Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 25 Jun 1868, p. 4

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oo A 6,000-Pounder Gun. of our most successful invent- has lately patent- < specifieation Ras been , of an enormous air-gun of $2 inch bore to, throw a 6,000 pound shot. The bore of the gun is to be 'upwards of thirty feet long, and the inventér asserts that he can compass and retain air at a working pressure of 10,000 pounds to the square inch. The sectional area of a 33-inch bore is 80} square inches, and the total initial pressure would thus be 8,- 042,400 pounds, or nearly 3,600 tons. Tt would, of course, be next to impossible to pump in air fast enough at this enormous sure too keep a pressure air is to be contained in a huge casing or jacket formed around the bore of the gun, and hav- we the same capacity of say 165 ic feet. Thus, instead of the pressure being reduced almost to nil ,at the muzzle, the air would have been expanded but two-fold on the discharge of the shot ; and if we dis- vegard the influence of rarefaction, and consequent cooling by expansion and its effect on the pressure, we should have 5,000 pounds per square inch still left. If we take the average pressure at %,500 pounds throughout the length of the , we shall have 2,400 tons exerted throngh thirty feet, or say 72,000 foot tons, and this, were the air to follow fast enough, would send a 6,000-pound shot at the rate of more than 1,800 fect per second. As no ordinary valve could be opened quickly enongh to admit air udoer such pressure, and in such quanti- ties, the shot itself forms the valve. The high pressure air in the air casing or jacket enters the chambers of the gun through ports, like those by which steam enters a steam cyl- inder. The shot--a short cylinder with hemispherical or pointed ends --is 80 packed as to close these parts while the jacket is being pumped full. To discharge the gun, a little high pressure is separately pumped in behind the shot,s0 as to start it on and past the ports, when the stored up air does the rest of the work. Although. there may be certain practical difficulties in carrying out this scheme, it possesses great inter- est, and we shall look with much curiosity, lo its practical realization. -- Engineer, Tue Cvsrant Worn.-- This trou- Dlesome pest having again made its appearance with its work of destrac- tion upon our gooseberry and cur velocity of the shot, so the SuGa SODA-WATER. VERY CHEAP! IT PAYS ISRAEL POST. Borelia, May, 6, 1868, 6, 1868. "SICN OF THE UXBRIDGE Hardware ! TOVES, TIN, COPPER, and SHE Picture Moldings, ers, Satchels and Horse-Rakes, Gates and Saw-Gummers. FANCY GOODS, §c, §ec. Uxbridge, April 6th, 1868. 35 HAND LAMPS! Highest Price Paid for Butte: & Eggs TO CALL AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE GOLDEN SAW! Iron Ware, Building Material, Grind- stones, Nails, Glass, Putty, Locks, Butts and Screws, Weights and Measures, Zinc, Bolts all sizes, Bells, Spades and Shovels, Axes, Edge Tools, Saws, Rasps and Files, Cutlery, Chains, Ropes and Cordage, Ma- chine and Burning Oils, Lamps, and Lan- terns, Cash and Work Boxes, Bird Cages, Spectacles and Cases, Fancy Pipes, Chil- dren's Carriages, Looking-Glasses, Toys, kets, Trays and Walt- urses, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Patent, Spinning Wheels, Fresh Field, Garden and Flower Seeds ! At H. THOMPSON'S Tinsmith, &c., Uzbridge. ald 2 _- §. 0.0 3 § 8, Frere z EVERYBODY !|Z triiiil "Of © SHOULD KNOW! Hd = From, the Seti of Vode Joe] FERFLR: ii d Aunt , tha IRL. at oD nat Bey : ® aap : 11g 1907 CHEAP GROCERY, BORELIA. sain 3 : 2 -- APPLES 60 Conts| iif: [ES PER BUSHEL! 111% +7 A GOOD CIGAR FOR 2 Cts.| ©:ii: } 5 Everything 'Gheap in Proportion! id jo TEAS, RAISINS, BREAD ; =: win # m Q RS, CURRANTS, BISCUITS, [STR 0 1dy |e a TOBACCOS, OAKES, CRACKERS, SE RGR: - fof 9 0 CONFECTIONARY, &c.| 5iii88=-| eof 02 LOBSTERS, SARDINES, | Fo my 7H HERRINGS, Ps Oranges! PEEL Si al LEMONS. a a 0 SARSAPARILLA BEER AND 2S! wm yuesegh » ,| various kinds of Risse Goons, &c, ing an easy crank. weaving, address WORTHEN & BAKER Coaticook, P. Q. March 24, 1868. 33-4w "The Victoria ! MAIN STREET OAKWOOD. ET | comfort of the travelling public. tler. Oakwood, Match 10th, 1868. 81-tf "IN PORT PERRY. ---- Country that he has opened a new pared to rant bushes, many are the enq as to what will serve as a remedy, and remove the iusects from their haunts. We have heard many re- <ccipts mentioned, but the following we believe to be the best, as it has been tried for three seasons and proved effectual, without injuring the bush or fruit in the least. Dis- solve one ounce of white hellebore (in powder) and an ounce of alum in a gallon of water, and sprinkle the so- lation upon the bush with a whisk, syringe or watering pot. This is a «cheap receipt--the hellebore being only about 30c. and the allum 5c. per --e3 it mill maw worth of fruit. 9: won dollar! 'Snape Trees ox Hicawavs.--If the California Legislature adopts a plan now under discussion in that 'body for the ornamentation of their high- ways by planting trees along the wide, they will prove that in matters of taste they are far ahead of simi- lar bodies in the East. The terms of the proposed legislation are that ad! persons who shall plant highways with trees, and sustain the growth of the same for five years, shall have action of their Lax at the rate of onpe*dollar annually for every tree thos planted. This is a liberal in- ducement to landholders and others to engage in an enterprise the fruits of which can never Le regretted.-- There is no reason why our Provinces should not in this respect pattern af- ter England, whose planted roads and drives make the whole counjry look like a magnificent park. TRANSPLANTING IN THE Nigar. --A gentléman anxious to ascertain the cffect of transplanting at night in- stead of in the day, made an experi- ment, with the following result:--He transplanted ten cherry trees while in bloom, commencing at foar o'clock in the 'afternoon, and transplanting one cach beur, until one in the morn- ing. ose transplanted during the day Shed. their blossoms, producing little or uo fruit, while those planted during the darker portions maintain ed their condition fully. He did the same with ten dwarf pear trees, after the frpit fv one third grown. Those transplanted "doring the day shed their frait; those transplanted dur- ing the night perfected their crop, and he no injury from having been removed. ith each of these trees Le removed some earth with the roots. incident is folly vouched for; & "a f3w more similar ex--- perim rire the same result, it will HE argument to liorti- ge Leieryes, and froit- growers = nigh. fh oon Burreruiix.--There is a difference of opinion among but- ter-mukers in regard to washing out the (biittermiilk," We are strongly iin that butter will keep best Shut is washed. It is the cese particles in the Teh "the decomposition of _ whiclreauses the butter to become frowy or rancid. The more perfectly ed, the better will the such work entirely at , to our wind, se- ult. It is certainly d of the but- Te Li hk Tao the poe 'that WHAT EVERYBOD SHOULD HAVE! Existence being so uncertain, Various are the ways of fate, Then haste at once it is your duty, Get portrayed jouself and friends, While you've health ip all its beauty, Think how very soon it ends. neighboring vicinity that he bas IN PORT FERRY! Hotel, on the first floor Above the Medical Hall! their patronage. Pictures of all kiuds and sizes finished Oil, Water Colors, or India Ink. Call and examine specimens. H. McKENZIE, Artist. the Dominion of Canada, } I Court County of York, County of York. cerr, an losolvent. day the thirtieth day of June next, at ten the clock in the forenoon, or as soon Judge of the said court for a confirmation under the Said Act. by his attorney J Toronto, April 21st, 1868. PORT PERRY HE SUBSCRIBER wishes inform the public that he is now pi pared to build notice. constantly on hand. C. MoRENZIE Port Perry, Sept. 11, 1867. GEORGE FIELDS, LICENSED For the County of Ontario. or left at the "Standard" Office, will be promptly attended to. She Sosinete in all 1s Port Perry, Nov. 13, 1867. When death on life has drawn the curtain, Who would not prize their friends portrait. H. McKenzie, OULD inform the people of this and Opened 'a Picture Gallery in the building opposite the Royal Canadian As he has spared no expense and taken the greatest pains in fitting up the gallery, he feels himself competent to give entire satisfaction to all who may favour him with PHOTOGRAPHS, $2.00 PER DOZ, LEITERGRAPHS, 25 CTS, EACH Port Perry, Feb. 5th 1868. 26 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. County of the In the matter of Jory CrapEAM Faw- NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has filed in the office of this Court a deed of Composition and Discharge executed by his creditors, and that on Tues- JOHN CLAPHAM FAWCETT, OHN LEYS. 38 Carriage Shop. WAGGONS, CARRIAGES & SLEIGHS! &c., &c, of the Latest Styles, and of the best material, on the shortest possible 9. Repairing Promptly Attended to. All kinds of FANNING MILL SIEVES Auctioneer, All orders addressed to Goodwood P. 0s Uxbridge, Jan. 8, 1868. i 4 FLETT & HUTCHIZON, Y Substantially and Tastefully latest vem satisfaction is guaranteed. Queen Street. Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1866. 3-1v. MANTLE AND DRESS-MAKERS, business. BONNETS, FELT AND STRAW -HATS Cleaned & Altered to the Latest Style: 3 Rooms Next Door to the Druggist,on Queen street. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1867. 8-tf in Property for Sale. HE subscriber offers for sale the south Brock ; the south half of Lot 14 in the 6th con. of the Township of Reach ; A STORE AND TAVERN situated on the south side Queen street, in Port Perry, known as the Railroad Hotel, with half an acre of land; and Lots Nos. 71 and 72 on the north side-of Mary Street. Terms made known on application to NEIL SINCLAIR. Proprietor, Port Perry, Feb. 4, 1868. 26-3m. of Counsel can be heard, he will apply to the THE ONTARIO FARMER'S the discharge hereby effected in his ibd MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY . TPs Company is now fully organized, and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, Country School Houses and Churches. Those wish- ing to Insure, and thereby support a Home Insurance Company, have now an opportn- nity of doing so, either by applying at the the Company Our Rates will be found as low as those of any resporsible Mutual In- surance Company in Canada. to| Heap Orrice :--The old Registry Office, re- | Brock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Secretary. Whitby, July 10th, 1867. 48 TAILORING EMPORIUM! su PEE SUBSCRIBER, wishes to inform the Inhabitants of Reach ! and surrounding Townships, that he is si prepared to execute all orders entrusted t his care with neatness and despatch. OCHmAX FOR OAS. THO'S. BULLEN, Port Perry, May 2, 1867. ary 38. Photograph Gallery. Subscriber in returnin his 'numerous friends an Eid us car-| ge., &c., equal to any "| would solicit a a of the patron- . Whitby, Nov. 13, 1867. 3m, Patent Hand Loom Fo Weaving Saminerr, Jeans, Biros Eve Hereive Bone, A. Woon Prax Crorn, DousLe Prax Tween Usion Ovorn, This Loom weaves a greater variety of Goods, with less power and more rapidity, than any other Loom in use by simply turn- 39| For farther particulars, and samples of or Port Hope, Ont. Hotel." D. B. Dennison, Proprietor. AVING leased the above House for a term of years, the Proprietor will spare no efforts likely to conduce to the 3 Good Stabling and an attentive Hos- NEW TAILOR SHOP!! PERKINS would inform the inhab- « itants of Port Perry and surrounding Tailoring Establishment ? | inthe above-named town, where he is pre- MANUFACTURE GARMENTS On the shortest possible notice and in the NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. His prices are very reasonable, and to those who favor him with their work every SHOP--over Shaw and Gordon's store, THE MISSES J. & A. GIBSON ISH to inform the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity that they are prepared to meet all regnirements in their line of half of Lot No. 21 in the 1st con. of Head Office, or to any of the Local Agents of in returning his sincere thanks to his numerous customers and friends for past favors, Street. ONTARIO thanks to patrons of North Ontario, Yor past favors would re- spectfull; ¥ faforn them that he has removed ridge to Whitby, where he is pre- t' Photographs, in the Province, and age of those who may find it convenient to visit Whitby, N.B. =Joohs the Bank 4 Mon- sa=over. Mg , Fitlaing and Cos ore BROCK STREET, WHITBY. : J. A, CLARK, Artist. HE Subscriber ing valuab! 1st.--Part of the 8th Dsaespion of Whi 283 acres. acres. 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 13th concession of Scugog, containing 50 acres. - All the above are first class farms, well improved, and can bé had cheap, upon easy terms of payment. Also a large pumber of Vil Lots in the village of Port Perry. Tags Also a number of Town Lots in the town of Lindsay. Also-any amount of money to loan at reasonable rates of interest on farm secu- rity. For farther particulars apply (prepaid) to T. PAXTON & Co. or W. M. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Port Perry Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1866. "eh mre tree Blacksmithing. HE Subscriber wishes to inform the public that he has OPENED A SHOP BORELIA, Where all kinds of Blacksmithing will ceive the promptest attention. TRON HARROWS & WOODEN ROLLERS Manufactured and for gale cheap. Parties Indebted Are requested to call and settle on or before the 15th inst , and save oa HL JOPNSTON. i Borelia, Jan. 8th, 1868. PORT PERRY BAKERY. HE Subscriber wishes to inform the Public that he has always on hand a supply of Good Bread, Flour, Oatmeal ! DIFFERFNT KINDS OF CAKES! Crackers, Biscuits & Confectionaries. TOYS IN GREAT VARIETY. ¥3~ Fancy Wedding Cakes, nicely trim- med, are made to order, and reasonable in price. GEO. HENLEY. Port Perry, Nov. 13, 1867. 14 9,000 Cedar Posts for Sal. Pee $6 PER HUNDRED. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, 22 April, 1867. 37 Land for Sale. HE above property is sitnated on Lot No 23, in the 7th Concession of Scugog, and contains by admeasurement 2} acres. There is a Frame House 26 by 30, with Driviog Shed, and other improvements on the premises. Tzrus easy, and made known on applica- tion to CHESTER COLTON. Port Perry, Sept. ¥8, 1867. 6-3m GOOD NEWS! NARCOTIC SPRAY SA Applid ito th = Gums, Producing Local Anwsihsia, For Extracting T th Without Pain, as Inv nid by Dr. Richardson of London, England, AT C.D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, BROCK STREET, UXBRIDGE! All Operations Warranted to give Satisfac- tion or no Charge, and at Prices which Defy Competition. RerereNoEs :--Rev. Dr. Shortt and H. P. Griggs, M.D., Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne and Dr Carson, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M.B., Uxbridge. Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866. JOHN NOTT, Cabinet Maker, House, Sign, and Carriage Painter | TAPER EAN © UNDERTAKING attended to promptly. A first class Hearse 16-tf furnished when sopdired, Coffins of all sizes kept constantly on hand. + CHARGES MODERATE !! NA. Incr, AND 2,000 Feer or Birce om Marre 8} Square. Borelia, May 8th 1866, 2 Montreal Ocean Samay Ce r Canadian, ine TO LIVERPOOL, INDERRY, AND GLASGOW, Poin GERS go to England, San or bave Tickets, informa- tion on GEO. a, Jr: Whitby) June, 6th, 1866. = 4 y 5000 Feer of Burresnor Luwser, 1|° '| Face planing, Matching, Seroll a Ts and the adjoining Counties. WE. OFFICE--Bigelow's Block, adjoinin, Canadian Baok, Port Perry. Port Perry, Dec. 26, 1867. PORT PERRY, Brick, or Stone, and to finish them off in the latest styles, with specifications made to order, HARRISON MAW §& Port Perry August 7th, 1866. j Ld returni years, the solicits a of the same, MY STOCK CONSISTS OF Furniture, and two Organs--one with siz stops, and one with two, approved credit. UNDERTAKING Done on the shortes notice. THOMAS PAXTON & Co, . Pickets, etc, etc: ALSO SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR With Improvements, in the following Townships, vis. of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of Village Lots in the Village of Port WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. PORT PERRY, August, 1866. ENERAL LAND AGENCY! HE undeteigned has opened an office for the general Sale of Lands in ITHE LOANING OF MONEY At Low Rates of Interest on Improved Farm Securities, INSURANCES EFFECTED! On all Classes of Property at Low rates of Premium, g the Royal J. B. CAMPBELL. 20 HARRISON MAW & SON, Contractors «& Bulldors, ACE prepared to contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood All the Most Modern Improvements. Parties requiring First Class work done, will do well to give them « call. Plans and SON. 14, The Port Perry Ware-Rooms! ng thanks to his numerous customers for their patronage during the past Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Cradles, Lounges, Sofas, Sideboards, Secretaries, Book Cases, and several Sets of Bedroom They will answer for Church or Parlor purposes, and will be sold Cheap for Cash or Coffins always on hand. Eearse at reasonable rate, J. W. DAVIS. PORT PERRY MILLS, "1° MBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, SALE WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS Perry, T. PAXTON. 1-¢f. Port Perry, Ontario, Wise to inform the public that they are prepared to do ail kinds of and every description of ( ¥3" on reasonable terms. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1868. BOOTS received a well assorted stock of FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR! will be found TO ANY IN THE MARKET. Terms Moderate. Port Perry, Oct, 24, 1867. A. MOORE & SONS, MASONS & PAINTERS, LATHING AND PLASTERING, HOUSE, SIGN, & CARRIAGE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, &c., 28-6m. and SHOES. poe Subscriber is desirous of informing his friends and the public that he tar LADIES, GENT'S AND CHILDRENS BOOTS AND SHOES Consisting of Calf, Kidd and Prunella Gaiters and Heavy Wear of all kinds, which EQUAL IN STYLE & QUAIAT YI! pe A Lot of No. 1 Spanish Sole for Sale, Cheap for Cash. <&A Repairing Promptly Attended to. Produce taken in Exchange. The Highest Price in Cash for Hides, Calf & Sheep Skins, H. FOY. 0) = D Jed Zi o = = < = R. Nos. 143, 185 & 147, YONGE Sr., TORONTO. "SNOTAOTAR S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTURER! 0 Musical Instruments of All Kinds. Can be had, by a lying at this Office, the same in Price as at the Manufactory. Orders respectfully solicited. Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1866. 18-8m MANUFACTURER AND DEALER "Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. y A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL JOSEPH BIGELOW, In Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Barrel TIMES! : Also Rroprieror of Part' Perry Sash and Doar Factory. » , etec., done on theshoctes notios Port Perry ugust, ny 1866. Turming, Moulding, : 1y 0d 010 1 0 0) INIININA SSVTD LS 0 JVI Ie LVN i 0 41 plepuslg » OY} 0) uonjdriosqng JnoA Kv d -umuue Jed §)Ued (OG 9AES puv '2UBAPE jE Reemington's Revolvers Patties desirous to ax avail themselves of provements 'workmansh combined in the se Bamigion Revolver. Circulars con ms will ie cuts gon descrip- tion of our arms furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON, * sows, Jijeu, X: Y. ~Mooss & Niomous, Aj 1 No. 40 0: Courtland St. N. XY: 4 The Sanative Hall, May STREET, U UXBRIDGE. J. L. MARGACH Chemist and Druggist, Dealer in first-class English DRUGS and CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYR STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, VARNISHBS, TUBE-PAINTS PAINT BRUSHES, otc., etc. BOOKS & STATIONERY, Slates; Pens, Ink, Pencils, Per- famery, Combs, Hair, Brushes Toilet and Fancy articles. Margson's Pun Hise; Binercks Coun Omruswr and Pry MMi ues Piuusare warranted to cure ned cure the" most obsti-land colds. It eases nate cases of this dis-{Asthmaand prevents tressing mala dy.--jconsumption. Price Ointment, BOcts. per|25e. per Bottle. pot ; pills 26¢. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES constantly on hand. -Family Receipts and Physician's prescriptions carefully prepared on the shortest notice. MARGACHS ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constantly increasing in public favor. Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest Hom time lf price." There have been added from tim time such articles as are generally requi in the trade, and the Stock will be found as varied as the demand, 3 Terms invariably Cash, Uxbridge, Aug. 23, 1866. TOWN & PARK LOTS FOR SALE in PortPerry. Village Lot 1,--Corner, Water, and Queen Streets. y 2tf " 11 ) 1 North Queen Street. " 16 22 u" 24 : South North Street. 30 " 44 North North Steeet, + 70 North Mary Street. it 108 } South Casimir Street. For price and terms apply pre-paid to J. HAM PERRY. Whitby. Whitby, August 31, 1866, 1 1868. PROSPECTUS 1868 "THE GLOBE" NEWSPAPER. PuRING the year 1868 very im- portant Sessions will be held of the Parliament of Ontario, and of the Domin- ion, and very interesting: discussions will take place on subjects of the deepest inter- est to the Canadian people. The founda- tions of the New Government have been laid, but the superstructure will demand all the care of the people, and the public jour- nals will necessarily be called upon to dis cuss at length many Jusstions, upon the right settlement of which the future welfare of the country will depend. In all the matters which will be brou before the Legislatures "THE GLOBE" LH take a deep interest, and both by fall R ports of Parliamntary Procdings, and by editorial discussions it will strive to inform the publia of the i of events, and guide them to a right jus ent on the points of issue. Early in she year _ The Daily Globe will es very consider: enjarged, and will be printed on a oar Ligh g Press, or- dered from Messrs. Hoe & Co., of New York, capable of prin ting 10,000 impress- ions an hour. The outlay of this press, about $16,000 in GOLD, has been render- ed necessary by the 1 and increasing circulation of the GLOBE," for some time im) for the eorhing mails the copies called for by the public. The in- crease of size is rendered necessary the pressuee of advertisements, which have al- caused the publication of a supple- ment twice a week, and which will be con- tinued as may be found seu fa} until the permanent enlargement "place: the sadie time as the enlargement, - poper. will be printed on New Type. ly in the year we shall commence the publication of a New Story Wilkie ins, author of the 'W 'Woman in | ite. TBE E TERMS of Suan will remain as heretofore: SIX DOL annum for the edition, and DOLLARS por for the Weekly odtiion, bo th payal in advauce. olubs for the Weekly Globe. The Olub rates for the coming Jus wil be as follows: ~SI% COPIES, one one yore 810 © TE! eaves TWENTY 9o! renian 30°00 And an extra copy of The oe Diab of tot ron who gets up the lub of TRY COPIES, one for. ...$42.00 | ad i e2E% or of the sublady Thirty, FIFTY COPIES, on for...,-.65 00 and a copy of J Da ho a. ape cub Hi a Ey Pistols, and su- nd form will Sd all 4 % : 5 ----- M a3 South Mary Street. " 5 " fi] ron North Casimir Street. A " 107 py up the oi ot 2 Loa

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