Miss Mary O'Brien, 306 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y; writes: na cured me in five weeks of catarrh ofthe stomach, after suffer. Ing for four. years and doctoring without effect. In. 'common with othe" grateful sanes who have been benefited by. yoiir discovery, 1 say, AH hail Peruna." Mr. H. J. Henneman; Oakland, Neb. rwrites: "I wailed before wriling Yo you {stout my sickness, catarrh of the siofu- ach, which 1 had over a year 880. "There were people' who fold me. it. wolld not: stay cured, but I am sure hat 1 am eured, for: 1 do not feel any amare ill effects, have good appetite and am gelling fat. 861 ®m, and will say ic all, 1 am cured for good. "I" thank you for yeéur kindness. "Peruna will be our house medicine fierealier." Catarrh of the stomach is also known in common - parlance as dyspepsia, gastritis and indigestion, No' tnedicine will be 'of any permanent benefit ex. oepl it removes the gatarrhal condi- tion, Gained Strength and Flesh. Miss Julia Buller, R. /R. 4, Appleton, Wis., writes she had catarrh of 'the s.amach, causing loss of sleep and ap- petite; with frequent sevéne pains afler eating. She took Peruna, her appetite relurned. she gained strength, flesh and, perfect health, a: 4 GREAT ROPE RAILWAYS THE WAY-THEY RUN THESE WON: DERFUL AERIAL LINES. ¥hey are' Quickly Erected, and Cost Very Much Less Than a Light Railway. To speak of a "railway in the air" is not Jules Vernese. Indeed, Messrs. Bullivant '& Co., the famous: ropeway engineers, 'who would build you one in & few months, "see nothing in ity" 16 use Sir Charles Coldsiream's words; as be stood disappointed on 'the crater of Nesuvius, says 'London Answers, They have just -erécted one for the Admiralty at Simon's Bay, and this is undoubtedly one of the most ingenuious wf (he aerial ropewdys so far canstruct: ed. carry 'sailors from he shore' fo 'the na- val haspital at the top of the moun. fain overlooking the bay. This novel railway 'in the air is 'just over half 'a wile in length, and boasts of five sta- tions, "including "the two terminal sla: tions. : The railway has been built on what known as the endless hauling tope principle-- that is to say, the cares which [re suspended from a stout' fixéd rope, are diawn Ao and fro by means, of A RUNNING ENDLESS ROPE, SUN small ges<engine supphies the Tied X 'sary power, To descend; however; no jer is needed--in Tact, - powerful {E¥ikes nave to be: put to Speration tc "7 youfitrol a ; "ie is 'carried up the meuntain-side «n .--slrong irestles, or. standards, fixed ut varying. intervels:: bi "tnareotic, "} suddenly; Ii has been specially designed 19. ear. ~The aerial for u varicly of pUrpoges- ing lighthouses, bridge; quarries ho conveying stones taken out of quarries {othe mil for canal excavations, dredging, and § score 'of other purposes. BOOKS READ IN INDIA, No. Use for English Classies, but Paper i ; Covered Novels are Popular, What kind of books aré purchased by. English residents and others in the Far. East is discussed by "Singapore Free Press," . a wriler irr the! J 8 English classics, such as the works of} Scott, Thackeray, and Dickens, wo ho says, "bé'n drug on the market Straits sold four sets of Shakespeare and imported. * A ilrm of booksellers-in (he | four sets of Ruskin last year; but this} was only after"they had been' a. long{ tire, on hand, X = The Chinese, being ao thoroiighly prac. |. ticat 'people, 'buy few books except tech: nical works having' a direct Dearing on}. the trade in" which the Paper-covered: nove are Interested English residents. PRU WENa a WISDOM'S WHISPERS; There Is some good, even in. those who appear at. their worst, Reticence has been many 8 lamentable failure, An opinion _.earries conviction only when expressed with force, 2 Affection does not consist in: the use &f carefully prepared ullerances. A: bargain seems. to grow in 'impert: ance, after il has been allowed 10 pass. Faull: finding évenlually results in a disposition' towards' selfishness, It is 'hard to form a earrecl opinion al others on what is sald about them. ell 8 SAVES LITTLE LIVES. Most liquid medicines advertised '10 cere stomach and bowel itroubles and stmmer complaints" contain' opiales and are dangerous. When he: mother gives' Baby's Own Tables fo her litle one she has ihe guaraniéesel a govern- ment analyst that this medicine does ric! contain one = parficle of opiate or Therefore, she can' feel thal her little ones are safe. There is" no other medicine '6an equal: Baby's Own Tablets in preventing "Sunimer coms plaints or 'curing thém iF they cone on Keep 8 box of Tablets al: ways al hHand---they may sgve your child's dife; Mrs, C. 'E. Hancock, Ray- mond, Alta.; says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for 'summer complaints, constipation and sleeplessness, and al. ways with, the best resulls," + Sold ty all medicine dealers. or by mail "at £5 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. RSG aly From the Jetler of 'a clerk 10 his em- ployer: - "I have been very bilious: all night and i has left 'me willy a fright: iu bad head, 1 hope to shake il off to-. ay." 7 A Recognized Regulator~-Ta bring {te digestive organs inte symmetrical working is the atm oL physicians' when ihey find. a patient -sulfering from slomachic'. irregularities, "and "for this purpose they can prescribe nothing bet: ter 'then Parinelec's | Vegelable. Pills, 'Which. will be found a pleasant..medi- cine .of surprising' virtue in ringing the refraclory organs ~inla subjection and restoring. them 10. normal. action, in which condition on the; ying: ofS 5 Hr Hey 'when Jack falls. ill, his ship} 1 Jil run alongside {he landing-stage wm} he bay. 'Here he will be placed in one "of 'fp to "the hospital al the Jnouniain. ~~ Every, device that ng, science can suggest due shocks has been. "the suspended cars, and be garried my. modern } authors sell the most readily - among responsible fair ! The parrot; tak, garralol | generally supposed 10° havi poly. of "the power of fal ong. birds; but; as. a malter of fact, the par-1 Tots voice is decidedly. infepiorito that of | tha mynah. There are. Always exam: ples of these birds in. the 'aviary of the London Zoo, and they repeat various plirases. with "great cleariess of ufler- ance Curiously enough, the fien has a gruff voice, while the g ks inca} clear, high tone like that el a child, The mynahs, can be Sasiiy Pia ied into showing off their power witl greet 'the visitor. with *Good morn= ing". "in 'response lo his salulations. The mynah js a kind of startling, and this Inter bird is well Known "for is imilative: prwers, Shay Ls 2 S-- Are your 'corns harder fo those that dihers Have hi aye' they: fiot liad the same. kind? - Heve they nol been cured by using' Hollowdy's Corn: | 8 Cure? "Try a bottle. : 2 or 4 i Miss Passe: "You ask, pe to marcy cu. Can't. you see my answer in face" "The Hon, 'Algernon' (absent) Yes; it's very plain." ct SAN ITC, Mange, Prairie { every form of contagions lich i or-animals cured jin 30 minutes" tard's Sanitary' Eotion, IL never Sold: by "all druggists. Ey oy HET GRE RN -- "Don't be afraid, Harold," A saidi "that lion: 8 stuffed." "Yes Harold, "bul maybe he isn't stuffed full 'that he, couldn't find 'room Tittle boy 'like me," ; Jr-altacied with balers ax oovnplaint of @ny wind se fur =a bottle of Dr. 1. D. Kel "human Wal: | fails. speech, and] |