and killed "Mrs, = Mary - Charlton, the woman with 'whom he lived, in the doorway of hier home; 100 Richmond: street west on: Friday afters on, and turning his revolver upon iimself, he put a bullet through his brain, which ended his life, The double itagedy was the 'culmination of a dis pute between the pair three weeks ago. dt had evidently been planned by Ray- more, as the revolver was a new one, and had been loaded from a new box eb cartridges. "4 Mrs. Charlton, with a. friend, "Mrs. Mabel Cartwright, of 117 Sherbourne street, had been out shopping in the' allernoon, and when they returned to the 'Richmond street = house Raymond was watching for them behind the front oot, and, as they. approached, he open. "Come on up to the room," he called. Mrs; Charlton was afraid of him and be- gan to back 'away. He rushed down ibe steps, and seizing her by the shoul: ders, dragged her into the hall, clos- ing the door. Two shots followed: jn quick succession, and a minute later 'a $hird was heard. Mrs, Carlwright snd a young. woman from a year-by house zan in" and they found ~ Mrs. Charlion prostrate in the hall and bleeding from "wounds in the mouth and left breast. Inside the sitting-room door, 'a few feet away, lay the body of Raymore. The THE 'BOILER EXPLODED. Fatal Accident on a New York Passen- ger Train, A despalch from: Middletown, N. X., s6ys: The bofler of the 'engipe pulling on Ontario & Weslern Railrsad passens ger train, which left here of Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, 'exploded near: Luzon, Sullivan county, Thé frain was running at the rate of forty miles an hour. The: fireman and an unknown man who was riding in the cab of the engine 'were killed, the engineer was fatally hurt and 'several other persons were seriously injured. The body of Fireman Mullin was blown one hun- dred' feet info a fletd, and his head was torn off. The unknown man in the cab ~was blown 10. pieces. .. Engineer .Cad- wood was also thrown into a field by the force of the explosion. The engine was blown fo pieces, and ihe baggage "oir was badly "dainaged. - Four coaches lefl the rails went. into a ditch, The explosion is believed to have been due to the pipé beiween the tank and the engine' freezing, swhich - prevented the water feeding into the boiler properly. Rill Ll NO REDUCTION IN JAP BUDGET. Tosieriessness of he Opposition is a A Bad Sign. A 'despalch from Tokio says: The national budget tor 1907-8 passed the House of Represenialives "on Tuesday without the slightest curtailment, Such mn ocourrence isi without precedent sincé the opening «f 'the Japanese Diet. The powerlessness 'of 'the: Opposition 'fs regarded by many persons here as a bad sign for the progress of constitu "~. _ tional 'government in Japan, The bud- fel for 1907-8 provides for the expendi re of '$305,000,000, $60,000,000 mors ian last year, and is twice as :much 24 was required (b cover all ex prior to the Russo-Japanese War. There are large appropriations for naval and milifaryt. increnses, and new undertak: "ings in the Department of Communica- "tions are fo\be mel by an internal loan | of $15,000, «+A despalch from ] will of the late Nal guests have not been made public, it 'is UndefStonq inst exoept fora few be g Be The beady of the unconscious woman as quickly carried lo a hack, which pened 'to 'be standing s the reet in front of a livery stable, and speed wad 'made to. St, Michael's ital. By the time the hospital was reached, however, she was dead. Ray- mare lived about ten«minules after te fired the last shot. = £451, 44 Mrs. Chariton was the widow of R. Chariton, who, previous to his dealh about ten years. ago, conducted a ho: tel at the corner of Yonge and Edward sireets. She had never been. married to Raymore, but they had lived = to: gether as man and wife since her hus band's death. She was about 35 years of 'age. Raymore was 45 years of age and had lived apart from' his wife and daughter for some years. He came from Fergus, and for a time he was 'an member of the Northwest Mounted Police, Laler became a bartender at 'the Wilson "House, on York Street, and for a year or more he had been employed ai the Tremont in a similar capacity. : Mrs. Charlton leaves a family of three boys, the 'eldest being 17 -years of age. - When she was searched al the hospital $300 in bills 'was found on her, and in her Poom at her home a bank 'book was found with $2,000 to bier credit, ' TO PROSECUTE LUMBERMEN. Failure fo Obey Rules to Have Unplea- . sant. Result, A despatch from Toronto says indifference of .a number of the Ju men operating in New Ontario regarding the regulations adopted for their govern- ance some time ago is the subject of complaint by the officers of the Board of Health. The companies and merchants engaged in cutting timber have neglec- ted, in a number of cases in spile of re- peated notifications, to comply 'with the rules regapding the sanilary condition of camps. héy have also failed to for- ward' to the office "of the = Provincial Health Board +nformation as 10 the loca- tion of camps 'and copies of contracis 'made with. physicians providing for med: ical attendance on their workmen. As a result informations will be laid against a urubee of umber a vill be prosecuted for their n igonte. An official of the board has gone lo the district to take fhe nécessary lo iat on REPEAL THREE-FIFTHS VOTE. Bill to be Introduced by the Opposition Leader. A despatch from Toronto says: The repeal of the section requiring a three- filths vete to carry local option: is the main feature of the hill to amend the Liquor: License Act to be introduced by Mr, G. P..Graham, leader of the Opposi: tion. It provides for. the resloration 'of the clause whereby the abolition of hos tels in any municipality could be carried into force by a simple majorily. The bill would. also. make it 'illegal for license. commissioners and: inspectors fo enter into contracts with any. persons in {he liquor {rade with Whom they may] have business. ease enn BIG TRADE IN CANARIES, 12,000 Birds Shipped From England to nd Norfolk, Va. A despatch from London says: It was announced meetin, an's | | ortuna will be shared by the im- | gran "fortune wall o members of the family. of canary |. ~ ry 854.00 0.000