he Storm," '| 7. Dialogue, ** 8. Chorus by the Division, ut aguin after Miss L. Vickery, our school teach. 2 08 HE with fa grippe, and Mss IL, Orehérd is teaching in her place. 45 Mr. T. Dewey has finished -draw- r which we know will interest » SKIRTS, CORSET . + |e STooms ; g ;-also, a | tie stable and: rden well stocked with fruit. 'Lot Al, of Lilla-st., Porl Mrs, J. THomas, Stone FOR "is now vi large |. ing sand tor his pew barn, 'We are glad to bear that Mrs 8. Griftin is improving r, Jesse Ireland was calling on friends here last week, "Mr. Wm, Carnegie has sold his valaable driver, ~ © Result of a geography examin. ation in entrance class, S. S, No. 9 Maximum 100: -- Lily Parish 93, Mabel Mark 91, Cora Parrish 90, Russel Wheeler 86, Effie: Johns 81, Birdie Dewey 80, Willle Wheeler 78, Florence Duw- son 65, James Bowl 543, " PRINCE ALBERT * "Miss Minnie Sutcliffe, formerly of this place, came down from Toronto 00 Wednesday night and is spending a few days with Mrs, Jas. Burnett, Miss Mabel Williams," who has 'been visiting relations iu Allandale, ROW Visliing in Toronto, ; | Miss: Aggie Poynton has returned home on account uf the death of Mr, T. "Eason of Toronto, She is one of 6 enmiployees, * Miss Clara. Byem, of Sonya, Visiting. at the station with Mrs, Robt. Wells. "Bre. R.D: Power, who has bos gg 'telatives in Guelph at the :C;, -has returned to Miss R, Madden 1s visiting in or a time, CESTOCK Hr ~The annual nieeting of Cartwright Agricultaral Sogiety 'was' holdin the eouneil room; Blackstock, on Wednesday, Jan, 9th, 1907 astendance was fair, reas, showed that the So- in. a goed, healthy sate finane ally. .. The total reubipts for the year, inclading a small balance fron dust year, totulled $616. The shurseme..ts for the year were leaving u balance on Band 7, I'he reports having been e flowing" directors ) ¢ Pres 4 "pra iesident, drew - Apgou Tay: 1, Wesley Mount 'Byers, eas, 9. Reading, Miss Davey, 10. Instrumental, Mr, Williams, £1. Dialogue, "Bad Habit '* 12, Address, Rev, Mr. Wickett, 13. Address Mr. C. Harper. 14. Chorus by the Division. 15. Dialogue, "A Slight Misunder. | oo Standing. | 16. Recitation, C. Fralick. - 17. Chorus, "Down in the Licensed Saloon." Following the program came the disposal of the pies. Each gentle- wan purchased a pie and then pro- ceeded to divide it with the young lady whose name was a(tached thereto. This proceedings seemed to be especi- ally enjoyed. The proceeds were $13 70. a UTICA Fred, Ashton and sister, Mis aude, were visiting Mrs, Jos ph Ward. Brooklin, who, wo are glad to say, is improving, Mrs. James Jones, of Griswold, Manitoba, was the guest of Mrs, E, Bond for a few days last week, Miss Lanra Bagshaw, of Cambray, is visiting the Misses Walker, Wia. Blight, of Detroit, was visit. Ing his ccusin, Mrs, E, Bond, on Fiiday, On Thursday evening last a com- pany of about ninety gathered at the home of Mrs. E. Bond where an enjoyable evening was spent. Mr, Thos. Beare was present with his gramaphone which farnished splen- did music. After refreshments were served; the remainder of the time Was spent in playing games and music, During the ovening'a well- filled and handsome purse, accom- panied by 'the following address, was presented to Miss Maude Mec- Dermott, To Miss Maudie MeDermctt : We, the members of the choir and congregation of the Utica Methodist Church, take this opportunity of giving expression to onr apprecia- tion of your services as organist. During the past four years you have lilled the p sition with great credit to yourselt and profiy to the congre: gation. The position 1s one which involves no little amount of self sacrifice' and Inbor, bat we believe it has been a labor of love. You have always gone about your work cheerfully and with becoming mod- ¢8ty ; have always becn faithfully 14% your: pest when 'possible, and. when unable or absent you had the place filled by a competent supply. We consider it only right that we should. let you know that. your ser- vices are much appreciated 'by the congregation, and it is 'with great pleasure we ask you. to accept of this purse as. a slight token of our regard for you and appreeiation of your services as organist, and we pray that our Heavenly Father may last long spare you to assist in the scr- Mini of song' in. 'the 'house of" the ord on earth until He ealls you to vin the angelic choir above, 7 Bigoed on behalf of the choir and congregation, part of the evening's| - glad that | through the advice of Mrs Pinkhany, of Lynn, Mass, which is.given to sick women absolutely free of cha The present Alt, Pinkham has for twenty-five years male a study of the ills of her sex; she has consulted with and advised thousands of suffering' women, who to-day owe not only their health hut «vei life to ber helpful advice. Miss Apnie E. Schwalm, of 3:6 Spa- dina Ave., Toronto, Ont, writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhani :-- "I have found Lydia FE. Pinkhar's Vege- table Compound a specifie for tauale weak ness with which I fave been troubled for years, I also had irregular and painful periods which affected my general' health until lust pring I was ony a wreck of my former sal In my affliction I was ad- vired to us our Compound, und am so | so. I found that in a few short muntha there was no trace of femalo weakness, my strength gradually returned and in a very short time I considered myself a perfectly well woman. I appre- ciate my good health, and beg to assure you that I am mast grateful to you fr discover ing such a wonderful remedy for suffering woman." The testimonials which wa gre con- stantly publishing from grateful women establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia 1. Pinkham's Vegetabls Co pound to conquer female diseases. Women suffering from any form of female weakness ar: invitad to roniptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Sha asks nothing in'r tan for her advice. Itis abgolutely free, ant to thousands of women has proved to be more precious than gold. m= places under an arch of maiden-haic fern and smilax, the Rev. E R. Howard proceeded with the cere- mony that made them man and wife, after which with some ninety guests they sat down to a table fairly groaning with good things, Mr. and Mrs. Hughson lelt on tke evening train for the west to visit friends jn Toronto -and Orangeville amid showers of rice and the goed wishes of their many friends. The bride was the recipient of many useful and costly presents, The account of the hockey mateh between Myrtle and Port Perry High School as it appeared in last week's Spar wis slightly twisted. The visitors were defeated hy a score cf 4 to 3 B th teams played good elean hockey, and there was some fast playing on bLoth sider, Although the visitors broug!t with them part of the Port Perry senior team so they would have an easy snap, the Myrtle boys had decided- ly the best of it throughont the -game, Anderson made some fine rushes on goal but generally stopped when. he came in contact with oar husky cover point, T, Costello, who is always '* Jolinnie on . the spot '* when the puck is near his goal. The score was 3 to 1 in fuver of Myrtle at hall time, aud shortly after the puck was fuced for the second half our goal keeper Wilson: got hit in the eye with the puck and had to play the remainder of the match with one eye ehut whish hindered his: playing considerably and enabled the visitors to bring up the score in the second half. = The return match will be played at Pore Perry Friday, Feb, 8th, - No donb Port will 'have on more of their : senior men to help thém out this time, NER : *