Clare Siig Peninsular Ranges 'McClary's Pandora inall sizes. : We handle the CARNE® Additional Locals HouseHOLD FURNITURE SAL. =--People of Port Perry will have an excellent opportuiity of adding | some valuable articles to their household furnishings next Tues: day, when Auctioneer Jackson will sell the household goods of Mrs. Scott on Cochrane Street. Almost everything necessary to hotisekeep- ing will be found at this sale. Re- member, Tuesday, Feb'y 26th; at one o'clock: Auction SarLy.--On' Tuesday, the 5th of March, au extensive auction sale will be held on the mises, Lot 9, Con. 9, East Whit- y, when a valuable lot of horses, cattle, implements and furniture, the property of Mr. Jas, A. Burns, will be sold to the 'highest bidder. Mr, Barns has disposed of his farm and there will; therefore, be no re- serve bids at the sale, If you want a registered cow, a Massey-Harris binder, some fine Canadian beauty seed peas, you will find what yon are after at this sale. See large posters for further particulars, Mr. Geo. Jackson will wield: the ham- mer, AUCTION SALE. --~A big sale of Horses, Cattle, Tmplements and Household Effects, the property of "Mr. Samuel Barrett, will be conducted by Auctioneer Baird at Lot 9, Con. 3, Reach, on Tuesday, Feb, 26th. Among the. horses will be found two or three good, young drivers. The cattle include seven cows, some fat steers, and about fifteen young cattle, while the list of Implements includes nearly everything 'needed on a first-class farm. For particulars see large bills - Mr. Barrett has disposed 'of his farm and every thing isto be sold without reserve. Sale begins at 12.30: Those who are in need of either farm laborers or domestic servants will do well to. communicate 'with Mr. Geo. Rose, who has been ap: pointed by the Domiaion Govern- ment to place Immigrants from the United Kingdom in' positions in this vicinity. See Mgr. Rose's advt. in another column, "Harris vs Gilbert On the 12th of Feb. tlie Court'of - Appeal dismissed the appeal of Janet Gilbert: Berein. This case was originally tried in the Division Co t Port' Perry. and was' an brought by John Harris on: ven by Janet Gilbert to J, rry and a by M berg Bs s | Corin. 87, Feuders Famous Hecla and Sunshine Furnaces. See them. H BROS. Among: (he Churches On Sunday evening next (lere| will 'be 8 Baptismal Service af the Baptist Church. Owing to the absence from home, and the subsequent illness, of Rev. Wm, Cooper, the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church was occupied last Sabbath by Rev. W. 'H. Cline 'both morning and evening. Missionary. Sermons will be prea: ched next Sunday, 24th inst.. on the Pritice Albert Circuit, by Rev. Egerton R. Brecken. B.A., of Vig toria College, Toronto, at Manches ter 11.00 a;m., Prospect 2.30 p. m. and Prince Albert 7 pan. The annual Roll-call and Thank- offering "in ' connection with the Baptist 'Church, which was" post: { poned from January 25th, is to take place ou Friday evening the 22nd of Feb. Tea will be served at 5.50 Public addresses and music at 8 o'clock. being Jovited out, not because I'm Hked for myself alone or because of my manly beduty, but few jokes the hostess. glares a really feels resentful. 1 may bo sunk | 27 Port Percy School Reports. | io the slough of. History, Div. 1V; maximum 150, IL Jack 128, H. Purdy 124, L Walling. 119, C. Jackson 11%, G. Henry 116, F. Jones 111, G; Brooks 109, N. Colville 106; I... Colville 105, G. Hern 93, Gi Allén 91, Bl McGregor 91, 'P. Bowerian go, A. Cortrin go, U. 'Raines 87, M. Ingram 85, V .Raittes 85, M. Graham 83, V. Black 82, 'U." Spetice 81, 'Hi White 80, W. Evans 79, B. Savage 75: Ci Cdok 75, BE. Abbott 74; IL. Woodley - 72, G. Perkins 65, C Clark: 63, Victor Raines 62, V, Nott 55, 1. Woodley 54, W. Harper 41. H. Campbell 26, W. Monet 19, 1s Mellis 11, 0. Roberts 4: i Entrance Diy.; Litetature ; 3 Feb, 4 8th maximum 100, Aeleen McCaw 84, Frank Grea: trix 82, Eva Henry Br, Muriel Cook 79, Harry Carnegie 77, Aleck | Souch 72, Orr Brown 68, 'May Mo: | EI Lean 66, Elsie Bradley 66, Beatrice | Vickery 64, Jolin Davis 58; Ewart | Stonehouse 56, Florence 53 Harold Emuierson 51, Louie Clark | 46, Neil:Campbell 34. : Div. III; Spelling; Feb: 12th! BE maxim 100. Lucile Archer g8, Beatrice § Df 7 Hy Steinberg 93, Gordon Brad | ,. James Ellis g2, Bella: Stein: 'Howard Spence 88, : 87, Merle. M Melva Switzer 85, Tia' Harry Brooks 81, Gordon' Pargate 81, Clarence McKintion 80, Ro Raynes 67; ina 6. Mable ie fon moe moore tn on ert oy dou, nev JE 8