McClary's Pandora in all sizes. We indie the Pambus Hecla aod Sunshine Furnaces. F) CARNEGIE BROS. You Can't Do Better So Keep tight, on Buying goods at Monet's s Canined Peds and Corn. iui. fy. 3 cans for 25¢. I Tomatoes .... Another eB eE vee new stock. of Rubbers and Overshoes arrived. per can 10c, just : y 4 A stew Jot of Men's Heavy Socks just in. We have reduced all our Shaef wear, Now is the time to buy at WwW. GQ. MONET'S At Canton, Ohio, the infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred. F, Murray, On Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, 1907, Sarah Gladys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "Johu Plowihan, of Scugog, aged 4 fonr-and-a-half months. BLACKSTOCK The Aunnal : Convention of the Cartwright Township Sunday Béhool Association was held in the Metho- diss Church, Blackstock, on Friday, 25th Jan, Devotional exercises werd conducted by ex-president J. M, Emmerson. In' the absence; through affliction, of president WW, OC. Ferguson, J, M. Emmerson was requested to take the chair, The réport of Secretary P. Wright showed the Association to be in good See them: i i. AE weeks ago to lose his far ings by fire, and he hi resolved to dispose of his stoc an 'implements, and everything offered at this sale will go. without: Perry, was held in their 'hall pn : ddy evening, Jan'y 28th, when the officers for 1907 were duly. by D..D.G.M A (editor and proprieto of 't dian' Statesman, Bowmanville), as- sisted by the following Warriner. Lodge ; es S$ Yelland; J. tee! Follow) are the. led :--Dr. D. Geo. Kilpatr Reka, cKnight, cher; Ward; 3 financial standing,' though '80106 | schools are not upto the standard. The Sunday School lesson for Jan, 27th was tavght. by Mr Ge W. Clarks, Millbrook, presid Ontario Sunday School Associa sio 'made the losson very Serr : ing, 'and' gave the teachers some good pointers on teaching Bible les- sons. ; No range can bake so well ¥ as the Imperial Ox- pHond, because no other the Diffusive ; og nominating committes, the meet. 3 rel Mr exercises by Kev. R the vis An address was given by Rev. B. Greatrix, 'Port Perry, on: "Object | Lesson for. Children," which was {very instructive, eapectelly' to the children, A solo by 'little 'Miss Scott was highly apprecidted: ; 'An address by Rev, Mr, Wicket, Seugag, on'! Teachers' Three fold Preparations' was well received. Round Table Conference, con: Tan, ter the collection, a al. eshments, ; Dee; The Jeper adjourned 10 the. shessment or Doubt, R. MK igh ie and 8. Yelland, "Trustees :~Bro 1 H. Doubt and ¥ AY the 'conclusion': lation ceremony Be very ye add deaths in pti Bro*