Fushim ince laren h pia) and mel he pop histo d bio } e con and 0 OSD is | 2683, which is caused by' excess SE guarded reply, "you 'mf ha carries 'his money in & purse 800d deal easier falls, Niagara and the Fe 3} cculd be used fo prod Po ower would be 50 1t.-greal t produced by all the coal dug from {he world's mines. An End to Bilious He dache.--Bilious- ) ive bile inthe stomach; has & marked effect up- on the: nerves, and 'often manifests it- self by severe headache. This is" the most distressing - headache one can have. 'There are headaches from cold, from fever, and from 'other' causes, but the most excruciatifig of all is the hil- ious headache. =~ Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will cure it--cure. it almost jmme- diately. It will disappear as S00n 'as the Pills operate. There is nothing surer in the treatment of bilious headache. Out of the 12,156,000 tons: of shipping owned by the British Empire, the United Kingdom owns 10,554,000 tons. Canada owns 681,000 tons of the remainder, ITCH, Mange, Prairie 'Scraiches and every jorm of contagious ch on human were Si 'the. real' origina r tution." They. are Not Violent in Action. £ Some persons, when they wish cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom ard { and other purgative salts, These are d | 8beedy in their action, but serve no per- manent good. Their use, produces in- Cipient chills. and if persisted in they injure the Nor do they act vpon the infebtines in a beneficial way, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills 'answer all purposes in this respect, and have"; superior. f ------ "I'm salisfled," said the angry tailor "that you intend to cheat me out of my o{ money." ~"All right," chuckled the hap- gE debtor." "It you're satisfied, I am." BEWING MACHINES FOR RENT by week or month, at low rales. Tha mer Singer, and Wheeler & Wilson are gc. | Ol knowledged the lightest-running = and ¢ {most convenient of any. Try ane and be convinced. Only at the Singer stores, Look for the S. Singer Sewing Bch! Write us at Manning 'oronlo, | set of Bird "4 oe : va 3 a d falls," remarked 28. window once, and : on is 18. During' my bought of svary 'mesn. hot Jad ever 0} commitied 1 'm I" grow] Thompson u must have fallen. an bein Corn Cure is the medicine | s 'of cory warts, | corns ax a aie: 1 DRUCCISTS, CROCERS An GENERAL STORES {| 100. per packet, or 3 packets for 25s. a will last a whole season. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Bummer Cruises in Oool Latitudes in Sor 88. "Campana," with electris DK Agi A i aad all modern Pores hy SAILS M MONTREAL ON MONDAYS a dpm, and 17th J) 188, 158h and July, hi seaadt devel in Sd nol semen 5 nee fn ae febeo cay Hl By Tors Cops cv a5an w totown, PK. T AIR Ms, Wh te go Tol and 13th June, 8rd, 17th and 31s8 July, 14th 0th «4oh, 14th and 83th Tr, 5th 6th | 6th, 16th and 376h Novem: ? re oooled by sen breezes seldom trips of' the season for health and somtort, \ i ARTHUR AHERN, 'Seeretary, Quebec: AE OUTERBRIDGE & CO,, Agents £9 Broadway, New York, EASILY REMEDIED,. ..A workman, on coming hdme one was asked by his wife to look a. the clack, * She complained that it had been silent all day, and she could wol-tell the:reason. Her husband took it down and exam- ined it carefully. Then he took off the hands and face, and looked at the Works with the aid of a magnifying 188s. Next he blew into it with a bellows, iled the wheels, and put it back again, But still it would not strike. Tired and 'puzzled, he went off to bed. 'Next' morning at breakfast his wife said to him: "George, I think I can fell what is Jwrong with the clock. "Well. what is it?" he sharply asked. "It wants winding up," said his part. i) "SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canadas, HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, Some Facts from the Report of 1906, 1, Cash Income frém Pre- miums, Interest, - Renls, Be. wins vein ions 1. B 6212615 03] Of th "Increase over 1905. .. .. as at 3ist De. 1 495,122 9 Increase over =n 3. Surplus earned ~during Of 'which there was dis- tributed fo policyholders 'entitled "fo participate that year ., .. .. i o. And set aside to 'place y the effort and as she ker-ker-ker- wed, she heard a sharp snap about her person, and the next instant was overwhelmed with pain and realized that something serious had happened to her spinal column. , : became prostraled at once and 'ould hardly summon help. Aid was Sent for 10 the California Hospital, and physician, after a hasty examination, saw the trouble, and by 'a painful but nat serious' process replaced the rebel- lious vertebrae, . "Medical men generally say that this is the first instance of a sneeze pro- ducing such a scrious result. Disloca- 'lions of the vertebrae 'are not at sll common in. medical. practice, occurring only occasionally from violent causes, Miss "Warming'on, who is a very pretly young woman, is' now enlirely Teoovebed, bu her suffering until the dislocation was eorrecled was agoniz- ing, as it affected her entire nervous system. and especially the aculely sus- ceptible sciatic 'merve. The pain was described as being almost as intense in cvery portion of her body as it was at the seat of the injury, and her endur- ance would have been exhausted if pro- per aid had not been provided when-it 'was. --,-- As long ago as 1710 handkerchiefs were made on which were 'rrinted the map of England, with distances of the principal towns from London CAMPBELL MILLING (0. TORONTO JUNCTION 5 EA5i Complete HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS, Ld. | HAMILTON, ONT. - The Standard Bdnk The Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the Bank was held as the Head Office on Wednesday, the 19th instant, at 12 o'clock noon. The chair was taken by the President, Mr. W. F. Cowan, and Mr. George P, Scholfield, = General Manager, acted as Secretary to the meeting. The following Report was presented : > The Directors, in presenting to the Shareholders the thirty-second Annual Report of the Bank, for the year ending 3ist May, 1907. After making the usual provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts, Rebate of In. terest on unmatured Bills under discount, eto, the profits amount to $251,618. being 17.82 K s capital of the Bank for the year. this has been added $356, i n new stook issued at 200, which, to- gether with the balance Account of $31,791.72 brought forward, makes up the sum of 9,661.92, This amount has been 'appropriated as follow: Quarterly Dividend No. 63, paid Bept. 1st, 1906, cent. per annum .... Quarterly Dividend No. 64 pet" annum ...... Quarterly Djvidend cont. per annum . . 44,948 08 Quarterly Dividend N Tr cent. per annum , , 46,059 60 uction of Bank Premises, eto. 1 Transferred to Rest Account from premium on new 356,142 Balance carried forward to Profit and Loss Account 103,529 _ $639,551 92 oo CLIX Dusting the year a second allotment of $312,500 to Shareholders of record was made at 100 per cent. premium out of the increased authorised capital. 'General by on of the Shareholders, includ: ¥ Changin the date of She closing of She Anancia ous Hom Je 3st day a ie olst day of January ; also a By-law. author ® Directors ablish 'an Ofcers' Pension Fund and to contribute annusily from the funds of k in assisti , Branches or Sub branches of the Bank have been established during the year at Belleville, Bond Head, Cambray, Cobalt, Cobourg, Grafton, Lindsay, Ottawa, oe. ,, Toronto (corner Charles and Yonge Streets), and Woodville, mak: forty-seven Branches, all in the Pro ot Oman ~ ng 0; +, The Head Of: d Branches of the Bank have been carefull inspected ing the Te and the. duties of the staff ve Don Boientiy disharyed. ur Toronto, "Sst May, 1907. ~~: . ; Y President. { PROFIT AND Loss ACCOUNT. ard te wf 13 TELAT suman Sr 5 ave Pleasure in calling attention to the satisfactory results. ie a a poten 3 a