agistrate Purdy who held that evideéuce- submitted did not | iit of the accused: ED HANDS. Mr. J. Lane sed of his bakery, and the connected with it, to 52 Colville: and" Town, who Iready taken charge, These ung nen are not at all ts 'to thie 'business as both 'Deen in the employ of Mr. 4 Mr, Town for some months, r. Colville for a year and a ~ They "will no doubt receive full share 'of public patronage. wish them success in their prise. LLINERY OPENING. ~~ Miss ker announcss to all the ladies Port Perry and vicinity, young old, that she will have her an- pening of Spring Millinery day and to-morrow and the fol- owing days, and invites-a general tion 'of her stock. She has ed the leading establishments he large cities and has wade a ful selection of hier goods, and ie "be sure of finding he has the very latest styles ¢ choice brics "in every There will be crowds at tliis 1 Pesetang ist week Sten N Dault was fined 50 for | Howi: minors to loiter in his bar-room the 4 ii vening at he ; will be seen by our' advertis- ing columns entertainments are b= tcoming fast next month, On Fri- day the 12th of April a grand con- lcertiwill be given in the town hal. by the Port Perry Citizens Band, sisted by 'Miss. Carolyn Beacock J Joist, Mr, Bert Haryey cotiedian, 'and Miss Alma Tipp piano soloist and accompanist, Then on Tuesday evening April '116th a' company of clever -artists under the lea | Firth wilt present. entitled The: Beggar Stueent ". This company comes heré' under. {the auspices of the Sous of Eng: land th: these entertainments will wo doubt attract large nums bers from the town and' vicinity. Many persons are in the habit of iving across' the High Sch s bly 'under the imp ie the land is not Western Bank of Canada {interest Paid or Compounded Twice a Year, ; sreReRIsT Ml Owe No Man Anything. = Botrow your requirements from us and pay cash; ' 19th, Year in Port Perry, » H. G. Hutcheson, Mgr. ip of W. Francis! a-bright operetta]. the city. © DID DIN NED § PERSONAL } 2 PDE IBIE DOPOD DEO Mrs, S.'W. Swartz of Syracuse is the guest of her sister Mrs. George Lyle. Mr. Howard Tummonds, of the TPorotito. Veterinary College, is at home for a short time. Mr. George Hart, from Uxbridge, paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs; Jabez' Crosiér one day last week. Mrs. John McClintock has return- ed home from a three months visit with her daughter in Syracuse. Mr. Jabez Crosier, who has been indisposed during the past three months, is now quite himself again, Mr, Howard Hodgson, formerly of Port Perry, now agent for the Ewpire Typewriter Company, was in town last week. «Mr. C. H. Allison expects to leave town on Saturday morning. re est, We are pleased to state that Mr. Norman Murray is steadily recover- ing f oni the effects of his recent severe accident at the rink. Mts. E, Ferguson has disposed of her house and lot oth Crandell St. to'Mr; Deshane who is said to be returning to Port Perry. Mr. H, E. McKenzie, of Parsons, West Virginia, was in town last week visiting the home of his wife's parents, Dr, and Mrs. Murray, Mr. W. H. Cline accompanied by bis daughter. from Blackstock, leaves on : Thursday morning for Toronto where they expect to spend Easter with the rest of tlie 180 EER Newmarket, and | family, Miss M. Harrad, who has 'been visiting Mr. "and Mrs, Samuel Schell for the past month, has ex- tended her 'visit 'for three weeks longer, and then she will return to ee in The Ted of All Nations. |. The festival held in the Meth odist church 'I'uesday evening of last week = wis an able state ol tlie weather and roads {crowds of people flocked together ve from all directions until the accom- | odati; on was fully taxed. The tea-| op unqualified | 4 success, In spite of the unfavor- Special Bargains This Week AT { INI 10 Quart Granite Dish Pans, . 39¢, 14 . Dish Pans.. 49c. 10 Water Pails 39c, 12 Water Pails 45¢. 10 ** Preserve Kettles joc, Large Size Granite Wash Bowls soueiiiiiiiiiini i230. 10 inch Jelly Cake Pans ..... roc, «" "" "" i" Ouly a limited number to 'sell at these prices, ** Nuff Sed." Rose & Co. HAY FOR SALE. A few tans of good baled hay for sale. "Apply to : W. G. Monet, Port Perry. Scotch--Mrs. A.' J, Davis, Mrs, . W. H. Harris, Miss Kath- leen Mebarry, Miss D, Purdy and ~My, J&hn Davis. Japanese Booth--Miss Nellie Ross, Miss Edna Davis, Miss Stewart, os 'The tea and coffee were very successfully and. satisfactorily pre- pared by Mrs: Di Purdy and Mrs, S. Graham, : § . Atdhe conclusion of the. festi- vities in the tea-room; the audience assembled tip-stairs: where a. musi- cal and literary programme was very. greatly enjoyed. Rev, B. Greatrix occupied the chair. The choir under 'the able leadership of Mr. J Goldring, . contributed several choice selections which the andience did not fail to appreciate. Very interesting addresses intend- to represent the English, Irish and Scotch were very cleverly given by Rev. Messrs, Scott, | Then clid