Come here and see. the new things to wear, They're ready, splendidly ready. Come and enjoy the thrill of seeing 'the few summery. fabrics and trying on the charming has. We're ready, ready to receive you, ready to give you the largest and best choice of everything you buy, and best of ali, ready 'to save you money. COME. : 'Many Specials for this Week. HERE ARE SOME OF THEM One Hour Special for |; Men's and Boys' High 7s Saturday Night Grade Collars : ] 51s not goin {to work for T, C.- Boynton: this] e | year but-intends to work on the GUTOR. as fireman or brakeman, |. Mr. and Mrs. A" Bongard, Cal th { fornia, are expected to return to 1€. Prince Albert in the middle of Lo Barsam * A short time ago. Mr. Richard || | Netherton was removed by death rom onranidst. © Deceased was 'a Te: Lies: iE M yries by Wachs. McGill, Tr ding 'by Quigley: Miss Ducelle. Miss Chises by very old resident' and' did "a good | of pioneet workin his younger s when he lived at "No, 10 east of Columbus, sometimes called 'Luke's Settlement, - the first concession of "Reach for io Gfty-vine' years, during forty of "Mendelshon. which Le 'was a member of the Methodist church., . Mr. Netlier- ton was born in Charleston; Corn: wall, England, in 1831, 'aud, when nine 'years "of age the family emigrated "to Cauada, -linding finally at Whitby. His fatlier and mcther and two sisters who came with him are 'all' gone on before, butt his brother, Samuel Netherton, is still living in Toronto. Deceased 118 survived by a "wife and. three datighters--Mrs. . Nelson . Gilroy, Myrtle ; Mrs. Ed.. Doidge, Brook- lin; 'Mrs. John Birkett, Balsam. : .»-Asks Us to Print It To relieve the worst orms of Rhuematism, take a teaspoonful of the following mixture after each meal'and at bedtime: "|: Fluid' Exact Dandelion, oniée half ounce ; Compound Kargcn, one Dunee Lompoiing Syrup. Sarsapar- on th illa, thr ete + Thess; Yess ingredionts can be obtained from onr home druggists, and are' easily mixed 'by shaking them 'well in a bottle. Relief. is' generally felt from the first few doses, ' 4 3 i , Phis- prescription, states. un weil. | fady- "known authority in" a Cleveland pa LS | n from the. blood: the: poisonous waste matter and uric be 'greatly | 'sufferers. here 'at once prepare elief, } He lived onl 7.30 t0 8.30 P.11. At 7.30 Saturday night we'll put on sale at, our grocery counter for one hour , only, one case of Fine Navel Oranges at 19¢. per dozen. During the hour you can buy what yo want of them at this low price, bit at sharp 8.30 if any are left they g& Back | to the-regular price of 3oc. a doze, "i jp 'when more important things. came along. ow concerning those bachelors, some of them Sonsider that when they think enough'c f a woman to 'ask her tao be their wife 'they should have a home "for her and not ask her to live with a ptherin law, They also. know hey. get a hint from a young that their company '1s riot wanted to take it and not wait to auch a throw down. as to make m sick. . «Weare sorry tg report the death |- at Enniskillen on Sunday. of Mrs. Alfred, aunt of Mrs John Jackson, | 'a former resident here. Shel d alone and was found uncon. on Saturday and. passed : M Williams, 'of 'Reach, on the Island on Sunday. address to: the As Mr. Stewa Alex. Blac isa, Lt iller Stewart delivered an excellent! teached > Rev. he | of EImvale & [the address was enjoyed tt is" probable that some service will be held next Sunday. We are Pleased to seé that Mr. is able to be out again. Owing 10 the bad roads the ball |cldss, Seagrave Schoo', Maximum has Jee postponed for three marks 100. Cy SEAGRBAVE Miss Lily Blight, of Toronto, is [Home waiting on her mother who Mr. Stewart is visiting with his daughter Mrs. James Short. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Osborne spent Shinday with Mr. and Mrs. A. i 10c. each For one hour Saturcay Nj Time 7.30t0 8.30 P.M. Limit 2 collars to one The choice is. every , every style, shape or size, any Quality. "either three or four ply linen. This means a lot. We show more styles afd better collars'than any other store in town. Come and see | J our immense stock: of collars for "mei 'and buy two diring the hour for. Each 10¢. 1 JONES DU EW. Leggott young mer. ' , talk was well Drepared and good. [pastor of Me. dnd Mes. King. ie ie an able speaker, cortege will proceed to Pine y all.| Cemetery Pri such { ment, " jon in. Geo- Junior 111 Répott of Exam graphy, Senior II an Annié Gibson. ive... ... Victora Lambert Arthur Gibson. Fanay King . Blanche Frise. Morley Moa. Albert Short. riiv Alma Foy, ova 97 Sr 0 tgs: A -Deathof Me. W. L. King i Miss' Alma Foy spent Sunid: gat] "Lost Mouday Horning Mr. Wa. her home in Port Perry. L. King, of Seagrave; passed away We ace sorry to report that Migs | 394 was hutied on Wednesday i- of | Port Mr: and Mrs. Robs: Ti own; Per y alled on Sunday to see King. a teripon at the Pine Grove Chae- Moon. are on. the ery, Prince. Alhert. Mes Ke was a man-of 'cheerful: and hopeful disposition; the kind of who - ! yy