disaster spread like of the girls lived near rk, and mothers and ma in' quest ! aller face" appear- rept windows mothers their' daughters 10. "> pleading 'arms lo. | Bran--Wanted at $23.50 in sacks here, n- American corn. Is quotes n track, Toronto. Canadian 1 is quoted at 46 to 4c, Chatham Bran--Prices nominal at '$20 outside, ull; shorts are quoted at $22 oul- CaLL BOARD. bul none off 8 Se 'Wheat--No. 2 Onfario white offered 'outside at: T23c, with 0c bid on low freights to New York. No. 2 mixed offered at 7c outside, with 7lc bid on | main line, and 69¢ bid for 5,000 bushels, May shipment. No. 2 goose, 65¢ bid east. No. 1 northern, 9120 bid, spot, North « Peas--No. 2 offered at 79¢ outside 'and at 8lc east, without bids. = i Oals--No. 2 white, 38%e bid oulside, ames | Without sellers; No. 2 Manitoba offered A ; windows. fe NE A idity, | As the mournful looking waggons were ~ the [filled and went off with their loads men Phirly land women fought to see if it' was their 16. 8¢ and | loved ones who were being hurried _Ppanic-strick- | away, and turned away sobbing as the od off their | vielims turned out to be some other: per ho i. CLOSE PLANTING. ; A 813,000,000 TUNNEL. Will Produce Better Timber Trees Than | Estimated Cost of Projected Bore Under i L d ; Northumberland Straits. small} A despalch from Ottawa says: Ac- ; gether. { cording {to a return brought down in part each w : forestry plant. | Laurent, assistant chiel en less and. greater [Public Works Department, vocates. - the; cost of a tunnel, seven and a hall y Lp ile long, under i Norinumperiand sugar- | 8 to ect, Prince' Edward Islan arihe Brunswick, 147,200, Lo' irpose be added dost of Shals, tha. nce in eer of the be 150 'bu > Douglas Fox, he eminent. English: igineer, in 1891 estimafed the cost of Sit: diameter, which | a. tunnel, feet in | perm the transit of railway rou 1,262,500, freer | would permit of cars. "the trees to-| © BANDITS BIG HAUL, 8 reasonable. tim 10 famine ; hel tho 'tren press Office Clerk Give up Pack- in at Toast SIX to aight age Containing $25,000. m St. Paul; Minn., says: : igh! time, all he bate D Amproved and the held" up the Northern Express as npany's Union Depot office on Tues- "the clerk 10}15 en. the give film a package » | G01 ng 4 4000. The robber es- ) coped young man who is believed lled at the express office. and, Ly pretext, managed fo get one of he clerks out of the office. Fred. Zine merman, the other clerk, soon after- ds ound. himselt pdutonted by : 3 robber, who pointed a pistol at] his he 'and forced him fo hand out : . of currency which 'was to 4 ents in the local hn | Chol way | the House on Wednesday, Mr, A. St.|' been a confederate of the rob-| "$i to gh do, 5, 81:45 | al 45%c, North Bay, with 45¢" bid. .Rye--No. 2 wanted at 60c outside, with- out sellers, ; y oN COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples--Good to choice winter 'stock, $2.50 to $3.50 per bbl. Beans~Hand-picked quoted at 81.45 lo $1.50, and primes at $1.35 to 81.40. Honey--Sfrained quoted at.11 to 12¢ per 1b, and comb honey at $2 to $2.50 per dozen. Hops--New quoted at 18 to 2ic. - Hay--No. 1 timothy is quoted at $12 to $13.50 here, and No. 2 at $10 to 811. Straw--Unchanged 'at $6 to $7.25 a ton, on track here. NEL Potatoes--Ontario, 85¢ per bag, .on track, and New Brunswick, 90 to 95¢ per estimalgs | bag. ( Poultry--Turkeys, fresh killed, 13 to 14¢; chickens, dressed, 12 to 4c; do, alive,, 9 to 10c per 1; fowl, alive, 7 ta Bo'; ducks, dressed, 11 Lo 12c; geese, 10 v 110 perth. 3 Sd THE DAIRY MARKETS. |» Bulter--Pound rolls are guoted at 24 10 25¢ ; 'tubs,'21 fo 23c ; large rolis, 21 to 1 prints sell at 27 to 20¢; 2c. 3 -Eggs---New 'laid dre quoted 'at 16% lo 17¢ per dozen in case lots. Cheese--Large cheese, 13% to 14c, and twins, 14% to 14Xc. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in car lots are -un- changed, with prices quoted at $8.30 to $8.50 here. Bacon, long clear, 11 fo 1134c per 1 in case lois ;-mess pork, $22 tc $22.50; short cut, $23 to $23.50. Hams--Light to medium, 13%c; do, heavy, 1A)}e; rolls, 11%¢c; shoulders, 11c; backs, 16)c; breakfast bacon, Ye : Lard -- Tiercos, 12Xc; tubs, 12Xe¢; pails, 12%c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal, April 23.--(Special.}--Grain-- The locale in oats continues quiet, the dem being still very limited, and prices show no. change, Manitoba No. 2 white was quoted at 433 ta 43%c; No. 3 at 43¢; Ontario No. 2 white at 43c, 'No. 3 ab 42% lo 423¢, and No. 4 at 413%c per bushel ex store. There are no, devel- Flour Market,, pring wheat patents, $4.50 to is, $4; winter wheat pa- $4.15; siraight rollers, $3.55 "81:60 to $1.70; * Feed--Manitoba ice $4.60; Burning Ashes 1s ,| Statement brought down to the House of "J of a reduction A RAZORLESS Nothing to the Latest A despatch from London says: There consternation among 'the barbers of {England over the invention of a Lon- 'doner named Witheringion. He has 'made a paste which removes the beard 'without the use of a razor inten min: jutes. The paste makes the hair so brite that it can be rubbed off clean with a iwet sponge, "No skin trouble" is guar- anteed, and the performance is simply a 'part. of 'washing the.face upon arising '1a the morning, The following advan- tages aré claimed for the paste -- No punctillious 'barber to ask if the razor is sharp enough [. No second man wailing fo brush your hat and ask with his 'manner for a tip!" You rub: on the paste, 'wipe 'it off with the sponge, and 'presto! You go down to coffee and rolls ooking like a man fresh from the hands of the bést barber in London. The cost is about one-cent a shave--and tip yourself." een Weems THEIR BOAT UPSET. William Mack Drowned Brockville. A despaich from Brockville says: Missing a stroke in the water with his oars, Wm." Mack, while rowing from Morristown, oa small village opposite Brockville, was drowned on Saturday night. In company with his brother-in- law, Joseph Mars, he was returning from Morristown, where they had ferried two passengers, and, giving a sudden jerk on the oars, the boat capsized. Mars' cries for help were heard by Peter Frazer, a young man, who went {o his assistance and succeeded in landing him on an island. He then went to the vil- lage for assistance. Mars became un- conscious when pulled out of the water, and it. was not until three hours later that he told of Mack being with him. Searching parties were-out on Sunday, but the body has mot been found. The drowned man was 22 years old, and Yeaves a wife and '{hree months' "old child. : Opposite ---- DEATH LIST OVER SIX HUNDRED. Quake in Mexico Worse Than Was at First Supposed. A despatch from El Paso, Texas, says: A report on* Wednesday from a cemmercial house in Mexico City to a big house in Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, op- .pesite El Paso, says that the authentic known list of dead as a result of the Mexican earthquake is over six hundred, although no public report has been made: of the casualties in Mexico City, and possibly will not be. and this list does not lake into account the large number of peoplé in the small villages and those oul in the country, whose death will never be chronicled. memes eo $11,000,000 ASKED. Supplementary Estimates Are Brought Down in House, A despalch from Ottawa says: Su plementary estimates totalling $10,941,- 553 for the current fiscal year ending arch next were. brought down in the ymmons on" Friday night by "Hon; Mr. elding. Of this amount $7,230,847 is »| chargeable to consolidated fund, making ith "thé 'main; estimates a otal of $74,- 22,026 for the year. On capital aeeount the supplementary mess, Fastimates provide for expenditure. of +| vided. for $38,208 r sall long barrels plate 3,-do, $6.25 $2,710,711. .- 'The main * estimates. pro- 8,208,340, the. total. for the 'year .on capilal account being, therefore, | $42,000,051. The grand total which Par- liament is asked {0 vole for all purposes to} {5 $126,001,463. mantis REVOLTING CRULETY, Placed in a Basket and Lelt in" | Hot Oven, despatch from Montreal "says: : Blanchette was arrested early on ay on the charge of placing his P-| have been received from the world over, A doepatoh trom London: Sasa. T6{ 2500000. 10 bet sont we oulslanding features in the budget Stoo. 14 'per 'the second Commons by Mr." Asquith, Chancellor of | the Exchequer, were the announcement ES Talat ur e pound, an state: ment by the Chancellor that a fund was THE DEBT REDUCED. nll ty be started to provide for the honor-| Mr. Asquith estimated the ex; i able relief of necessitous old age. for 1907-'08 at $703,785,000, $8,320,000 THE PENSION FUND. less than for last fiscal year. The reve- nue on the existing basis of taxa The surplus over expenditure this year | was estimated to be 8720,950,000, : Ee fot, $4 ar ig me permanent ston of te mw surplus of $9,165,000, Of this $1. 000 tional debt for 1906-'07 was announced to hy be $68,570,000. ns : would be retained for y oo romaining $7,500,000 a genaies. he The treasury receipts for the year had and would form. the nucleus of an old-| Pee over $10,000,000 in excess of ° : age pension fund. In addition there |S!imates, unanticipated death du would be $3,750,000 of uncollecled ap.| ccounting for $6,000,000 of this sum, rears of this year's income tax. Thig| While the balance was made up of in- would swell the fund to $11,250,000, creased receipts from the coal duty and the mint, - The latter was due {o the In- THREEPENCE OFF INCOME TAX. creased demand for coinage on account Mr. Asquith stated that he did not in- : of the prosperous state of irade,"and the lend to make any reduction this 'yedr in amount of silver, . aggregating indirect taxation. He intended, however, $2,500,000, required for varied purposes. fo deal with the income tax incidénce, which in 'its present shape worked un-| REVENUE Nor B te ; justly. Earned incomes under $10,000 a| As ® whole, the revenue returns, the year would hereafter only pay nine-| Chancellor added, had not shown great pence, while the existing tax of a shil- ling in the pound sterling on unearned incomes would remain. Sent reduction would be in addition fo all the present rebates, but it would be confined {o the earned incomes of persons whose total income from all sources did not exceed $10,000 a year. DEATH DUTIES REVISED, The. Chancellor of the Exchequer esti- mated the loss from this differentiation of the income tax at $6,250,000. Of this, however, $3,750,000 would not recur, but would be made up by a revision of the death duties as follows :--Five per cent. as at present on $:50,000 and under, above $750,000 7 per cent.; above $1,250,- 000, 8 per cent.; above $2,500,000, 9 per cent; above $3,750,000, and up to levied on the first $5,000,000, 'and cent. on every other $5,000,000, prosperous state of trade they were dis- tinctly disappointing, - The. reduction' in the tea duty in the last budget had been followed by increased consumption, amounting to 4,500,000 pounds. The revenue from tobacco had not reas lized expectations, and there had been a progressive formidable decline in the revenue from the alcohol groups since 1809 until last year. As Chancellor of the Exchequer, he, Mr. . Asquith, was glad to say (hat there were signs of a definite reaction, and the present year had furnished an increase of $2,470,000 in these receipts. There had been a fall- ing off in the revenue from stamps awing to the slackness of operations on the Stock Exchange, and to the fact that the telephone was superseding letlers. DEAN RODDICK'S VIEW. McGill College , Fire the Work of -An Incendiary, A despatch from Montreal says: Dean Roddick, of "McGill Medical College, thinks the recent fire was caused deliber- Alely, hut declares there is not the least suspicion of the students, * "The more | think the matter over," he said, "the moré I am convinced that there can be no other explanation. I may further tell you that a young man in the Bank of Montreal has stated that he was passing the Medical building at 12.30 am., just about hall an hour before the fire was discovered, and.he saw {wo suspicious characters lurking in the bushes in the grass plot directly in front of the en- trance to the Medical building. Their actions were such that he was afraid of being molested, anda hurried away. This statement, 1 understand, he is prepared to repeat on oath before the Fire Com- missioners," There was a theory that the fire might have broken out in the faculty room, where a meeting of the facully had been. held that evening, but it seems proved now that there was nothing in this theory, because several of the students who entered the building early 3 medical faculty's greatest benefactors, Lord Strathcona: Lord Strathcona's message expressed 'the deepest sym- pathy, and asked for further particulars o! lhe disaster. meron maiuieinrsa THE RUSH TO THE WEST. Over Four Thousand Immigrants Passed Through Montreal on Sunday. A despalch from Montreal says: Over four thousand immigrants passed through this city on Sunday, en route for weslern Ontario and the Northwest. They arrived at St. John and Halifax on Saturday by the steamships Victori- an, Canada and Lake Erie. Steamships sailing from Scottish ports are also bringing big contingents of immigrants to Canada. ee ieee ANOTHER BIG SMELTER. Prospect of New Industry on St. Mary's River to Smelt Copper. A despatch from Sault Ste, Marie says: One of the biggest smelters in the lake region will probably be erected an St. Mary's River by Chicago and Cana- dian capitalists. The backers are inter- ested in copper mines north of Lake Huron and east of Lake Superior, the ore from which is going to smelters n New Jersey. A local plant will make possible greater development of the lo- cal fleld of mines, which now ahout pay expenses, much profit being lost in long: shipment of ove. . the fire declare that they saw no fire in the committee room, which is inside the faculty room. Numerous messages of sympathy with the universily in her second great loss among them being one from Canada's former Governor-General, Lord Minto, Viceroy of India; and another fromthe - a Altoona, Penn., Now Burning Ashes and Saving Money. despateh froin Altoona, Pen., says: tensity of the heat and facilitating dom: The remarkable ashes-burning secrot [plele combustion, . ' AR discovered by John Ellmore, an Altoona | It is + cobbler, which' has excited altention al. most the world: over, is out. Almost |dition of coal, to readily detéot every 'householder in = Alfoona is now of acelylene gas, and if the treatec converting his ashes info fuel, with [are placed upon a lighted fire: groat saving in coal bills, f nd 3 pos possible. upon' ois! small quantity of ashes; 'wit elasticity, and in view of the undoubted