Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 18 Mar 1908, p. 6

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"of Ontario, "Total receipts .... ....$8,320,419.19 Tolal expenditures .. .. 7,714,245.61 Surplus .... vee. +e..8 006,173.58 In. plain Bares. that is the financial stalement of the provinces of Ontario for the year 1907. For: details, there is -a volume ol some. 800 printed pages, prepared un- der the auspices of Hon. A. I. Mathe Bon, Treasurer, and through it he who' would 'may plough, During the year (he entire turnover was $11,817,658.81, which included a balance of $3,310,636.70 on hand at the cnd of 1006. Of this, $2,420,320.15 'was advanced to the-%. & N. O., which left 2 balance on the proceeds of the bond. issue of $1,561,881.61, The surplus for 1906 was $420,290.32, and for 1907 the sum of $620,159.68, BIGGEST REVENUE. The Iwo big sources of revenue were the mines and the subsidy. From lands, forests and mines the province t $3,068,404, and from the subsidy 1,734,029.68. The receipts were the largest in the history of the province, being $1,180, 940.80 more than the year previous and $2,304,243 more than 1905. This % accounted for by several circum- stances, The subsidy increased by $304,742, being one hall-yearly instal ment granted by the Dominion. Govern- ment. Then the income from lands, forests and mines increased $815,204, including $1,085,000 received from the sae cf Cobalt Lake. Advances of $7, 919 from liquor licenses, $50,000 Irom Incorporation of companies, may also be noted. WHERE MONEY WENT. As to where the money went to, lhe following explains: Civil Government .... Legislation .... .... . Justice .... . Education Public Institutions . Central Prison .... ' Colonization and Immigra- tion ..8 502,883.20 223,327.80 «579,598.16 . 1,359,105.81 990,379.18 65,483.69 52,024.45 480,317.84 338,011.70 95,338.40 16,841.06 316,906.39 541,827.61 1,013.59 40,254.55 196,815.12 $5,800,126.55 The remaining $1,867,260.06 is made up of payments to the asylums, $340, 000 in interest, $120,000 in railway aid certificates, $587,162 under special stat. ute, and many small amounts. SPECIAL. Of the special expenditures during the year, the following were the most interesting: --Refund fo Montreal River Pulp 'Co.; $20,000; purchase of yacht Lurline, $10,000; members of Legisla- ture visiting mining districts, $4,585; Prince Fushiml, $1,265; funeral late Hon. J. 'W. St. John. $2,454.35; Eng- lish "journalists, $4.500; "mining engi- neers, $6,305; new roads in mining districts, $34,623. 'During the year $17,925.49 was ex: pended in enforcing the Liquor Licen je Act, which includes the salaries of es Parliament Bdildings . Locks, Dams, ele. Colonization Roads . Crown Lands Surveys, Inspections Refunds Miscellaneous .... ish. 'ariillérymen to Cobalt cast 5 The travelling expenses of Mr. A; H. U Colquhoun, Deputy Minister of Edu: cation 1g the Congress on School giene 'in' London, Eng., were $520.34: COST OF HYDRO. The expenses and salaries In conriec. tion with the = Hydro-Electric ° Power Commission' amounted. lo $40,524.21, of which the salaries came to $14,848.42. | Last. year. the expenditure was $26,000. The Texi Book Commission cost 8%: ©02. 'In the statement T. W. Crothers, cne of the commissioners, is put down as receiving $192 on account of ser vices, while the other two commission. ers recéived $2,000 each. Mr. Crothers refused fo accept - payment over his expenses, SCHOOL BOOKS CHEAP, O! course, those wha pay know all about the reduction in the price of school books. But, in reply fo a ques- tion, Hon. Dr. Pyné put on record the fact that all the Public school books and English, French and German texts in High schools had been reduced from 50 to 66 per cent, As to Separate school books, which are issued under different agreements, no changes or reductions have been made. Ii was also expected, added Dr. Pyne, that the prices of all text books would be reduced, and as soon as pos sible. Smee meet te AN INCREASE IN REVENUE. Financial Statement of Dominion for Eleven Months of Fiscal Year. 7 A despalch from Ottawa says: The financial statement of the Dominion for, the eleven months of the current fiscal year, as entered on the books of the Finance Department on Feb. 19th, shows a total revenue of $87,607,209, an in- crease of $8,620,749, as compared with the corresponding months of 1906-07. The total expenditure of the Consoli- daled Fund account for the eleven months was $60,720,353, an increase of $10,785,686. The capital expenditure for the period was $25,768,488, of which 20,183,830 was for public works, rail- ways @nd canals, including the con- struction of the National Transoontin- ental Railway, The surplus of the total revenue over the total expenditure - for =the eleven months is - $1,118,458, For the month of February the total revenue was $6,577,020, a decreasg of §740,793, as compared with "February last year, For the eleven months, the total Post-office revenue - has been $6,357, 320, an increase of $652,097. Customs revenue has increased by $7,040,878, and excise by $545,364. rnc Asem CUT IS THROAT ON: A TRAIN. Suicide of Thomas Dempsey on His "Way. to Jail, A despalch from Gladstone, Manitoba, suys: A lunatic named Thomas Demo. sey of Roblin, Man., committed' suicide on a C. N. R. train 'on Thursday night. while being conveyed to Portage jail. He had a small knife concealed in his clothing and cut his threal, dying short- "special officers. The rp of the Brit-{ ly afterwards, PERISHED IN ) The estimated nadine tture forthe Pro: er Ontario for this year is 87 men, --------, 'suicide Mmgknife, on Friday. = Five large lumber panies west "have amdlgamated with a capital ot ten million dollars. . . Transportation authorities "expec! immigration 10 Canada 'this season will surpass all former years. With "the exception: of ice in Lake St, Peter, the St Lawrence is] open from Montreal to the seca. It Is reported that telephone RI at Fort Willlam may be advanced 'owing lo a deficit in the accounts. Mr. W. T. Payne has been appointed mancger of the C. P. R. Pacific fleet, with headquarlers at Yokohama, The surplus of the Provincial revenue over the expenditures at the close of the financial pear was $606,173.58. Bulter--Scarce me ies arm Creamery, 5 do' solids Dairy prints Tnjesior args aan gs=Storage, 210 to $90 per | po car ig Yimed, 196 to 20¢; new: Bewlsid Temporary 'holels may be erected to £6c to 27 accommodate those atlending the Que- bec tercentenary celebration. Ontario 'will contribute $2,000 to send a team of athletes to compete at the Qlympic games in the old. country, Mr. W, L, Mackenzie King will go. to England to interview the Imperial and Indian authorities' regarding emigration fram' India to the Dominion. The strike in the mills of the Domin- ion Textile Company at Hochelaga and St. Henri 'has been settled.' About 2,300 Snployees returned to work on Mon- oy General Otter has declined he. Alder- shot appointment and will'he made Chief of Staff in the Canadian militias General Lake will fill the post of Inspec ren eral for a time. The appointmént of a SUCeessor to the late Judge Killam as Chairman of the Railway Commission will probably be made soon, Though the Government has not as yet considered the matter. JS. Mcintosh, u student at- the Mani- 1cha Agricultural College; suspended for hazing; disappeared, and his dead body was found in the attic 8! the college, where he' had 'committed suicide on Saturday. "GREAT BRITAIN. = The Jowager-Empress of Russia has arrived in London on a Visit to her 8la- ter, Queen Alexandra; New slips are being built at Belfast | to permit of the building of vesse thousand feet in length. Honey Strained sleady af 11c 0 1% per pound for 60-pound palls and 12¢ to. 13¢ for 5 to 10-pound pails. Gombs al $1.75 fo $2.50 per dozen. Cheeso--Steady at de! for Jarge and 4c for twins, in job lets Beans--Firm; $1.70 to $1. n oe primes and $1.80 fo $1.85 for; hand-picked. Baled Straw--$9 10 $10 per fon on track here Baled Hay--816 to $17 in car lols on track here. .Potatoes--Ontario, 90c to or Dela: are, $1-to 81. 10-40 car lois on track re PROVISIONS. Pork--Shart ah 821.50 to. $28 per barrel; mess, $18 to $1 50. ¥ LAr--Tierces, 11%e; tubs, 1%o; pails, c Smoked and Dry Salted Meats--Long clear: bacon, 9%¢ for toms and : hams, medium and light, 13. fo hams, large, 113c¢ to 12¢; 12c; shoulders, 9%c; rolls, "10¢; 'brea fast bacon, es green 'meats out. of pickle, 1c loss than Ske we ' MONTREAL MA ; Montreal, March 10.--Local flour oe Jesare firmly maintained. Choice wheat patents, $6.10; seconds, winter 'wheat patents, $5.50; "slFalght rollers, 85 to $5.25; do in bags, $2.35 to $2.50; extra, $1.80 to $1.90. [Eastern Canada No. 2 white ats, Her I No. + No. 4, 48 "It is announced in. London ha 'hal Prince of Wales will represent King ward at the Quebec tercentenary, | Mr. House of Commons that il was the G6 ernment's intention to maintain the ¥ power standard of the navy, UNITED STATES. port an ancient Egyptian fomb to Twelve' hundred children fibroid b1 of a burning school 'at Grand R Mich., without a mish; Dp. Ten sitlors of fhe Asquith _ informed the British| Fer A museum firm is anxious lo trans 1 Sl. FR p nigsin on'{o on stituted 85 Children Caught in the Flames i inf ~~ Suburb of Cleveland, Olio, ;

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