| plains of being hot. | up to 105 or 105. He "runs" at the noses interviews ley and remedies for Dorey vil has become epidemic. Chronicle says ymptoms-~You may. be. walking alang the street, wher Sng} You are ull of pain from head to foo Next the tient begins to shiver. Then lie com- 'His pulse may go There is a deep, hoarse, unsalisfying cough that hurts in the region of the breastsbone. Sometimes there is a rash. What to do--Go to bed at once. Send far the doctor; A little salicylate" of soda, of some acelate of ammonia; or | ammonialed quininé, may be adminis- {tered. "The diet should be light and 'nutritious, : SOME IMPORTANT "DON'TS." Promptness is cverything when in- fluenza' has to be tackled. Therefore, on the détection of any of the foregoing of symptoms, the following "Don'ts "may use my onial if ho Ton wish. * I rem "hs. MBE Prancsn Bt. Acxes: coum. very mother, every father who rs ie ben and 'well-being of thelr chil- will always have Collsfoote in the me as an. éver-ready physician and . All up-to-date dealers, for 25¢, upply: you with "The litle princess, Victoria Louise cf 'Prussia, was playing with her friends che day, and longed for some new, ori- 'ginal play. ' All the old games were worn out and xhausted. If only they could think of something quite different! Her serene ighness considered 'the matter serious- 1¥ unlil a novel idea occurred to her, and she cried with 'enthusiasm: "We will play poor people! Let us play that we are poor, frightfully poor, #¢ poor that we have only two lackeys!' -- THE LATE DR. LAPPONL 'Death Has Removed a Distinguished Physician and a Man of Rare Courage. In the death of Dr. Lapponi, physi- ~eian lo the Pope, a personage has been iemoved from - life's scene who was cely less-known throughout the world (han the pontiffs. whom he 'min- istered unto, He was a wonderful man ell as a 'distinguished physician.-- awa Free Press. may be added that Dr. Lapponi 5 a man of rare courage, 'He had Rifear of that bughear known 85 pro- pnal eliquette. © When he found ng good 'in a medicine he did ale to say so {o the world. He this when he wrote the Dr. Wil- 5 A ois "strongly endorsing their celebrated Pink. Pills for Pale People as a cure for anemia (blopdless- es and certain neryous disorders. In interests of the thousand who suf- fer from anemia, nervous disorders and kindred troubles, it is werth- while Jepublishing Dr. ~Lapponi's letter, as %1 certify that I have {ried Dr. Wil: simple anemia of development. of treatment, the result For opinion of the ms' Pink Pills al t go au- I pub- |. come all-important : Don't kiss the children: Don't delay going to bed. Don't attempt to walk down. Don't forget to send for the doctor. Don't take a cold or even a hot bath. Don't use any alcoholic stimulants. Don't eat a heavy meal. Don't associale with the family. "Generally speaking," said the doctor lo a representative, "it will be necessary to remain at least one week indoors. The temperature ought to fall on the fourth day, and after that the * atlack usally takes three or four days to sub- side, "The patient should then go away for six or seven days to a carefully selecled resort. Above all things. anything in the nature of feeding up should be avoided, "In nearly all cases influenza is fol- lowed by severe physical and mental de- pression, a condition that needs careful Ireatment. Every melancholic is a po- tenlial suicide, so that bright surround- dings in the convalescent stage are im- portant, "Therefore to successfully attack in- fluenza bear in mind two points : 1. Go to bed at once. 2. Always call in the doctor. "Do this, and influenza is shorn of nearly all ils terrors. The doctor is in- dispensable, because many phages of the disease are difficult to distinguish from other diseases. The greatest dan- ger {o be guarded against is pneu- monia. I've seen scores of cases of in- fluenza complicated with pneumonia; I've only seen one recover. HOW TO ESCAPE IT. "So. much for the actual attack. To those who wish to do all that is possible to escape 1 would say : 'Don't frequent theatres, concerts, churches, or car- riages with closed windows. Remember the bacillus is in the air. Observe these precautions, maintain a high standard of health, and you may escape.'" One word more. It often happens (hat nervous patients bring upon them- selves, and their friends much unneces- sary, anxiety by failing to distinguish be- fween 'an allack of influenza and an ordinary cold. The distinction should be quite easy. to make. A Cold.--A cold is catarrh of the upper air passages. It 15 not sudden, and there is no high temperature. The subsc- quent depression is nil. Jnfuenza.--There is nearly always a high 'lemperature with influenza. The depression is considerable, © © © 0 lft 2 the attack " THE CARE OF A BABY. A baby that does Jot eat well and sleep well, that ig _cheerful and playful needs aitentio , or the result may be serious. Stomach and bowel troubles make childrer. cross and sleep- , but dose of Baby's Own Tablets n cures the trouble, the child sleeps d nat lly. and wakes: ( Smiling Mrs. J. E. Hap rapt r by mail Dri Wik "Broo ille, "Ont. a Japan, which wastes nothing in its | domestic . economy, ,, realizes Since of the he iyo dapancae. conn Ei Ee ctured 5 The traveller sees bundles of dried-sea-. b waier with the A salt of Fi is pers of London "pont ; b wink Pat was j 'since she "Was. two ma "land they have kept her the picture of | V8 5 good, health." "You can get Baby's Own a dantioes out the EE effects of "medicines containing um or other injurious ous drugs. ag, 95¢c,--~at drug-stores, 4 Cures' Nationa] Brug & Chem Diarrhoea ica. TIME ALTERS ALL THINGS. Dr. Russel. H. Cornwell; pastor of the Baptist Temple in Phila- delphia, in a leclure delivered in New Haven not long ago predicted wonder- ful progress in rapid transit facilities in the near future, and at the. same lime deprecated the slowness of pre- sent railroad travel. To illustrate this point Dr. Cornwell story of a woman who was lravelling with her child. The train was delayed bs; many tiresome and seemingly un- necessary stops, and when the conduc- tor was collecting fares the woman re. fused to pay for her little girl. "That child is old enough to have her fare paid," said the conduclor very sternly. * "Well, perhaps she is old -enough now," replied the woman, "but she wasn't when the train started." --_-- SGALDED BY BOILING FAT COULDN'T USE HAND FOR A MONTH. Zam-Buk Gave Instant Relief. An accident in a Toronto home the other day might have had very serious consequences had it nol been for Zam- Buk. Miss Martha Green, of 9 Clare- mont St., in taking a pan of boiling fat from the oven spilt it over her right hand. "The boiling fat ran into the palm of my hand." she says, "and over all my fingers. You may well imagine the agony 1 sufféred in consequence. The hand became swollen, and large blisters formed all over the palm and along the fingers. For over a month I was un- able to use the hand at all. I tried several kinds of salves and liniments, but the wound seemed apparently no betler. About this time I was advised ty stop using all other preparations and apply Zam-Buk instead. The very first application soothed my hand and mation; and.as 1 kept on using Zam- mation; and as 1 kept on usnig Zam- '| Buk the blisters gradually dried up and disappeared. In a very shorl time the scald was healed completely." Zam-Buk is equally effective for burns, culs, bruises, abrasions, spmins and stiffness. Il also cures eczema, ulcers, sores, blood poison, ringworm, scalp sores, chronic wounds, acne, black- heads, pimples, cold sores, chapped hands, and all skin diseases and in- juries, Rubbed well on 'we chest, in cases ol cold, it relieves the aching and tightness, and applied as an embroca- tion it cures rheéumalism, sciatica, neur- algia, etc. All druggists and stores sell Zam-Buk at 50c. a box, or it may be ob- tained from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50. in OBEYING DOCTOR'S ORDERS. In a lage boarding-house there lived two. Englishmen and an Irishman, who were ver. y friendly. One 'night, after the Irishman had gono to bed, his friends were very sur- prised to hear a noise, which sounded as if Pat was laking a run round his bedroom for exercise. They took no notice, and the follow- ing night the same noise look place. The third night, however, Pal seemed be ay skipping round and round, the i "His friends, Being curious to know Boing. 'went up 0 his ee ng them poor tna Teo him, * down: pparently breathless, and heh out in short Eiping sentences: Lhe] ot to jake me anedicine. | oe i me 6 UBL fo nights and" Ee ight, and ain't 1 I" just rollowing. his directions?" | THE RAVAGES OF RUEUNATISN 2. na, Davis, a resident of Ab- J has has Droved how / wonderfully in cases. of rheu- effect She says: "I had aun Fa and dobitky. an and great | weariness. In October came a crisis. 1 was rendered Sompletely, helpless by "the 's ey "For d work, and ol person from | B Mothers' Ire Prevents | colic and vomiting--gives healthful rest a the famous |" told an amusing | Some, eaviee 1 went into hospital, where 1 re- Im. e vot les, fabricsand p SE men and "Health and Vigor depend upon the quality and quantity 'of he ond." Humanitarian. Dr. Carson' s Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood Purifier. Price 50 cents per Bottle. ou are Dot able to obtain it in your on ood, we will send to any ad- dress Bork bottles upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR (800. per bottle) carriage Pamphtet sont FREE on application, The Carson Medicine Company §7 Wellington St. West, Toros) CABBY IN PETTICOATS. Varvara Smolianoff, who drives a cab in Moscow, is the only woman licensed driver in Russia. Her father, a cabman, lost his life in trying to save that of the police-sergeant, and the authorities thereupon transferred his license to his daughter, in whose cab many ladies like lo ride. btn A Tonic for the Debilitated. Parme- lee"s Vegetable Pills by acting mildly but thoroughly on the secretions of the body are a valuable tonic, slimulaling the lagging organs to healthful action and restoring them to full vigor. They can be taken in gradualed doses and so used that they can be discontinued ai any time without return of the ail- ments which they were used to allay. SHOULD LOOK ON THE HANDLE. Parks : "This wmnbrella I am carrying is a present." Marks : "Who to" A Little Loss of flesh, a little obstinate cough and a little pain in the chest are signs that must not be neglected. Allen's Lung Balsam loosens the cough and effects a cure without a grain of opium. Taking all the ear round, the coldest, hour of the twenty-four is five o'clock in the morning. Better without a Stomach than with one that's got a constant "hurt" to it. Dr. Von Btan's Pineapple Tablets stimu- late the digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of life and leave no bad effects--carry them with you in your vest pocket. 60 in box, 35 cents.--48 In the British Museum is an adver- tisement of a reward for a runaway slave. The "ad" is written on papyrus, and is some 3.000 years old. It was ex- humed form the ruins of Thebes, To Prevent is Beiter than to Repent. A little medicine in the shape of the wonderful pellets which are known :s Parmelee"s Vegetable Pills, administered at the proper time and with the direc- tions adhered to offen prevent a serious atiack of sickness and save money which would go to the doctor. In all irregularities of the digestive organs' they are an imvaluable corrective and by cleansing the blood they clear the skin of imperfections. Tom--"1 always hate to pass a jewel ler's shop 'when I'm walking with Blanche." Dick--"l "never pass one." Tom--"Get out! - How do yon manage it?" Dick--"1 don't manage it; she ces. She always insists As upon going inf" + Oh, ship on SERRE Loh a he sored Laird 3 "Well, Sandy. you are gelting very bent. Why don't you stand straight up like me, man?" ndy : "Eh man, de you see that field o' corn ower there?" | Laird: "I do." Sendy: "Weel, yell notice that the full heids hang down, an' the empty' ones stand tand up." The Prastdent a ae te Catarrh--D. T. plea nen | or "with Ontonic On. € en 'for . months a _rheum od he mid | And Weaver's yeu make short work af all blood | 15 SE ) ly upon wen he T00 MANY ILLITERATES A GREAT MANY ARE GOING INTO THE UNITED STATES. The Number of Lower European Immi- grants Is Increasing D Rapidly. The report recently issued hy ome cf the secretaries at the British Embassy, Washing'on, on "Immigration into the piled States" forms interesting read- ng It shows the enormous increase tha! has taken place from year to year and the remarkuble change in the character immigration during the last two de- cades, Last year 1,026,499 were admil- ted, and of these by far the majorily consisted of the lower Eurcpean races, mostly illiterales. The largest numbers were Jews, Poles and Italians. The bet- ter class of immigrant has dwindled from an annual average of 389,572 in 1885 to 158,620 belween 1900-5. British-Canadian immigration, it says, seems now a thing of the past. The tide has turned, and a good class is be- ing atlracted to the north-west of Can- ada from Northern American States. The infix of Hebrews dnd Poles is having a fremendous influence on Am- erican public feeling. These underbid the current price of labor, their standard of living is low, and they perpetuate the slum. "They do not make citizens," says the report. TO KEEP OUT UNDESIRABLES. Several recommendations have been made to prevent this rapid increase of undesirable immigrants. It has been proposed lo raise the present tax cf 8: to 85, $10 $50 or even $100. An- other proposition is to exclude all aliens unable to read and write, as it is from this class the criminal records are swelled. They have, as a rule, criminal inclinations and small resources, in ad- dition to which the inability to read takes away the most powerful factor 'n assimilation, In the Slates there are those who hold that too many people are coming in, and that thelr numbers nust be limit ed somehow. And other judges consider that it is impossible to receive too many {if they are of the right class. This is just ihe point. At the present time the "undesirables" are predomin- aling, and the problem is how to keep up a sufficient supply of immigrants and at the same time maintain the tigh slandard of former years. This is also a question which may af- fect Canada in the near future. Il is f the very highest importance to develop British emigration to Canada. --_-- There is Only One Eclectric Oil--\\V'hen an article, be it medicine or anything el<e, becomes popular, imitations invari- ably spring up to derive advantages from the original, which they them- selves could never win on their own merits. Imilations of Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil have been numerous, but never successful. Those who know the genuine are not put off with a subsli-| {ute, but demand the real thing. The bones and muscles of the human body are capable of over 1,200 dillerent movements, If You are Nervous and irritable, take "Ferrovim," the great nerve and blood tonic; you will be a new person by the time you have used a bottle. $1.00 bottles. NI dealers. Father: "Ah, Tommy, you don't know when you are well off. 1 wish I were a boy again!" Tommy (who had recent- ly "been chastised): "So do I. Littler than me, too I" Patience : "When I was young I had at least fifty offers for my hand." Patrice: "Those were what you might call your palmy days, I supose." "Regular Practitioner -- No Result."-- Mrs. Annie C. Chestnut, of Whitby, was tic vietimi, but South American Rheumatic Cure changed from "despair" to "joy.," She ered | ntold mise. from Cure oured me--reliet two DOS ae the first dose."'--50 eis "Now," said Popley, "I don't propose to have that burglar alarm' in our room.' We'll rig it up down in the hall." "But," protested his wife, "we wouldn't hear it and wake up when it goes off." "Nei- ther will the baby." Use the safe, pleasant and effectual worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator; nolhing equals it. Procure a boltle and take il home, "Where does Lucia get her beautiful Iden hair from?" "From her father." s he blonde?" "Ne, | he is+a chemist!" indeed, "Mood wll tl wbon Motches mark the re skin. Weaver's Corate Ca WHEN THE DISEASE LET GO. An old man was just recovering from am tion, and as he lay regainin snes" 'he 'heard" the doc! fo a nurse; regarding some porte lo be. giv him, If, one every hour is' 100 id Fheyold tleman ps Bi clbow and sad: 0c, tire ving him (the dog, fabs in) a hy the floors and' €4 'thot "finally, she 'made. her take: the town That after ve him: a hdlf-one every hai | higgs |. that reminds 'me of a- "mai 14 | mat i hnd'a Newfoundland doy, His COON, OF OREN USES kit 11s ar For Colds and A Letter From The Ex-Governor ot . Oregon. STATE OF OREGON, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. The Peruna Medicine Co,, Columbus, Ohio. Dear Sirs,--1 have had occasion to use your Peruna medicine in my family for colds, and it proved to be an excel lent remedy. 1 have not had occasion (o use it for other ailments. Yours very truly, W. M. Lord. It will be noticed that the Governor says he has not had occasion to use Peruna for other ailments, The reason for this is that most other aliments begin with a cold. Using Peruna promplly colds, he protects his other ailments. This is what every other family in the United Stales should do. Keep Peruna in the house. Used Pe-ru-na relieve against to family in the Family Eight Years. Mrs. Josephine Gillen, 345 Morris St, Portland; Ore., member Patrons of Hus- bandry, writes : "Peruna has proven itself of such un- lold value to us that we are glad to give it due prase. We have had it in the home for more than eight years. "It restores health in a few short weeks, takes away headaches and back- aches, increases lhe appetite and re stores lost nerve force. It is a specific for colds and catarrh." Mr. Hiram A. Stiles, Middleton, Mass., who has reached the age of 82 years, writes : "I have taken several bottles of Per- una with good results. I cheerfully re- commend it lo all who are afflicled. "As a cure for catarrh and a tonic for general debility it is scldom equalled." Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1907. LEANING 4 "en e ADIES'... ™ oie LADI! perfectly by our French Process. Try ib BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00, WONTREAJ, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUEBEO ov ca Curate--"I hear you brake a chair over your husband's back during a quarrel you had last night." Parishioner--"Yes, sir." "Aren't you very sorry for what you've done?' "Yes, sir; the chair was us good as new." Time tries all things, and as Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup has stood the test of years it now ranks as a leading specific in the treatment of all ailments ot the throat and lungs. It will soften and subdue the most stubborn cough by relieving the irritation, and restore the affected organs to healthy conditions. Use will show its value. Try it and be convinced of its efficiency. "You know Jones, who was reputed so rich? Well, he died the other day, and the only thing hc left was an old Dutch clock." "Well, there's one good thing about it; il won't be much trouble to wind up his estate." ITOH, Mange, Prairie Bcratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 3 minutes by Wol- ford's Banitary Lotion. It never fails. "Szo | Miss Mary, dey tell me dat you shall tell my gharacter by my handt!" "Well, to begin' with, youre a Ger. man--" "Achl ii. is vonderful I" y Heart was Thumping my Life ) out mother ng. After trying man) efit, ax bottles o She eart resto pe! - ° frat gave a instant relief, " n a day suffering ceased altogether. Ants have brains larger in proportion ta the size of their bodies than any other living creature. Have you tried Holloway's CornCure? Iv has no equal for removing these troublesome excresences as many have testified who have tried. it. ) AND IT WON'T TELL. Some well-meaning people go on he slage to 'elevate: it and make it good. Others, with the best of intentions, tail pake good" on 'the sta "4glill "others, after a little: Bx perience; re he ® Sage for: goad. LN Se to *