and z Ld a5 a es charge at once, ice in the lake will break up } sappear in a few weeks, and {lots of young men in Port Perry 'Jwill then: be wishing for a boat. "| Retter sectire otie now. * See C. H. ¢, | Allison about it. LE THE STAR office is' headquarters ir bu "One ream neatly 1.25; two reams $2.25; ts to the ream. First-class per; and ink that will not come used. Give us'a trial, It was' guite: a jump from the }{ position of a premier to that.of a cartival tramp, but Harry made it nite shicesssfully. He is a versa: sort of a ohap--suire to come to front no matter where he is| An. interesting ;game of hockey' mi morrow (Thursday) ning, w a team from the xbridge High School will cros icks with the Port Perry High Sehool boys. The game will be called at quarter past eight. = - n Halifax: to" Vancouver. js riotic lecture to be Lon Friday. Cline: 7 be spendidiy illustrated hty lime Jight the C. PLR. office. has just issued ides Port Perry's "seed mer t they will ful reading, ckey team will Eltime. Mr. "This | DCTION. SALE Mason is offering: tion 'a very valuable lor, - dining-room, kitchen and Bed oom furniture at her premises, 1 street, opposite Tummond's for sale at auc- : grocery. store on 'Monday next, March 4th. 'The articles are nearly uew, having bee in use but a short George Jackson 'will 'wield. the hammer, and intending | purchasers will :do well to be on} § PERSONAL }| PEOOOLIIIIILIDIIDOE Mrs. Harry Nasmith, of Toron- to, is paying a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McBride. Mr. Will. McLean, one of Port Perry's business boys, now on the road, was in town on Monday. "Dr. McGrattan left on Monday 'evening for Toronto to attend the Deirtal Convention, which is being held in the city this week. Mrs, E. Ferguson is about 'to remove to the vicinity of Sonya, where she will - reside upon the farm that her son is to cultivate, © We extend the most hearty con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Rolph who yesterday celebrated their golden wedding." We expect to give an extended notice of the 'jubilee next wesk. Mr. Eli Hooey, one of our popu: lar tonsorial artists, has disposed of his business in Port Perry to his brother Percy, and removed with lit family to Peterboro, Where we wish him every success. «Mr. E« Dunk, of the enterprising firm of Stone & Duuk, leaves on Friday on a business trip to the West, He will go right through to the Coast, and expects to be absent four or five months, Mr. E. B. Flint, of Newark, N. J. -who has purchased the drug and, stationery business of Mr. C.-H. Allison, is expected to arrive in 1, to-day, and will take poses: sion ou Friday the 1st of Marchi, "Mr, S..T, Cawker, has sold his arge meat business {0 his two sons, 8.8. J. and A.B, Cawker, ill take possession' on Mon- xt, The STAR extends its isles to the new. firm, le assortment off vings Are Safe When Deposited In Western » The 'Bank of Canada. Interest Paid or Compounded Twice a Year. ISIS Owe No Man Anything. i an Borrow your requirements from us and pay cash. 19th, Year in Port Perry. Among the Churches Rev. Wm. Cooper was so far re- covered from his recent attack of la grippe as to be able to conduct the service and preach last Sabbath morning. He did not, however, feel equal to the second service and accordingly there was no meet ing in the church in the evening. ; The baptismal service in the Baptist church last Sabbath even- ing attracted a very large congre- gation. Pastor Hagen preached from John 1:25, '* Why Baptizest Thou ?" and gave a series of rea- sons for the Baptist practice, after which five young women wefe im- mersed. Sunday, March 3rd, will be Ep- worth League and Sunday School Day at the Methodist Church, Port Perry. The services of the Rev. . Bartlett, of Colborve, recent- ly appointed Associate Secretary of Epworth League and Sunday Schools, have been secured. Mr. Bartlett will preach in the morning |" to the Sunday School aud in the evening to. the League. All the members of the League and young people of the church are invited to meet in the Sunday School room at! ten minutes to seven iu the evening to go a body to the church, The Annual Roll Call and Social! Reunion of the Baptist Church last Friday evening was an occasion of | much real interest aud pleasure. The members of the congregation assembled at six o'clock. A half- hour was. very - pleasantly whiled away listening to some choice selec. tions on the phonograph by Mr. T'. E. Trennnm, of Alexandria Bay, who. is visiting his father - here. Then all were summoned by Pastor Hagen 'to the 'school-room, where | the ladies had spread a most invit- ! ing supper, When this had been' amply discussed, return was made' to the audience room, and at eight | o'clock Pastor Hagen took the chair and proceeded with the Roll-call. ! Response was made by letter on the part of miany absent members, | aud by scripture citation, or other| words, on the part of those present, A vocal solo was contributed by Miss Mariost McCaw and was very 'greatly enjoyed. Several choice ymns were also' give, on the nograph. Then followed an es Rey: W.'H. Cline: upon : eal Church at Worship.' satisfactory anuotncement by 'the 'pastor, - Ee of ihe even- 3 & pro- 3 he 'National H. G. Hutcheson, Mgr. variety of selections were rendered in good taste, and ail helped very greatly* to enliven the evening's perforthance. ' The following young ladies were among tliose who appeared in cos- tune :-- Miss Cora Brimble, representing a Butterfly, Miss Nellie Colville, Miss Am-. erica. Miss Nita Corrin, Graceful Skater. Miss Kathleen Meharry, A Fairy. Miss Aunie Rennie, Good Luck. Miss Alice Stewart, America. Among the gentlemen in costume were :-- . Roland Bongard, A Jester. Abby McLaughlin, An Indian. Gordon Brooks, A Dark Town Swell. W. Harper, A Dark Town Swell, Harry Bruton, A Tramp, Rex Harper, A Tramp, R. Soper, A Tramp, O. H. Hoover, A Ramp. Russel Wilson, Aunt Dinah. W. Patterson, Spanish Cavalier, Manager Stewart had provided a very geierous list of cash prizes. Messrs' W. J Anderson, H. Lucasand H Stone acted as judges, and awards were made as follows : Best Lady's Costume, Kathleen Mebarry, 2nd Aunie Rennie. Best Girl's Costume, Alice Stew- art, 2ud Cora Brimble. Best Boy's 'Costume, Abby Mec- Laughlin, 2nd Roland Bongard. Best Patriotic Costume, W, Pat- terson, Most Corrin, . Best Persouation of a Tramp, H, Bruton, Great interest was taken in. the one mile race, There were four Graceful Skater, Nita {who started in this race, but the number was soon narrowed down to three, C. Purdy, C. Brimble and P. Rodman. Enthusiasm beeame more and more intense as lap after lap was made, and the three racers were bunched closely together, now one and then another getting the tead. At one moment Purdy seem- ed sure of first place, but an un- fortunate slip left him in the rear and he finished. last. 'The prizes went ist to C. Brimble and 2nd to P. Rodman, The rabbit chase was a disap- pointment, through no fault, how- ever, of the manager, "Mr. Stewart had niade all arrangements with a certain party to furnish a wild rab- bit; and late 'in the afternoon had been assured that bunny would be produced when wanted, but when