was. the faintest er of z ment in the air just at that mo. £ | ment, and he caught if, because he is | receplive {to all 3 and he : things; ; h Tagnifed it 'to all his hea ts by his sich reezy - cheerfulness. . we .| ~The cheerful man for me every time ~he makes life worlh living; and 1 like especially to see him around 'in 'hot and. weather. Bub he's helpful at ull nord es. "| "So many 'people are so 'easily de- 'pressed; good people, but with only a narrow margin of courage; so that if any little {hing goes wrong they think that everything's going io pieces and coming lo. sn end, bul wooded s gt haven't caught a 3 report they hat reputation : grown, and they now rank among - fhe first. medicines for use in atlacks ab. dyspepsia | and biliousness;. com- ints 'of the liver and kidneys, rheu- 'matism, fever and ague and the innum- erable complications' to which these ail- nis give rise, ; fler paying attention toa lady's pet lapddog a gentleman asked is mame. "I call the dear creature 'Perchance,'" she answered. "Surely a strange: name for delightful pet, hy om H Lyou think Tegily? 21 it after By: 'ron's dog. "you' remember here el J ho says; 'Perchance my Gog will howl?" DONT USE POOR OIL. o For yee on - sewing machines, Li yeles and all purposes requiring a fine lubricant, the hest is bg i Je the end. Genuine Singer oil can only be Oblained at Singer stores. Look for the Red S. Singer Sewing = Machine Co, Write us at Manhing Chambers, Toron- to, for set of Bird Cards free. . THE COLOR THAT CONGEALS. 'The German: war - department has faken much pains io select a oolor for uniforms to be 'used in aclive service shich will prove as inconspicuous as | possible in the fleld. As a means of cancealing operations in battle, in these gays of long-range 'guns, an "invisible" uniform for infantry ranks with smoke. less powder, The German experiments Pave demonstrated that the color which comes nearest to making soldiers in- visible in an ordinary landscape is gray-green, Simple gray, on the con- ha 0 fracy, makes a. very conspicuous unis island or m amid {he same 'surroundings. Ade d {ditional tests are to be made. fo. deter. MS {mine the "best. color for. winter wear, | 3baliays ind especially 'amid snow-covered } of landscapes. 5 A 66 [hie University of Bats. i the Target D. }second. with Berlin a good third. 9 ---- AUGUST 17 | PARMERSTONE & Chor beNOLD bi NGS, : The Annual Fall Sa'e of Thoroughbred Yoarlings | WILL BEGIN ** PUTURITY. DAY," ] SATURDYA, AUC. 81 * "3™ SATURDAY, SEPT. 14 _ at the Company's Paddocks, Sheepshead Bay, New York, CATALOGS MAILED ON APPLICATION TO a ™ ft. FASIG-TIPTON CO. oak WHAT HE SAYS. in," remarked. the eynical "seldom says what sho They Cleansé the Systém Thorough. T Parmetee's 16" Pills clear stomach 'and bowels of bilious matter, cause the excretory vessels to, throw ell impurities Irom -the blood into the bowels and expel the deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pain or inconvenience to the patient, whe speedily realizes their good offices as they begin to take effect. They have strong recommendations from all kinds of people. Imagination is thinking you are having a good time when you are only spend- wile to go back to her mother again to live, 3 ITCH, Mange, Prairic Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol. ford's Sanitary Lotion. It 'never 'fails, Sold by all druggists. Modesly is another term for the way & man acts when he gets found out do- Ing something he ought to be doing. "There such thi harmless co OAS i rom tn, Sa Al m ured w colds, by Inflammation and closts the Ali pastages An aFmléss "douple were recently mar- ried "in. Ohio.-. They. have no intentional going Ahwoughi- ile hand hand. * There were no fewer than 5411 prose- cutions 'for Sunday trading in England and Wales in the year 1004, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY River and lf of St Lawience "Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes w Iron 88. " Campana," with slectrio PY igh ret A bells and all modern comforts. FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS a$ J 1st, 15th and Seton, PET Secrelary, Quebec A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO, #9 Broadway, New York. IRRIGATED FARMS OHENILLE OURTAINS and all kinds of house Hangings, aloo [ THE FINEST TRIP ON THE ' CONTINENT. : A Lake and Island Paradise. This trip is without doubt one of the most enjoyable in. Canada. The celev traled Rideau Lakes, noted for (heir grand scenery, and passed by daylight. The commogious steamers "Rideau King" and "Rideau Queen," leave Kings slon every Monday, Wednesday, Thurs. day and Saturday at 6 a.m., leave Ot lowa every 'Monday, Tuesday, Thurs< day and Friday at 2 p.m. Re! Connections al Kingston with Grand Trunk, Kingston and Pembroke Railway. end Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co., at Ottawa with G. T. R,, C. P. R.J 9. and N. Y. Ry., O. R. Nav. Co, | 0. F, Co. For guide book write D. NOONAN, V. P. and -G. M., Kingston, Ont. 3 ETTER buy an L, C. Sura & Bros: Tyre- WRITER now than be sorry afterwards. Every useful device In- built not patched on, WRITING ENTIRELY we IN SIGHT: ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE EEr------------ L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. THE PEOPLE'S MAGHINE, NEWSOME & GILBERT, umiTn ' SOLE 'DEALERS, 9 Jordan St. Toronto HALIFAX, N. 8, MONTREAL.