press - Shoe has the putationi' of being the comfortable and best paring shoe for women. We sell other shoes for omen, but none better 'the _best."" We have the XClusive sale of the mpress. ; . . SOLD BY "PORT PERRY PROSPECT A leap year social will be held in rospect chureh ur d:r the. auspices he Ladies' Aid on Friday, May , when an excellent programme 'rendered, only ladies takiog Refreshments will be served the close of the programme, re is a good treat in store for the tlemen, Admission 20c. hildren under 12 years 10c. * Mrs. I. Suell, president. Quebec Teroentenary e have recéived the Quebec er of ** Onward,'"' « an illus- d weekly publisher by Wm. of Toronto containing five on the founding, Five Seiges nquest, of Quebec, with nty four engravings. Gives ppular account of a subject 'of est to all Canadians. Send for -Lof the 'school roonr and play.ground. saylets. te =~ verbox. All drussists (mm hs "1 Mrs. Fe ayo .| Ontario, writes to Mus. Pi Jan dia E. jound, Pinkham" '* When 1 wrote to yon some time ago; I was a very sick woman suffering: from female troubles. I had inflamma- tion of the feminine organs and could not stand or walk any distance. At last I was confiried to my bed and tho doctor said I would have to go through' ration, but this I refused to do. "Alfviend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable "Compound. After using three bottles of it, I feel like a new woman. : '* I most. heartily recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corupound to all women who suffer with 'female troubles." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female . ills and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, nleera- tion, fibroid tumors, imegulazitios, riodic pains; backache, that hear- Ing-down feeling, flatulenéy,indiges- tion, Siminesy or perions prostration. Why don't you try Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. SEAGRAVE Seeding has progressed fairly well in this locality. One progressive man helped nature by cultivating the snow banks around the fence. That gentlemen was Mr. Ed. Bryant who has been throagh seeding near- ly two weeks, Several othere are nearly through, This is very early considering the late season, in some parts seeding has not yet begun, UTICA Mr. Wilmot Walker spent Sunday with Port Perry friends. Mr. Jacob Delos, of Toronto, is visiting among his many acquaint- ances. MissLizzie Anderson, Ashbura, is visiting relatives heae. In place of the usual Methodist S. S. Anniversary services, a free will offering will be held on Sgnday June 21st. = A picnic for the child- ren will be arranged for Tater. ) Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Murray were in Seagrave over Sunday. Arbor day was observed in the public school - here on Monday, Much credit is due the teacher and pupils in the improved appearance x quently there was no service at] Mr. and A %. Thos. Mosse, Jr and their little daughter spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Neil McDougall, of Sonya. ~~ bh Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Moon, of rave spent Sunday with. M rs R:"Moase, Fingerboard. Quarterly service was at Zion church Sunday motning. = Conse- Pleasant Point. = Several people from Seagrave and othér places|| '1were at Zion, i] -BLACKSTOCK "The Methodist Sundav Sehool will' hold their anniversary on May 24tn and 25th, On Sunday, May 24th, sermons will be preached at 11 am. and 7 p.m. by Rev. J, J. Ferguson, of Orillia. - Special music by the Sunday School at both services. |, Collections will be taken in aid of the tchool On Monday, Mav 25th, a programme of sports will be' held in the afternoon at the fair grounds, . Baseball match between Cedardale! and Blackstock to commence at two o'clock. The following contests will also take place :(--QObstacle Rue, Needle Race, Wheelbarrow Race, | Candle Race, Three-legged Race, Egg Race, Egg and Parasol Raee [or latCs, 100 and 50 yard races, ete. Suitable prizes will be awarded. There will also be a tag of-war be tween Cadmus and Blackstock Supper will also Le served from | 5 to 8 o'clock after which jan enter- tainment will be giveu by the -San- day school consisting of recitations, drills, dinlogzue, choruses, songs, ete. © Admission to supper and entertainments 25c¢., entertainment only 2Cc. No admission fec will be charged to the fair grounds. SONY 1 We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Wm. Clarkson, Mrs. J. Martin and Mr. N. Wilkinson and hope for a speedy recovery. The F. M. S. ladies have returned | k home from Toronto aud report a very pleasant time, Mr. Jas. McTaggat and Jas. Martin were inspecting the cement work of Mr. E. Burr's barn, We expect to see an up to date barn boys, eh. : Rev. H. D. Leitch has returned home after a months visit to the West. Mr. D. McTaggart and Mr. Alf. Dowson spent Sunday with friends in Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Clarkson spent Sunday with Jas. Innis A number from Seagrave attend: ed the evening service on Sunday. Mr. Young, Port Perry, spent | Sunday at Mrs. Fergusou. | Miss Margaret Wilkinson has | returned home after visiting friends in Bethel. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throzi ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolena he Shoe | th a reason | 8M Wer Clothing Press Every 'Material, Workmanship, Style and Price-- Take those four points to judge clothes on. Look anywhere and everywhere else, buy here and you're * satisfaction, But talk's cheap. safe in port". for Come and see 'what we're talking about, feel them, examine them, tear' them open if you're doubtful--the answer to all this quality 'and all our confidence in the clothes is - We want your business 3 THE SUITS $7.50 to For 10.00 and $15.00 All Wool Tweeds, greys browns, stripes and checks, well tailored and excellent linings. Fancy At 13.00 and checks. Worsteds in light At 15.0 padded shoulders. Fine 'Apt to be English single or double breasted, hand, Ry § and dark shades, greys, stripes Worsteds, blues- Showery any day now Suppose for your own satisfaction you come and see us about a Raincoat. The new swagger back coats are going to be quite the thing this season an [cur showing is superb. $10.00 TO $15.00 BETHEL A rousing good time is expected at the Methodist Sunday school Anniversary to be ncld here on May 24th and 25th. An excellent array of talent will entertain the pleasure and fun loving part of man and the ladies will sce to it that you get enough to eat and real good eating too. Don't for- get the date May 25th More later. SEAGRAVE Miss Alma Foy spent Sunday at her home in Port Perry. Mr. H. Midgley called on friends in Port Perry on Sunday. We are pleased to see Mr L. Kingrout again after his long ill- ness. Mr.. R. Thompson shipped a carload of potajoes this week. Ledgue this week is in charge of Miss Winnie Wells and Rev. J. U. Robins. ' A large number of our church members attended the Sacrament- al service held at Zion on Sunday morning. . Our small boys are busy thesc days catching and selling suckers. A bell has been purchased for use in Sunday school: It is a de- cided improvement. Many of our people who are accustomed to haye their garden: ting finished very carly mm May are looking blue these days. The weather does not even..permit ja commencement, | GREENBANK. iss Matgatet Dusty was home over Sunday. : Eg Madill and- Mi. Fergues isiting friends here on. Sun- = ¥ Monday' officers were elected for the year: - President, J. Westley Real; 1st vice, Miss Alberta Real; 2nd vice, Miss Gertrude Stovin; 3rd vice, Miss Clara Barrett ; ath vice, Miss Pearl Real; Secretary, Ryerson Beare ; cor. Seer tary, Miss Bertha Till; Tres, Lewellyn O'Neill, Organist, Hattie Beare ; Assistant, Clara Barrett: Stewards, Cecil Phair ; Wilmer Stovin. May 25th will be a gala day among the Presbyterians. They always do have a good time at the S.S. Anniversary and this year the program will keep up the good record. Miss Elspeth McDonald can furnish a whole program her- self and there is other excellent talent. Fuller particulars iater. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. D. Cash and daughter Miss Alice Cash returned home from Toronto on Thursday of last week. | Mr. andMrs A. Bongard haye returned home from Florida after spending the winter there. Miss Margarette McBrien has returned home from Toronto after paying an extended visit to friends 'there. Mr. Wm. Patterson has secured a posirion in T. Forman's store. ) Albert Division No 31 of the Sons of Tuesday and bad a successful evening. They are endeavoring to meet again. next Sunday evening owing to: Anniversary at Manchester. Mt. John. Jeffrey has planted a tumbet of fruit trees this season. . Temperance 'met last] There will be no service here : Mg Thos. Jeffrey 'has invested it erected shortly. . The arterly meeting of the rd was held here on 4th inst." The finances ate in a healthy state.| Miss E. John ry and Educational friends h EPSOM Mis. Fred Coates and baby Jean, of Allandale, are visiting with her mother, Mis. C. Asling. Arbor day was held on Monday. All worked enthusiastically and the school and its surroundings are generally improved. Miss Florence Walker spent Sun- day under the parental roof. The Epsom boys have reorganized a footbrll team, and the Uxbridge team intend coming to our village for a game next Tuesday night. Mr. Fred Bailey, who for some time has been troubled with his eves, has gone to Toronto to a hos- pital to have one of them operated on. Mr. and Mrs John Medd spent Sunday with her parents at Dar- lington. . Don't forget Manchester = anni- versary on Sunday, May 17th. MAPLEVILLE Seeding is fairly well a'vanded considering the weather. SL Miss M. Robinson, of Pért Perry; was visiting at Mt. Jos Raines, last week. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerrow was visiting with Mr. B. Dunn last week. . . Mr. L. Parish of the Central Gardens has a finer and larger stock of plants this year than ©; usual. : Mr. Alonzo Williams is making a great improvement to. his farm by setting out a young orchard: and building a new road fence, Mr. Leslie Willson was visiting 'with his parents in Honeydale on Sunday. ina new windmill and: will have'. Mr. S. Mandam. of Greenbank, is visiting at My. L. Parich's. EA Mr. and Mrs R. Raines, of Pefferlaw, spent Sunday with hig. parents, in Sei 8