAUSE OF THESE Ll HE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS... One dose of Dr. Radway's Pills will cloaibn thio ites tinal canal, and purge from the bowels all owading * and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or the best approved emetic will cleanse the stomach, with. out producing Inflammation, irritation, weakness, STRAINING, 2 or other unpleasant symptoms. The:e are no other, Durgatie Pills in the world that will secure this desl. joratum. Derten THAN SALE oR BLUE PILL. BETTER THAN MeL: OR BLUE PILL AS ALTERATIVES, Shey exercise a more powerful influcece over the liver, and its secretions than calomel, merenry, blue pill, tence their importance In cases of Liver Complaints and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Bilious at. tacks, Headache, &o. In the treatment of Fevers, either. Bilious. Yellow, Typhoid, and cther reducing Fevers, they are superior to quinine. Their influence extend4> - over the entire system, controlling, ftrengthoning, and ~~ bra ing up the relaxed and wasting energies, aud rogu- lating all the secretions to the natural performance ef. their duties, cleansing and purifyfog the tlood, and purging from the system all diseased deposits and i pure humors. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE Costiveness, |Jaundice, [Rush of Blood Constipation, |Congst've Fe-| tothe Head," Congestion, ver, Obstructions, Heart 'Disease (Sleepiness, Dropsy. Disease of Kid-|Gen'| Debility, [Acute Erysipes ney & Bladder | Dimness of 8't| las, Disease of Li-|Fits, . + |Headache, ver, Lown'sof Spir-{Bal Breath, Biliousness, i « Inflamation of ayphus Fever, |Quinscy, the Iuwstines, Shi Fever, *|Dyspepsia, |Apoplexy, Malignant Fe- Hay Enlargement ver, Melancholy, | of the Spicen, Loss of Appe:|Hysterics, Scurvy, tite, Amenorrhea, | Whooping Indigestion, |Fainting, Cough, Inflammation, | Dizziness, |Worms, Palpitations, |Retention of |Bad Dreams, Plourisy. Scarlet Fever, | - Urine, 1 AM CURED. . «| pierce tert Saran Tt DNyspensia_and s--have used i. "Eh

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