Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 2 Jul 1868, p. 4

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PRIZE LIST Of the Nojth Ontario E. D. Agricultural Society's 'Exhibition to be held at Prince Albert, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6th and 7th October, 1868. HORSES. Best Blood Stallion (furnished with ped.) " $2 ' Best Saddle.or Carriage Stallion ...,..... 2 Best Draught Stallion..:...... 1 2 Best General Porpose Stallion we 4 2 Best Blood Brood Mare (with pedigree) and foal at foot or evidence of a foalin'68 8 2 Best Brood Mare, Saddle or Carriage, with foal at foot or evidence of a foal in'68 3 2 Best Drsaghit Brcod Mare with foal at foot Fast os Shoe of foal. in 1848 eer 3.9 fcr general purpose wit foal ol are evidence of a foul in'68 3 8 Best two year old Entire Colt for Draught 8 1 Best two year old Entire Colt for Seaeral - 3 } 2 1 Best two oe old Filly for Gen. Purpose 8 1 Best two year old Filly for Draught......... 2 1 Best two year oid Filly for Saddle or Carriage: .ivinee © svienen 2 1 Best hi old Colt or Filly for Saddle 2 1 280 1. cedereis i vainien Beat oo year old Colt for Gen. Purposes 2 1 Best one year old Colt for Draught......... 2 1 Best one year old Filly for --y Purposes 2 1 Best one year old Filly for Dranght......... 2 r Beat Spelng Colt or Filly for Saddle or 1 avsisrens assesses 5 Best Spring Colt for. General Purposes 1 50 Best Spring Colt for Dranght ~~ ......... 1 50 Best Spring Filly for General Purposes 1 50 Best Spring Filly for Draught 150 Best Span Dranght Horses Fo 3 Best Span General Purpose Horses .. 3 Best Span Carriage Horses 8 Best Single Driving Horse, 3 Best Saddle Horse . 3 Best Lady Equestrian 6 Best Gentleman Equestrian 3 CATTLE.--Durham, with Pedigre Best thorough bred Bull (aged) we 4 Best two year old Bull. 3 Best one year old Bull. 3 Best Bull Calf of 1868, age consid 3 Best Cow = _...l. essces 3 shveinets: 3 3 3 Best two year old Heifer Best one year old Heifer Best Heifer Calf of 1868, age cousidercd WON D 101 101010 10 BD = = bt bi pt Best Bull Best as old Ball.. Best one year old Bull Best Bull Calf of 1868, age considered Best Cow Best two year old Heifer Best one year old Heifer 3 Best Heifer Calf of 1868, age considered 3 Best Yoke of Working Oxen 3 SHEEP lelessior. Best Aged Ram Best Shearling Ram Best Ram Lamb Best two Ewes Best two Shearling Ewes Best two Ewe Lambs COTSWOLDS. Best Aged Ram » 5 Best Shearling Ram . . Best Rem Lamb . Best two Ewes . ' Best two Shearling Ewes - . Best two Ewe Lambs SOUTHDOWN. | 3 3 3 3 3 £0 0 RO BO hO RO RO BO RO Wwe 20 2D 10 10 BO 20 enw 10 10 10 10 10 80 Best Ram Best two Ewes Best Ram Lamb Best two Ewe Lambs FAT SHEEP { Best two Fat Wethers 20 80 10 20 WO ft fd bt pd RO BO Best two Fut Ewes SWINE. i Best Rag Rug,not less than 1 yard square 1st 2nd 8rd | best Rag Carpet not less than 5 yards . Ladies Department.--Go Got tup Since Last Ex- i Best Made Gentleman's Shirt best Made Lady's Bonnet .... 0| best Made Lady's Dress ...... best Made Lady's Mantle or Cape 0 | best Made Child's Pinafore ...... best Made Child's Dress .... 1 | best Sample of hand stiching on linen. best Piece- Work Quilt Cees 1 | best Piece Crochet Work ...... 0 | best Fancy Knitting ~~ ...... best Fancy Netting 'ens 0 | best Embroidery on Muslin ...... best Silk Embroidery on cloth or silk .. 0 | best Braiding on Cloth or Silk 0 | best Berlin Wool Work (raised) o|best do do (flat) .... best German raised Work .... 0 best Tatting + cies one. best Ornamental Needle Work 0 best Fancy Leather Work ...... o | best Hat (Canadian straw) . 0 | best Hair flowers 0 | best Wax Flowers 0 best Wax fruit best Zephyr Flowers 0 | best Paper Flowers...... © | best Berlin Wool flowers 0 | best Fancy Basket ...... 0 | best Lady's Knitted Hood o | best do Cloud 1 | best Farmer's Wreath cess 11 Best Oil Painting . 1] best Painting in Water Colors best Flower Paintings ... 2| best Pencil Drawing. 1{ best Architectural Drawing best Crayon Drawing § | best Mapping 1 | best a Fancy Printiog-- Chromotype 1 Border not allowed 1 | best Specimen Plain Printing--Imprint not 1 allowed 1| best Collection of Likenesses by Dagucrrean Artists best Specimens of Dentistry oe Implements, 1 | Best Double Carriage 1 | best Single Buggy 1 | best Double pleasure Sleigh 1 | best Cuttsr 1 1 | best Wagon (Iron Axle) . 1 | best Wagon (Wood Ale) vet 1 | best Iron Plow ne 1 | best Wooden Plow best Double Mould: board P Plow best Turnip Drill i best get Iron Harrows .. r 1| best set Wooden Harrows oe 1 | best Fanning Mill os 1 | best Gang Plow i. .- 1 | best Pump iy ves 1 | best Scuffler hp 1 best Land Roller . best Turnip Slicer . . best Churn - . 1 | best Cheese Press . . 1{ best Straw Cutter . ' 1| best Horse Rake . . 1| best Grain Cradle . . 1{ best Set of Draining Tools . 1| best Washing Machine 0 best doz. Edge Tools a Augers best Chopping Axe best Panel Door . best Sash best Venetian Window 'Blinds best Side Sole Leather 0 0 1st 2nd | best Side Upper Leather : Best Boar, large Breed . . . 88 Best Sow, large breed . . 3 Best Boar Pig of 1868, large breed 2 Best Sow Pig of 1868, large breed «8 Best Boar, small breed . «3 Best Sow, small breed 3 Best Boar Pig of 1868, small breed 2 Best Sow Pig of 1868, small breed . 2 Grain, Seeds and Roots 1st Best 2 bushels of Fall Wheat . . 83 82 Best 2 bushels Spring Wheat . 3 2 Best 2 bushels Barley, common 2 1 Best 2 bushels Fall Barley 2 1 Best 2 bushels Oats, large white 2 1 Best 2 bushels Oats, common . 2 1 Best 2 bushels Peas, large 2 1 Best 2 bushels Peas, Small ' 2 1 Best 24 Ears Indian Corn in the Trace 2 1 Best Half Bushel White Beans «2 1 Best 10 1bs Turnip sced, Swedish ...... $2 81 Best une bushel Flax Seed ...... cess 3 1 Best one bushel Tares TA sess 2 1 Best one bushel Clover Seed...... ...... 2 1 Best one bushel Timothy Seed sane 2 1 Best 12 Tornips .... cone eee 2 1 Besl 12 Mangel Wartzels ...... .... 2 1 Best 12 Carrots, red... .... 2 3 Best 12 Carrots, white ...... .... 2 1 Beet 12 Blood Beets seer. ¥ 1 Best halfbushel of Onions aes 1 Best bag of Potatoes, Pinkeyes ~~ ...... 2 1 Best bag of potatoes, Cups ...... ese. 3 1 Best ingel tatoes, any other variety 9 1 Te Horticultural. : : st n Apples Winter] ...... eees $1 Apples [Summer] .... 1 Best fest Pears. ...... variety of Garden Vegetables 2 of flowers esse 1 of Greenhouse "Plants, not ELEY sees seen | masaan essess esses seesee esse vee a wows $0 ooo o0oe przsscess st, 2 gIgif 238388 23832828 $2 | best Calf Skin, Dressed . 2/{ best Doz. Druin Tiles 1 vest Pair Meu's Fine Boots (Calf skin)Sewed. 1] best Pair Men's coarse Boots(cow hide), Regd. 2 | best Pair Ladies' Fine Boots Sewed * 2| best Pair Ladies' Calf boots, laced and Peg' 1| best Collection of Boots and Shoes in G fe Show Case . best Set Farm Harness best set Carriage Harness 30d 3 best set Single Harness 1 | best Lady's Side Saddle (| best Gent's Saddle 0| best made Gentleman's Coat | best half Thousand Shingles 4 articles 0 3 best Spinning Wheel 0 best Spinning Wheel for Flax 0| Best Centre Table 0 | best Set Parlor Chairs 0 | best Bureau 0 | best Sofa L . 0{ best bedstead . 0 | best Buok-case and Secretary . 0 | best Set Bedroom Furniture . t 101bs. Maple Sugar 6lbs. Honey in the comb 50'bs. Wheat flour, Oatmeal 10lbs. Scatched Flax 6 Sheaves Flax in the Straw . Graining on Wood [EEL ~~ t Collection Metal Castings t Pair Turkeys t Pair Geese t Pair Ducks Pair Barn Yard Fowls (Large) Pair Barn-Yard Fowls (Small) mn exhibition ~ t Collection: Confectionary t Jar Fruit Preserved in Seger Jar Pickles . Jar Jelly . . t Loaf Bread £% HE £3 3rd 4 #4 for the for the third; and a prize of 150 88 for ho bout quarter of an acre of carrots, $2 for the 60 1|second, and $1 for the third. Exhibitors to pay am en- 50 1{ trance Tee ut the time of entry, of 50 cents to each class. Ei Ls of $1 entrance fee on each article, last day of the fair. on the evening oe the first day. OCC © pt ht kh ps © ot © Ft oh pt Bt hk Bd hy © Ot he OD Sono cow coco coo 223232323223888388888888888 8228888888888 Jt tp Sk pk pk Bd Pt BO pt pt mt RO BO BO 0 me NORD OO ROCIRORO RO LOCI LOCO Ls WO OW < ooo =R-- or o tt ps dt pt et DD et © et BORO NORD GO COCO BORO BO pO 10 BO BO RO 4m pt = i BO RO SEgsse:= 888888838883888 best Specimen Cooper Woik=not less than oOo © tt pi bt pm BO BO BO 3 288 Cabinet Ware. 888 BO 2D = += 10 BO BO co tk bt pk pe po Ss oS 888 M1scellansons, Coll, Bent Stuff for Carriages and Sleigh. perand Tin Ware Stove Furniture . Case Stuffed Birds, got wp since last Tt ph pt bt RD Bt ed nd bt pt pt DD Bt Pm pt Det BO BO bt et ggg288 22222882888888E Specimen of Horse 'Shoeing With Corke-- in all cases to be done on the gronnd Band of Music--open to North Outario 3 10 00 Prize of $6 wil} be given for the best acre of Taraips, WwW COCOD CO~OCPOmOOOOmM~OO: 3 ies may be made with the Secretary on or before the 5th of of October--if by letter, post paid. A prize of $5 will be given fur the best Reaping Ma chine; 85 for the best Mowing Machine; $4 for the best Drill, to the whole Domiuion, ¢ )} - 86 The Bands competing for Prizes ae to play on the grounds during' the second day of the exhi receiving the prizes are to play at' the" Conicert ander the auspices {the Society on the evening of the *, 3a The lady and gentlemen equestrians 0 be judged § 3 § § § 3% EVERYBODY! SHOULD KNOW | From the testimony of Uncle Joe and Aunt Betty, that the Cheapest place to buy groceries is at the CHEAP GROCERY, BORELIA. APPLES 60 Cents PER BUSHEL! A GOOD CIGAR FOR 2 Cts. Everything Cheap in Proportion! TEAS, RAISIN BREAD, SUGARS, CURRANTS, BISCUITS, TOBACCOS, OAKES," ORA OKERS, CONFECTIONARY, &c. LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HERRINGS, Oranges! LEMONS. : SARSAPARILLA BEER AND SODA-WATER. HAND LAMPS! VERY CHEAP! Highest Price Paid for Butte: & Eggs IT PAYS TO CALL AT THE CHEAP OASHSTORE ISRAEL POST. Borelia, May, 6, 1868. 39 SICN OF THE GOLDEN SAW! UXBRIDGE! Hardware ! TOVES, TIN, COPPER, and SHEET Iron Ware, Building Material, Grind- stones, Nails, Glass, Putty, Locks, Butts and Screws, Weights and Measures, Zinc, Bolts all sizes, Bells, Spades and Shovels, Axes, Edge Tools, Saws, Rasps and Files, Cutlery, Chains, Ropes and Oordage, Ma- chine and Burning Oils, Lamps, and Lan- terns, Cash and Work Boxes, Bird Cages, Spectacles and Cases, Fancy Pipes, Chil- dren's Carriages, Looking-Glasses, Toys, Picture Moldings, Baskets, Trays and Wait- ers, Satchels and Purses, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Patent Spinning Wheels, Horse-Rakes, Gates and Saw-Gummers. Fresh Field, Garden and Flower Seeds! FANCY GOODS, §c, §c. At H. THOMPSON'S, Tinsmith, &c., Uzbridge. Uxbridge, April 6th, 1868, 35 WHAT EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE! 2 00 | Existence being so uncertain, Various are the ways of fate, When death on life has drawn the curtain, 'Who would not prize their friends portrait. Then haste at once it is your duty, Get portrayed yourself and friends, While you've health in all its beauty, Think how very soon it ends, H. McKenzie, OULD inform the' people of this and neighboring vicinity that he has Opened a Picturg. Gallery IN PORT PERRY! in the building opposite the Rayal Canadian Hotel, on the first floor Above the Medical "Hall ! As ke has spared no expense and taken the greatest pains in fitting up the gallery, he feels himself competent to give entire satisfaction to all who may favour him with their patronage. Pictures of all kiuds and sizes finished in 0il, Water Colors, or India Ink. PHOTOGRAPHS, $2.00 PER DOZ, LETTERGRAPHS, 25 CTS, EACH ¢ Call and examine specitiens. H. McKENZIE, Artist. Port Perry, Feb. 5th 1868. 26 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. Dominion of Canada, } Tr the Comty County of Fork, Court County of York. In the matter of Jonx CrapEaxM Faw- cert, an lusolvent. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has filed in the office of this Court a deed of Composition and Discharge executed by his creditors, and that oa Taes- day the thirtieth day of June next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon as Counsel can be heard, he will apply to the Judge of the said court for a con! tion of the discharge hereby effected in his favour under the Said Act. JOHN CLAPHAM FAWCETT, Toronto, April 21st, 1868. PORT PERRY inform the public that he is now pared to build pe WAGGONS, Samm erpird &ec., &c., of the Latest best material, on the notice. 99. Repairing Prompily Altended to. constantly on hand. C. McKENZIE, Port Perry, Sept. > 1861. GEORGE FIELDS, Auctioneer, For the County of Ontario. All orders addressed to 3s_Goudweod P, A hat = Jan. 8, 1868. " Geseral Blacksmithing ! - I this place, the business in all i ried on as heretofore. Mill Work Done! ! 8 pi sig Horse- enced hands, Port Perry, Nov. 13, 186%, wr Carriage Shop. oY. HE SUBSCRIBER wishes to Al kinds of FANNING MILL SIEVES oF loft at the ¥Siaudard® Offfen, will be attended to. ¥ SUCCEEDING Mr. n Jomo, & Ph Subscribers ish to Denetal 1 ae able that its branches; will be car- 8981 '¥3 UAV 1@08T EVIE EEL IO OIYYLINO 40 ALNNOO 3HL1 NI Patent Hand Loom Eve Herein Bown, Ar Woor Pram Ororn, Dounie Prax Tweey Union Crom, various kinds of Rissep Goops, &c, ing an easy crank. weaving, address WORTHEN & BAKER Coaticook, P. Q: or Port Hope, Ont. March 24, 1868. 33-4w "The Victoria Hotel." MAIN STREET OAKWOOD. D. B. Dennison, Proprietor. AVING leased the above House for a term of years, the Proprietor will spare no efforts likely to conduce to the comfort of the travelling public. 3 Good Stabling and an attentive Hos- tler, Oakwood, March 10th, 1868. 81-tf NEW TAILOR SHOP!! IN PORT PERRY. i D PERKINS would inform the inhab- eo itants of Port Perry and surrounding Country that he has opened a new Tailoring Establishment nthe above-named town, where he is pre- pared to MANUFACTURE GARMENTS Substantially and Tastefully On the shortest possible notice and in the latest NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. His prices are very reasonable, and to those who favor him with their work every satisfaction is guaranteed. SHOP--over Shaw and Gordon's store, Queen Street. Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1866. 3-1y. THE MISSES J. 4 A..GIBSON MANTLE AND DRESS-MAKERS, ISH to inform the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity that they are prepared to meet all requirements in their line of business. BONNETS, FELT AND STRAW HATS Cleaned & Altered to the Latest Style. ¥3 Rooms Next Door to the Druggist, on Queen street. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1867. 8-tf Property for Sale. HE subscriber offers for sale thé south half of Lot No. 21 in the 1st con. of Brock ; the south half of Lot 14 in the 6th con. of the Township of Reach ; A STORE AND TAVERN situated on the south side Qucen street, in Port Perry, known as the Railroad Hotel, with half an acre of laud; and Lots Nos. 71 and 72 on the north side of Mary Street. Terms made known on application to NEIL SINCLAIR. Port Perry, Feb. 4, 1868. 26-3m. THE ONTARIO FARMER'S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. HIS Company To aw now fully organized, risks on Farm | TAILORING his sincere thanks to bis customers 'wishes to inform the neatness and despatch. THOS. BU Port Perry, May 2, 1867. 88 : J. A Whithy, Nov. 13, 1867. f i SLND NOISIALL OR Weaving Sarinsrr, Jeans, Bmps This Loom weaves a greater variety of Goods, with less power and more rapidity, than any other Loom in use by simply turn- For further particulars, and samples of Office, Orrics :--The old Registry Brock Bass Sve on Whit "- FAIRBANKS, Secretary. 'Whitby, July 10th, 1867. EL EMPORIUM! r| [PUB SUBSCRIBER, tn returning namerous and friends for past favors, Inhabitants of mn Er BROCK STREET, WHITBY. ing valuable Lands: cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres. concession of Scugog, containing 100. cession of Scugog, sontainfog 85 acres. concession of Scugog, containing 50 acres. terms of payment. the village rity. or W.M i COCHRANE, » Solicitor, Port Perry Port Perry, Aug, 20, 1866. "th 'Blacksmithing. public that he has OPENED A SHOP BORELIA, ceive the promptest attention. Manufactured and for sale cheap. Parties Indebted the 15th inst., and save costs. H, JOHNSTON. Borelia, Jan, 8th, 1868. k¢ a supply of Good Bread, Flour, Oatmeal ! DIFFERFNT KINDS OF CAKES! ackers, Biscuits & Confectionaries. TOYS IN GREAT VARIETY. 3 Fancy Wedding Oakes, nicely trim- med, are made to order, and reasonable in price. GEO. HEN LEY. Port Perry, Nov. 13, 1867. 2,000 Cedar Posts for Sale. Pree $5 PER HUNDRED. JOSEPH BIGELOW. . Port Perry, 22 April, 1867. 37 Land for Sale. HE above property is situated Scugog, and contains by admeasurement 2} There is a Frame House 26 by 30, with Driving Shed, and other improvements on the premises. tion to CHESTER COLTON. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1867. 6-3m GOOD N NEWS! NARCOTIC COTIC SPRAY , Applid jto th A, Gums, Producing Extrae T th Withont eis, a Inv mtd by Dr. Richardson of London, Eng BROOK STREET, tion or no Charge, and at Prices which Defy Comporetion: Ravsrexoss :--Rev. Dr. Shortt and H. P. Sp El Jos. Gould, Esq Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866. 16-41 Cabinet Maker, FAFEBR HANGER, ®C., - r-- bscriber In returain age tr as aa. Tih sumo Fiend sad parent of Montreal Ooean Steamship North Ontario, for past favors. re- a oa re Bites company rm y to take -- ! E-3 otographs, Canadian Line in . ke. om Phot to int iu the in the Proses, ir LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, yoda atic cutinptin of it to AND GLASGOW. visit Whitby -- GEO. YULE, Js. Agent, June, 6th, 1865. (Farms For Sale ! HE Subscriber offers for sale the follow- : ote Part of Lots No. 21, 23, and 33, in the 8th Concession of Whitby, containing 'nd,--Part of Lot No. 27, in the 9th Con- *3rd.--Part of Lot No. 11,in the 13th cession of Reach, containing 148 acres. 4th.--South half of Lot No. 4, in the 9th Bth.--Part of Lot No. 5, in the 11 con- 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 13th All the sbove are first class farms, well improved, and can be had cheap, upon easy Also s dasge nip SE > of Village Lots in Also a a, fs Lots in the town of Lindsay. Also any amount of money to loan at reasonable rates of interest on farm secu- For farther yasticulatys apply (prepaid) to HE Subscriber wishes to inform the Where all kinds of Blacksmithing will TRON HARROWS & WOODEN ROLLERS Are requested to call and settle on or before AGENCY TPE wudersh od Tan tpeiod an office fo t ral Sale of La £5 this and op ek a # the gear > nile in T E LOANING OF MONE | At Low Rates of Interest on Improved Farm Securities, INSURANCES EFFECTED! On all Classes of Property at Low rates of Premium, WE OFFICE--Bigelow's Block, adjoining the Royal Canadian Bauk, Port Perry. 1B. CAMPBELL. i Port Perry, Dec. 26, 1867. HARRISON MAW & SON, Contractors <i] PORT PERRY, RE prepared to contract for and ut up Buil ¢ all kin 5 A Brick, or Stone, and to finish them ff in the ne uh 8, Whether Wood . All the Most Modern provements, Parties requiring First Olass work done, will do well to give them s call, Plans and specifications made to order. HARRISON M i Port Perry "August 7th, 1866. ed = AW & oN. 3N The Port Perry Ware Houma] | N returning thanks to his numerous customers for their onage d nineteen years, the subscriber solicits a continuance of A geteuy §9 Suing he ase a MY STOCK CONSISTS OF Bureaus, Bedstea Table Chairs, Ora Launges, So fen Sideboards, as 2 Book jo 0) and several Sets of. adie, Furniture, and two Organs--one with siz stops, and one with two. They will answer for Church or Parlor purposes, and will be sold Chosp for Cash or approved credit. UNDERT ARING Done on the shortes ;notice. Coffins always on hand. Hearse at reasonable rate, J. W. DAVIS. PORT PER RY MILLSY THOMAS PAXTON«& Co, 4 1. MBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, PORT PERRY BAKERY. HE Subscriber wishes to inform the Public that he has always on hand Pickets, etc, ete: ALSO SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements, in the following Townships, vis. WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, S8CUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also & number of Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, WITH AXD WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. T. PAXTON. e PORT PERRY, August, | 1866. eC on Lot No. 23, in the Tth Concession of Tzrus easy, and made known on applica- Local Anemsthsia, For AT C. D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, UTXBRIDGHE! All Operations Warranted to give Satisfac- Rev.J. T. Pave JOHN NOTT, House, Sign, and Carriage Panter ! | UNDERTAKING attended to promptly. A first class Hearse furnished when Coffins of all | sizes kept constantly on hand. |CHARGES MODERATE ! | wwaNTED, 5000 Fezr or Borrae 207 Lowpes, 1 ONT A FIC 1 100 Tus ov Bag Borelis, May 8th 1866, 30 + * 3. Regs spree he Dash of Yo ASSENGERS going to England, treal--over | Fielding ond Co's or Ireland, can have Tickets, rien SF Barb and a cee forms' a i| Store, made to Order. : Foe YLETT & HUTCHISON. A. MOORE & SONS; MASONS & AINE, Port Perry, Ontario, Wwe to inform the public that they are prepared to do ail kinds of LATHING AND PLASTERING, and every description of HOUSE, SIGN, & CARRIAGE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, &c., XI on reasonable terms. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1868. 28-6m, BOOTS and SHOES. HE Subscriber is desirous of informing his friends and the public that he hss T received a well assorted stock of LADIES, GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR! Consisting of Calf, Kidd and Prunella Gaiters and Heavy Wear of all kinds, which will be found TO ANY IN THE MARKET. war A Lot of No. 1 Spanish Sole for Sale, Cheap for Cash. "@k Repairing Promptly Attended to. Terms Moderate. Produce taken in Exchange. { The Highest Price in Cash for Hides, Calf & Sheep Skins, H. FOY. Port Perry, Oct, 24, 1867. 3 - HARMONIUMS. = Nos. 148, 185 & " YONGE Sr, T or Musical Instruments. or Can be b; ying at this Office, 1 the same x Price as at i Orders re fi ol in Port Perry, Nov. 31st, 1866. - GR : TE JOSEPH BIGELOW, - MANUFACTURER AND DEALER wy In Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Flour Bar Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. ~~ % A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS. AT ALL TIMES! Also Rroprieror of Port Perry Sash and Door Factory. Face planing, Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Moulding, done on the sho-test notice Port Percy ugust, 10th, 1866, EQUAL IN STYLE & QUALITY Ils

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