he time the whistle blows r (the sweetest note e'er unded ina farmer's cars take it Hl the year around), by this time reali that my beduty is not deep, 'but that 'my. 'hunger iis en I went! to the dinner: ; my element. When : ner-table my element 'was in me. Mrs. Jones'was always wart appreciated by me. on hing days. The threshing were the best of the year. anksgiving day, Cliristmas gs had been ed, but at this time the best ad was furnished in large ties. | so | We had a fair wind In the "after "Jother fellow, the feeder for | Wind made me Tike a fowl 3 an a | and feathers may be more lasting, 'Besides you but for quick results give me 'a ; plicati iid, a thistle crop and a posi- ts). Ao sae t the rakers. You need no , for you must erspire'; you patten {need not hunt for feathers when had not [You ean get so much down with- nual | Out A Ww pecting it. But either d a 1 und stone into one of the That stone grated on er's teeth worse than 2 crosscut saws does on : WAS a tos There four teeth knocked out 'an mbe¥ ben ne' remarkable g about that st it was filled up with'a profusion. of al 'expressions The fee and Mr. Jones made usc.of. those expressions ; Xou would not have. sifspected | they were students, either, 'At to | least not by looking at them. not |. We finished threshing at 7 p.m. les with the separator d-to the horses 'when | ~~ {got back." Mr Jones said I did er [well that day... a tbl: : WANTED. MAN, WOMAN, AND - /UBILD IN POET PERRY to call at our 'store for' the 'greatest stréngth rout noon: That is, it was fair for. the Tar| fagel.or I bound'a nice, | op was the way | To didn't, |. {and then I'had nothing to da but |$ ~ a < --~ ~ 3 It Fresh Fish and Game in ff season. EY Hl i : ¢ Atha ~~ Farmers UL ------ | I will pay the. highest fig- | ure for good Cattle, Calves, Lambs or : Hogs. | J. WHEELER ee i, rather than to submit £0 man 0 examinations: which clans mi 7 phys pee in order to intelligently treat the disease ; and this is the reason Fhy so many physicians fail to cure hale, : : This is also- the reason why thousands upon thousands of. women are corre- sponding 'with Mrs. Pinkham," daughter- in-law of Lydia E: Pinkham, at ynn, Mass. her they can confide every detail of their "illness, and frony her great-knowledge, obtained from Jeare of experience in treating female ills, Mrs, Diakham fan Sdvise Fick Women. more wisely nthe phys « * Read 'how Mrs. Vinkham helped Delle, 'Etnerentiénne Montreuil, of 114 Latourelle St., Quebec, Que. ; Pinkham :-- for eight months with what the J led prolapsus, which caused t Weakness "all over my @ystemi, with faint dizzy spells: I kept 'growing weaker and I tried several medicines which ey claimed: would cure my troubly, but not] hing was of the least benefit until I tried Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and this helped me so rapidly that Pooud rdly believe m ok iy I would gladly have paid L550 for that first bottle, or it started me on the road to health, and five bottles cured me. I am most grateful "for ny' splendid, robust health, and shall gertainly redommend 'the Vegetable Com. pound in plowing terms. to i ny friends and acquaintances, for it is deserving of all th SF oisn ] can vei." ountding of proof establish the fact 2 10. medicine in the world equals E. Pinkham's Vegetable (lom- ' for restoring women's health. skating rink. This requast wis not" granted as there had been several complaints made to council. Reeve signed orders as follows i- James Coates for roadway on boundry, $37.50 Mrs. E. J. Johnston, allowed statute labor off, $1.50 James Parr,jr, 40 rods fence, $10.00 Geo. Hooey, repai | | 1 4 | Jamigson's . Livery Up-To-Date ' Livery Turnouts Having evtensively added to my stock of horses as well .as convey-- ances of the latest type of constrne- tion for comfort and pleasure. I am. in a postion to meet the requirements of the nfost fastidous as to style" and desirable equippage in. every respect jon every. way suitable for private diiving, weddings, funerals, ete. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and carefal drivers will a'so be supplied when cquired. Phone 2. Jamieson & Dennison Big Value $2.05 The Toronto- World The Port Perry Star One of the best city dailies and one of the best local - weeklies, "Esa wh d wire rs to culvert, 7:75 750 Veal, rebate on statute labor, $1 00 <. Wm. Muirhead, rebate on taxes, or in assessment, $1.83 Daniel English, services, judges court 'and selecting jurors, $4.40 Walter © Hockins, repairs to Both for twelve months scraper. ,50c. only $2.95 Clerk, sevices selecting jurors $2 Thos. Brown, cutting bushes on Subscribe Now. line; $3 75 FOR SALE Levi McGill, spikes for bridge $1 | Geo. Marlow. 11 rods wire fence The undersigned has for sale at lots 18--1g, con 10, Cartwright, a = ; quantity. of Standing 'I'imber (elm) suitable for barn purposes. This timber will be cut by the owner to sizes to suit buyers. Apply to W. E. ARMSTRONG, : Nettleton P.O. me 275 Dr. B. J. Haxlewood, medical: attendance for Robt Bartley, $10. | i. The Council adjou nd to meet December 2nd, 1907. Port Perry Star FROM NOW TO END OF 1908 - $1.00 Ontario fall wheat supplies ... 'What Manitoba spring wheat lacks i What Ontario fall wheat lacks, Manitoba spring wheat supplies. he