anges i we amt +2 °° CARNEGIE BROS. FOR SARELIABLE STOVESwns Mational Ranges Imperial Oxford Ranges Peninsular Ranges McClary's Pandora in all sizes. Clare Bros. PT. We handle the Famous and eo Hecla See them. CARNEGIE BROS. AR RIA SRR IRs Sant Pasay AA mn and Sunshine Furnaces. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Is thoroughly equipped in every way. We repair every kind of Spectacle or Eyeglass Frames, supply new parts when necessary, fit new frames to old lens or vice versa and duplicate broken lens if the piecés are sent to us. We fill Occulists' Prescriptions accurately and supply anything in the optical line, "Allison's Drug and Book Store Marriage Licenses Issued. Reach Council. "I'he initial meeting of this Couu- cil for 19o7 was held in the hall at Manchester on Monday the 14th of January. Present, the Reeve, W. Crozier, Deputy "Reeve, Thomas Zambe, Councillors J. Graham, A. Jeask and .J. Marks. After the administration of the oath of quali- fication aud of office the reeve took the chair, and the business of the ..year was begun. The minutes were read-and approved, . Bydaws _ were duly introduced and. , making the following appointments. for the _yeer :--As- séssor, Wm. Stovin of Greenbank ; "Auditors, Johu Crozier and Jolin Murray. Member of the Local, Board of Health, D. L. Wilkiauis) Sanitary Inspector, John J: Doble Medical Health Officer, Dr. Mel. low of Saintfield. + It was Secided that the regular the council shall be held as 06 the + on the second Monday of eact 'month at eleven pointing Daniel Enghsh assessor for 1907 at a salary of $46. By-law No. 485 was introduced by Councillor Bruce and passed, ap pointing Arthur Vancamp and Fred Hyland auditors at a salary ot $0. By-law No. 486 was introduced by Councillor Jobb and passed, ap- pointing Samuel Jeffrey a member of the Board of IMealth. The other members of thiz Board are: Robt Philp and W. J. Holmes, By-law No. 487 was introduced by Councillor Honey and passed, appointing Dr. Harris medical health officer without salary. Some discussion took place re- garding the repeal of the by-law relating to the bonus on wire fence+ Councillor Byers stated that §t 407 had been paid in bonuses in two years. It was finally agreed tc leave the .question of the repeal of this by-law to be settled at the March meeting of the council Upon motion of Councillor Jobb and Brucc the County Counc was requested to commit Henry Tooley to tic County House of Refuge. An order for $3 was drawn in favor of each of the members of thr Board of Health Mr. Holmes received 50c. tional for Liorse hire. An order for $5 was al:odrawn in favor of Wm. Beacock, secretary of the Board of Health, After other routine business the addi- Ellis, one of "Toronto's leading undertakers. : On Scugog, on Sunday, Jan. 13th, council adjourned. The citv of Kingston. Jamaica. has been visited by a severe earth- quake. Hundreds of peop!: La~ beeen injured and many |i led, Mr. D. M. Steadman, who has been with M. Stonehouce, under- taker, during the fall and winter has accepted a position with Harry CRESOLENE, ANTISEPTIC TABLE: plo aud effective remedy for SORE "THROATS "AND COUGH! SLT EER Lr Ce BE need Tome DIED. ry Toma, infant daughter of 'Mt. and Mrs. Chas. W. Ger- ¥ ins ite" Fallow od? present scason Has been a siresttous row, aged six months. bi Fe pee ree TRAPPERS IN HIN ON A "we "Number ¢f 'Canadians. ! Ire WANTED. I The hides of mind, fox. skunk, ¥ : muskrat, and vi tho individual who sible stx traps fiom Deer Creek by the "Century Onde Worm Flot Ea a a a a LS The foregoing little printed 'enta aba ture from a' wes she:zt published dwn In thé fur belt serves to show that the one for the Ontario fur hangs 5, 5alsp, we may Infer that with ths trator sometimes there are occasions when | "turbearance" ceases {6 be a virtue, says The Toronto Star. 53 "The erop of carly rose, ntght-hloon™ ing, polecats, muskrats, 'mink, mniolées' and raccoons has been a very genorous one this ear, and farmers sons haye earned conzlderable tobacco money bY trapping and shooting the fragrant skunk and his ik, "The crops -¢f all these skins, excepting mink, have becn very plentiful. The mink has fétdacn quite 5) much In evidence, but "Even the old reiiable skunk is not extinct. The old style of trapper; with the smoke-tanned trousers, hound's. cary cap, and long barrelled gin, is rapidly becoming superseded "by the firmer's son. The most typleal of the old style trappers yet remaining is Trapper John Smoke, who makes his rendegvous down in Norfolk County. John occa- sionally gets "the big mink," but his vocation Is not so remunerative das in former days. 'There wuz a time," complains Trap- per 8moke, as he puffs on .a pipe about the size of an inkstand. "There wuz a time w'en I k'd set me: traps all along the cricks in quietness and peaceness, but now somebody is sure to steal 'em. T'e farmers' boys ketch all 'the fur on their prop'ty an' there's none enny more to ketch enny way." A great deal of good home fur fis found down in Southern Ontario, near the lakes. A great proportion of. the fur is that of skunk and muskrat. The kittenish little skunk when in good condition, and of a black hue, brings about $2. Poorer grades bring 75 cents or a dollar, There, ars many. skunks to be found in the western pen- insula of Ontario, and there is a great demand for our skunk in Germany and old London. The demand is greater than the supply. The muskrat or musquash is found in generous numbers around the water- ways of the province. Floods last year made trouble in thelr steam-heated apartments, and many rat families were drowned. "Rats" cannot be trapped af- ter the ice comes, but as the freesing up this winter was so late many have been caught down in .the southern counties, With the furriers the skins are known as "Baltic seal." Muskrats are getting up In price. Thousands of these furs are now used in lining gentlemen's and ladies' coats. Somewhat of a novelty In furs, an dll-muskrat coat, was seen on a gentleman in Yonge street Ahe other day, and as a plece of fur art was commendable. Mink flourishes everywhere. The tar is durable, and when properly made up, rivals the Russian sable. The best mink furs come from the vicinity tan- gent in Lake Superior. A god mink skin in the raw brings about Other qualities of mink de- scend in value to about $2. ee Oulside of Chatham, there are places wheid ocoons may be freely "hunted, Raccoons are found in wooded districts and they produce suitable 'fur for handsome and durable : scarfs 'and miiffs. Canadian 'coon is the best 'coon, and is worth from $2 to $2.50 each for first-class hides. 'Coons are also used a great deal' in the cartoonist's profess sion. é"poores class of 'ogon" akin brings about 75 cents. here is & bush in Nsrth Toronto, a ¢ertaln portion of bush near the Don River, a' district mear Eglinton, and a Locaity neBr Peterboro', Where "oooms rao low Bad: the silver fox---do you get any" "We have to get the aflver fox from the Yukon now, He'is a 'rare An | Ontario 'we get plenty. of red 4 'a cross between red and- black -- "The hunting of the maltese cat is { profitable. Thousands. of maltése. hides are used 'in lining coats. This sort of lining Is much used in England. Se emaks# & $904 ning, and nas, little. odor; hii "The Goyernment has - few years a restriction on and of otter. and i RRIIRRN oO store tpn aid (5 M 1 Ladies' Fur-lined. Jacket.. 1 Blue Wolf Stole and Muff . Grey Squirrel Scarf ....... Persian Paw Stole and Muff. 1 Alaska Coon Ruff.... i 1 Alaska Sable Ruff...... 1 Alaska Sable Ruff...... RRR RII RR PERRI tessa nue 1 Electric Seal Caperiffé.,....vevevuierieisectriivnsinernennnense,s 1 Astrachan Caperine .vo.. .oeviiieiirreeees virneereariscsnnnns T Seal Ruff eueeoeiiinniieeeeoonenrncerannrosonncannecnnosenasnns 1 Natural Oppossumy Ruff eee. voveniuneisinioseeeniinrioansennnns 1 Otter Dyed Mitskrat Muff. ....0oveiereniiinnreriniiiernsrnnsens 1 Gent's Persian Lamb Collar .... ...ivuivinninreeinneennsensioes 1 Gent's Astrachan Collar ...oviveeeeerinineeecosonsonsessanss'esss 1 Men's Coon Coat cvv.eeiioessosnsacaenerraessososoeosniosnnssas 2 Men's Australian Buffalo....c.iiuiiieecicesrerocrsasientrncingas ? China Dog Coat, siden teiear eset aise neassaacttnantaas sirens ne sega Peas ssr are sass sare ts aaa te denscbroncavensennnn sree tees qccrs esas ansen 1 Red Fox Ruff and Muff oo. ioe iti nieedsevnnsmnonnne. onnnen 1 Alaska Co0n SOE, + «+r s soreness een ¢ I I "eters racers inners veseasensse 1 Ladies' Fur-liled Jacket .ovvieeeeeenensinrecviotaensnssannsioone :.1 Lynx Stole.and Muff eerie ieee ie rede es 1 White Thibet Stole and Muff. ... cu vieeeenneesenreusennsoennreen Sees ecesstneuce ane sree sec sess snr ne oe 1 Grey Squirrel Stole nn 3 CONEY StOIES tauren poonreaneeeeeseeecnsnnnnas 1 Alaska Coon Ruff seuevueeinninonaernrioieiitanenssovanaennns 1.Isabella Coon Stole and Muff cvevvivvnnn viiinnnennnnes 2 Grey Lamb Caperines s.uvuveeeeiniueiiinnniieeneanennnoeninens 1 Sable Opposum Ruff. vuueevnanniniineiiuinnivnneenn. tessa s an sees sec isan tees veRe acres ts crest seve conan sees eeesus anes secs cece ssay 1 Astrachan Blouse, sable trimmed; 137 vase Hier esis «ess Was §a7 50 sale pe _ 1 Astrachan Jacket, sable trimmed ..... 1 Near Seal Jacket, Alaska Sable trimnted 47 50 60 00 50.00 20 00 22 00 19 00 17 00 15 00 25 00 35 oo 15 00 10 00 15 50 15.00 13 50 6 oo '8 50 10 00 15 00 12 00 16 00 7 80 5 00 13 00 6 50 50 00 25 00 20 00 "Also a few Ladies' and Gents' Caps at a big discount. "A. Ross & Son x RRR OM OBO OP H8Bw Bd You So the meaning of this headline. = You Kio: it fieans the banner bargain A event of the yéar in which the mighty dollar travels long distances. Read the answer in the following paragraphs, then come round and investigate. Dp A 030 0H On ©B Hu El 888288 - 188888%88458888 Jamieson' $ Livery Up-To-Date Livery Turnouts Having evtensively added to my stock of horses-as well - as convey- ances of the 'latest type of comstruc- tion for comfort and Pleasure, in a postion to meet the requirements of the most fastidous as to style and! Jesirable quippage in every. respect] Jon every = suitable for private! driving, weddings, | funerals, . elc: Parties wishing an: 'afterioon drive can have their choice of suitable] double or single rigs' and' carefal drivers rill also be supplied when required. Phone 2., Jamieson & Dennison re PORT PERRY MARKET. in GRAIN AND SEEDS prvi 0 08 Tank}