; hi A despatch from Oltawa says: EY the , grown Agricultural Comniiltee the other: day, E, Young, Supertiniendent: of the and swamp ands' branch of the | W. ment of Interior, gave some most Anitresin g figures 'and estimales in re to the possibilities of grain-grow- ; in the Canadian West. 10 the wheat crap-of 1906 totalled one hundred: mil hee the bushel, gro gi] pounds fo tie bushel, grown Simp latitude 62. "A" good lion bushels on a settled 'area of 86,1 000,000 acres, it was, he claimed, no siretéh of imagination to "ook in the future, for a wheat production of 1,300 0C0. 'bushels, "worth * practically '{hree 'times the total foreign trade of Canada | At thé present time... 'Of the '86,000,000° acres' referred to above, only. $000,000 acres are under wheat. One farm of 875 acres, with which 'he was acquaint ed, near Saskatoon; had given a net return last season of $14.33 an acre. The, latitude did not govern the climate in: Canada. In summer it was just as warm in; Fort Simpson, on the Mac- kenzie River, as it was in. Winnipeg or Ottawa. = Vegetables. such as cabbage, lettuce, 'and potatoes had been sucess- fully grown as far north as Fort Good Hope, within 14 miles of the Arctic eir- cle, ; Last summer _Mr. Conway, inspec- for of Indian Affairs, saw as fine vege- tables al Fort Good Hope as ever were LEADING MARKETS |. BREADSTUFFS. , Torento; March 17.--Manitoba Wheat --No. 1 northern, $1.213; No. 2 north- ern, 81.18%; No, 3, $1.13; feed wheal, 67%c; No. 2 feed, 61%c: Ontario Wheat--No. 2 white, 94%c to €5¢ outside; No. 2 red, 94c to 943%c; No. 2 mixed, 9334; goose, 91c to 92¢c. .Corn=Firm; No. 8 yellow American 70c to 7le, Toronto freights; No. 3 mixed, 4c less. Barley--No. 2, 70c. Rye--Na. 2, 83¢ to 84c. Buckwheat--No. 2, 67¢. Oats--No. 2 white, 54¢ outside, 53¢ on track Toronto; No. 2 mixed, 49¢ outside. Flour -- Manitoba patents; special brands, $6; seconds, $5.40; strong bak- ers', $5.30; winler wheat patents, $3.50. Bran-<Full cars, $25 to $26, bags in- cluded, outside. Shorls-=Scarce, $23 10° $24. Call board quotations Bran=A ear 'offered gt North Bey for $206, bags included, for prompt ship- ment; $25.25 bid. Ontario .'Wheat--No. 2 mixed, offered al 93c 'Grand- Trunk. west, 933%c bid. Barley--Na. 2 offered at 70c- outside. ¢ Peas--No. 2 offeréd. at-87c outside. Oats--No, 2 white offered at 51¢ out side. Corn--No. 3° yellow, 68c bid on track Toronto, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Poultry--Very quiet. Young turkeys, extra choice . Young geese Young ducks i... ve Chickens, chaice 12¢ to 15¢ cto ile 9c to tle « wy 1210130 | «4s Beloloc Inferior chicks and fo Scto Te Butter-- Creamery, pas: do solids Dairy qr do large rolls do solids - . . 23c hi 1 Sys=New.laid, 3c to Ue; a, 19¢ : Honey--Strained steady at le to 12c per pound for. 60-pound; pails 'and 12% 1a. 13¢ 'for 5 to '10-pq patlz, Combs ar $1.75 "0 82.50: pe Patatoes--Ontario, 3 Dalas vase, | 9c lo $1 im car hyd on track Cheese--18%¢ lo' 1k for large an ¢ Yo Hie for twins; 'in job lots hetel this country, declared thal there was 160,000,000 Cy west and north of the Athabasca, Another competent witness 'had zaid ihere was as much available land in that region as was now seitled west of Winnipeg. © The southern boun- dary of the Province of Tokolsk in Si Lierjia was a hundred miles further north than Edmonton," yet in 1900 Tokolsk had u population of 1,500,000, and pro- [duced 41000 000 bushels of wheat alone; and over 10,000,000 bushels of 'oats. I this, was so, why should we not, derive an" equal profil from, the. portions of our Northwest Territories, which at pre- |. sent are remote from setllement. But in addition to ils 'agricultural possibilities, enough 'was known about the mineral resources of the northern country to prove that it' was possessed of untold "wealth of gold, silver, cop- per, iron, and many olber minerals, c. Smoked and Dry. Salted Meals--Long clear bacon, 9%c for tons and cases; hams, medium. and light, 123c to 13c; hams, large; 11%0¢ to 12¢; backs, 16c lo 16%4c;. shoulders, -9%c to 93c; rolls, 9%c to 10c; breakfast bacon, 4c 'to 15¢; .green meals out of pickle 1c less than smoked. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, March 17.--There is a. good demand for Manitoba feed wheat, which is stronger at an 'adyance of 1 fo 2 cents per bushel, with sales of feed grades at 67¢ to 68¢c; No. 2, at 6ic lo 62c per bushel, 'ex (rack. Eastern Ca- nada, No. 2 white oals, 52c; No. 8, 49¢ The demand for flour. is good. Cholce spring wheat: patents, $6.10; seconds, $5.50 to $5.60; winter wheat 'patents, $5.80; straight rollers, $4.75-16 '85; Jo gti Dags, $2.25 to $2.35; extra, $1.50 to $1.0 allah bran, $22 to $23; 'shorts. $23 lo $24; Ontario grain, shorts; $28 to $22.50; middlings,' $24 to $25; shorts, $25 to $27 per lon, including bogs, and pute grain 'mouille at $32 to $34, Rolled oats, $2.75; corn, $1.60 to. $1.+ 70 per bag. There is no material change in -the local cheese market, September waost- erns aré selling at 13¢ for while and 13340: for colofed; 'September easterns, 18){c for white and 183¢ for dolareds For buter the demand is active; grass For bitter the demand is, active; grass ta 3c. In eges a good demand-exists for fresh stock. Canadian fresh are selling at 29¢: to. 30c; American fresh, at' 28c 10 290; Canadian select; 27c © to 8c; Montreal timed, al 2ic lo 236." Provisions--Pork, barrels. short cut mess, 24 hall barrels, $10.75; clear fat bricks, $22 to $23; long cul. heavy mess, $20; halt parrels do., $10.50; dry salt long clear baeks, 10%¢: barrels plate beef, 813.50 10" $15.00; hall barrels' do., Lard--Tierees, 11346; lubs, 11%(c; pails, many. { which. been 1 fering hess large run' of hogs today kept: from: going A despalch from Fort William, on Says: After hing Yogetnar, foi wenly years, a petty quarrel ; couple of this cily ended in' a terrible tragedy Saturday afternoon; Garton ps Be dead a his Ey) mn hand Tesult of a bullet wound 'in he 'the 'wound having = been inflic! Garton before he turned. the wet himself. The couple were in { yard ai the lime, and the traged: started by a war of words, whic Suddenly 'ended by Garton whippin 8 revolver and committing the. deed, 'Neighbors who were attracted hy the 'shots found both lying apparently lifeless on the ground, bul. a closer amination showed that Mrs. Garion still alive, and she was hurried oft lo the hospital, where medical aid has, ir, | ing from although the final ~ oulcome 4 doubtfil, No reason for the rash afl i known. Garton was apparéntly ne, and was not a user of liquor, The cow || ple have resided' here for many years, and have a family of grownup' chil dren, 5m os wily' w------ JUMPED FROM OM WINDOWS. 0 Guests of the King Edward Hots} at Quebec. in a Panic, } A "despatch 'from Quebec 'says: The ory of fire in the King Edward 'Hotel, a small hostelry * situated on Garden street, near the City Hall, ¢ scene of 'considerable excile 1 Sunday morning at 2 o'clock. i" The fire fook place in the hasement, nd in a few moments the-entire premises we filled "with dense smoke." The 15 the number of about' thirty-five; cluding 'members' of the Aborn' Opera Company, performing at the 'Auditort will make ; shit a Caroma; of Gal must. not 'Jeave. their Wii, school thor Jack Winnipeg {tected with, tuber i is. be Counterfeit money is en pan Ti alleged hee won. ng Ts of The Grand unl Privy 4 ope on. the two-cen tion, Unless he sleél market so0 ihe. N.S. Steel Co. ydoey. a len cent. cut in Elghicen Hindus: were. fined $500 #1 Vancouver for failing to the fest under the 'Natal aot, But Sentences will be appealed, - ©. | #5 tha Judgn 'Snider 'has given his award 4 at Hamilton reducing | the price of street: fhiing to be paid by the city by $15 } A Foley. Bros.; La § mi thin §ront : {expense to: the : ; oh hrs dog hit er 'ab Mik { ried ot for the first | | hundred-mile section £4 Grand Trunk Pacific; Financial ret um, were awakened from. their sium. | Gist Lers, and some of the" women became' s¢ excited: that' they 'jumped from a second story window into the yard, | 0 partially' dressed. The firemen, in: the | dia meantime, were ickly 'on the s ord Po and very soon & nguished the. flames : 5 A despaten from 87.25 to $7.75; barréls heavy mess beet. | $10 to: $11; halt barrels 'do., $5.50 of $6, compound 'lard, '8c: to 9¢; p lard, 113c 'to 1363 kell render 11 3%e lo 12¢; hams, 12¢ to 133¢c, accord: ing to stze; breakfast bacon, 14c fo 15¢; Re, 4 a res; to $8.25; live, 8.5 0 $5.85. BUFFALO MA MARKETS. Bulfala, Fi 17. ~Wheat | tower; 'No. H " on kin Comtany f in. Head, Sask, : as driven' In Hy "the defalcations of Se